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Alcohol Rehab – Residential/Inpatient Treatment for Alcoholism

Alcohol rehab typically follows the detoxification treatment. Below, we outline a number of alcohol rehab options, including residential rehab and outpatient treatment. We also discuss the types of treatments used in the alcohol rehab process.

Article by Keith Prance. Medically Reviewed by Warren Logge.

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    Alcohol Rehab – Residential/Inpatient Treatment for Alcoholism

    It is estimated that around a million people in the United Kingdom suffer from an addiction of some sort. If you or a loved one have found this page, you are about to discover a solution that will help you give up alcohol without having to repeat the cycle of endless relapse after relapse.

    If this sounds like something you want, we urge you to read on. You will finally discover for yourself how our innovative alcohol rehab clinics in the UK can help benefit you or your loved one in your attempt to defeat alcohol addiction once and for all.

    What is alcohol addiction?

    Alcohol addiction – also referred to as alcohol use disorder – is a chronic disease. A major symptom of this disorder is uncontrollable drinking or urges to drink. It does not look the same for every person who has it. There are two main ways this disease manifests.

    Firstly, someone may find themselves unable to stop drinking once they start even if they do not drink regularly. Secondly, someone may find themselves drinking on a regular basis, even at times that are not considered socially, morally, or legally acceptable.

    Addiction is also defined as a habitual and repetitious disease that’s impossible or very difficult to control. This is despite the many negative consequences the addiction inflicts on the sufferer’s lifestyle.

    Individuals that struggle with alcohol addiction essentially partake in short term rewards (i.e as consuming drinks) that lead to long term negative outcomes. These negative outcomes can range from a multitude of family, social, financial, career and marital problems. People suffering from addiction are thus simply trading long term problems for short term relief.

    How does addiction arise?

    At Rehab Recovery, we believe all addictions arise when a person has a disposition to sensitivity and vulnerability. This sensitivity means people suffering from addiction may be likely to experience discomfort due to stress that life throws their way.

    This discomfort may manifest itself in the form of anxiety and depression, and other underlying mental health issues. This discomfort is masked and numbed through the use of alcohol abuse. People addicted to alcohol thus began to drink in order to ‘feel better’ about themselves.

    However, over time, tolerance to alcohol is established. This means more and more alcohol is required in order to mask and numb discomfort and discontent with everyday life’s stresses and pains. Eventually, the sufferer must continue to drink elevated levels of alcohol in order to feel ‘normal.’

    At this point, the sufferer cannot function or feel normal without consuming alcohol. The more tolerance is gained, the more alcohol is needed to feel the effects of the substance, and the more damaging to health this is. The plain reality that alcoholism is negatively impacting the sufferer is not enough to break the chains of addiction.

    Do I need to go to rehab?

    If you are not sure whether or not you need rehab, you can get a professional assessment and opinion, but there are some warning signs you can look out for in yourself or in someone you love.

    Symptoms that someone is struggling with their alcohol addiction and not in control of their drinking include:

    • Regular blackouts
    • Lack of appetite or digestive issues
    • Withdrawal symptoms when sober
    • Hallucinations
    • Insomnia
    • Uncontrollable urges to drink
    • Lack of libido
    • Disinterest in activities once held dear

    If you relate to any of these symptoms above, then why not consider attending one of Rehab Recovery’s alcohol rehab clinics located across the United Kingdom? Seeking expert treatment from a professional alcohol rehab clinic is one of the most effective ways to break free from the damaging cycle of addiction, once and for all.

    The vast majority of people addicted to alcohol will be incapable of getting better without support. Essentially, you need other people to help you overcome your addiction. This is because individuals with this disorder need to learn skills and treatments to deal with their alcohol problems effectively, and require support demonstrating they are capable of defeating an addiction to alcohol. Without this support, it is highly unlikely to succeed reducing your alcohol problems by yourself.

    Our alcohol rehab clinics provide a strong support network full of similar people who empathise with your condition. Grounding yourself among these positively influential people (peers and staff) is a sure way to change your attitude towards addiction, and put you on your path to recovery.

    What is the rehab process?

    Alcohol rehab is the process designed to help a person go through physical detox, receive therapy, and gain the support and skills needed for a sober future. Generally, there are daily skills and activities to help a person change their thinking and behaviour.

