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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Heanor

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Heanor

    When there are so many great addiction treatment options in Heanor, why would you choose to go anywhere else? People living in Heanor can choose between a wide range of outpatient programmes, inpatient treatments and home detox services via a drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor.

    It may be quicker for you to get a referral to drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor than to a treatment centre in another area.

    Rather than having to spend time selecting an area, and decide how you’re going to get there, you can easily commute to the rehab facility.

    As well as being quicker, this is often the more affordable option for our clients.

    We usually recommend drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor to people living in this town, as the aftercare is often more suitable when you stay in the same area.

    Most of your aftercare could include therapy sessions at the same rehab centre, and this is most practical if it is close to your home. Having a great aftercare plan is known to reduce relapse rates, so this is something that is very important to consider.

    Finally, assuming you have family in Heanor, they can visit you more easily if you get treatment here. You may find that you can cope better with private rehab knowing that there are frequent family visits to look forward to.

    In a practical sense, it can also be useful to have your family nearby – you may need them to take you to the rehab centre or to drop off something you left at home.

    To start your journey with Rehab Recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I Get Treatment in Another Area With Rehab Recovery?

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    Yes, you can go to a residential rehab anywhere in the country. One reason you may want to do this is that you have a better choice of treatment centres.

    For example, if you would like to attend a luxury private rehab, you will want to expand your options by looking for treatment programmes all over the UK.

    If you are after a specialist rehab, this is another reason to not limit yourself to Heanor.

    Another reason to get addiction treatment elsewhere is that you might find that it is liberating. Sometimes, you need to get away from where you live when you start recovery.

    It’s a reminder that you are making changes in your life, and you are no longer waking up every day and choosing addiction.

    This can make you feel more motivated to achieve long-term sobriety.

    Although it can take longer to go to residential rehabilitation in another town, if you use a referral service like Rehab Recovery there is no difference in the waiting time.

    The only additional time to factor in is the time it takes you to plan and take transport. However, in terms of finding a rehab facility, it will not be any slower.

    Find the help you need to beat addiction – whether from a drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor or from elsewhere – by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Educate Myself On the Substance I am Taking?

    A group of people at a table during therapy

    When you are addicted to a substance, it is vital that you understand what it is doing to your mind and body.

    If you are in denial about its effects, you could prolong your addiction, as you may not be able to identify the symptoms as signs of the abuse.

    To educate yourself on the drug you are addicted to, we would first recommend looking at the resources on our website.

    We have information on the signs and symptoms of drug addiction in general, as well as specific drugs. Some examples are tramadol, codeine, crystal meth, anabolic steroids, GHB, and alcohol

    For more information on how a drug affects users and what a drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor can do to help, you can get in touch with us on 0800 088 66 86

    How Long Does Addiction Recovery Take?

    A clock with roman numerals on a panelled wall

    Some would argue that addiction recovery takes your whole life.

    There will never be a point when a person with addiction can let go of their problem and act as someone with no history of substance abuse.

    They will always have to be on guard, ensuring they do not relapse into addiction.

    In terms of how long a treatment programme lasts, it depends on the type of treatment you go for. Home detoxes last up to a week, outpatient programmes can be between 2 and 8 weeks, and inpatient drug rehab tends to last 28 days (though you can reduce or lengthen this time as necessary).

    Many patients will continue to have therapy after they leave treatment.

    They may decide to do this for a set amount of time, such as a year, or they may get therapy every week for the rest of their life.

    Though this sounds excessive, it is often a great way for people to keep up the motivation and strength to stay sober.

    The detox phase of addiction recovery lasts up to two weeks, but it can be finished in as little as five days.

    Sometimes, the withdrawal symptoms do not disappear after this length of time, but we would still not class the patient as being in the detox phase. This is because the process of withdrawing the substances from a drug user’s body should not take longer than two weeks.

    To find out how long your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor is likely to take, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Dual Diagnosis at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Heanor

    Mental health

    Statistically speaking, people with any type of addiction are very likely to have another mental health disorder.

    The dual diagnosis statistics for people with alcohol use disorder is 86%, and for substance use disorder, it is 70%.

    Dual-diagnosis patients receive the same treatment as everyone else at rehab, in the sense that they still have a detox (if necessary) and therapy. They will attend group therapy just like everyone else, and they will follow a treatment plan that revolves around addiction.

    However, the difference is that there will also be a key focus on their mental health condition. This means that the therapies they have are likely to be associated with the mental health disorder that they have been diagnosed with.

