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Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich and near Norwich

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Norwich. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich and near Norwich

    Quick links for drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    If you or a loved one has been dealing with substance abuse problems over a long period of time, then you may benefit from spending some time in a detox clinic.

    This type of facility not only helps the individual break their physical addiction, but it can also help the client break away from the reasons that drove them into addiction in the first place.

    One of the most important functions of alcohol and drug rehab will be to help the individual to overcome the emotional pain that helped keep them trapped in addiction for so long.

    In 2019, Norwich saw a ten-year high in alcohol-related deaths. [1] It’s also the city with the second-highest number of people dying from drug poisoning. [2]

    Drug and alcohol addiction is having a serious impact. The way this disease takes hold of the brain means that for the vast majority, drug and alcohol addiction can be impossible to overcome without help.

    Like any other disease, accessing health treatment is essential.

    This way doctors can treat the body while therapists tackle the illness from a psychological perspective.

    Through a holistic approach to drug and alcohol rehab that covers all areas of recovery, addiction can be overcome.

    Below, we provide some statistics about alcohol and drug use in Norwich and near Norwich:

    Drug and Alcohol Statistics in Norwich (2022) Data
    Number of people dependent on alcohol in Norfolk, including Norwich 9,000
    Number of users on opiates and/or crack cocaine. 4,000-5,000
    Number of people that Norwich drug and alcohol recovery charity The Matthew Project saw 186
    Estimated number of people who binge drink in Norwich 25%

    Beat addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich – What Causes Addiction?

    A brain example in Norwich

    From biological changes that happen in the brain to unprocessed traumatic events, many factors can act as the catalyst for the formation of drug or alcohol addiction and bring an individual to a point where drug and alcohol rehab is necessary.

    Oftentimes, this brain disease is influenced by multiple social, environmental, psychological and biological factors that exacerbate and feed off of one another.

    From an environmental point of view, someone can experience various risk factors that can make drug and alcohol addiction more likely, some of which stem from childhood experiences.

    Environmental causes of Substance Use Disorder can include poverty in the community, having access to drugs at school or work, and a lack of nurturing from parents during childhood.

    These factors can combine with genetic predispositions that make an individual more susceptible to developing a severe drug or alcohol addiction.

    In recent years, multiple studies [3] have claimed that there’s a 40%-60% risk of developing drug or alcohol addiction due to genetic factors.

    Then there are the changes that occur in the brain when we consume drugs or alcohol.

    While some people are able to use substances occasionally, others suffer dynamic changes to the brain’s reward system that drive further use and compulsivity.

    Because addictive substances trigger our dopamine response, the brain will learn to seek out further consumption and will require more drugs or alcohol over time to produce the same effects.

    How Concerning is Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Norwich and Norfolk?

    Men chatting in a dark room at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Men chatting in a dark room at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    As with the rest of the UK, Norfolk has experienced concerningly high levels of substance addiction, with Norwich, its largest city, as the epicentre.

    While many social, cultural, and environmental factors underlie the rise in substance use disorders, it’s thought that economic downturns like the cost of living crisis is contributing to these concerning drug and alcohol statistics.

    Public health bosses fear that increased financial struggles could lead more Norfolk residents to turn to drug or alcohol use as a means of coping.

    One ONS report [4] from 2021-2022 found that Norwich has the second-highest rate of drug poisoning deaths in the UK. Further analysis of these statistics has revealed that the entire East Anglia area has seen a 20% rise in drug-related mortalities within 5 years.

    While these numbers are undoubtedly concerning, drug addiction isn’t the only condition to impact individuals and families in Norfolk’s county city.

    Recent data from Public Health England [5] has shed light on the worrying nature of alcohol addictions in Norwich and near Norwich, with 910 hospital admissions for alcohol-specific conditions recorded in 2021.

    Why is Ongoing Drug and Alcohol Abuse Dangerous in Norwich?

    Persistently using drugs or alcohol will have dangerous consequences for an individual’s mental, physical, and social health, especially if they do not get help from a suitable drug and alcohol rehab.

    While drug and alcohol misuse threatens our health, well-being, and cognitive function, it also poses dangers to our relationships.

    Some of the ways in which ongoing drug and alcohol use is considered dangerous include:

    Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich – How Do I Know When My Drug or Alcohol Addiction is Something to Worry About?

    Drug and alcohol research material at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Drug and alcohol research material at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Contrary to the belief that someone has to hit rock bottom before their addiction becomes dangerous, many subtle signs can suggest your drug or alcohol addiction is something to worry about.

    What’s more, many individuals in need of drug and alcohol rehab treatment in Norwich or elsewhere may continue to function on a day-to-day basis, albeit under the strain of maintaining their substance use.

    The first port of call when identifying signs of addiction is to check the DSM-V criteria.

    If you identify with some of their primary drug and alcohol addiction symptoms, you may be in need of professional guidance and to check in with your GP, as well as beginning to research drug and alcohol rehab treatment in Norwich.

    However, noticing that multiple symptoms align with your lifestyle can indicate a severe drug or alcohol addiction that should be treated immediately at a drug or alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich.