    The following sections are the four major parts of rehab:

    1. Assessment: During the assessment stage, a person will meet with doctors and/or therapists so that everyone can get a general understanding of the person’s addiction, the root of their addiction, any other problems they have related to their addiction, and what they specifically will need during rehab. Most rehab centres will personalise your recovery process and assessment is a key part of that
    2. Detoxification: This is the initial period of alcohol recovery where all of the alcohol leaves the system and a person deals with the most intense withdrawal symptoms. If done in rehab, the doctor will closely monitor a patient to make sure they do not have any more dangerous symptoms such as seizures and may prescribe medications to help minimise symptoms and increase comfort. Detox is the period of time when someone is going through withdrawal as the alcohol leaves their system, and their body readjusts to not having the alcohol. Generally, during this time, a person does not do any therapy of any kind but is instead focused on getting through the process
    3. Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation, or rehab, is a set of processes that follows after detoxification. During rehab, a person will undergo therapy specific to treating alcohol use problems and learn the skills they will require to help to stay sober and/or reduce alcohol consumption. This involves therapy and treatment personalised to an individuals needs to provide them with the core skills and techniques used to stay sober, as well as to plan for the future without alcohol
    4. Aftercare: After a person leaves an inpatient rehab facility, it is important that they continue on with therapy and treatment. This will help a person avoid relapse and continue to grow and get better. If people leave rehab and do not receive aftercare, they are significantly more likely to relapse

    Types of Rehab

    Generally, there are two types of treatment options to consider for alcohol rehab. Both have their benefits, and your decision should be based on your priorities, the severity of your addiction, and the level of support you need.

    The two options include:

    1. Inpatient

    Inpatient therapy is when a person who is struggling with an alcohol addiction goes and stays at a rehab centre for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. While they are at the rehab centre, they will have full-time access to a team of professionals that aid in both the detox and the recovery process.

    2. Outpatient

    Outpatient rehab is when a patient continues to stay in their own home overnight, and goes to various scheduled appointments during the day. Generally, outpatient therapy is done only after a person completes an inpatient programme or for minor cases.

    During inpatient therapy, a person is able to get intensive care so they can learn the skills they need to thrive while sober.

    But even if a person moves to outpatient treatment after detox, generally inpatient treatment is recommended to ensure the person does not suffer from any dangerous or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. A person who tries to detox at home simply cannot be monitored like someone in a rehab centre can, and therefore are more at risk and also more likely to relapse

    How are we able to assist you?

    We believe it’s important you feel in control of your progress since you must be able to self-direct your own recovery when you eventually leave our alcohol rehab clinic.

    We believe resourcefulness exists in all of our patients. Addiction has up to this point robbed you of your resourcefulness, and so it is our duty to restore your sense of control and resourcefulness when it comes to defeating your addiction.

    When you attend our rehab centres, your treatment begins with building awareness of your addiction and the unique psychology that fuels your addiction. Our approach to therapy is akin to a nurturing parent where you are encouraged to figure out your own path to sobriety but with the help of professional therapeutic input.

    This means out treatments are not thrust upon you. Our treatments take on a ‘forum’ style approach where our therapist does not talk ‘at you’ but ‘with you.’ This encourages your full participation in the treatments we provide.

    Other therapists may wish to uncover the issues you are facing, whilst we wish to uncover and nurture your resourceful side. We feel the act of raising your hand and seeking out our support allows us to assume you hold hope in overcoming your addiction to alcohol.

    Counselling and therapy during rehab

    Each of our alcohol rehab clinics comes equipped with a full team of counsellors, therapists, and psychologists who will be able to offer the following therapies to you:

    • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy: CBT stands for cognitive-behavioural therapy and focuses on helping a person through various mental health disorders and problems. CBT typically focuses on how thoughts, feelings, and behaviours work together. It can be used to change thinking and behavioural patterns, regulate emotions, and help a person develop the coping strategies that are needed to stay sober and deal with life
    • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy: DBT is a type of psychotherapy that is most commonly used to treat borderline personality disorders, but it is also used to treat mood disorders, suicidal thoughts/ideation, and to change the behavioural patterns involved in things like self-harm and substance abuse. DBT mainly focuses on regulating emotions, learning acceptance, and being mindful
    • Supplemental Therapy: Supplemental therapy includes things like animal-assisted therapy, yoga, meditation, art therapy, music therapy, acupuncture, etc. A lot of rehab facilities offer various kinds of supplemental therapies, which one(s) a particular patient chooses really depends on what they are interested in.
    • Group Therapy: Group therapy is just what it sounds like, a therapy session with a group of people. A therapist (or multiple) will meet with a small group of patients. During this time, each patient will have time to share and learn valuable coping skills. Most rehab centres offer group therapy as it is a great time to build a support system and community
    • 12 Step Programmes: A 12 step programme such as AA is a great treatment option for people both while they are in rehab and after. If someone starts a programme of this sort during rehab, they will already have a support system in place for when they leave

    How do we help you defeat the shame attached to your addiction?

