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Help for Myself

    Help for Myself

    Being an addict is not a reflection of poor character, lack of willpower, low intelligence or anything similar. Becoming addicted doesn’t mean that you are “bad person” who needs to “be made good.” It means that you are someone who is ill, and like anyone else with an illness you need some treatment and help to get better. You can help yourself by contacting our team today – we’re dedicated to helping you help yourself on the path to recovery.

    It doesn’t matter your background or personal history – you can still end up getting addicted to alcohol or other drugs, or to addictive behaviours such as gambling, video gaming or eating disorders.

    Rehab Recovery offers you a completely non-judgemental and entirely confidential addiction advice service so you can know that you are not alone in your battle with addiction and that no matter how dark things may seem there is always hope.

    Helping Yourself: Knowing The Signs

    • Do you ever try to drink, use drugs or engage in self-destructive behaviour when alone?
    • Have you ever found that you have gaps in your memory due to the use of alcohol, drugs or addictive behaviours like gambling or video games?
    • Have you ever needed to go to your doctor for help managing your life because of your drinking or addiction behaviour?
    • Do you drink, use drugs, self-harm or otherwise exhibit self-destructive behaviour in order to boost your confidence or self-esteem?
    • Have you ever needed to go to the hospital because of your drinking, drug use or self-destructive behaviour?
    • Do you find that you lose time at work because you are drinking, taking drugs, gambling, playing video games etc?
    • Is your self-destructive behaviour making your home life unhappy?
    • Do you find that people are withdrawing from you or often becoming angry or upset with you because of your drinking/drug use or another behaviour?
    • Do you find that you don’t care about your own welfare or that of your family, as long as you are able to drink/do drugs or engage in your preferred behaviour – for example skipping meals, not bathing, ignoring your children?
    • Has your everyday ambition and motivation decreased since you began regularly using drink/drugs or engaging in some sort of recurring behaviour, perhaps causing you to lose your job?
    • Do you find yourself craving a substance or activity at a similar time every day, or that when you wake up in the morning the substance or activity is the first thing you think of?
    • Do you turn to drink/drugs or certain behaviours in order to cope with feelings of worry, everyday troubles or normal unhappiness?

    If you have answered yes to more than three of the above questions then you may be an addict to a substance or self-destructive behaviour and should seek addiction treatment. Remember it is never too late to seek help – pick up the phone to call our expert addiction advisors and we can help you take the first steps to a new life free of the pain of addiction.

    Helping Myself Out Of Relapse

    Not finding enough motivation to make the changes necessary, can be a cause of people returning to their old ways. You need to find things that will promote your determination to stick to the recovery process. This is one of the fundamental values in helping yourself out of addiction.

    Continuing to do the same things, and putting yourself in the same situations which led to the addiction lead many to relapse. You cannot continue to do the things that triggered your habit. Other issues like a strong physical addiction, and unresolved mental health problems, can continue to plague you. You may need to seek medical assistance to overcome these issues.

    How Addiction Affects Your Mental Health

    Addiction and mental health issues are normally linked. People that are suffering from mental health problems, like depression or anxiety, sometimes use substances as a way to distance themselves from the problem. If you are looking to help yourself out of the negative and stressful life addiction has caused, you’ve come to the right place.

    While this might appear to be a good short-term solution, it is building a bigger problem. People can begin to rely on drink or drugs as a cure for their mental health issue. In reality, they are making their mental health situation worse, and more reliant on substances as a way of coping. This leads them into addiction.

    Help for Myself: Curing Addiction

    Being freed from an addiction isn’t a simple process, but it is one that many have successfully achieved. And you can too, it all starts with helping yourself. Once you have accepted you have a problem with abusing drugs or alcohol, the process of healing can begin.

    Below is a list of the things you can use and look at in the process of helping yourself recover from addiction:

    • Friends and Family: When you have accepted the addiction is a problem you need to face, you have to admit this to your loved ones as well. You can confess your problems and apologise for your actions. This in turn will help them understand your current feelings, and will also help you re-establish relationships that were broken down by addiction
    • Breaking the Habit: Stopping the addiction immediately can sometimes be possible if you haven’t been addicted for long. It can be better to gradually reduce your use of alcohol or drugs instead of going cold turkey, however. Your body will need to adjust to not having the substance in your system, and this can be better achieved by weaning yourself off over time. It isn’t going to be easy, and the temptation to return to your old ways will be strong. but if you can take it day by day, you should be able to stick to the recovery
    • Avoiding Your Triggers: There will be something that causes you to drink or take drugs. You need to avoid any situations that, in the past, would have caused you to abuse substances. If you don’t, you won’t be helping yourself and you will be asking for trouble. If the trigger is a mental health issue, you need to seek help so that you avoid putting yourself in that negative way of thinking
    • What Problems are You Causing Other People?: When you think about addiction, it is very easy to only consider the damage it does to yourself. Unfortunately, though, it isn’t only a problem for the person addicted, their friends and family will also suffer. You might think that you are the only one suffering from your substance abuse, but you affect the lives of those closest to you as well. It can lead to people distancing themselves from you and breaking up family bonds. Understanding that other people are suffering because of your actions, can be a great motivation to seek the help that you need

    How Does Addiction Treatment Work?

