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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Cramlington

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Cramlington. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

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    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Cramlington

    Addiction, otherwise known as substance abuse, is a complex and often misrepresented disorder of the brain.

    Whether it is alcohol addiction, behavioural addiction, or any other form of addiction, it can have long-lasting impacts on the individual’s life.

    When an individual is addicted, their behaviour will change – a combination of the substance’s effect on the body and the way it is processed – making it more likely that they will continuously seek out the substance, despite any negative consequences that may arise.

    This snowballs in effect, often leading to a negative cycle of substance consumption, negative effects on the individual’s physical and mental well-being, and so on. In some cases, an individual may even attempt to recover by ceasing usage of the substance but, without proper support and care, this often fails.

    Studies show that there are many reasons why individuals admitted to the hospital as a result of substance abuse may leave earlier than recommended and against medical advice (1), but this does not mention whether or not these individuals have attempted drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington beforehand.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Cramlington on 0800 088 66 86

    How Does Rehab Work?

    Two people holding hands

    Rehabilitation is the process of learning to overcome an addiction and learn to cope with associated issues such as triggers and cravings in the long term.

    It is never possible to be ‘cured’ of addiction, but with the right attitude, motivation, support, and rehabilitation services, any individual can live an addiction-free lifestyle.

    Generally, rehabilitation is split into three key stages:

    By progressing through each of these stages with motivation and determination to recover, individuals are far more likely to make a full and efficient recovery.

    These three stages will be covered in further detail across the next few paragraphs, with examples of types of care described for all.

    Medical Alcohol and Drug Detox

    A stethoscope, pill packets and medical equipment

    As mentioned, this is the first stage of drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington and ensures that the individual stops consuming the substance they are addicted to, either immediately or slowly using tapering methods.

    This will depend on whether the substance is physically addictive or not.

    Some addictions, such as alcohol addiction or heroin addiction, involve physically addictive effects, meaning that they directly affect the way the body is wired, often taking over the processing and production of vital hormones and chemicals.

    Alcohol, for example, is especially dangerous towards the production and uptake of serotonin.

    This is why alcohol is known as a depressant; it suppresses the body’s ability to uptake serotonin, meaning that these chemicals cannot travel to where they are processed, and the individual may experience feelings of hopelessness, general down mood, and irritability.

    With substances such as this, additional medical interventions may be needed to ensure the safety of the individual’s withdrawal process as it can be life-threatening to withdraw from substances such as alcohol and heroin without professional support.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Cramlington on 0800 088 66 86

    Addiction Therapy & Treatment Options in Cramlington

    A man turning away

    Across every different rehab provider in the UK, there are thousands of options for care, so get in touch with Rehab Recovery today to see how we can help you to find options for drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington.

    Every centre will have different facilities and specialities, but rest assured that Rehab Recovery will help you to find the programmes most suitable for you.

    There are some more commonly found forms of rehabilitative treatment and therapy, and individuals who progress down the residential rehab route are far more likely to experience these as part of their care.

    However, no matter how an individual opts to receive rehabilitative treatment, there will be suitable options for all; most treatment service providers are able to specialise in some forms of care, especially individual therapies and counselling, to each individual’s specific needs.

    Speak to Rehab Recovery today on our dedicated addiction support hotline to find out how we can help you.

    1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    CBT is perhaps the most well-known and used form of therapy found through drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington.

    With its ability to be specialised to each individual case, as well as its flexibility in the number and regularity of sessions, CBT is also one of the most effective when it comes to treating addiction and its associated options.

    During CBT, individuals learn to challenge their negative thought patterns associated with addiction, assisted by a counsellor or therapist to create their own coping mechanisms and put them into practice.

    This type of therapy is also extremely beneficial when used alongside other forms of therapy or using other methods alongside the main style of CBT. Forgiveness therapy, for example, was shown to reduce the risk of relapse as well as give individuals a higher satisfaction with their care when combined with regular rehabilitative care, often including CBT-based methods (2).

    2. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

    DBT is very similar to CBT in the way that it can be specialised and completed at any time or interval. However, it differs in the way that it is specialised for individuals who may be more affected emotionally by the effects of addiction.

    For example, for individuals who may also struggle with bipolar disorder (a common co-occurring disorder) as well as addiction, DBT may be especially beneficial (3).

    By focusing on negative emotional responses, as well as negative thought patterns, individuals who think in this way can benefit far more from this form of therapy than other forms of therapy that they may experience during their time in drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington.

