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Drug Rehab & Alcohol Rehab in Coventry & near Coventry

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and alcohol detox in Coventry. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug Rehab & Alcohol Rehab in Coventry & near Coventry

    Quick Links for help with addiction in Coventry and near Coventry

    When substance abuse or addiction reaches the point where an individual starts to think about getting help for the problem, the time has undoubtedly come to find a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry.

    And although making the decision to go to drug or alcohol rehab Coventry or afar can prove to be one of the most challenging moments a person with a drug or drinking problem can face, it is a choice that can ultimately change one’s life forever.

    The thing is, without attending rehab it can be very hard to overcome an addiction. This is because addiction is a multi-faceted condition that needs to be treated on the many different levels of which it’s comprised.

    Ending addiction is more than just quitting the use of drugs or alcohol – it involves learning about addiction and the best ways to overcome it for good. Going to alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry is the best way to do this.

    Drug and alcohol rehab statistics in Coventry and near Coventry

    Drug and alcohol addiction statistics and drug and alcohol rehab support in Coventry and near Coventry

    Drug and alcohol rehab clinics can help you with substance use disorders, behavioural addictions and physical dependence.

    The DSM-5 assessment [4] and The American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Patient Placement Criteria [5] can help you get the diagnosis you need to begin receiving help at drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry to get better.

    Once your usage has been assessed, private rehabs can offer a person-centred care plan that suits you and your unique situation in Coventry or near Coventry.

    Specialised treatment centres in Coventry offer drug and alcohol rehab programmes for the following addictions below, as well as many other addictions, whether common or otherwise:

    Get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Do I Know When I Need Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry or near Coventry?

    Serious conversation about drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Serious conversation about alcohol addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    If you are already concerned about the quantities of drug or alcohol consumption, then you should think about attending drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry in order to prevent any further harm.

    There are varying levels of dependence, and not all people who want to minimise their consumption habits will need to undergo addiction drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

    You can use the DSM criteria to gain insight into how severe your dependence or addiction is, and how much you need rehab. 

    According to the DSM, there are 11 symptoms of addiction [11], and these symptoms can be put into primary categories such as; physical dependence, risky use, social problems, and impaired control, and there are criteria which can indicate how severe your addiction is and how much you need drug and alcohol rehab based on how many symptoms you can identify with.

    These 11 symptoms that mean you may need to enter drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry and near Coventry are:
    • Consuming drugs or alcohol in higher quantities or for longer than you initially wanted to.
    • Wanting to reduce the amount or frequency in which you are consuming drugs or alcohol but not being able to.
    • Their time is dominated by getting, consuming, and recovering from drug or alcohol use.
    • The addicted person suffers from withdrawal symptoms and cravings which makes them restart the cycle of drug or alcohol consumption.
    • Being unable to tend to responsibilities whether personal, academic, occupational, or other because of drug or alcohol dependence.
    • Sustaining drug or alcohol consumption despite its effects on relationships and other people.
    • Things that were previously interesting (social, recreational, etc.) no longer incite interest due to a focus on drug or alcohol use.
    • Repeatedly using substances, despite how it may put the person in situational danger.
    • Sustaining consumption of drugs or alcohol despite knowing that it will come at the cost of the person’s physical and mental health.
    • Experiencing an increase in tolerance to drugs or alcohol and needing to consume higher amounts in order to experience the same effects as before.
    • Consuming drugs or alcohol in order to quell withdrawal symptoms.
    If you identify with one of the symptoms listed among the DSM criteria, you may have the potential of falling into an addiction and you may need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry.

    If you are suffering from two or three symptoms, you may have a mild form of substance addiction.

    However, if you suffer from more than two or three symptoms, this suggests that you are suffering from a severe form of addiction and require the support of a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or beyond in order to recover.

    Not sure if your addiction is bad enough to need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry? Talk it over with our experts on 0800 088 66 86

    What is The Admissions Process Like At Drug And Alcohol Rehab Coventry?