    The treatment you receive will vary depending on your situation. You may need high-intensity inpatient treatment at a specialist centre, or group support sessions may be enough to help you through your recovery.

    If you are suffering physical dependence, you will need to undertake a rehab programme. This may include a medical intervention to help with the withdrawal symptoms. You will be treated with evidence-based addiction courses that have proven themselves to people in similar circumstances to you.

    Do I Need Rehab or Detox?

    Understanding if you need rehab or detox should be a decision made between yourself and your healthcare providers. But you need to be completely honest when you ask yourself “do I need to get help for myself to recover?” You may not want to believe that you have a problem, but it is something you must face honestly.

    It can be difficult to come to terms with the fact that you have a problem with addiction. If you are having difficulties, you’re not alone, with 268,251 adults in England undergoing drug and alcohol treatment in 2019, the numbers entering treatment increasing by 4% over the previous year.

    Despite these numbers, there are many people that would benefit from entering rehab that aren’t getting the help they need. The sooner people get help, the better it is for their long-term health. If you are showing physical signs of addiction, like an increased tolerance, withdrawal symptoms if you try to stop, or changes in your appetite, you may need to seek help.

    There are mental signs that are caused by addiction. These include not being able to stop using, using the substance as a way of dealing with difficult situations, and increasing the amount to cope with your growing tolerance.

    A problem in your relationship could be caused by addiction. If you have legal problems that stem from drink or drug abuse, that could be another sign. If you find yourself lying and trying to hide your habit, it is likely that you are addicted.

    Only you can make the first move here. Help yourself by letting us help you – detoxification from any substance can be dangerous and scary. This is why we are committed to helping you get yourself into the most suitable rehab facility where your detox will be fully medically supervised.

    treatment options myself

    Addiction Treatment Options

    Once you have decided you wish to quit drugs or alcohol. you will be able to choose from a few different treatment types. Listed below are the various types of treatment available to you. It is important you weigh up the pros and cons of each type of treatment, and ask us for specialist advice. The options are:

    1. Detox Only

    It is frequently the first option to make sure you are clear of substances so that you can begin your treatment without withdrawal symptoms. While detox-only programmes rid your body of substances and chemicals, it does not treat the psychological aspects of addiction.

    2. Counselling

    There will be therapy options to suit your situation. These might be individual, group, or even family therapy options. Whichever type of therapy you participate in, you should be equipped with coping skills to deal with your negative emotions which could lead to relapse.

    3. Residential Inpatient

    Living in a residential facility may be the best option, taking you away from the living conditions that may trigger your addiction. A stay in a residential centre could last for a few months.

    4. Outpatient

    To provide support while you continue in work or education, outpatient services can help avoid relapse.

    5. Medication

    To help with the symptoms of withdrawal or reduce the chances of relapse, you may be prescribed medication. Medication may also help with underlying mental health issues.

    6. Long Term Recovery

    You will be offered sessions to keep you on track for your long-term recovery. This could be group sessions or even online counselling.

    How to Help Yourself & Sign Up for Rehab

    Committing to treatment for your condition is an important stage in your recovery. If you are new to the process, what treatment options to choose can be confusing. This is the ultimate step to helping yourself towards a better future.

    You need to find out what is available in your area, identifying the treatment centres which cater for your addiction with specialist care. The type of treatments available will differ, with some more appropriate for certain addictions and situations. Look for the centre that seems to best fit your issues and provides the type of programmes that better support your recovery.

    When you have the centre which seems most suitable, you will need to ring their admissions desk. They may need some information about your medical history, so make sure you are prepared to provide this.

    The admissions staff will evaluate your situation to assess if their centre offers you the best treatment for your individual circumstance. If they don’t feel that their programme offers you the best help, they may refer you to another centre.

    Why Inpatient Care Would Be Helping Yourself the Most

    If you have trouble resisting the temptation to return to your old ways, inpatient care may be more appropriate. You will be monitored continually in an environment that is designed to aid in your recovery. You will have a break from your normal responsibilities to focus on recovering. The inpatient option could offer a greater number of treatment choices as well.

    Rehab provides some benefits not found through other types of treatment. If you fully engage in the therapies offered, rehab can help guide you to recovery. While determined on helping yourself, we highly recommend you do not attempt detoxification alone due to the serious medical complications it can incur.

    Entering a residential rehab centre removes you from your normal life, allowing you to completely focus on getting better. You won’t have access to the temptations that caused you to continue your addiction. It is a positive environment that is designed to support you in your recovery.

    You will be with people who have gone through similar struggles, with qualified and experienced staff to support you. Participation in group sessions will allow you to learn from other people, to better understand your situation and how you can recover. The other residents fully understand what you are going through and you won’t be judged.