    It could also be useful to complete a questionnaire or self-assessment tool backed by medical professionals and experts on drug and alcohol addiction.

    By answering questions such as those provided by the CAGE Questionnaire [6] or AUDIT [7] (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test), you can gain a more detailed insight into what your symptoms may mean and whether drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich is a necessity.

    Both assessments will inquire about your consumption quantities, physical symptoms, mental symptoms, and other behavioural indicators.

    Respondents gain one point for every question that they answer affirmatively, which culminates in a total score indicative of their drug or alcohol addiction severity.

    These scores will tell you whether or not you should seek professional help in the form of a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich, or consult your doctor regarding a formal diagnosis.

    Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich – What Impacts Can Drug and Alcohol Addiction Have on a Person?

    An older man helping an infant walk outside of a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    An older man helping an infant walk outside of a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    As a disease, Substance Use Disorder affects the brain and behaviour of its sufferers to the point that their lives are often ruined.

    This array of negative consequences can impact anyone suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, whether this is behavioural or chemical.

    A person struggling with drug or alcohol addiction will often end up suffering from a combination of physical, psychological, financial and social impacts.

    1. Physical Impacts

    In the short term, drug and alcohol addiction victims may notice that their overall health starts to decline as they experience changes in appetite, weight and sleeping schedule.

    Their fitness levels will also decrease, and they might find it difficult to breathe normally as their health continues to suffer.

    In the long term, an addicted person’s risk of illness and infection will increase, alongside their likelihood of developing heart and liver problems.

    2. Psychological Impacts

    Drug and alcohol addiction can contribute to the development of cognitive impairment, memory loss, and a range of mental illnesses that become comorbidities.

    Because of the changes in brain chemistry, studies have shown that SUD victims are more likely to experience anxiety disorders and mood disorders such as depression.

    3. Financial Impacts

    Many addicted individuals suffer financial hardship as their tolerance grows and they need more drugs or alcohol to fuel their dependency.

    Those who struggle to finance their drug or alcohol consumption habits may fall into debt, turn to crime, take money from loved ones or even find themselves without a home.

    Whilst being harmful in itself, this can also further complicate the addiction sufferer’s efforts to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or elsewhere, worsening their condition overall.

    4. Social Impacts

    Social isolation is another harrowing impact of SUD and often occurs due to the emotional harm an addicted person can cause their loved ones.

    While it is rarely intentional, friends and family members may feel increasingly betrayed by their loved one’s addictive behaviours and may withdraw from their relationship with them, often not re-establishing these relationships until drug and alcohol rehab provides them with the opportunity through family therapy.

    What Impact Can Drug and Alcohol Addiction Have on Families?

    A man and woman walking at dusk after treatment at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    A man and woman walking at dusk after treatment at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    The consequences of SUD are often felt not just by the individual suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, but by those who care deeply for them.

    Having an addicted family member can cause an array of emotional issues and behavioural problems in children, and can lead families to split up entirely.

    The most common emotional impact reported by family members of a drug or alcohol addiction victim is the stress that comes with witnessing their regression.

    They might have to watch as their loved one goes through physical changes, such as weight loss, gain, or a lack of self-care.

    Oftentimes, family members must simply watch as the addicted person’s life spirals into chaos, especially if they lose their job and are unable to function day-to-day due to drug or alcohol abuse.

    Having a parent who is addicted to drugs or alcohol will also impact their children, affecting both their present and future.

    Not only are they likely to have a dysfunctional, even toxic relationship with their addicted parents, but they are at risk of repeating these behaviours as adults.

    What is Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich Like?

    Individual therapy session at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Individual therapy session at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    While the term “rehab” often refers to the clinic one attends to treat their drug and alcohol addiction, it is actually a contraction of the word rehabilitation – meaning the process of supporting individuals while they reclaim their lives from SUD. [8]

    Addicted individuals can enter drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich to receive an array of medical and therapeutic interventions designed to help them reach their full potential.

    The process of overcoming addiction in rehab is typically split into three phases: detox, stabilisation, and aftercare.

    In simple terms, drug and alcohol rehab patients will start their recuperation by removing substances from the body, before undergoing addiction therapy and eventually receiving post-drug and alcohol rehab support for up to a year after their stay.

    What Happens When I Arrive at Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich?

    The intake process for drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich and near Norwich is designed to be straightforward, welcoming and give you all the information you need before starting your treatment programme.

    When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by drug and alcohol rehab staff members who will give you a tour of the clinic and show you to your room.

    Once you’ve settled in and unpacked, you’ll be introduced to an intake counsellor who will explain the detox protocol and make any adjustments based on your medical history and preferences.

    From here, you’ll start a personalised drug or alcohol detox programme and begin your journey towards sobriety and recovery.

    How Do I Know if I Need Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich or near Norwich?

    Person leaning on a balcony at a rural drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    Person leaning on a balcony at a rural drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich
    Attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich will be most beneficial for those who have noticed the emergence of withdrawal symptoms that indicate physical dependency.

    This becomes apparent when you try to abstain from drug or alcohol substances without professional help – an endeavour that can cause you to feel nauseous, flu-like symptoms, tremors, lethargy and more.

