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Drug & Alcohol Rehab London

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in London. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

Article by Keith Prance. Medically Reviewed by Warren Logge.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab London

    Quick Links for help with addiction in London

    Are you ready to make a positive difference this year? Are you sufficiently motivated to retake control of your life by defeating your alcoholism or drug addiction once and for all?

    If you answered this question in the affirmative, then why not contact Rehab Recovery today to discover how we are able to transform your wish into reality?

    For over a decade, we’ve placed thousands of London residents into a range of outpatient and residential rehab clinics and we’re completely confident we can help you too.

    If you have suffered from an addiction to drugs or alcohol for more than one year, we urge you not to waste any more time reaching out for specialist treatment.

    This is because your addiction [1] has inflicted an untold amount of damage to your mental and physical health and by continuing to procrastinate on your decision to seek out help you will only contribute to your continued suffering.

    Start your recovery journey today at a drug and alcohol rehab in London by calling our helpline on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the Addiction and Substance Misuse Statistics in London?

    Couple in black and white at a rehab in London

    Below, we provide some statistics about alcohol and drug use in London:

    Drug and Alcohol Statistics in London  Data
    Number of people in London dependent on alcohol (2019)
    Number of people in London consuming alcohol at unhealthy levels (2019) 2.4m
    Percentage rise in drug-related offences in London by mid-2020 43
    Deaths related to opioid drugs alone in London (2020) 200

    The Department of Health cites [2] that nearly 300,000 people in the London area are dependent on alcohol and, on top of that another 2.4 million are consuming alcohol at unhealthy levels.

    This is extremely concerning when one recalls just how damaging alcohol addiction can be on a person’s life expectancy. [3]

    A health survey for England in 2019 [4] revealed that one-fifth of Londoners are regularly exceeding the weekly recommended limit of 14 units of alcohol. [5] Local government officials estimate that the negative consequences of alcohol abuse cost them £2 billion per year.

    Drug abuse is also a problem in the London areas as seen by the 43% rise in drug-related offences reported by the Metropolitan Police [6] for the mid part of 2020, and it is also worth noting that in 2020 there were over 200 deaths [7] related to 0pioid drugs alone, more than any other type of drug. [8]

    To begin your journey towards sobriety through addiction treatment in London,  call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Drug and Alcohol Rehab in London?

    Rehab is the name for specialist centres that treat drug and alcohol addiction.

    Rehab is short for rehabilitation, which refers to any kind of ‘medicine concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment’ [9] of specific condition.

    275,896 adults were in rehab for addiction between 2020 and 2021. [10]

    The rehab centres we work with throughout London and the UK are there to help people recover from and manage substance addiction or dependency with a range of specialist treatment options available. [11]

    What is the Disease Model of Addiction?

    Couple hugging in a field on the outskirts of London

    The disease model [12] would state that addiction is like any other illness that people can be diagnosed with such as influenza. There is nothing anyone can do about becoming unwell, neither can they decide when they become better.

    The disease model proposes the same about addiction, it is like any other illness and patients are unable to use their power to decide that they are going to stop consuming substances.

    This is because people have a disease through no fault of their own, from which they need medical treatment to recover. People who are addicted will exhibit a lack of control over their substance-related behaviour.

    Alcoholics Anonymous very much believes in the disease model and views addiction as a loss of control.

    Medical experts have proposed that addiction is caused by problems with brain structure and chemistry that have led to a person being unable to control their behaviour [13] and stop themselves from consuming substances, rather than a sign of poor morals.

    To learn more about how drug and alcohol rehabs in London view addiction, and how this impacts their treatment approach, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Do I Know If I Need Rehab in London?

    Knowing when rehab is needed is perhaps the hardest part.

    That’s because for a lot of people, drugs or alcohol are turned to as a way of coping with something – it’s a kind of self-medication. [14]

    That means it’s hard for us to accept that the thing we are using to help us might actually be becoming a problem in itself.

    If you find that you are finding it hard to reduce the amount you use or drink on your own, feel uncomfortable or even angry when people comment on your use, or need to drink or use substances early in the morning, you are experiencing an addiction that would warrant professional treatment in a rehab centre.

    Rehab can provide the expert guidance and clear structure [15] that is often necessary to fully recover from addiction. [16]

    What Are the Signs That An Alcohol Addiction is Present?

    Alcohol in a bar in London

    There are many signs [17] of alcohol addiction.

    If you find that your drug or alcohol consumption is causing:

    • Unexplained health issues
    • Mental health issues (or worsening of preexisting symptoms, i.e depression [18], anxiety, psychosis [19])
    • Difficulty in your social or personal relationships
    • Financial complications or difficulties
    • Reduced performance at work and/or school
    • Reduced interest in hobbies
    • Decreased attention to cleanliness and hygiene
    • Decreased attention to household tasks

    Then it is highly likely that your substance use is teetering on the edge of addiction.

    More physical signs of addiction [20] include:

    • Brain damage [21]
    • Seizures
    • Delirium tremens
    • Organ damage [22]
    • Liver failure
    • Cirrhosis [23]
    • Cancer [24]
    • Gastrointestinal issues [25]
    • Heart disease [26]
    • Blood pressure issues [27]
    • Hepatitis
    • Deficiencies of various minerals (Calcium, iron,  zinc, magnesium, etc.) [28]

    Despite how intense many of these symptoms are, if the right help is received at the right time, many of these can be managed and, in a few cases, even reversed. [29]

    The signs of addiction are extremely varied – indeed, many people will show different signs to the same addiction.

    For example, a type one alcoholic [30] will often suffer from anxiety and display low novelty-seeking behaviour, whereas a type two alcoholic [31] usually will show the direct opposite.

    Addiction is considered by medical professionals to be a chronic disorder [32]: it’s something that effects every part of our life.

    If you feel like your use is starting to control or dictate any of these areas, you are potentially dealing with a substance use disorder.

    You can reach out to our team to find out more about the services we offer at our London Rehab in order to discuss the signs you are noticing and establish if formal support would be appropriate for your situation.

    How Do I Know When My Addiction is Something to Worry About?

    If you have tried to limit your drinking or drug use and have been unable to, or feel that the amount you use is increasing because you struggle to ‘feel’ the effects of a lower amount, then these are all signs of a developed addiction. [33]

    When it gets to this stage, there are increased medical risks – both physically and psychologically.

    This means that intervention is required in order to manage your symptoms and limit the risk to your body and mind.

    What Impacts Can Drug and Alcohol Addictions Have on a Person?

    Drug and alcohol addiction can have severe psychological, physical and social effects on an individual.

    It can lead to isolation, withdrawal, changes in mood and personality, and can lead to many complicated health issues.

    This can lead to the development (or worsening) or comorbid mental health conditions [34] such as anxiety and depression.

    In terms of physical health, 35% of all A&E visits in the city of London are linked to alcohol. [35]

    This suggests that excessive consumption of drugs and/or alcohol can have very serious consequences on health, and regularly leads to the need for urgent medical attention.

    Addiction can also change the dynamic of our relationships – excessive drug or alcohol use can be linked to difficulty in the home, strained family connections and dissatisfaction in romantic relationships. [36]

    What Impact Can Drug and Alcohol Addictions Have on Families?

    A man and woman walking down a street at dusk in London

    Living with an addiction in the home can cause a lot of tension.

    One researcher explains [37] this dynamic as a situation where:

    “Each family and each family member is uniquely affected by the individual using substances including but not limited to having unmet developmental needs, impaired attachment, economic hardship, legal problems, emotional distress, and sometimes violence being perpetrated against him or her.”

    A study published by the UK government [38] reports that there were 51,328 children whose parents started treatment for addiction between 2020 and 2021.

    This shows that there is a high number of children in London and in the country as a whole who are growing up with one or more parents struggling with excessive substance use, which sadly makes those children more susceptible to addiction. [39]

    Parental substance use [40] is associated with a higher risk of addiction development and poorer mental health in general.

