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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Radcliffe

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Radcliffe. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

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    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Radcliffe

    Are you struggling with drug or alcohol abuse? Maybe you’re unsure whether your substance use is at the level that requires professional help. At any level of use, help is available.

    Addiction to drugs and alcohol comes with a lot of harrowing effects whether it is related to health or family breakdown.

    In 2019 it was reported, that “more than 4,000 people” in Bury were admitted to hospital each year for alcohol-related issues.[1] In 2020, it was stated that “twice as many people die due to drug misuse in the borough, compared to the national average”.[2]

    If your battle against alcohol addiction or drug use has gotten out of hand then seeking support from professionals is the most effective way to manage it.

    Going to a private drug and alcohol rehab in Radcliffe will equip you to quit, become healthy, and manage your future success.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe on 0800 088 66 86

    Start your recovery in Radcliffe

    Two people holding hands

    If you have an issue with substance misuse, then you can get the most effective help and treatment at a drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe. This approach gives you a hands-on and immersive experience on your first big step towards healing.

    Private clinics are available throughout the UK. Whether you opt for a local option, or go further afield is up to you.

    It’s worth, though, doing a comparison of clinics to see which clinic is most suited to your needs. A chat with the Rehab Recovery team can help you in this area.

    How do you know drugs or alcohol have become a problem?

    A man in therapy, hands clasped

    Drinking can take many forms and it’s sometimes difficult to know when alcohol misuse is a problem or has become an addiction. It’s the same with drug use. People tend to experiment with substances without much thought to long-term consequences.

    Cocaine is notorious for seeming like a “bit of fun at a festival” with mates one moment and then a few months later it becoming a weekly or daily habit.

    Whatever the substance, there are a few signs that make it clear problematic use has developed and that treatment is needed

    • Thinking and/or dreaming about the substance
    • Loss of interest in usual activities that don’t include alcohol or drugs
    • Hiding how much or how often, or indeed the fact you do, use substances
    • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not using such as depressive symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, shaking, nausea, sweating etc.
    • Becoming violent when under the influence
    • Taking part in dangerous activities while intoxicated (i.e. unprotected sex, drunk driving etc.)
    • Drinking or taking more of the substance in order to feel an effect
    • Experiencing the breakdown of relationships, housing arrangements or employment

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe on 0800 088 66 86

    Who develops addiction?

    A person in a jumper, arms resting on a balcony overlooking a winter scene

    What’s obvious about addiction is that it affects people from all parts of society and walks of life. While there is no one cause, there are certain risk factors that make it much more likely to develop drug or alcohol use disorder.

    • Having an “addictive personality” – what this really means is that some people are genetically predisposed to develop an addiction
    • Having other family members with addictions
    • Suffering from ill mental health. The roles of depression, anxiety, bipolar and other mental illnesses are clearly linked to people being more likely to self-medicate
    • Experiencing adverse childhood experiences such as violence during childhood
    • Having a low self-esteem
    • Living in an environment where other people use substances

    While not everyone who experiences all of the above factors will go on to become addicted, addicted people all tend to have elements of trauma in their life and a lot of the above factors present.

    This is what makes private rehab settings so effective; the therapeutic and holistic approaches that address these factors. Trauma-informed care is especially important.

    Drug and alcohol services in Radcliffe

    Bumpy road

    The best way to manage substance abuse is through accessing professional help and making social connections with people who understand and are supportive. In Radcliffe, you have a few options…

    NHS drug and alcohol services

    There are local drug and alcohol services for substance users with active addiction that are funded through the NHS. Clinics are found in every town in the UK.

    Service users benefit from alcohol recovery programmes and substance use treatment.

    This might take the form of advice about drugs and harm reduction or could be through one-to-ones. There’s a weekly schedule that includes group sessions you can go to as and when suits you.

    Though the service is free, it’s limited because of how stretched it is. There’s also the fact that when you’re treated for addiction through the NHS, it’s difficult to be supported through mental health services as well.

    A private drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe

    A private inpatient rehab supports people who are ready to quit alcohol and drugs in the present moment. You get staff who are experts in substance misuse including psychotherapists, alternative practitioners, clinical staff, and alcohol and drug support workers.

    There’s both an alcohol programme and a drug programme. These are individualised to each resident so that you get the most suitable treatment for your needs.

    Staff are on-hand 24 hours a day so you always have someone around. This is especially useful for those in early withdrawal.

    As well as this, you’ll be fully supported with a well-balanced diet by the in-house chef so your body gets all the essential vitamins and minerals to help you heal.

    Life in sobriety is made much easier when started in rehab because of the self-growth that’s facilitated and all the long-lasting skills and tools you develop to manage cravings and reactions.

    Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous

    As you can expect, you can find a list of meetings for Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous in the Radcliffe area online.

    While this avenue doesn’t offer professional treatment, it does provide social connection and regular sessions throughout the week if you’re willing to go to different locations.

    The emphasis of 12 Step programmes is to honestly acknowledge your addiction, identify regrets, seek atonement and make amends, and remain socially connected to others to help you on your healing path.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe on 0800 088 66 86

    What happens at drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe?

    A group of people sitting in armchairs

    At a private rehab, you get top-quality substance misuse treatment. It covers psychological treatments to heal the mind, medication to address the physical and holistic for the emotional.

    On entering, you’ll be assessed by a member of staff who will ask you questions about the addiction, how you’ve experienced relapse, your life and background, and your mental and physical health. From this, your treatment plan will be created.