    Alongside physical withdrawal symptoms, you may notice psychological distress such as anxiety, restlessness, low mood and severe cravings for drugs or alcohol.

    This indicates an embedded psychological addiction that is in need of therapeutic interventions, following a medicated detox in rehab.

    Even if you’re mildly concerned about your drug or alcohol use, you may still be showing signs of needing formal treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Norwich.

    The main indicator that you should seek assistance is if you start to suffer from psychological or physical withdrawal symptoms.

    These adverse symptoms, ranging from nausea and vomiting to restlessness and anxiety, will occur as soon as you abstain from substances.

    The emergence of withdrawal symptoms can cause an array of dangerous complications in the early stages of recovery, particularly for sufferers of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) [9].

    As such, medical intervention at a specialised drug and alcohol rehab clinic is required to properly detox, followed by therapeutic measures to stimulate mental recuperation.

    Inpatient Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Norwich

    Usually performed in a private drug and alcohol rehab facility, inpatient addiction treatment involves temporarily living on-site at a specialised clinic.

    Typically, inpatients will live at their drug and alcohol rehab facility in Norwich for around 28 days while they detox safely and undergo various forms of therapy.

    Each day, they’ll work through a structured routine that includes not only treatments and counselling, but nutritional support and holistic therapies to boost overall wellbeing.

    This integrated style of recovery not only helps patients overcome their physical dependence on drugs or alcohol, but also aids them in creating an optimal lifestyle complete with bespoke coping mechanisms.

    It’s this focus on longevity and sustainable treatment that makes inpatient care one of the most effective modes of drug and alcohol rehab recovery.

    Outpatient Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Norwich

    Older person at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Older person at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Because outpatient care requires individuals to reside at home and attend treatment appointments, it is usually provided by the NHS or charitable organisations.

    This form of therapy allows patients to receive medical care and counselling for their addiction without staying in the hospital overnight: making it less invasive than inpatient care.

    If, after being assessed, a patient is diagnosed with a milder addiction or physical dependency, they may be referred for outpatient rather than inpatient care.

    This allows them to keep their independence while undertaking drug and alcohol rehab treatment, and even continue working if this is a viable option.

    What Types of Addictions are Treated at Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich and near Norwich?

    With the ever-growing availability of addictive substances, more addictive disorders are being discovered and treated in drug and alcohol rehabs across the world.

    A typical drug and alcohol rehab facility in Norwich will treat various chemical addictions, including Alcohol Use Disorder, stimulant addiction, opioid addiction, cannabis addiction, and many more.

    An increasing number of drug and alcohol rehab clinics are also treating behavioural addictions in addition to Substance Use Disorders.

    This means providing recovery programmes for gambling addictions, sex addiction, internet use disorders and many more.

    Can I Get a Family Member Into Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich?

    It can be incredibly emotionally damaging to watch a family member fall further into their addiction, and you may be wondering whether or not you can admit them into drug and alcohol rehab yourself.

    However, for addiction treatment to be successful, your loved one must agree to enter rehab and be on board with their recovery programme.

    Because drug and alcohol rehab treatment must be consensual, it is important to discuss the idea of rehab in Norwich or near Norwich thoroughly with your loved ones [10] prior to making any plans.

    This could involve staging an intervention if they show resistance, or encouraging them to enter drug and alcohol rehab treatment by expressing your concern and support.

    Is Recovering at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich a Good Choice?

    Norwich has a plethora of evidence-driven, high-end drug and alcohol rehab clinics for those who are struggling with drug and alcohol rehab throughout Norfolk and wider East Anglia.

    As such, if you’re currently living in Norwich or around Norwich, there will be a drug and alcohol rehab nearby that suits your unique lifestyle and addiction severity.

    What’s more, those considering outpatient treatment should choose somewhere local to avoid a long commute to their therapy appointments.

    Even if you’re set on attending inpatient drug and alcohol rehab, it can still make sense to stay local and ensure your loved ones can visit you easily.

    On the other hand, many individuals opt to start their recovery journey in a completely new environment to mark the start of their lifestyle change, spending time somewhere far away from Norwich.

    The wider Norfolk county, as well as the UK in general, boasts various residential centres that cater for a variety of drug and alcohol rehab needs.

    If you’d like to explore your drug and alcohol rehab treatment options, either in Norwich or elsewhere, you can give Rehab Recovery a call and speak to an expert admissions supervisor.

    How Does Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich Work?

    A rehab in Norwich

    Rehab for drug and alcohol addiction works by providing evidence-based therapies, medical support, and resources to help patients build healthier lives free from substances.

    While drug and alcohol rehab clinics in Norwich and near Norwich may differ in their treatment philosophies, they are all structured in a similar way to help their patients break the cycle of addiction.

    Initially, drug and alcohol rehab provides a safe, medically supported space for individuals to detox.

    After they’ve cleared their body of remaining drugs or alcohol and have been treated for any withdrawal symptoms, patients at rehab in Norwich and near Norwich will receive a comprehensive treatment programme.

    These treatment programmes encourage patients to examine their past and present, heal from any underlying trauma and develop strategies to help them cope with life’s stressors without using drugs or alcohol.