    What If I Suffer From Multiple Conditions Alongside Addiction?

    Climbing mountain together after alcohol rehab in London

    A considerable number of people who seek treatment for their substance misuse disorder (SUD) will also have another mental health condition co-existing alongside their SUD.

    This may be related to, or independent of their SUD and it is difficult to establish without careful investigation.

    Dual diagnosis at a drug and alcohol rehab in London

    Addiction can lead to other mental health diagnoses and can also be caused by other mental health conditions.

    This is often known as dual diagnosis. These conditions could be clinical depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and many others.

    What are evidence-based treatments in London?

    The range of interventions that patients in rehab receive is a clinical approach based on evidence obtained from medical research.

    These interventions have been deemed to be the most suitable and dependable to help successfully treat SUD and mental health conditions.

    An example of this would be the medication used to treat bipolar disorder to reduce the patient’s psychological distress.

    Also, someone who has been experiencing depression will be prescribed CBT to help them manage their negative thoughts and feelings.

    What are the aims of rehab in London?

    A male patient talking to a female therapist in London

    Image above: Woman asking a man questions at a drug and alcohol rehab in London

    The main aim of rehab services is to guide patients toward total abstinence from consuming substances.

    Experts have agreed [41] that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction recovery.

    There is a school of thought that would recommend treatment for substance misuse focused on harm reduction [42] by seeking to reduce the drug-taking behaviour [43] down to a more manageable level which makes sense.

    However, the aim of rehab is to give each client all the resources they need to stop the behaviour which has caused their life to become unmanageable

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – rehab is about treating the disease of addiction.

    Mental health disorders that can be treated at rehab include borderline personality disorder [44], anti-social personality disorder [45], obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders and more.

    To begin your journey to sobriety at a rehab in London, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the Benefits of Residential Rehab in London?

    Outside a rehab in London

    A few of the benefits of attending residential drug and alcohol rehab in London include:
    • Access to a wide range of up-to-date biological and psychological interventions delivered by highly qualified, specialist staff
    • Plenty of time to devote to your recovery in a supportive environment,
    • Regular around-the-clock monitoring and support
    • Residential rehab means all the potential temptations of your environment will be removed.
    • You will be able to free your mind from other commitments while you are in rehab

    All rehabs in London are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Each undergoes a bi-yearly audit, and the audit is available to the public on the CQC’s website. [46]

    To learn more about what residential addiction treatment in London can offer you, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Private Rehabilitation Clinics vs. Council-Funded Rehab in London

    Group therapy bonding at alcohol rehab in London

    Image above: Group therapy session at an alcohol rehab in London

    Private rehab in London – What are the advantages?

    • Privately funded clients gain swift access to treatment, including detox treatment which can commence within a matter of days.
    • You will receive excellent aftercare for several months after finishing treatment to ensure you are maintaining your progress
    • Private rehab clinics have an excellent reputation and years of experience in the field which you can easily check
    • There is 24 / 7 monitoring during your stay to help you cope with moments of crisis. There is likely to be a higher staff-to-patient ratio which means there will always be someone available.

    Private rehab in London – what are the disadvantages?

    • The cost that treatment will set you back could be expensive, however, if you budget carefully and focus your finances on the therapy you need it can be money well spent.
    • Private funds do not guarantee recovery if you do not put the work in

    Is Addiction Treatment Accessible Through the NHS in London?– what are the advantages?

    Below, we outline the advantages of accessing either council-funded or NHS addiction treatment [47]:

    • Anyone struggling with substance misuse can apply for funding [48] for treatment to enable them to recover
    • The area of substance misuse treatment is now highly specialised and there are many effective medical and psychological treatments available on an outpatient basis or at a drug or alcohol rehab in London
    • If your motivation is high, then you can make the most of the funding to build a new life for yourself after rehab
    • Treatment is evidence-based and it is aligned with the latest recommendations and best practices, as laid out by organisations such as the American Society of Addiction Medicine

    Council-funded rehab in London – what are the disadvantages?

    • It takes a long time for the funding to be approved, leading to extremely long waiting lists [49]
    • Applying for funding can also be a lengthy process, involving many forms and may require references from medical practitioners to back up your application.
    • The funding you receive may initially direct you towards outpatient services, so you may not get all the available treatment options.
    • The treatment may not go as smoothly as you would like and there may be some disruptions to your treatment schedule.

    What other organisations can help in London?

    Below is a list of other organisations that offer free support and advice for addiction in and around London:

    1. Turning Point – Westminster – Drug and Alcohol Wellbeing Service

    Address: 32A Wardour St, London W1D 6QR

    Telephone: 020 7437 3523


    2. CGL Southwark

    Address: 146 Camberwell Rd, London SE5 0EE

    Telephone: 020 8629 2348


    3. CAMHS Tower Hamlets

    Address: 18 Greatorex St, London E1 5NF

    Telephone: 020 7426 2375


    You can also reach out to a number of helplines, including:

    For advice and guidance when choosing between private and public addiction treatment in London, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    Why Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab in London is Not for Everyone

    Walking in a woodland near an alcohol rehab in London

    The decision to go to rehab is not one that should be taken lightly. In fact, the circumstances where we would recommend this course of action are relatively restricted.

    We outline some of the situations where going to rehab may not be recommended:

    1. Those who drink less than 30 units per day

    People who have been drinking extreme amounts of alcohol will need to receive regular monitoring as their drinking has become a cause for concern and could seriously impact their health, so it is important they are in a place free from temptations.

    People who drink less than 30 units a day [66] on the other hand would probably benefit from outpatient services if there is no urgent physical health threat.

    They will still be able to access psychological services and can receive detox treatment whilst still living at home

    However, if a person has received treatment multiple times as an outpatient and still failed to become sober then it may be time for them to enter residential rehab

    2. Dual diagnosis patients in London

    This is a complicated area to treat so it is important to assess the severity of each condition to establish the best individual treatment plan.

    Researchers have developed the 4-quadrant model [67] to help them achieve this, so if a person is assessed as having a severe SUD and a severe mental illness then it is recommended that they attend a clinical service that is able to treat the severe form of both disorders.

    Any patient who has a more severe form of mental health such as Schizophrenia regardless of their level of severity for a SUD may also require more specialist care.

    Patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia and any personality disorder are considered high-risk and are potentially prone to bursts of violence and are also less likely to have a successful treatment outcome.

    The staff at the treatment centre have a duty to protect all patients staying there, so anyone who has a predisposition towards violence would not be deemed suitable for treatment.

    Another high-risk group are those individuals who have been assessed by mental health practitioners as a suicide risk.

    3. Those with an Extreme Alcohol Use Disorder

    When alcohol has such a destructive effect on a person’s physical health it may be more beneficial for them to be in a place where they can receive treatment for all the physical and mental impairments caused by the disorder.

    It is essential for people like this to have their health stabilised before they attempt engaging with rehab services.

    An example of such a condition is Delirium Tremens, which disrupts people’s perceptive abilities and may lead to them experiencing strange sensations such as irritability on their skin or hearing certain noises that do not exist.

    People with this condition may need expert medical attention as their immune system has been damaged and it is likely that their rehab treatment will be severely disrupted. 

    However, rehab will be suitable once these immediate medical issues have been resolved.

    DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Substance Misuse Disorder (SUD)

    If a person has been assessed as meeting 6 or over of the DSM substance misuse disorder assessment criteria then they will be assessed as having a severe SUD, this may require a more specialist form of care depending on their circumstances.

    If you’re unsure as to whether residential rehab in London is the right choice for you, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the Alternatives to Going to Rehab in London?/ Is Rehab My Only Option?

