In this section, you can learn all about the alcohol rehab process, how to access alcohol rehab and answers to common questions surrounding the process.
In this section, you can learn all about the drug rehab process, how to access drug rehab and answers to common questions surrounding the process.
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Cannabis is a psychoactive drug which is classified as a cannabinoid, coming from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. […]
Despite more being known than ever about alcohol addiction, people often have difficulty pinning down an exact definition. Rather than […]
Compulsive lying – also known as pathological lying – is actually classified as a mental health disorder where someone simply […]
Benzodiazepines are medications used to treat anxiety, insomnia and seizures. They’re often sold in the UK under different brand names […]
While not a household name in the positive sense, crack cocaine [1] is a well-known drug nonetheless, frequently depicted in […]
Drinking and abusing alcohol can have both long and short-term effects on the body and on your own mental health. […]
A ‘relapse’ is when someone stops working towards their goal of reducing or cutting out alcohol or drugs. This is […]
Cannabis, also known as marijuana, derives from the dried leaves of the sativa plant. Whilst some countries and states in […]
Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant that is illegal in the UK. Some nicknames you may have heard for […]
Dementia is a well-known disease, though it does not have one specific definition. Dementia, in fact, covers a range of […]