    Relapse prevention programmes typically span 2-4 weeks and include various behavioural therapies designed to keep a person sober after drug and alcohol rehab has concluded, often using techniques such as CBT, DBT and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

    Is it Normal to be Worried about Attending Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich or near Norwich?

    Attending drug and alcohol rehab is a life-changing decision and one that will change how you live for the better: providing opportunities for growth, change, and a healthier existence.

    Therefore, it’s perfectly usual to feel worried or anxious before entering drug and alcohol rehab, and this is something that most new patients experience.

    While it’s normal to feel worried about entering rehab, patients are quickly put at ease by the level of care that they receive. both medical and holistic.

    Alongside their comfortable and modern accommodation, drug and alcohol rehab patients in Norwich have access to high-end treatment facilities and knowledgeable experts to monitor their condition and plan bespoke courses of therapy.

    How Effective is Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich at Treating Alcohol or Drug Addiction?

    Two women hugging after treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    Two women hugging after treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    Providing that a drug and alcohol rehab treatment programme contains the key components of recovery (medicated detox, therapy, aftercare), attending rehab is considered the most effective way of achieving long-term sobriety.

    This efficacy is also dependent on the duration of treatment, the level of personalisation, the patient’s motivation levels, and the severity of their SUD.

    Patients who have had these factors carefully considered by drug and alcohol rehab clinicians will be able to treat short-term addiction symptoms while developing long-term lifestyle changes.

    Just some of the treatment methods available at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich include:

    • Behavioural Therapies designed to help drug rehab and alcohol rehab patients build better lifestyle habits for their life after rehab in Norwich, typically using techniques like CBT, DBT, and Motivational Enhancement Therapy
    • Trauma counselling to help drug and alcohol rehab patients heal from pre-existing emotional struggles and tackle potential causes or exacerbating factors of their addiction before leaving drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich
    • Introduction to other supportive networks including group therapy and community-based fellowship groups in Norwich and near Norwich, which can be an essential source of support once drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich ends
    • Family Behavioural therapies designed to improve relationships and communication methods whilst at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Norwich (when this is appropriate)
    • Aftercare services for a minimum of 1-year post-drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich, helping to keep the patient sober during one of the most difficult times in recovery

    Will Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich or near Norwich Cure Me of Drug or Alcohol Addiction?

    Discussing whether an illness such as addiction is “curable” can be difficult, as it’s crucial to note that there technically isn’t a “cure” in the traditional sense.

    While chronic diseases cannot be cured, they can be effectively managed and their impacts kept to a minimum using the right combination of treatments.

    In order to understand how they can manage their addiction and reach their full potential, SUD victims should consider attending drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich.

    Here, they’ll accumulate various relapse prevention skills and coping mechanisms while gaining more insight into why their addiction started.

    Does Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich for Teens Work?

    Teenage drug and alcohol addiction is unfortunately on the rise, with one UK Government report [11] stating that in 2021, there were 3,602 young people undergoing addiction treatment at drug and alcohol rehab across the nation.

    Here in the UK, teens with addictions can seek specialist help at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic specialising in treating young people, and these centres are often effective for the following reasons:

    • Drug rehab and alcohol rehab facilities catered towards young people do not expose them to potentially harmful or addictive medications, due to their developing brain
    • More emphasis is placed on treating negative cognitive and behavioural patterns that influence drug and alcohol use, primarily through addiction counselling and holistic therapies, with the goal of eliminating these factors for life after drug and alcohol rehab
    • Family members are included throughout the therapeutic process to ensure teens return to a supportive home environment after drug and alcohol rehab
    • Co-occurring disorders are diagnosed and treated by clinicians specialising in teenage addiction and mental health, providing a full and comprehensive approach to drug rehab and alcohol rehab treatment

    What Happens If I Don’t Get Help From A Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich?

    A man looking out of a window at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    A man looking out of a window at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    Whether you decide to try recovering from drug or alcohol addiction by yourself or simply refuse any rehab help at all, your addiction will likely take a dangerous turn.

    Because drug and alcohol addiction is a disease of chronic relapsing, having no support or access to professional help can provoke disastrous consequences for your physical and mental health.

    Due to the chemical changes occurring in your brain, trying to abstain may provoke adverse symptoms severe enough to cause relapse.

    This causes many individuals to continue using drugs or alcohol for fear of experiencing the discomfort caused by withdrawal.

    Why Should You Avoid Recovering on Your Own Outside of Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich?

    However much you might want to retain your independence, recovering from drug or alcohol addiction without help can be uncomfortable at best and fatal at worst.

    Addiction is a chronic disease requiring professional treatment at a qualified drug and alcohol rehab facility in Norwich or near Norwich in order to address properly.
    By attempting recovery alone, you’ll be missing out on the following benefits of drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich:

    • Medical and holistic support during the initial rehab detoxification process to decrease the likelihood of drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms
    • Comprehensive relapse prevention planning, behavioural interventions and motivational counselling to optimise every stage of your drug rehab or alcohol rehab recovery journey, both whilst attending rehab in Norwich and afterwards
    • The support of family members and the chance to participate in family behavioural therapies designed to rebuild trust and provide a solid support base after drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich has concluded

    Can I Recover From Drug or Alcohol Addiction Without Professional Help from a Drug Rehab or Alcohol Rehab in Norwich or near Norwich?