    When you attend our alcohol rehab clinics, we ensure you understand your addiction is the problem, and not you personally. The problem is defined as a ‘what’ and not as a ‘who.’ You are not defined as an ‘addict’ but a person suffering from an addiction.

    Externalising the language that relates to addiction helps you to view your illness with an objective lens. This greatly assists you in overcoming your addiction since you no longer align your identity with being an ‘addict.’

    How do you treat withdrawal symptoms in rehab?

    This is a series of symptoms that occur after a person stops drinking heavily. If severe enough, it can be life-threatening, which is why it is so important to go through detox and withdrawal with the care of a group of professionals.

    Symptoms include:

    • Headaches
    • Nausea
    • Anxiety
    • Seizures
    • Hallucinations
    • Sweating
    • Lack of appetite
    • Agitation
    • Insomnia

    Withdrawal treatment really depends on the severity of a person’s addiction. In less severe cases, doctors may mainly monitor and support a person through the process with minimal medical involvement.

    For more severe cases, a person may be put on a variety of medications (read more below) to help minimise symptoms. No matter what, as a person goes through withdrawal in rehab, they will be monitored to ensure safety.

    What medications can be administered in rehab?

    Our alcohol rehab clinics are home to a host of medical staff who can administer medication if withdrawal symptoms pose discomfort or medical risks. Each course of medication can be prescribed following an assessment, and our train experts will carefully tailor each plan to your individual needs.

    Medications that you will have access to include:

    1. Disulfiram

    This drug actually changes the way your body breaks down alcohol to prevent you from drinking it. When someone drinks alcohol and is on disulfiram, they will get sick. They will basically have a really bad hangover, including symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, and sweating. Disulfiram is not prescribed for alcohol withdrawal or during planned detoxification but can be useful in those who have successfully detoxified or are in the initiation phase of abstinence.

    2. Naltrexone

    Naltrexone is a prescribed treatment for alcohol use disorder that may reduce the intake of alcohol consumption and the pleasurable effects that are associated with drinking. Naltrexone is thought to target the positive reward-based aspects related to drinking (such as stimulation, positive mood, and craving) and may be more effective among those who drink primarily for alcohol’s rewarding effects.

    3. Acamprosate

    Acamprosate may be prescribed to someone who is battling alcoholism to help ease withdrawal symptoms like insomnia, depression, anxiety, and restlessness. It can also be used to treat PAWS (or post-acute withdrawal syndrome.)

    FAQs about our alcohol rehab clinics

    Below are some of the most commonly asked questions regarding our alcohol rehab clinics. These are:

    • How much does rehab cost?: There are a number of things that go into the cost of rehab. It depends on where you go, what they offer, and whether you are doing inpatient or outpatient. Typically the more amenities a rehab centre offers, the more expensive it will be. Most rehab centres should offer medicine, access to doctors, and therapy. On the other hand, some rehab centres have swimming pools, horses, etc. that give patients things to do but often cause a centre to cost more
    • How long does rehab last?: Rehab programs are generally either 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days depending on what each specific person’s needs. For more severe addictions, a person may start with a ninety-day plan. On the other hand, some people may only need thirty days. For people who need longer than ninety-days, there are options such as sober living facilities and halfway houses
    • What happens after rehab?: During alcohol rehab, a person is typically removed from many of the distractions/temptations of the real world. When you leave rehab, the challenge becomes avoiding relapse. It is important that you remain in therapy and continue to build up a support system. After an inpatient programme, you may then decide to move into an outpatient programme, and then more occasional therapy or support group sessions. As you leave rehab, we will generally help you design a plan to ensure you stay sober. At Rehab Recovery, we are dedicated to helping you every step of the way. Once you leave our alcohol rehab clinics, the help does not stop there. Our inpatient programmes come with up to a year of free aftercare, which includes access to our group and individual therapies, and regular check-ups to ensure you are still on the road to recovery

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    Alternatively, contact us through this website for a free assessment. Get the help you deserve today.

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