    Helping Yourself: Overcoming Drugs Without Rehab

    It is possible to conquer a drug or alcohol habit without going into rehab. If you have got through the detox stage, you may be able to manage your continued recovery. Whether you are in a rehab centre or you are coping on your own, your success will ultimately be down to your willingness to recover.

    Fully committing to the recovery process, no matter how difficult you find it, will get the results you seek. The changes may be very difficult, and support will help ease the process. There are support groups and counselling available to help you stick to staying clean.

    The process may not be a quick one. It can be a process that takes years, and help from professionals can guide your recovery to help you avoid relapse. Help yourself towards the life you deserve.


    Keys to Finding Your Best Addiction Treatment

    Everyone is different, and what might work for one person might not be the best treatment for you. Your treatment should be customised to fit your situation and you. This is the best method of helping yourself.

    Your whole life needs to be considered when you go through treatment. How do your family relationships, job, and health affect your addiction? You will need to be willing to change your life to avoid things which led to the addiction.

    You have to be committed to the treatment. It may not be a quick or easy process, but if you really want it to succeed you have to see it through. If you have a long history of addiction, you will likely need more recovery time.

    It is important to choose the right centre for your recovery. You may not need detox or a long stay in the rehab centre. Your unique situation should guide your addiction treatment choice. Other medical issues, like mental health, need to be treated as well, make sure your rehab caters for your full care.

    The 5 Stages of Helping Yourself Addiction Recovery

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse claims there are five stages to substance abuse or addiction recovery that every individual goes through. These are intended to be followed through in chronological order, but sometimes individuals slip back a step or two due to the nature of their condition. When considering if you can help yourself out of addiction, it is useful to know the 5 following stages:

    1. Acceptance: This is the stage before the person has come to terms with the fact that they have a problem. They may be going through significant issues in their personal life, career, and may have run into legal trouble related to their addiction
    2. Contemplation: Once the person has reached the point of realising, they have to make changes, they can begin to explore the reasons for their addiction. If someone is asking to get help for myself, it is substantial progress towards recovery
    3. Preparation: A commitment has been made to treatment with a stay in a rehab facility booked. They are determined to change their previous negative actions and get ready for a life free from alcohol or drugs. They are prepared to start helping themselves out of the hole.
    4. Starting Recovery: The recovery stage begins, normally with detoxing in rehab. You will be helped by professionals that will help you understand your condition and give you new ways of dealing with things that led to the addiction
    5. Ongoing Recovery: It takes a lot of determination to stick to your recovery after you have left rehab. You could face situations that would push you back towards your addictive behaviour. Group meetings are a way of continuing the support to stop this from happening

    Help for Myself in Self-Help Groups

    Self-help meetings let you hear from other people in similar situations and give you encouragement to stay on track with your recovery. You can learn from others in an environment where you won’t be judged.

    It will continue to remind you of the things that can go wrong should you fall back into your old habits and support you so that you don’t.

    How Can Therapies Help with my Drug Addiction?

    Therapy helps to show people suffering with a drug addiction, how to change their attitude towards drug use. It gives them coping strategies to deal with the stresses and triggers that may have caused them to use drugs before.

    Behavioural therapy can increase the effectiveness of medications prescribed to help addiction and keep people from giving up on treatment.

    opening up self help

    How to Tell People You’re Addicted

    You may feel guilty or shameful about your addiction. You may worry about what people will think of you if you reveal your secret, but telling people you have an addiction is an important part of your recovery.

    It is best to tell people when you are in comfortable surroundings when you have the time and peace to talk. You should avoid waiting too long to do this, the sooner you tell people, the quicker your recovery can begin.

    Make sure you have the information to answer their questions and be honest about the reasons you are in this situation. Explain to them that you are suffering from a disease and help them understand some of the recovery process.

    Tell them that this is a difficult thing for you to admit and you thought about it long and hard before coming to them. They will probably be very supportive, but in the unlikely event they get angry, you need to stay calm.

    How to Help Yourself Open Up

    Admitting you have a problem to your friends and family, can seem like a terrifying proposition. You don’t know how your honesty will be received. Will they be surprised or did they already suspect you had an issue?

    You won’t know the answer until you open up to them, but you will likely find that they are more supportive than you might have imagined. Telling people about your problems will make you feel much better, you will no longer be holding on to a secret and trying to hide it from the people closest to you.

    Helping Yourself Deal with Triggers and Cravings

    Even after you have gone through rehab successfully, it doesn’t end there. You will encounter triggers and have cravings that you need to guard against. You will require time to get used to you knew way of dealing with the world. This means that you should avoid going to pubs or clubs with friends that will test your resolve.

    If you need medical treatment, don’t be afraid to mention your past addiction, if it could be affected by the medications that might be prescribed. You will need to work with the medical professionals to find ways to deal with your pain that don’t cause you to relapse.

    Help yourself today

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