    To recover safely, most individuals struggling with drug or alcohol addiction must receive professional help from a rehab service as quickly as possible.

    While some people choose to recover without clinical services or drug and alcohol rehab support, seeking the support of fellowship groups instead, they’ll be missing out on key treatment components.

    Accepting help at a rehab in Norwich means you’ll gain access to science-based treatments designed by addiction specialists.

    This might be in the form of counselling to help you overcome mental health issues, prescribed medications, trauma therapy, or cognitive-behavioural interventions.

    What Is Dual Diagnosis At Drug Rehab And Alcohol Rehab In Norwich?

    Group fist bumping at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Group fist bumping at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Many people who develop drug or alcohol addiction have underlying mental health problems.

    Often, with the presentation of uncomfortable symptoms related to thoughts and feelings, such as low mood or anxiety, people turn to drugs and alcohol.

    The way the body works, psychoactive substances have a direct impact on brain chemicals and hormones.

    These are what regulate mood. Although people might feel happy or relaxed from the immediate effect of drugs or alcohol, this soon changes.

    Hangovers, comedowns, and long-term emotional dysregulation become common with prolonged drug and alcohol use.

    By this time, however, a drug or alcohol addiction might have formed in connection to the mental health illness. This is known as a dual diagnosis.

    Co-occurring mental health conditions that can be treated whilst at drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich and near Norwich include:

    How a Dual Diagnosis Supports Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab Recovery in Norwich and near Norwich

    If both addiction and a mental health illness exist, this will be identified during a psychiatric assessment upon entering drug and alcohol rehab.

    This is beneficial as it means the patient will be treated for both conditions and has a better chance of rehabilitation.

    Drug and alcohol rehab staff will also ensure that the person’s mental health needs are taken into account in general in order to make them feel comfortable.

    Many organisations across the UK offer free mental health support, whether you are also suffering from addiction or not.

    Some of the most useful include Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.

    To learn more about how a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich will work to support your mental health, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Are The Benefits Of Attending Private Drug Rehab And Alcohol Rehab In Norwich?

    Outside a rehab in Norwich

    Going to a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich offers many benefits. This is, after all, the most effective way of treating drug and alcohol addiction in the UK.

    Drug and alcohol rehab benefits in Norwich and beyond include:

    • Daily evidence-based drug rehab and alcohol rehab therapies which have proven to successfully treat addiction throughout the world
    • 24-hour care from a team of specialist drug rehab and alcohol rehab staff in Norwich or near Norwich
    • Alternative therapies and activities that offer relaxation, recuperation, and enjoyment whilst in the controlled environment of a drug rehab and alcohol rehab, depending on the facilities and resources of your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich
    • A relaxed and safe drug and alcohol rehab environment, free from addiction triggers
    • Group drug and alcohol rehab sessions where you meet others with whom you can learn and share, establishing the important of peer support both during and after rehab in Norwich
    • A thorough assessment process at the beginning of rehab in Norwich means that you will receive a tailored drug rehab or alcohol rehab programme to suit your needs
    • A clinically overseen alcohol or drug detox with full support from the expert staff at your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich, ensuring that withdrawal is as safe and as comfortable as possible
    • Drug and alcohol counselling and one-to-one rehab sessions to give you a listening ear and moments to self-reflect
    • Inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment options both in Norwich and near Norwich

    Gain all the wonderful benefits of a private drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What Council-Funded and NHS Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab Services Exist in Norwich?

    Alcohol support group at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Chairs set up for group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    Council-funded and NHS drug and alcohol rehab treatment is free to use and usually comes in the form of outpatient services.

    This is where you remain living at home and go to the clinic for particular sessions.

    There are usually group sessions on offer every week, drop-ins, and some one-to-one availability with drug and alcohol rehab experts and specialist support workers.

    Whilst useful for many addiction sufferers, this kind of service is not as intense or as effective as residential drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich.

    Freely accessible drug and alcohol addiction support services in Norwich and near Norwich include:

    1. Norfolk Alcohol and Drug Behaviour Change Service

    Address: Adobe House, 5 Barton Way, Norwich, NR1 1DL

    Telephone: 01603 514 096


    2. CAMHS Norfolk

    Address: Mary Chapman House,  Hotblack Road, Norwich, NR2 4HN

    Telephone: 01473 237 055


    3. The Matthew Project – Drug & Alcohol Support in Norwich

    Address: 70-80 Oak Street, Norwich, NR3 3AQ

    Telephone: 01603 626 123


    You can also reach out to organisations such as Change Grow Live, a local NHS Foundation Trust in Norwich, Al-Anon and Alateen.

    To discover whether council-funded addiction treatment in Norwich is the right service for you, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Narcotics Anonymous in Norwich and near Norwich

    Narcotics Anonymous Norwich (NA) is a therapeutic community that caters towards those suffering from drug addictions and helps them reclaim their lives from drug or alcohol abuse.