    Woman meditating at an alcohol rehab in London

    Below, we list a variety of options that may serve as an alternative to attending a residential rehab in London:

    1. What are Support groups in London (AA / NA)?

    London is home to countless numbers of AA and NA meetings which will provide you with the support and guidance you need to take your first steps towards recovery.

    These meetings are run by people who are also working through their own substance misuse problems rather than therapy professionals and offer empathy and understanding with a non-judgemental attitude.

    Both AA and NA host frequent meetings throughout London.

    2. What is Al-Anon?

    If you are a family member of someone who has been struggling with substance misuse, then there are also meetings for family members to attend.

    You will be able to turn to family members of other substance misusers for support and empathy and who will understand the experiences you have been through.

    There are many such support networks available throughout the London area during the week.

    3. Outpatient treatment via a local Drug & Alcohol team in London

    There is also the possibility of receiving treatment as an outpatient via local community settings with links to local charities, local government projects or the NHS.

    All local services will either run various psychosocial therapies [68] and substance-related educational programmes which you can attend, or they will direct you to organisations that run them.

    Many outpatient services operate throughout London, using both private and public facilities.

    4. What is SMART Recovery?

    This is a national charity specialising in providing psychosocial assistance for people looking to move forward from their SUD. They have set up an online program which is accessible to anyone in the UK.

    They have a large team of trained facilitators who will guide you through their specially designed programme which aims to help you develop the cognitive skills to gain more control over your unhelpful thought patterns and boost your self-esteem.

    People will learn skills in relapse prevention and how to deal with cravings Their programme has a strong element of personal development to it which helps give people direction and ambition in their lives.

    SMART Recovery hosts various meetings that meet frequently, both across London and online.

    As well as the above organisations, you can also reach out to charities such as Mind Charity [69], Rethink Mental Illness [70] and Crisis [71].

    What is the Admissions Process for Our Rehabilitation Centres in London?

    Group therapy at alcohol rehab in London

    Any rehab centre in London will conduct a comprehensive assessment during the admissions process, which will focus on 6 dimensions to help establish the best treatment plan for you. [72]

    The 6 dimensions were developed by the ASAM [73], and the first dimension focuses on your current level of substance misuse.

    The second dimension seeks to investigate aspects of your physical health, such as illnesses or underlying conditions that may interfere with your ability to engage with treatment.

    The third dimension is concerned with your mental health, and the fourth dimension on your readiness to change and the level of motivation you are showing towards treatment engagement, or if you are displaying resistance. The fifth dimension will assess your relapse risk.

    For the sixth dimension, the assessor will be looking into which aspects of the wider context of your life negatively impact your recovery. This includes family life, employment and any outstanding legal issues.

    Severity of SUD

    Another part of the assessment process is establishing the severity of your substance misuse, this is dependent on the number of the 11 set criteria you meet as set down by the DSM-5. [74] If you meet 2 or 3 of the criteria you will be categorised as having a mild SUD, a moderate SUD will be diagnosed if you meet 4 or 5 of the criteria while meeting 6 or more of the 11 criteria will deem you to have a severe SUD.

    To learn more about the nature of the admissions process at drug and alcohol rehab in London, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can Addiction Intervention Help a Loved One into Rehab in London?

    A group of people sitting in armchairs in a London rehab

    Denial is a common behaviour in substance misusers, Sadly, this process means that individuals are incapable of taking the first step necessary [75] to overcome addiction.

    If a person’s addictive behaviour is becoming a major concern, then family members can act to influence their loved one to engage with treatment.

    Professional interventions can help to elicit change. An intervention is a specially designed course of action based on reliable theory conducted by family members to persuade a targeted person into treatment. [76]

    One such intervention is the CRAFT approach [77], which initially trains family members in various communication methods before the intervention begins.

    The idea is that the family members respond favourably to positive behaviours from the substance user and negatively to the less desirable behaviours that they display.

    For example, family members would refuse to spend time with them if they had been drinking and conversely would do something nice for them if they manage to avoid or reduce their alcohol consumption.

    When you get to rehab you will undergo a psychiatric assessment. This is so you will receive the correct treatment to ensure you are on the route to sobriety. This will be done by a psychiatrist or other medical professional.

    What is Alcohol Addiction?

    If you have an alcohol addiction, you will need to have an alcohol detox before you can begin any treatment. This means you will likely experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    Can I Do An Alcohol Detox At Home?

    If you have a serious dependency, you will need a medically-assisted detox – this is underseen by a doctor or medical professional.

    After your detox, you may be prescribed Chlordiazepoxide which will help with the symptoms of withdrawal.

    Long-term complications of substance abuse include:

    For help and guidance in conducting an intervention for a loved one before they enter rehab in London, reach out to us on 0800 088 66 86

    What is the Alcohol Dependency Assessment Tool?

    One way substance misuse practitioners assess the level of a person’s use and how much harm it is doing to them is by using a Questionnaire Test called the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) [79]

    It comprises 10 questions about a person’s alcohol abuse and the consequences this excessive consumption has on them and the people around them.

    The AUDIT helps to investigate the level of dependence that the person has developed towards alcohol and can help to determine the next suitable course of action.

    The questions on the AUDIT seek to record the volume and frequency of a person’s alcohol consumption and whether they experience any negative consequences such as injury and poor memory and lack of control.

    A person receiving a score of 8 on the AUDIT would be judged as being a cause for concern and a score of over 13 would indicate a person is alcohol dependent.

    Additionally, you can use the CAGE Questionnaire [80] and the DSM-5 Guidelines for further guidance.

    To learn more about diagnosing addiction at rehab in London, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Cost in London?

    Gardens outside at alcohol rehab in London

    The cost of treatment is dependent on various factors. The first concerns the location of the centre you select, each centre will have its own expenses to cover which can differ across the country with London centres being probably the highest.

    If staying in a room by yourself is important to you when having treatment then this single occupancy room will cost between £8,000-£12,00 if you attend rehab for a period of 28 days.

    If, however you feel you are able to share a room with others the cost will set you back approximately £6,000.

    The length of time you stay there can also affect the overall cost, anyone who requires a 10-day detox treatment without any psychosocial treatments will pay £3,000 – £6,000 if they wish to stay in a room by themselves. However, the same period of time in a multi-occupancy room will cost between £2,000 – £4,000.

    To gain a more accurate estimation of the cost of rehab in your locality please get in touch with our team of advisors.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    What are Some Tips for Choosing the Right Rehab in London?

    Family therapy at alcohol rehab in London

    Professionally supported [81] drug and alcohol rehab in London is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, for a variety of reasons.

    Below we’ve listed a few tips when choosing the right rehab for you in London:

    • Is the location convenient for me? How long have they been established as a treatment centre? Ideally, 20 years of experience is a good sign.
    • Check any reviews, if they are an established treatment centre it will be easy to access their reviews.
    • Do they have experience in treating my category of SUD?
    • How many people are likely to be there receiving treatment with you?
    • Try and speak to as many treatment centres as possible and do not be afraid to ask them questions relating to your circumstances, it’s important to select a centre you feel you have developed a rapport with.

    Will Your Insurance Cover Rehab?

    If you are funding the treatment yourself, select one that fits in with your budget, or if you have medical insurance, check that your selected rehab accepts this as payment.

    We are able to accept payment via common health insurance providers such as AXA and BUPA.

    Do I Need a Detox Programme/Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment in London?

    We are here to make sure your health, well-being and comfort are attended to at all times.

    We can administer medication if withdrawal symptoms during detox are too much, and you will also be able to have sessions with our counsellors at any time to discuss any cravings or mental health effects [82] of withdrawal.

    If you refrain from consuming alcohol after drinking for a long period of time [83] you will experience withdrawal symptoms.

    Upon entering one of our facilities, your detox will begin. A detox means eliminating all traces of the substance from your body. This has been recorded as a daunting process – but there is no need to worry.