    That being said, most therapies are applicable to many different problems, so the treatment plan of a dual diagnosis patient may look similar to the plan of someone who is only dealing with addiction.

    For example, there could be two patients who are both having dialectical behaviour therapy every day. One may be engaging with this therapy as it helps them to be more assertive when dealing with people who enable their addiction, whilst the other may find that DBT helps them to reduce addiction-related stress, but as well as this, it supports them to regulate their emotions, which they struggle with due to having borderline personality disorder.

    As you can see, successful therapeutic models are versatile. They do not just treat one issue – some therapies were designed for a particular disorder (like DBT originally being designed for BPD), but they are used for many different issues, as the success rates are so high.

    You can also get free mental health support from organisations like Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.

    Make sure that your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor supports your mental health by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I Afford Rehab?


    Sadly, one of the things that can stop people from accessing rehab is the fear of financing it.

    At Rehab Recovery, we believe we offer a form of support at drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor at a price point for everyone.

    How Much Does Rehab Cost?

    For a week of treatment, you can expect to pay between £1,000 and £10,000.

    On average, a 28-day course of treatment (4 weeks) costs £14,00. This works out approximately £500 per day in inpatient rehab.

    Outpatient rehab is usually appointment based.

    Typically, your support will be charged per session. The price of this will range depending on the type of treatment you are accessing.

    How Do People Usually Pay for Rehab?

    There are several ways people pay for treatment, including:

    • Help from private health insurance providers
    • Help from health insurance providers through employee benefit schemes
    • Through direct debit schemes
    • Through fundraising or support from charities
    • Through help from friends and family.

    There are several charity and NHS-run recovery services operating near Heanor, including:

    1. CAMHS Derby and Southern Derbyshire

    Address: Mill Hill Ln, Derby, DE23 6SA

    Telephone: 0300 790 0264


    2. Change Grow Live

    Address: The Drop Inn Unit 1, Belper, DE56 1UQ

    Telephone: 01773 303 646


    3. Talking Mental Health Derbyshire

    Address: Ilkeston Resource Centre Ilkeston Community Hospital, Heanor Road, Ilkeston, DE7 8TL

    Telephone: 0300 123 0542


    You may also wish to attend a local mutual support group from organisations such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous or SMART Recovery.

    For guidance on how to pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor, talk to our experts on 0800 088 66 86

    FAQs About Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Heanor

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    Can I go to drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor if I am taking multiple substances?

    Yes, you can go to drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor if you are taking more than one addictive substance.

    You can be treated for a wide range of addictions at rehab, including single substance addiction, multiple substance addictions, behavioural addictions, and dual diagnosis (addiction with a mental health condition).

    If you are using multiple substances, the detox process may look different for you. Doctors will carefully consider which medication to give you that will make the detox safer and easier.

    The withdrawal symptoms are often more severe if you have been consuming a range of substances.

    Your experience with therapy will not be significantly different if you are using more than one drug. However, it is possible that you have developed more complex mental health problems as a result of having a more severe substance abuse problem.

    This is not always the case, as there are many factors that influence a drug user’s mental health.

    You can get free mental health support from organisations like Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.

    Can I take my pet to inpatient drug rehab?

    The majority of treatment centres, including drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor, will not allow you to take your pet into their building. This unfortunately means you have to have a break from your pet, and you will have to arrange care for them.

    Some rehab facilities do allow pets, so ask us if you are interested in finding a pet-friendly treatment centre. Even some centres that ban pets may allow you to see your pet every week during the allocated time for family visits.

    As upsetting it can be to leave your pet behind, you will only be staying at rehab for a fixed amount of time.

    During this time, you will have daily therapy, so you will not have to suffer alone with feeling guilty about leaving your pet, or lonely without their company.

    It is important that you are able to be away from your pet at rehab, as it means you will not be distracted from your recovery journey.

    When you leave drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor, and you take on your responsibilities again, you will have already done some of the hardest work for your recovery. This means there is more chance you will be able to multitask without falling victim to relapse.

    Therapy talk

    Do you have to be sober when you start inpatient treatment?

    The rehab facilities that we refer our clients to will always provide detoxes (unless you do not need a detox, and you specifically ask for a centre that only offers therapy). This means that it is not obligatory for you to be sober before treatment, as the detox will take care of this.

    It is of course harder for you if you enter rehab at rock bottom.