    Using the twelve traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, NA encourages participants to follow their guidelines for living a drug-free, healthier life.

    Alcoholics Anonymous in Norwich and near Norwich

    Alcoholics Anonymous Norwich is often considered the original fellowship group founded to help those in communities struggling with alcohol addiction.

    Specifically designed for victims of alcohol addiction, AA meetings provide a supportive network for anyone struggling: offering free meetings run by licensed therapists.

    Open meetings invite family members of addicted loved ones to join in discussions, while closed meetings are for those struggling directly with alcohol abuse.

    SMART Recovery in Norwich and near Norwich

    An acronym for Self-Management And Recovery Training, SMART [13] is a volunteer-run fellowship programme dedicated to helping those in drug and alcohol addiction recovery.

    This abstinence-orientated organisation aims to bring people together in a communal therapy format, with classes running both in-person and online, providing a key source of interpersonal support and evidence-based drug and alcohol rehab treatments.

    What Alternatives Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Services Exist in Norwich?

    There are other ways you can be treated for addiction other than going to rehab. It helps to bear in mind, though, that if you have a serious addiction, drug and alcohol rehab offers the highest likelihood of supporting you to recover.

    Other options include:

    • A home detox. This is overseen by a doctor who will prescribe medication to support a person to come off a physically dependent substance, allowing them to begin drug and alcohol rehab recovery at their own home in Norwich.
    • Outpatient services at a private drug and alcohol rehab clinic or at a local government-funded facility in Norwich or near Norwich.
    • SMART recovery or 12 Step groups in the local community, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous. These are based on religion and the concept of a higher power, whereas SMART uses a secular approach to drug and alcohol rehab support. All of these mutual support groups can provide essential interpersonal support and local encouragement in Norwich, increasing the likelihood of a patient staying sober.
    • Family groups to support family members whilst their loved one is undergoing drug and alcohol rehab recovery in Norwich or near Norwich.

    Whatever help you need to beat addiction -whether it’s from one of the many drug and alcohol rehab centres in Norwich or one of these excellent alternative services- allow our team to help you by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can A CRAFT Intervention in Norwich Support my Loved One Access Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab?

    Family therapy session at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Family therapy session at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    A CRAFT intervention empowers the family of an addicted person. It’s a method that offers a menu of strategies to use.

    The focus of this intervention is in enabling the family to communicate in a more effective and positive way to the person who is ill.

    It supports the family to have boundaries and supports the addicted person by changing the communication dynamics.

    The CRAFT method has proven to support thousands of people in treatment.

    Even when people are in denial of their addiction, it can create a path that leads them towards drug and alcohol rehab.

    Begin the admissions process at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Much Does it Cost to Go to Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich?

    A stay at a drug and alcohol rehab if you’re going for a 10-day detox costs:

    • For a single occupancy room at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich, around £3,000-£6,000.
    • For a multi-occupancy room at a drug and alcohol rehab room in Norwich, it’s around £2,000-£4,000.

    A drug and alcohol rehab stay of 28 days in Norwich typically costs:

    • For a single occupancy room at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich, it’s about £8,000-£12,000.
    • For a multi-occupancy room at a drug and alcohol rehab room in Norwich, around £6,000.

    A home detox under daily contact and supervision from a doctor costs around £1,500.

    This includes the prescription you’ll need to taper off the substance that has created the dependency.

    To find out how much your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich will cost, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Do I Choose the Most Suitable Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich for Me?

    If you’re unsure how to choose the best drug & alcohol rehab in Norwich to suit your needs, you can call Rehab Recovery.

    There are other things you can keep in mind and do, though, in order to make your decision easier:

    1. Research your local drug and alcohol rehab options in Norwich and near Norwich, focusing on how they have supported people in the past – find out what their recovery rates are.
    2. Look up reviews of the drug and alcohol rehab clinics in Norwich and near Norwich that you are interested in.
    3. Make a list of questions, call your chosen drug and alcohol clinics and get your answers. This will also give you direct contact with the drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Norwich and will give you a “feel” for it.
    4. Find out whether a particular drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Norwich places more emphasis on recovery through therapy or through group work and 12-step approaches – what do you think you would respond to better?
    5. Budget by finding out how much each drug and alcohol clinic charges for various lengths of stays and seeing which you can afford.

    Make sure that you end up at the right drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich for your needs by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Does A Detox at Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich Involve?

    Clinical detox is where a doctor oversees your withdrawal from a substance that has created a dependency.

    People who have become reliant on alcohol, heroin, and benzodiazepines will need a medically supervised detox.

    A person may experience the following alcohol withdrawal symptoms:

    • Shaking and sweating
    • Fluctuations in mood
    • Fluctuations in temperature
    • Hallucinations
    • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea
    • Seizures
    • Delirium Tremens

    At its worst, alcohol withdrawal can lead to death.

    This is especially the case if the person is alone and has a seizure.

    Undergoing a detox at a drug and alcohol rehab will mean you’re under the care of a doctor.

    They may give you the prescription drug Librium or Chlordiazepoxide over the course of 7-10 days in a tapered way in order to safely remove alcohol from your body.