    As with CBT, however, and other forms of therapy, DBT is most effective when used alongside other forms of therapy, and not as a standalone treatment.

    This will allow the individual to gain all the benefits from multiple forms of therapy, as well as make the individual’s life more varied, especially if they are residing in a private residential rehab centre.

    3. Family Therapy

    Family therapy, also known as family drug support, is a type of therapy that is common among individuals struggling with addiction.

    Often, the individual’s addiction does not only affect themselves but also those around them – including close friends and family.

    This can have devastating effects on the relationship between the individual and those around them – not only socially but it may become more and more of a mental health and physical strain on those around the individual struggling.

    They are not directly struggling with addiction, but dealing with the consequences of one – especially when it affects someone you love – can be incredibly challenging.

    During family therapy, conversations and treatment plans will be mediated by an external therapist or counsellor in order to invite new changes into their lives together, even after leaving drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington.

    4. Group Therapy

    Group therapy is also known as group talking therapy, hinting at the main portion of this form of therapy.

    In a group therapy session, individuals struggling with similar substances or addiction issues will meet together, sharing their experiences, what they’ve learned from it, and how they are working to overcome this.

    Often, just by voicing some of these struggles or experiences out loud, individuals can appreciate their journey from a different angle, giving them new inspiration and motivation for their journey moving forward.

    In addition, individuals can learn from the experiences of others around them. Not only may they take tips and advice from those around them and apply them to their own learning, but they may also make valuable support networks, lasting well after leaving drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington.

    Aftercare and relapse prevention

    A woman reading sitting on the floor

    As the third stage of rehabilitation, there is no set process or procedure that individuals should follow.

    Instead, taking from what they have learned during their time in drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington, individuals should think about what worked best for them then and consider this when making decisions about their future.

    Some residential rehab centres offer complimentary 1-year aftercare plans for individuals who have undergone rehab within their dedicated establishment, but this is not to say that there is no expanse of options available for those who have not undergone residential care.

    Below are some options that Rehab Recovery suggests to all:

    The Pros and Cons of Seeking Treatment in Your Local Area


    Finding care as close to home as possible is something that may seem obvious to individuals seeking rehabilitation, but it is not always the best option.

    When seeking drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington, here are some points to consider:

    • Will the location of my rehabilitation be close to individuals I previously engaged in addictive behaviours with? Though the chance is far lower in residential care, receiving rehabilitative treatment while in the presence of individuals who may have encouraged previous addictive behaviours can be triggering to some
    • Do I have people relying on me that may stop me from moving to a residential centre? If the individual struggling with addiction is a carer, then this should be considered, and an alternative may need to be found for both parties
    • Can I afford rehabilitative care in my local area? Though the cost is generally down to the types of therapy and treatment that an individual partakes in, the location may have an effect on care depending on where the individual resides. Check if this may affect you by calling Rehab Recovery today

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Cramlington on 0800 088 66 86

    What you need to know about dual diagnosis

    Person sleeping

    Though briefly mentioned before, the prevalence of co-occurring mental health disorders is something that can be extremely common when dealing with addiction.

    When an individual is diagnosed with both addiction and an additional mental health issue e.g., anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, then this is known as a dual diagnosis.

    Treating both (or all) disorders during rehabilitation is essential to an individual’s recovery journey as they may continue to struggle with the effects of multiple disorders should any go untreated or unnoticed.

    Finding drug and alcohol rehab in Cramlington that adheres to this approach is essential to the efficiency and effectiveness of the individual’s treatment programme.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Cramlington on 0800 088 66 86

    Contacting Rehab Recovery

    Rehab Recovery has a long history of helping individuals struggling with addiction, no matter how mild or severe their issues may seem to them.

    To find out how we can help you or someone you know, please contact us today.

    Take a look across our site at our wide breadth of information or contact us directly through our dedicated addiction support hotline on 0800 088 66 86 today.


    [1] Simon, R., Snow, R. and Wakeman, S., 2020. Understanding why patients with substance use disorders leave the hospital against medical advice: a qualitative study. Substance abuse, 41(4), pp.519-525.

    [2] Orbon, M., Mercado, J. and Balila, J., 2015. Effects of forgiveness therapy on recovery among residents of drug rehabilitation centres. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 165, pp.12-20.

    [3] Way, C., Center, L.T., Austin, P. and Rehab, A., A Breakthrough for Borderline Personalities: Dialectical Behavior Therapy Proves Effective.

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