    However, this often cannot be helped and you are starting rehab for a reason.

    What’s more, getting sober before rehab can be very dangerous, as you have to experience withdrawal symptoms alone.

    We would never advise you to quickly sober up before drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor for this exact reason.

    It is much better to enter rehab as you are, and allow the medical professionals to manage your drug or alcohol detox.

    If you do not require a detox, some drug and alcohol clinics will ask you to not be under the influence when you start treatment.

    The guidelines will be explained to you before you turn up at rehab, so you will be able to act accordingly.

    Can people go to rehab if they work full-time?

    Yes, plenty of people at drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor work full-time.

    Most people have to take time off work to go to rehab, but they keep their job due to employment law (addiction is classified as an illness, so employers usually have to accept leave for rehab). This is in line with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

    Some people do lose their job to rehab, but this would be related to the time taken off work, as opposed to the purpose of it.

    It is also common for people in rehab to be unemployed, mostly because addiction has the power to take over lives and leave people unable to do anything but use drugs.

    This is not something you will be judged for, as it is common knowledge at rehab that patients will be struggling to live life the way they want to.

    Often, there are sessions at rehab that will help you with your career.

    You may get advice on applying for jobs, building your CV, or gaining experience in fields you are interested in.

    This may even form part of your relapse prevention plan, as it is more likely that you will stay sober if you have the stability of a full-time job, and particularly if you enjoy your job.

    Can I take my prescription medication to residential rehab?

    Yes, you can take your usual medication with you to drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor.

    If you are suffering from physical or mental illness, it is very important that you take this medication as you normally would, so that illness does not interfere with your recovery.

    If you are a dual diagnosis patient, the rehab will be made aware of this and they will allow you to take medication that is prescribed for your mental health condition. For example, many rehab patients continue to take antidepressants for depression or anxiety.

    If you receive a mental health diagnosis at rehab, you will not be given medication. You will have to speak to your GP when you leave. This is in line with standard safety guidelines at any drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor.

    How does Rehab Recovery know which rehab facilities are right for each client?

    Our clients often ask us how we can possibly know which rehab facilities to refer our patients to when there is such a wide selection in Heanor.

    The answer is that we are very familiar with the different treatment centres in this area, and we pay close attention to our clients’ demands to make sure our referral is suitable.

    Over the years, we have worked with a variety of private rehabs in Heanor, so we know what works for different clients.

    We have a good idea of what makes each rehab centre different, from the budget to the facilities. When our clients reach out to us, we are already running through different options thanks to this extensive knowledge.

    The more we speak to our clients about their addiction, the easier it is for us to decide which treatment option would serve them best.

    For example, if they reveal that they are a dual diagnosis patient, we will find a facility that is successful at treating their particular mental health disorder.

    If they are an adolescent, we will find an age-appropriate rehab.

    Finally, we do not settle. Any time we find that a prospective rehab does not tick all the boxes for our client, we move on with our search. We will never refer a client to a rehab that is not expected to help them to achieve long-term sobriety.

    This means that our referrals always point to pro-abstinence treatment centres with state-of-the-art facilities, a wide selection of evidence-based treatments, and a criterion that matches the preferences of the client in terms of cost, location, and size.

    If you have any further questions about the nature of drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Getting a Referral to Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Heanor

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    We understand that getting a referral to drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor is not the most attractive option when you could avoid the stress of treatment altogether.-

    However, by now you will know how destructive addiction is, so we hope that you will sign up for short-term stress in order to avoid long-term illness.

    You could take on the task of finding a drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor yourself, by looking up treatment centres online and enquiring about their treatment programmes, yet this would take a lot of time and you are risking being exposed to a rehab scam.

    If you get a referral with Rehab Recovery, we promise to complete a referral to an amazing drug and alcohol rehab in Heanor within a few weeks, or even a few days.

    Most of our patients get their referrals in just one week, as we do not have to contend with waiting times, and our experienced staff know exactly what to look for when they are in the research stage.

    We will deliver an initial assessment that is free of charge, before researching local rehabs and completing a successful referral.

    To find out what our clients think of our referral services, have a look at our excellent client testimonials.

    Every rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission.

    Get help for addiction across Derbyshire, including in Derby, Chesterfield, Swadlincote, Ilkeston, Long Eaton, Belper, Dronfield, Buxton, Ripley, Staveley, Glossop, Bolsover, Eckington, Shirebrook, Matlock and many others

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