    If you have an alcohol addiction you will need to have an alcohol detox before you can begin any further alcohol rehab treatment treatment.

    This means you will likely experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    For a physical dependence on a substance, such as alcohol, you will need a medically-assisted detox whilst at rehab in Norwich – this is overseen by a doctor or medical professional. You will also need one of these for heroin withdrawal for example.

    Long-term complications of substance abuse include:

    • Hepatitis
    • Wernicke Encephalopathy
    • Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

    Make sure that your drug or alcohol detox is safe and effective with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Norwich – call our admissions team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Inpatient vs. Outpatient Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Norwich – Which is Better?

    Therapist and patient speaking together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Therapist and patient speaking together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    While experts often argue that residential care is optimal for its on-site design, it is rarely a case of which is “better” when referring to inpatient vs. outpatient treatment.

    On one hand, some patients find that the intensive nature of inpatient drug and alcohol rehab doesn’t complement their mild addiction, as it doesn’t allow them to continue working.

    On the other hand, many patients with severe SUD benefit hugely from living temporarily at a suitable drug and alcohol rehab clinic.

    To figure out which style of drug or alcohol rehab care is right for you, your doctor will likely refer to the ASAM’s Addiction Rehabilitation Placement Criteria [16], which refers to four levels of recovery based on medical need, treatment preferences, budgetary concerns, and more.

    These are:

    • Level 1: Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab Care
    • Level 2: Intensive Drug & Alcohol Rehab Outpatient Care
    • Level 3: Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab
    • Level 4: Intensive Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab

    Ascertaining where you’ll be placed in this criterion of care depends on your addiction severity, which can be determined by a specialist or healthcare professional both before or during a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich.

    Typically, those suffering from a mild physical dependency on substances are prescribed regular outpatient or intensive outpatient drug and alcohol rehab treatment in Norwich.

    For moderate SUD cases, inpatient treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich is usually optimal for managing their condition, while severe addictions should be treated using intensive inpatient care: akin to hospitalisation.

    Because many factors come into play when deciding on the type of care for each patient, clinicians often refer to the ASAM’s Placement Criteria and screening tool.

    The criterion asks professionals to consider the following factors to determine whether residential or off-site care would work best for a specific case:

    • Biomedical Complications: Does the patient suffer from any psychological or physical comorbidities that may impact their treatment at drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich?
    • Emotional, Behavioural, or Cognitive Complications: Are there any behavioural or emotional issues that may affect the patient’s care, or require additional treatment at drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich?
    • Withdrawal Potential: Is the patient likely to suffer from acute withdrawal symptoms during detox that will need thorough support and attention from a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich?
    • Relapse Potential: Is the patient likely to relapse after drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich, according to their substance use history, or previous failed recovery attempts?
    • Living Environment: Is the patient’s home environment stable, safe, and capable of supporting their recovery once drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich has concluded?
    • Willingness to Change: How committed is the patient towards starting their drug and alcohol recovery at a clinic in Norwich or near Norwich?

    Depending on how these questions are answered, clinicians are able to recommend either residential or outpatient treatment.

    This can be an immense relief and take away the pressure of deciding which treatment style would suit them and researching clinics in Norwich.

    How Long is a Residential Stay at a Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich?

    Couple with a dog after treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    Couple with a dog after treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    A stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich will be different for each individual.

    Some people will enter drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich for detox only.

    This is usually where the person is at serious physical risk and needs to become sober immediately. It also might happen where a person has relapsed.

    A detox lasts between 7-10 days depending on the substance and severity of addiction.

    It’s highly recommended for people entering drug and alcohol rehab for detox to actually stay for the usual length of time, which is 28 days.

    This length of stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich offers the person the opportunity to begin and complete various courses of psychological and alternative therapies.

    This is essential in order for the person to be equipped to leave drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich with the tools to remain sober.

    To discover how long your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich is likely to last, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cocaine Treatment at Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    There has been an increase in cocaine use over the last few years. This is due to it being easier to get hold of throughout the world.

    The repercussions of this mean that more and more people are suffering from cocaine addiction.

    Cocaine and crack cocaine, with prolonged use, will seriously damage a person’s mental and physical health.

    Despite this, it creates deeply compulsive behaviours that cause the person to repeatedly use the substance.

    It doesn’t take long for the brain to rewire and for a person’s ability to make healthy decisions to become impaired.

    At drug and alcohol rehab, therapists work on rewiring the brain. Cognitive behavioural therapy is especially helpful in that it targets thoughts and starts to tweak them.

    This is how people start to change neural pathways and new behaviours are formed.

    Cocaine detox is not necessary whilst at drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich, as cocaine is not physically addictive.

    Overcome your cocaine addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Heroin Treatment at Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    Group therapy hug at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Group therapy hug at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    When you’re addicted to heroin, both a physical and psychological approach is essential. This is because heroin causes the body to become dependent on it in order to function.

    When heroin starts to leave the body, serious heroin withdrawal symptoms begin.