    Group therapy at a rehab in Coventry

    Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Once you call our drug and alcohol rehab admissions team, they’ll work with you to arrange a free phone consultation wherein you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your needs and preferences.

    While it may sound intimidating, this consultation is completed in a very casual manner by staff who will make you feel at ease. Lasting around 20 minutes, the call consists of patients discussing their details and requirements for choosing a drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry.

    In most cases, these specifications vary from the budgetary, rehab facility, location preferences, and many more.

    Whatever your specific needs, the team at Rehab Recovery will ensure that each requirement is met.

    Oftentimes, models such as The ASAM Criteria [16]are used to determine which drug and alcohol rehab clinics a patient will enter. It utilises a list of objective guidelines to plan where an individual is placed, how they’ll undergo recovery, and how their aftercare will be structured.

    The criteria are guided by certain principles: such as personalising drug and alcohol rehab treatment for each patient, considering the whole person, and individualising treatment timelines.

    At its core is the belief that when it comes to drug and alcohol rehab treatment, one size does not fit all.

    Begin the admissions process to a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry by calling our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Can I Convince a Loved One to Attend Drug and Alcohol Rehab Coventry?

    Family meeting at an alcohol rehab in Coventry

    A family intervention for drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    There are many reasons why a friend or family member would be the one to contact a drug and alcohol rehab provider, not the addicted person themselves.

    It is often the case that the addicted person does not think that they need professional rehab help, or they are turning a blind eye towards their addiction, and become reluctant or even hostile when questioned about their drinking or drug consumption habits.

    Some of the reasons why a friend or family member would reach out to a drug and alcohol rehab service in Coventry include:
    • The addicted person does not believe that their drug or alcohol consumption habits are harmful or concerning.
    • The addicted person is aware of their deteriorating physical and mental health but is apprehensive about the drug and alcohol rehab process and has anxiety about starting addiction treatment at drug and alcohol rehab.
    • Each time the friend or family member has tried to help their addicted loved one, they becomes hostile about their drug or alcohol use.

    When this is the case, the most logical course of action is to host an intervention that can encourage your loved one to seek drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

    Hosting an intervention is an effective way to guide someone into rehab treatment (not to force them) in a constructive and non-confrontational manner. However, it should only be done in the presence of a licensed interventionist. 

    The objective is to help the addicted person realise that their addiction affects not only them but also those that they love, with the hope of guiding them into drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

    Rehab Recovery in Coventry can help friends and family members of loved ones by connecting them with a licensed interventionist. 

    CRAFT or Community Reinforcement And Family Training [20], is a popular form of intervention that can help support a loved one get into drug and alcohol rehab.

    Make sure that your loved one gets the help they need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry Cost?

    A bank card on a laptop in Coventry

    Bank card on a laptop at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Opting for a drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry may be effective treatment-wise, but it’s important to consider the financial cost. Prices will vary depending on a host of factors- including clinic location, length of treatment, and accommodation type.

    Oftentimes, drug and alcohol rehab patients staying in a single occupancy room in Coventry for a 10-day detox will pay between £3,000-£6,000. However, a lower price can be expected for the same detox in a shared room and will vary from £2,000 to £4,000.

    For those opting to rehabilitate beyond drug detox, they’ll need to pay the additional costs.

    A typical 28-day drug and alcohol rehab residency with a shared room is priced at around £6,000 in Coventry, and this rises to £8,000-£12,000 if single accommodation is chosen.

    Fortunately, our treatment providers here at Rehab Recovery are dedicated to improving affordability for those who need it most. Many clinics offer clients payment plans on a sliding scale basis, meaning the overall price is split into manageable segments.

    Will My Insurance Cover Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry or near Coventry?

    While entering a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry seems like the most effective – and thus the most logical – step towards combating addiction, patients may be concerned with the price.

    Because of this, it is certainly worth the patient asking whether their insurance provider will cover drug and alcohol rehab costs.