    Withdrawal symptoms

    These include nausea, anxiety [84], diarrhoea and insomnia.

    In its most severe form, people who have drunk large amounts of alcohol for a long time can be vulnerable to suffering from seizures which can be fatal if they attempt to stop without the guidance of medical professionals. [85]

    The aim is to reduce the level of alcohol in the body.

    Because of the high level of alcohol in a person’s body and that they have become physically dependent on alcohol the first stage of any treatment plan should involve reducing blood alcohol levels.

    A detox procedure is used to achieve this and in the case of alcohol, this treatment needs to be completed safely due to the life-threatening consequences of sudden alcohol withdrawal.

    What is a Medically Assisted Drug or Alcohol Detox?

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table in London

    For a physical dependence on a substance, such as alcohol or heroin, you will require a medically-supervised detox – this a detox that is overseen by a doctor or medical professional.

    What Happens During Detox?

    This safe detox procedure for alcohol is carried out by using a substitute drug known as Librium which possesses anti-convulsant characteristics which make it ideal for ensuring that anyone withdrawing from a severe SUD does not experience any seizures whilst receiving treatment.

    You may also be prescribed substances such as Acamprosate [86], Naltrexone [87], as well as several antidepressants [88] or anti-anxiety medications [89] when necessary.

    Once your physical dependence is under control you can start to engage with therapies to address the psychological and emotional causes of your substance misuse behaviour and learn relapse prevention skills.

    Start your recovery journey at a rehab in London today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    How Long Does a Detox Last?

    Detox usually lasts no more than 7 days. After this time, your body will be fully flushed from substances, and your body and brain will be free from any chemical alterations.

    What Happens After Initial Detoxification?

    Once your detox is over, you will take part in a range of modern therapy sessions. These therapies will ensure your life ‘in recovery’ is joyful and fulfilling. This ensures the risk of relapse is minimised.

    Is Detox With No Rehab Possible?

    There is a possibility to arrange detox treatment for drugs and alcohol overseen by a GP or community medical team and still stay in the comfort of your own home.

    Many local pharmacies act as a base for patients to collect their detox prescription and can also monitor your progress and offer advice

    How Long Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in London Last?

    Rehab's kitchen at alcohol rehab in London

    A person attending rehab can expect to stay there for a period of 28 days during which time they will work through a therapeutic programme.

    Some patients who enter rehab though will need to go through a detox procedure which can make their stay longer.

    Detox treatments are only suitable for enabling patients to come off certain drugs such as alcohol, opioids and benzodiazepines and not drugs such as cannabis, cocaine and amphetamines. This is because of the chemical composition of the drug, and how unpleasant the withdrawal symptoms are when people stop consuming the drug.

    If a person experiences intense side effects, then it is likely that they have developed a high physical dependence to the drug, which means drug levels in their body need to be reduced. 

    The more often a person takes a drug the quicker they will become physically dependent on it, fast-acting drugs that take immediate effect but wear off quickly are more addictive than slow-releasing drugs that act over a longer period

    The degree to which a drug is physically dependent depends on how its chemicals react with receptors in the brain.

    Psychological dependence occurs when a drug activates the reward centre in the brain producing feelings of pleasure. The more often a person takes a drug which has a positive effect the quicker they will become psychologically dependent on it.

    For a more accurate assessment of how long your time spent in addiction treatment in London will take, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I Attend Rehab for Cocaine in London?

    Cocaine is a stimulant drug, which stimulates the central nervous system and is therefore in a different class of drugs to alcohol and opioids which have a more depressive effect.

    Cocaine is not at highly addictive as alcohol or opioid drugs like Heroin, so there is no treatment available to help a person detox from Cocaine.

    People may experience some withdrawal symptoms when initially attempting to come off the drug, but this can be alleviated by medications obtained over the counter at a local pharmacy.

    The main treatment for people who have used Cocaine to excess involves tackling their psychological dependence on the drug.

    This is achieved by providing a range of psychosocial interventions to explore the reasons why they became dependent. The interventions could include individual psychotherapy, group therapy and family therapy.

    Start your journey away from cocaine addiction at a rehab in London – call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I Attend Rehab for Heroin in London?

    Heroin is an opioid drug and is highly addictive because of its chemical properties, and people can build up a physical dependence on it very quickly.

    It is therefore essential to perform a detox procedure on a person who has become physically dependent on Heroin to eliminate the presence of the drug from their body.

    Medical specialists will use a substitute drug such as Methadone which will prevent patients from experiencing any withdrawal symptoms.

    However, it will still reduce the amount of Heroin in the body over several weeks/months. Methadone does not elicit any feelings of pleasure so patients will not be prone to psychological dependency.

    Once a person has been stabilised, they will be able to engage with various therapies to target the psychological and emotional reasons for their Heroin dependence.

    Start your journey away from heroin addiction at a rehab in London – call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I Attend Rehab for Cannabis in London?

    Garden at alcohol rehab in London

    Cannabis is not as highly addictive as Heroin, and anyone attempting to quit taking the drug will only experience mild withdrawal symptoms.

    People may experience mild cold or flu-like symptoms which can be alleviated with over-the-counter medication. There is therefore no medical detox treatment for Cannabis.

    Instead, the rehab for Cannabis will help people break free from the psychological dependence that they have developed on the drug.

    This will be achieved by engaging in personal and group therapy to help someone gain an understanding of how their negative life experiences may have influenced their need to turn to Cannabis.

    Start your journey away from cannabis addiction at a rehab in London – call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What Other Types of Addictions Are Treated At Rehab?

    Other types of addictions [90] that can be treated at rehab include:

    There are many other addictions rehab treats – common and uncommon. Get in touch to find out more.

    Which Psychological Therapies for Substance Misuse Are Available at Rehab in London?

    Group therapy at alcohol rehab in London

    1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    CBT helps people think in more positive ways and extinguishes any negative thought patterns they have.

    People who have used substances for a long time [92] may have a negative view of themselves and tend to blame themselves too easily for things that are not their fault.

    They may generalise a failure in one area of their life to all aspects of their life and, may also play down the significance of their personal strengths and achievements.

    CBT helps people understand their own thought patterns and allows them to challenge the inaccurate, irrational beliefs they have about themselves so they can boost their self-esteem

    Most rehabs in London will provide CBT as an essential part of their recovery plans. CBT enjoys a high rate of success [93] with a relatively low chance of relapse [94], although some individuals will find it less effective due to pre-existing conditions [95], which is why it is just one technique of many.

    2.  Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

    DBT helps people deal with their emotions in a more productive than they have been used to, the therapist will work in the here and now with the client and help them be aware of and make sense of all the uncomfortable feelings they have been struggling to come to terms with.

    People diagnosed with SUD have probably experienced a lot of powerful, unexpressed emotions that have overwhelmed them over the years.

    Building a strong relationship with the therapist will help people to accept their situation and to have the courage to make the necessary positive changes.

    Many addiction treatment services in London are able to provide DBT when necessary.

    3. Brief Interventions

    There are some people who drink regularly but are not considered to be excessive drinkers, however, it could be that they may benefit from receiving brief interventions before their drinking patterns deteriorate rapidly to a point where they may develop alcohol-related health problems.

    Therapists using Brief interventions tend to use an approach called FRAMES when collaborating with clients, the approach is friendly and empathic rather than aggressive.

    The therapist and client will have a frank discussion about their current level of substance use and the therapist will encourage the client to explore strategies that reduce their consumption and talk them through a range of options.

    Brief interventions are a frequent step in many people’s experience of drug and alcohol rehab in London.

    4. Motivational Interviewing (MI)

    Substance misuse therapists will use MI to try and influence clients to recognise the need for change in their own lives. The premise behind this approach is that the confrontational approach is counter-productive and likely to be fruitless.