    These include:

    • Tremors and sweating
    • Mucus from the eyes and nose
    • Nausea, sickness, and diarrhoea
    • Hallucinations
    • Pain in the body

    Whilst at drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or elsewhere for heroin addiction, patients will undergo a medically supervised heroin detox that lasts around 10 days. Doctors use prescription drugs such as Subutex to manage the symptoms.

    After detox, psychotherapies and other activities begin. The emphasis is placed on equipping people with the skills to change how they react to emotions and triggers in order to prevent relapse.

    Overcome your heroin addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab centre in Norwich by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Cannabis Treatment at Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    People quite often turn to cannabis in order to relax. However, THC-heavy strains of cannabis can be extremely strong and their psychoactive effects can be very dangerous, especially where there are pre-existing mental health conditions.

    Cannabis can cause people to become isolated, anxious, and at its worst, cannabis can cause psychosis.

    For many, the use becomes so ingrained with daily life, it can be impossible to see a way out.

    At a cannabis rehab in Norwich or near Norwich, therapists will support people to understand what motivates cannabis use.

    Work focuses on how to adapt to life in order for the person to engage with new and healthy activities which bring them value.

    Cannabis detox is not needed at drug and alcohol rehab, as cannabis is not physically addictive.

    Other types of addiction that can be treated at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Norwich include:

    Overcome your cannabis addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Therapy and Addiction Counselling at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich

    Alcohol support group meeting at a drug and alcohol alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Alcohol support group meeting at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Throughout your time in drug and alcohol rehab, you will need to take part in multiple forms of therapy and counselling, to ensure you receive well-rounded treatment for all aspects of your alcohol or drug addiction.

    Each person and each addiction is different, meaning each treatment plan will be too.

    Your particular drug or alcohol rehab plan will be created with you in mind and will be tailored to perfectly match your needs.

    Some examples of the types of therapy and counselling you may experience at drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich include:

    Other types of therapy and help services available at drug rehab and alcohol rehab include:

    To experience any and all of these powerful alcohol and drug addiction treatments at a rehab clinic in Norwich, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Happens After Drug And Alcohol Rehab In Norwich?

    Upon leaving the drug and alcohol rehab environment, you’ll be provided with varying levels of support depending on your unique recovery journey and treatment programme.

    A certified drug and alcohol rehab centre in Norwich or near Norwich will provide an aftercare programme that allows graduates to continue attending rehab for around 12 months after returning home.

    What is an Aftercare Programme?

    Aftercare refers to the structured support offered to drug and alcohol rehab graduates, often in the form of ongoing outpatient therapy in Norwich or near Norwich.

    Alumni programmes allow former patients to stay in touch with the clinicians and counsellors who helped them during drug and alcohol rehab, either through continued therapy or regular check-ins.

    Rehab aftercare programmes may also include group therapy, sober events, career planning sessions and a wealth of online support.

    How Long Does Drug & Alcohol Rehab Aftercare Last After Rehab in Norwich?

    Because relapse is more likely to occur in the first 6 months after leaving rehab, aftercare programmes will often cover the first year of your sobriety journey.

    Completing 12 months of aftercare in the form of outpatient drug or alcohol rehab treatments allows you to build a solid foundation for future sobriety and avoid relapse.

    How Do I Prevent Relapse After Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Norwich or near Norwich?

    Garden at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    Garden at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich or near Norwich

    A relapse prevention plan will be included as part of an aftercare programme which kicks in when you leave rehab.

    The goal of it is to keep you sober and to have a tool to use during difficult moments when you might usually turn to drugs and alcohol.

    When you’re at drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich, a member of staff will use the HALT method to support the writing of your relapse prevention plan.

    HALT stands for emotional Hunger, Anger, Loneliness and Tiredness. Thinking about what happens when you’re in these states reveals that they can be the trigger for the desire to use substances.

    HALT supports you to halt or pause for a moment when you feel lonely or angry and to actively consider your next step.

    Rather than reacting from an emotional and triggered space, you can look at your plan and see what action points you have in place to follow when you feel lonely or angry.

    You might have decided at drug and alcohol rehab, for instance, that during these moments you’ll call a friend, go for a walk, or write the emotions down in a journal.

    Make sure that you beat addiction once and for all with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Norwich by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    How Do I Access Drug And Alcohol Rehab in Norwich Through Rehab Recovery Today?

    Alcohol support group at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    Alcohol support group at a drug and alcohol rehab in Norwich

    For more information on detox and rehab options in Norwich, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.

    When you contact us, we shall outline a variety of treatment options that are available to you in Norwich.

    This includes both private and statutory addiction treatments and a wide range of drug and alcohol rehab services.

    Every drug and alcohol rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission. Most drug and alcohol rehab clinicss also follow guidelines set by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

    Access drug rehab and alcohol rehab services across Norfolk including in King’s Lynn, Great Yarmouth, Thetford, Aylsham, Acle, Holt, Fakenham, Cromer, North Walsham, Attleborough, Hunstanton, Burnham Market, Sheringham, Wells-next-the-Sea, Swaffham, Dereham, Wymondham, Diss, Blakeney, Downham Market, Costessey, Wroxham and many others.

    References for Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Norwich and near Norwich





















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