    At rehab, people can be treated for illegal and prescription drug problems and alcohol addictions, as well as behavioural addictions (i.e. gambling, sex addiction etc.).

    The treatments: psychological and social

    Two women laughing on a sofa.

    In order to have a successful recovery, you’ll need psychological treatments to learn how to manage drug and alcohol cravings as well as a variety of other treatments. This is because addiction is a complex illness and is about more than having a craving.

    At a private drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe you’ll benefit from the following:

    • Cognitive behavioural therapy guides you to understand how your automatic thought patterns drive your behaviours. The therapist will give you tools to identify when you’re having these thoughts and to be able to change them. Doing this goes on to alter your behaviour.
    • Dialectical behavioural therapy is offered to some residents. It’s especially useful for those who struggle to manage their emotions in a healthy way. This therapy will help you to understand triggers, physical reactions in the body and how to regulate yourself positively.
    • Motivational interviewing is a series of sessions where you’ll talk about the mixed feelings you’re likely to have. Many people, as much as they want to quit alcohol or drugs, worry about doing so because it’s something they’ve relied on for so long. Here you get to voice your worries and say the things you might feel you should hide (i.e. “I like heroin way stops me feeling”).
    • Counselling is where a therapist aims to develop an open and honest relationship with you. The goal is to make you comfortable and feel able to explore anything that’s on your mind. The counsellor will support you to grow in self-compassion and self-confidence so that you feel more resilient and able to change.
    • 12 Step and SMART groups take place most days. These provide you with the space to meet others who are facing the same type of situation. Together you share experiences, come up with ideas, compassionately challenge each other and find a place of learning and healing.

    Medical treatments and detox

    A woman taking a pill

    All residents will go through withdrawal during the early part of their stay. This can be a trying time.

    Some people though have more severe withdrawal symptoms than others. This is usually linked to whether or not they’ve developed a physical dependence.

    Alcohol, benzodiazepines, heroin, and some prescription drugs all create dependence. What this means is that when you stop using the substance your brain and body start to malfunction. Withdrawal is very distressing, uncomfortable, physical and even dangerous.

    Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:

    In such cases, a doctor will prescribe medication (i.e. Librium for alcohol dependence). The prescription will last around seven to fourteen days and will gradually reduce so that by the end you’re totally substance-free.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe on 0800 088 66 86

    Dual diagnosis treatment: addiction and mental health conditions

    Two silhouetted people talking

    Many people find that when they go to the NHS for support around mental health if they have an alcohol or drug misuse problem they struggle to get any meaningful help.

    One of the great benefits of going to a private drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe is that treatment programmes tackle both addiction and mental health symptoms and conditions. The two illnesses are linked and rehab staff honour this reality.

    If you have a known mental health illness you can talk with staff in advance. Some residents will realise during their initial assessment or during their time at rehab that they have a mental condition as well. The staff will curate a programme that effectively addresses both.

    Aftercare services are provided at a drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe


    Private addiction treatment services mean that you stay at a rehab for a certain length of time and afterwards you go home having learned a great deal about yourself and how to manage in a healthy way going forward.

    The truth is, though, that returning home, for some people, can bring triggers and stressful situations. There are also those who might do well in the first few months but then relapse because they’ve put themselves in a situation where they’ve been tempted too confident that they would be able to resist temptation.

    With that in mind, good rehab clinics provide 12 months of aftercare provision. This includes access to alumni groups, ongoing counselling where necessary and relapse prevention support. You’ll have in place steps to follow to keep you focused and guidance on how to manage relapse should it occur.

    It’s important to remember that after six months sobriety becomes easier and easier, even more so at twelve months. The longer you’re abstinent, the easier it is.

    The duration of your stay


    It takes time to adapt and change problematic behaviour that leads to substance use. A new habit takes 28 days to form if practised every day.

    The majority of people go to rehab for 28 days. This provides the time to withdraw and detox, to sink into treatments and therapies and fully immerse in the journey and learning and the time to rewrite old unhealthy habits with new ones.

    Some residents stay at rehab longer, even up to three months. It really depends on your personal circumstances, mental health, availability, and budget.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe on 0800 088 66 86

    How much it costs to go to drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe


    To go to a drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe it costs money. This covers everything from accommodation to food to therapies, staff, and any medication deemed necessary.

    There are both more affordable and luxury options. Where you go in the country can alter the price too. It’s worth having a chat with one of the Rehab Recovery team about this if you’re interested in making a comparison between clinics.

    You might find it useful to know, though, that rehabs in the UK tend to cost between £1,000 and £10,000 a week.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe on 0800 088 66 86

    Can you get into rehab quickly?

    People holding hands

    It’s definitely possible to get into rehab quickly. You’ll know the nature of addictive behaviour, one moment you’re convinced you’re going to quit and a day or two passes and a relapse has occurred.

    Recovery staff understand how important it is to accommodate your need to enter rehab quickly when you’ve made the decision. We can help you find a place in a clinic where you can enter in a matter of days if necessary.

    Request a call back from Rehab Recovery today

    Are you ready to find out more about going to a drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe? Our friendly team can answer any questions you have, and explain your local treatment options as well as those further away.

    If necessary we can also support you up to admission to the clinic and help you make arrangements to get there.

    Leave us your contact details in the Live Bot chat box and one of our staff will call you back, or give us a call today.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Radcliffe on 0800 088 66 86




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