    By showing empathy and working with the client therapists are able to gain the clients’ trust and help them identify important reasons [96] for why they should change their behaviour. This can act as an important motivation for them to continue to engage with treatment, even when the going gets tough.

    MI helps clients move through any resistance [97] they may show so they begin to clearly see reasons why they should seriously consider giving up substances.

    MI is frequently used at multiple stages of the recovery journey in drug and alcohol rehabs across London.

    5. Holistic Therapies

    Treatments like music and art therapy use people’s creative streaks to help them express the negative emotions that they have been unable to convey through words.

    The relationship between the therapist and client is key to helping the client feel confident enough to engage with treatment and follow their creative intuition to such an extent that it can reveal insights about their behaviour that they were unaware of.

    Both creative approaches help unlock issues relating to substance misuse, such as shame, denial and spirituality.

    Holistic therapies are a key part of many rehabs in London, although the specific kind of therapy will depend on the rehab and its available resources.

    Other examples of holistic therapies include acupuncture, mindfulness meditation, yoga, music therapy, Tai Chi and reiki.

    6. Equine Therapy

    Equine therapy has been seen to improve people’s communication skills, self-esteem and increase their confidence levels and make them calmer.

    Because horses are so adept at reading the body language people begin to understand how their behaviour affects others, and the therapist will be able to explain why the horse is acting like they are during the interaction.

    This provides great feedback for people in their behaviour which they can use to change their communication style

    Though effective, equine therapy is uncommon amongst drug and alcohol rehabs in London.

    7. Adventure Therapy

    This involves tackling a range of physical challenges in more natural environments, away from the chaos and pressure associated with urban life.

    Even just experiencing a new environment away from the one we are used to can be of huge psychological benefit to us.

    Adventure therapy has been known to boost people’s self-esteem, improve their communication skills and sociability and provide them with an opportunity to develop technical competence in a new activity whilst also improving their teamwork abilities.

    Adventure therapy is available to some rehabs in London.

    8. Group Therapy

    Group therapy has been seen to install a newfound hope and positivity in people and their attitude to life in general. It also provides a platform for people to tell their stories and verbalise their feelings in the presence of other people which is extremely cathartic.

    It also provides people with a sense of belonging which is a fundamental human need which may have been missing in their lives up to now because of disruptions to early family life.

    The group context also helps people improve their communication skills and provides people with a chance to be kind to others which also improves psychological well-being.

    Group therapy is a staple of any addiction treatment in London, regardless of the nature of the addiction.

    9. Individual therapy

    Having therapy helps people make sense of the events in their life which may have contributed to their SUD. Under the guidance of a therapist, you will be able to explore the underlying emotional reasons for why this behaviour developed. There may have been problems in your family life, or you may have experienced a trauma of some kind.

    There is a range of psychological therapies available that you can engage with such as Psychoanalytical Therapy, Person-Centred, or Gestalt.

    The addiction specialist conducting your assessment will recommend the therapy that is most suited to your individual personal history

    Everyone undergoing treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in London will experience individual therapy.

    10. Family therapy

    Many addiction theorists believe that the way the family functions can have negative consequences for certain members. Family therapy can help unravel unhealthy dynamics within the family that may have contributed to a person’s substance misuse.

    For example, the communication between family members may have been poor, they may have kept certain secrets or refused to talk openly about uncomfortable topics such as sex, relationships and emotions.

    This may have affected the social and emotional development of children which have remained unresolved into adulthood.

    Family therapy will encourage open dialogue between its members and help to bring the family closer.

    Many rehabs in London can facilitate family therapy when it is asked for.

    11. Co-dependency treatment

    Treatment for co-dependency is available to both substance misusers and their partners and close family members. Co-dependency is a psychological condition in which people struggle to meet their own needs and in turn, develop an unhealthy focus on attending to the needs of others.

    This can lead to a person seeking to control close family members, which may not be in their best interests.

    Co-dependency is a complex condition with its origins in early childhood experiences, its symptoms include extreme emotional behaviour and manipulation towards others and low self-esteem. poor boundary setting and an inability to identify and fulfil their own needs.

    Most addiction treatment services in London will have the expertise necessary to conduct co-dependency treatment when it is necessary.

    12. Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy (TSF)

    TSF is based on one of the core foundations of the AA movement and is designed to lead a person to abstinence.

    The main premise of this approach is that people need to follow a sequence of 12 steps which will lead to their recovery, the steps are related to various aspects of human nature that have led to the person becoming physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol.

    The steps invite people to contemplate their powerlessness, moral failings, the harm they have done to other people, how they could put these harms right and to think about their own spirituality. They also follow the concpet of a higher power and are based on religion.

    TSF is a popular choice at rehabs in London.

    Other types of therapies include: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, drama therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, motivational therapy, Person-centered care, psychiatric treatment, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, talking therapies and more.

    To learn more about the various therapies and other treatments available through drug and alcohol rehab in London, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    How Effective is Rehab in London in Treating Alcohol or Drug Addictions?

    Rehab has around a60% effectiveness rate. [98]

    There are many factors that impact this, including the time you spend in rehab, what types of treatments you engage with, your willingness to engage, and the support network you have around you during and after your treatment.

    Each person’s experience of addiction (and therefore, of rehab) is deeply personal and unique.

    That means that there is not a one-size-fits-all and rehab will work differently for different people.

    That being said, engaging with the kind of specialist residential rehab we offer in London and across the UK gives you the best possible foundation to work towards a life of sobriety.

    Will Rehab Cure Me of My Addiction?

    A mother carrying a baby in London

    Addiction cannot be cured.

    Like most other conditions, though, it can be managed.

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse [99] states that through suitable management, ‘Treatment enables people to counteract addiction’s disruptive effects on their brain and behavior and regain control of their lives.’

    By engaging in treatment, you will learn skills, tips and tools that will aid you in managing your addiction.

    Whilst it will never fully disappear through a cure, with appropriate medical support and dedicated focus, addiction can be kept under control.

    Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in London Work for Teens?

    In a report published by the NHS [100], 31% of the young people surveyed said that it ‘was easy’ to get drugs.

    When 15-year-olds were surveyed, this number jumped to 55%.

    The report also records that:

    • 13% of pupils agreed ‘it was ok for someone their own age to try cannabis’
    • 10% of pupils agreed ‘it was ok for someone their own age to try sniffing glue’
    • 3% of pupils agreed ‘it was ok for someone their own age to try cocaine’
    • 30% of 15 year olds ‘agreed it was ok for someone their own age to try cannabis’
    • 17% of 15 year olds ‘agreed it was ok to use cannabis once a week’ [42]

    This suggests that drug culture is increasing among the youth of London and the UK more broadly.

    In 2017-2018, there were 15,583 young adults in specialist drug and alcohol treatment.

    Early intervention for addiction is linked with increased likelihood of recovery.

    The younger an individual is when they begin treatment, usually, the more likely they are to recover from addiction.

    What Percentage of Alcoholics Recover?

    Research suggests [101] that around 36% of alcoholics recover from their addictions fully (meaning they stay sober for the remainder of their lives).

    This is only one metric of success, however, and although the odds of sobriety [102] is an extremely important factor in measuring the success of addiction treatment, it’s worth remembering that relapse is not the end.

    Addiction cannot be cured [103], but management of it is something that will last a lifetime.

    Professional addiction treatment will help to limit the damage of any potential relapse, as well as increase the addiciton sufferer’s quality and length of life in most cases, helping them to take back control and providing them with the tools needed to keep their addiciton in check.

    Can I Recover From Addiction Without Professional Help?

    A woman looking down with her head hidden in London

    Dealing with addiction on your own can be very difficult.

    Addiction is prone to spiral without adequate intervention.

    This can be because as our body gets more and more used to drugs and alcohol, the more we need, so the more we use.

    But the more we use, the worse we can feel. This means addiction begins to perpetuate itself in a negative cycle.

    Breaking this cycle is very tricky, as addiction is both a physical and a psychological experience.

    In order to get it under control, we need to be able to get ourselves on a level enough position to contend with the difficult feelings.

    Rehabs such as a qualified London centre will allow you to do this safely.

    It’s very hard to do this on our own, and trying to do so can lead to dangerous detoxing [104], the development of serious health conditions, or even accidental overdose.

    Why Should You Avoid Recovering on Your Own?

    Recovery can be a lonely process.

    Research has shown [105] that addiction and isolation can feed into one another, and that peer support can be a positive indicator of long-term, successful recovery.

    You can find peers also in active recovery in group therapy sessions at our rehab centres, or at peer support and mutual aid groups (such as Alcoholics Anonymous or 12 step facilitation therapy) in London and across the country.

    How Do I Tell My Family I’m Going to a Drug & Alcohol Rehab in London?

    The support of family members is invaluable when we are going through a hard time; recovery is no different.

    Whilst the idea of confiding about our addiction can be quite daunting, people frequently find that when they have their family members’ support, recovery feels just that little bit easier. [106]

    If you are preparing to go to rehab in London, speaking to your family first may help take a load off your shoulders.

    You may be able to so this by

    • Writing a letter
    • Confiding in on family member you particularly trust beforehand, and asking them to help you inform other loved ones
    • Asking for support from a professional to talk about your current situation

    How Do I Prepare for Addiction Rehab in London?

    Alongside speaking to your loved ones about your situation, another way to prepare before addiction rehab is to speak to your employer or educational institution to inform them of the situation.

    You may also want to look into the financial aspect of rehab, and identify how you may wish to cover the costs of your treatment.

    It may help you to research addiction treatment to get an insight into what may happen during your time at rehab in London, and also make a list of goals you would like to achieve during your treatment programme.

    Having solid goals can help you have something to work towards, but also have something to remind yourself of why you are working towards recovery on the days that feel a little tougher.

    What Are the Benefits of Alcohol Rehab in London?

    Woman lying in bed with laptop in London

    There are many benefits to alcohol rehab, including:

    • Reduced access to addictive substances
    • A break from any potential stressors
    • Sustained time to focus on your wellbeing and health
    • An opportunity to be in a new, positive environment at our specialist centre in London
    • Chances to meet and connect with people in similar situations [107]
    • Chances to engage with new therapies and work with industry professionals

    Should I Go to Alcohol Rehab or AA in London?

    Alcoholics Anonymous [108] is a form of support group for individuals dealing with dependency on alcohol.

    AA is a positive tool and can provide a sense of community support when recovery gets tough.

    Whilst this kind of support can reinforce your recovery journey, it is not advised to solely use AA to get through addiction.

    This is because at AA there does not tend to be sustained contact with medical professionals.

    Working with specialists at a rehab centre (such as our site in London) can offer you the chance to both learn more about addiction and try various practical ways to treat addiction in a safe manner.

    Research suggests [109] that the earlier you have access to professional support, the more likely you are to continue to engage with it, therefore increasing your chances of long-term sobriety.

    Can I force My Loved One to Go to Rehab in London?

    The short answer is no.

    Unless an individual is so unwell that they need to be sectioned (detained under the Mental Health Act) [110] to protect their well-being or the wellbeing of others) you are not able to force someone to access treatment of any kind.

    Instead, you can attempt to put support in place, or urge people to consider speaking with a professional as a kind of brief intervention to help your loved one realise that they would benefit from treatment.

    Another way you can support a loved one is by engaging in CRAFT (Community Reinforcement And Family Training) [111] and learning how to create an effective support network for your loved one to engage with.

    This can be a positive kind of ‘pre-treatment’ to introduce the idea of treatment before establishing the options of formal support in our London rehab facility.

    What Happens When I Arrive At Rehab in London?

    At the start of the rehab process, you will be able to visit and tour our London centre.

    At this point you will have the opportunity to meet with some of the clinical staff that will make up your treatment team, and will be able to ask any questions you may have about rehab.

    You will also be given the opportunity to speak about your current situation and experiences. 

    This conversation will touch on what has led you to rehab, what addictions you may be struggling with, your history with substances and a brief medical history.

    The contents of this conversation will be confidential and will be accessed only by your treatment team in order to maintain the optimum level of care and support for you individually.

    Will Friends and Family Be Allowed to Visit?

    Your friends and family will usually be allowed to come to the London rehab centre during visiting hours.

    There may be a limit on the number of people who can visit at any one time, but this is usually the only restriction. 

    It is usually advised that you do not have visitors as soon as you start treatment, as for some people it can be upsetting to see loved ones and increase feelings of homesickness. [112]

    This can lead to people wanting to leave very early on, which can compromise the effectiveness of rehab.

    Instead, it’s recommended that you wait several days before receiving visitors at the rehab centre to ensure you have settled in.

    Can I Leave Rehab in London At Any Time?

    If you are attending rehab on a voluntary basis, then you are able to leave rehab whenever you would like. This goes for our rehabs across the UK, as well as the centre in London.

    Your team may recommend that you do not leave too often, as the effectiveness of rehab is thought to come from its residential nature; however, if you wish to leave rehab and you are there of your own accord, you will be able to do so.

    Will My Rehab Programme in London Be Confidential?

    The medical professionals who work in our London centre ensure that they follow the Data Protection Act. [113]

    This means that your personal information will be handled in line with government legislation [114], and will not be shared with any third parties unless there is a serious concern for wellbeing that needs to be raised.

    Do Rehab Centres in London Provide Gender-Specific Treatment?

    Women talking 1-1 in London

    At Rehab Recovery, we understand that everyone has different needs and recognise that there are different factors that impact an individual’s comfort level.

    The staff at our London centre prioritise your comfort and safety, and therefore we offer rehab programmes for specific demographics. 

    We provide treatment for women and other groups that may need additional support including:

    What Medications May Be Prescribed During Rehab in London?

    During your time at our rehab in London, you will be in contact with psychologists, psychiatrists and other medical professionals.

    During these interactions, you may be prescribed medications when and where appropriate.

    Some of the common medication types you may be prescribed include:

    If you are prescribed medications, this will be discussed with you by your team and will be regularly monitored through frequent reviews.

    Is Detox With No Rehab in London Possible?

    It is possible to have a detox and not continue on to a full rehab programme.

    However, this is not typically recommended.

    This is because detoxing only helps you to tackle the physical side of addiction – it does not help with any of the psychological difficulties that can lead to (or be caused) by substance misuse.

    This can mean that there is an increased risk of slipping back into using if you only detox.

    For this reason, it is recommended that you do integrate therapy into your treatment at our London centre in order to give you the best chance to successfully recover.

    What Happens in the 28-Day Rehabilitation Treatment Programme?

    Every treatment plan will look different, put typically a 28-day treatment plan at our London rehab will look something like this:

    Relapse Prevention Education at Rehab in London

    The main aim of relapse prevention education is to help the client identify high-risk situations in which they may be tempted to take substances and to put strategies in place to prevent this from happening.

    The therapist will use cognitive strategies to help you develop an understanding of your own thought processes which will help you identify how your thoughts operate in vulnerable situations.

    1. HALT

    The HALT method is an approach that helps people think about high-risk situations, it prompts people to contemplate how they tend to act when they feel Hungary, Lonely, Angry and Tired as these 4 states tend to be when many people feel the need to turn to substances to soothe themselves from feelings of discomfort.

    2. High-Risk Scenarios

    Researchers working on relapse prevention have identified several high-risk situations when devising relapse prevention strategies with clients.

    These include:

    To learn more about how drug and alcohol rehabs in London can help you avoid relapse, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    What is Drug and Alcohol Rehab in London?

    Holding hands at alcohol rehab in London

    Drug and alcohol rehab London offers multiple trusted treatment programmes for people struggling with various types of addiction including alcohol, prescription or illegal drugs, sex among many others.

    Most of those affected by addiction may fear going to rehab. However, rehab centres are friendly and safe places and are meant to help heal the pain [121] and suffering brought by substance use disorder. [122]

    Drug and alcohol rehabs London comprises of experts who understand substance abuse disorder and offer a treatment plan to help addicts live a sober, healthy and happy lifestyle.

    Rehab is a chance at a fresh start, where you will be surrounded by people who not only understand and empathise with your addiction but who are committed to seeing you recover.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86.

    How Will Rehab in London Help Me Overcome My Addiction?

    Rehab centres usually employ a variety of techniques to help their patient overcome addiction and live a sober and healthy life.

    Before a treatment plan commences, various tests are usually conducted to know the exact addiction that you are suffering from and how deep it has affected you.

    After that, a team of experts will create a customised treatment plan to help you overcome your addiction. The treatment plan often involves substance abuse therapy, alcohol detox, relapse prevention education, and aftercare planning.

    These therapies are aimed at helping you understand your addiction, and get to the root of any issues that may have contributed to addictive behaviour.

    Rehab provides you with the tools, resources and coping mechanisms you need to stay sober in the community.

    Techniques our therapists will make use of include contingency management, motivational interviewing, motivational enhancement therapy and much more.

    What Can I Expect from our London Residential Programmes?

    Rehab's living-room at alcohol rehab in London

    At Rehab Recovery, we employ some of the best addiction therapists in the business. These therapists offer a number of wonderful therapies such as CBT, psychotherapy, cognitive-mindfulness relapse prevention and holistic therapies to help you overcome your addiction.

    One of the ultimate benefits of our programme is that you are placed within a residential rehabilitation centre throughout your treatment. This means you are removed from ‘addiction triggers’ that exist in your normal living environment.

    It also allows you 24-hour access to medical care, supervision and guidance should any withdrawal symptoms pose discomfort or a risk to your health. You will also have access to all of the centre’s amenities, holistic therapy rooms, and round-the-clock nutritional support.

    Every single client we treat is subject to a thorough initial assessment conducted by a psychiatrist. This psychiatrist is regulated by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. [123] This assessment then allows our recovery team to put together a plan that is specific to your individual needs.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    View our London clinics – see for yourself without obligation

    We offer you the chance to view our treatment centres at no cost. This gives you the opportunity to glance over our offerings before you decide to invest even a penny.

    People who have attended our residential rehabilitation programmes say this has done more to improve their health than many years’ worth of ‘outpatient’ treatments, and we are sure you will also benefit from our services. Outpatient treatment costs around £50-£150 an hour.

    At first glance, this may seem low. However, you typically require many months’ worth of outpatient treatment to improve your mental health and eliminate your addiction. These costs thus add up substantially over time.

    If you desire to avoid the damage to your health inflicted by your addiction, and to avoid the high costs associated with treatment, contact us today without delay. But don’t decide to attend our revolutionary addiction centres today. You can do that later.

    This will give you ample opportunity to view our offerings in person without the need to make any payment.

    Could we possibly provide you with stronger evidence of our faith in our treatments? This offer provides you with minimal obligation and also provides maximum transparency in our treatments.

    How Long Does a London Rehab Programme Last?

    This question does not have a definite answer because it depends on many factors including the severity of the addiction, the type of program that you choose as well as how well you respond to your treatments.

    Remember that overcoming addiction is not something that can happen overnight – there is no ‘quick fix.’ It is a slow process that can last for months. [124]

    Typically, most treatment plans in rehabs last for 30, 45, 60 or 90 days depending on the programme that you choose.

    What is Outpatient Addiction Treatment in London?

    Outpatient involves travelling to and from your home to your treatment centre. Instead of staying at a residential facility, you’ll still live at home, allowing you to tend to your family, work and home life if you’re able to.

    Generally, outpatient treatment can last longer as it is a less intensive option, meaning you attend weekly or bi-weekly sessions over a longer period of time.

    What is Inpatient Addiction Treatment in London?

    A man reading in bed in London

    You can also choose an inpatient programme where you get to stay in the rehab centre for the entire duration of your treatment or an outpatient programme when you only come to the rehab during certain days of the week.

    Inpatient treatment immerses you entirely in the rehab community and recovery mindset and is generally considered more cost and time effective.

    Addiction is a complex problem that affects an individual physically and mentally. As such, you are therefore advised to follow the treatment plan given to you for the specified period of time in order to achieve stable sobriety.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    Should I Choose a Rehab Facility that is Near in London or Far Away?

    There are benefits to choosing a specific location to attend rehab. Some people prefer rehab centres that are within their neighbourhoods because they want to stay close to their family while others prefer one that is far from home.

    However, experts recommend that you should choose a rehab centre that is far from home. This is to ensure that triggering people, places, and behavioural tendencies are kept at bay to minimize your chance of relapse.

    Overcoming addiction is not easy. You need to change how you do things completely in order to overcome the addiction and that includes going far from the areas that you are used to.

    Multiple studies have shown that people who choose rehab centres that are too close to their homes usually fail to overcome addiction.

    Choosing a rehab centre that is far from home will help you avoid temptations or distractions that can make you relapse. However, if you choose outpatient treatment, then you should choose a rehab facility that is close to home to avoid travelling a long distance each day.

    How Much Does Residential Drug & Alcohol Rehab London Cost?

    Group therapy at alcohol rehab in London

    We believe attending a residential rehabilitation centre in London is a more cost-effective and overall a better investment in your future.

    You receive intensive daily treatments at the fraction of the price of attending long term outpatient therapy.

    Prices vary on a variety of factors that will be taken into account upon your initial assessment. The price reflects what our experts and physicians deem as appropriate treatment, the intensity of your treatment, and how long your programme should last.

    The factors that contribute to this analysis are:

    • Your age [125]
    • The severity of your addiction
    • The length of time you have been abusing drugs/alcohol
    • The amount of drugs/alcohol you have been using regularly
    • Any other medical conditions affecting your health/ recovery

    High-end drug and alcohol rehabs in London usually charge a higher price for their services because the rehab is equipped with high-quality facilities and their staff are also more experienced.

    When you contact Rehab Recovery, we assist you in helping you find a drug and alcohol rehab centre in London that charges an amount that is within your budget.

    Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere between £4,000 – £10,000 for one cycle in any of our London rehabilitation centres. This includes 24-hour medical care, full use of our luxury facilities, a full meal plan, and guaranteed access to the top therapists, psychologists and counsellors in the country.

    The overall price also includes a whole year of free aftercare once you have left our inpatient facility. This means that you are not alone once you have recovered and returned to the community – we will be here for you, as long as you need us.

    What Happens After Rehab in London?

    Following rehab you will largely return back to your everyday life.

    However, there will be support integrated into your routine in order to help you consolidate your experience [126] in rehab and stay in active recovery.

    What is an Aftercare Programme?

    An aftercare programme is a package of support for you to access after you leave rehab in London.

    This can take many different shapes, and will be designed for you depending on your current situation and needs. [127]

    Some people for example may continue 1-1 therapy, whilst others may engage with peer support groups.

    How Long Does Aftercare Last in London?

    The duration of aftercare will depend on your situation.

    You may find you have a therapy session once a week for a few months, or you may find you need something a little more long-term.

    This will be discussed with you by a member of the team before you leave rehab in London.

    How Will I Sustain My Soberness Once I Leave Rehab in London?

    Therapy at alcohol rehab in London

    The real challenge usually begins when you leave rehab. Once you get out, you will be faced with the same problems that played a big part in your addiction including stress, drug dealers, easy access to alcohol, and old friends among many others.

    How you deal with all these factors will determine your long-term success in living a healthy and sober life. This is where we can help.

    Our rehab programmes will not only help you recover from drug or alcohol addiction but will also provide training to help you deal with things that can make you relapse.

    This is implemented through various techniques and coping methods that will have been instilled in you during the maintenance stage of the programme.

    If you stick by the lesson that you have learned in the rehab, believe in yourself and have a strong support system, then you will definitely overcome all challenges that you may face once you leave the rehab.

    At Rehab Recovery, you are not alone once you exit through inpatient doors. We are here to help you every step of the way, and that includes your aftercare.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    Frequently Asked Questions about Going to Rehab in London

    Drug and alcohol addiction are problems that are affecting many people today.

    The sad thing is that the number of addiction sufferers keeps rising despite the stringent measures the Government has put in place to curb drug and alcohol addiction in London and the rest of the UK.

    Making that bold step to attend a drug or alcohol rehab London is a life-changing decision. It not only shows that you want to seek help but it also demonstrates that you have accepted that you indeed have a problem.

    Below, Keith Prance has compiled a list of frequently asked questions about going to a drug and alcohol rehab in London.

    The aim is to help you know everything about going to rehab in London:

    1. Can I use my insurance cover to seek treatment at rehabs in London?

    Some rehabs in the UK accept payment by a private health insurance policy. However, you need to be very careful because the extent of cover offered varies widely. You need to enquire first to know what your insurance covers prior to choosing a particular rehab centre.

    If your insurance plan does not cover rehab costs, then you can discuss with the rehab to know if they allow a flexible payment plan.

    2. Can I lose my job if I leave to go to rehab in London?

    Instead of worrying if you will lose your job if you leave to go to a rehab, you should ask yourself what will happen if you keep holding to your addiction. If you are struggling with substance abuse, the fact remains that your boss will find out sooner or later because you won’t be as productive as you used to.

    If your boss finds out that you are struggling with addiction and you don’t intend to seek help, then he or she will most likely fail to grasp what you are going through. This could lead to a breakdown in communication, neglected responsibilities, and even disciplinary action if your addiction begins to impact your work.

    However, if you open up and tell your employer about your addiction and your intention of seeking help, then your boss be much more likely to accommodate your needs.

    In fact, you might be surprised at the immense levels of support that your boss will give you if you open up.

    3. How can I find the right rehab facility in London?

    Your success in overcoming addiction depends on the rehab centre that you choose. You, therefore, need to be very careful when choosing a rehab centre. There are many factors that you need to consider when choosing a rehab centre.

    Some of these factors include the location of rehab, overall social environment, the experience of the staff that they have and cost. One of the best ways to find a reputable rehab facility is by asking for referrals.

    If you know a friend, a family member or a colleague who has suffered from addiction and overcome it through the help of a rehab centre, then you can ask that particular person to refer you to that facility.

    You can also read reviews of past addicts to know what they are saying about the rehab centre that you are considering choosing. Only choose a rehab centre that has good reviews from past patients.

    Another risk-free option is to visit our rehab clinics before deciding which one you enrol on. Visits are free and come with no obligations, and our team would be more than happy to assist, guide you, and answer any queries you may have.

    4. What is a normal day like in rehab in London?

    What your day will be like depends on the rehab centre that you will choose. However, in most cases, a typical day in the rehab centre involves detoxification, medication, and therapy.

    This recovery process can last for up to 2 weeks. You will also engage in various activities that the rehab centre has prepared.

    Every rehab facility has its own way of doing things. It is, therefore, crucial to check to see if the schedule of the rehab centre that you are considering to choose suits your individual needs before you make your final choice.

    5. What kind of results should I expect from a rehab centre in London?

    The type of results to expect depends on the programme that you have chosen. People measure success differently. For instance, some people consider success when they complete the entire programme.

    Others consider success when they start taking their medications as required while others measure success depending on how they are able to remain sober when they return home.

    You must sit down with your family to determine the result that you want to achieve. This will help you select the right rehab that will help meet your individual needs.

    6. Can relapse be identified?

    According to the National Institute on Drug abuse, about 60% of addicts usually relapse when they get out of rehab. The ability to identify a relapse and prevent it before it becomes too late is very important. This is where the family comes in.

    Most addicts relapse because of the lack of a good support system. If the family sticks with the addict, then they will be able to identify a relapse and take necessary action before it becomes too late.

    Common signs of relapse include mood swings, overthinking, anxiety, hanging out with old friends, defensiveness, and lying.

    7. What is Narcotics Anonymous?

    Narcotics Anonymous (NA) [128] is a support group for people who have experienced (or are currently experiencing) drug addiction.

    The group’s aim is to provide support to one another to maintain a drug-free life.

    8. What is Alcoholics Anonymous?

    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) [129] is a support group for people who have experienced (or are currently experiencing) alcohol addiction.

    The group’s aim is to provide support to one another to maintain a sober life.

    9. Residential Alcohol Rehab Vs. Outpatient. Which is Better?

    With rehab, it’s not really a question of which type is better, but which type suits your needs the most.

    Residential alcohol rehab requires you to temporarily reside in a rehab centre, such as at our London site.

    This can be beneficial as it allows you to have a break, focus on your wellbeing and work towards your recovery with fewer distractions.

    Outpatient alcohol rehab occurs in the community – you do not need to change your typical living arrangements, and will instead access support on an appointment basis.

    This can be beneficial as it means you do not need to move, you may be more able to continue with work commitments and you can have closer access to friends and family.

    Research suggests [130] that both types of support are effective (as they both offer specialist care) but the type you should choose depends on your situation.

    You can speak to one of the members of our team to determine which type of rehab would suit you best.

    10. Do I Have to Tell My Boss About Alcohol Rehab?

    You are not obliged to tell your employer that you will be attending rehab, however, in the interest of increasing your support network and maintaining transparency, it is advised that you do so.

    Employment law states [131] that your boss cannot fire you for accessing medical treatment, so you are protected under legislation.

    However, if you do not tell your employer and find you start to struggle at work, there could be consequences if your change in performance is not explained.

    Your work may also be able to support you, making reasonable adjustments in the workplace or by offering you insurance-related employment benefits that may help finance your treatment.

    11. How Long Does Alcohol Rehab Last?

    The length of rehab varies – it can be anywhere from a few days to, in rare occasions, several months.

    The average length of time people spend in rehab is roughly 28 days or 4 weeks. [132]

    12. What Happens in Alcohol Rehab?

    Every treatment plan in alcohol rehab will look different, put typically a 28-day treatment plan at our London rehab will look something like this:

    • Stage one: admission
    • Stage two: alcohol detox
    • Stage three: therapy
    • Stage four: creating a relapse prevention plan
    • Stage five: leaving rehab and starting aftercare

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Refer Myself to Rehab in London?

    Man with phone after alcohol rehab in London

    Rehab Recovery currently offers instant access to around 200 rehab beds across London. Some of these rooms are available for a fantastic price. All drug and alcohol rehabs must be registered and audited by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). [133]

    However, many of the better and more affordable centres fill up fast, so we urge you to contact our admissions team early to avoid disappointment.

    Only a finite number of beds exist for addiction recovery purposes in London, so we urge you not to delay in seeking out our help, particularly whilst your addiction is yet to consume all of your physical and mental energy.

    Rehabs are available across London in Barnet, Beckenham, Bexley, Brent, Brent Cross, Bromley, Camden, Croydon, Ealing, Enfield, Park, Hackney, Hammersmith, Haringey, Harlow, Harrow, Hounslow, Islington, Chelsea, Thames, Lambeth, Lewisham, Merton, Newham, Orpington, Redbridge, Thames, Romford, Sevenoaks, Southwark, Tottenham, Uxbridge, Wandsworth, Watford and Westminster.

    To ensure there is a space left for you at your preferred London rehab centre, contact our admissions team on 0800 088 66 86 and a member of our team will discuss your options with you.






































































































































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