    This can minimise costs significantly and provide much more breathing space financially for rehab patients. 

    However, the truth is that it depends on the unique insurance provider and their unique policy wording. Some insurance providers may cover the entirety of someone’s addiction treatment programme at drug and alcohol rehab, whereas others may not reimburse patients for any aspects of treatment.

    Others may be able to cover certain aspects such as their drug and alcohol rehab accommodation costs, therapy costs, medication costs, and so on.

    Because of the many variables when it comes to addiction and insurance providers, it is imperative that you contact and communicate with your insurance provider in order to fully understand what is covered under your plan when you enter drug and alcohol rehab.

    You can also contact your rehab provider in order to understand what is involved in the costs.

    It would be impractical to enter a drug and alcohol rehab under the impression that your insurance provider will cover the costs.

    You will need to be thorough and gain sufficient clarity from your insurance provider in order to fully understand what is and is not covered at drug and alcohol rehab.

    However, if you are concerned that your insurance provider will not cover your addiction treatment costs, you can minimise costs during your time at drug and alcohol rehab by opting for multi-occupancy rooms.

    This will reduce costs significantly, and if you opt for a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry that prioritises recovery over luxury, you will find yourself spending even less on your addiction treatment programme.

    For a more accurate prediction of how much your time at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry will cost, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Long Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry Last?

    A living room at a rehab in Coventry

    At a drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry, each care plan is tailored to the patient, which makes it difficult to predict the length of someone’s stay. Furthermore, recovery from SUD is a rollercoaster process, and a patient could remain in drug and alcohol rehab for less or more time than anticipated.

    That being said, patients will typically spend around 28-30 days rehabilitating at an inpatient centre. This does not include the all-important detox phase, which usually lasts between 5-10 days depending on addiction severity.

    Spending 28 days at rehab is often considered an optimal time frame by experts.

    This is because drug and alcohol rehab patients can focus on achieving a full recovery through a combination of detox, relapse prevention planning, and intensive therapy.

    For instance, individuals battling serious addictions like opiate use disorder often spend longer undergoing drug and alcohol rehab treatment. In such cases, patients may need to dedicate around 90 days to receive intensive therapy in Coventry.

    To find out precisely how long your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Coventry will last, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Treating Co-Occurring Disorders at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Woman with a headache at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    Woman with a headache at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis, refers to the state of suffering from both addiction and a psychiatric condition. Among those with addiction, it’s an unfortunately common situation, with one UK report revealing that 59% of adults enter drug and alcohol rehab treatment under a dual diagnosis.

    When treating co-occurring disorders, both must be treated simultaneously at drug and alcohol rehab, as one often informs the other. For example, someone with depression may use drugs or alcohol to raise their mood.

    Common illnesses treated at drug and alcohol rehab include:

    Using a psychiatric assessment, a psychiatrist or mental health professional can assess whether or not you have a mental health condition. This can provide you with the clarity and rehab treatments you need to beat your addiction and find fulfilment in a sober lifestyle.

    As such, at rehab it’s crucial to treat the underlying cause that an individual is using a substance to escape from.

    On the other hand, drugs or alcohol can be the direct cause of a psychiatric condition. Hazardous drinking can cause depleted serotonin levels over time, which is the reason behind conditions such as depression.

    If you suspect that you or a loved one are suffering from a co-occurring disorder, it’s important to seek psychiatric treatment at a rehab in Coventry.

    At a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry, each patient is assessed by a specialist, who can offer a comprehensive dual diagnosis and build a bespoke treatment plan.

    Many organisations across the UK offer free mental health support, whether you are also suffering from addiction or not.

    Some of these include Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.

    To learn more about how a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry will work to support your mental health, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Can I Recover From Drug and Alcohol Addiction Without Professional Drug and Alcohol Rehab Help in Coventry?

    While it may be possible, it is highly unlikely and also very dangerous to attempt to recover from substance addiction without professional drug and alcohol rehab help in Coventry.

    There are many things that someone would be missing if they were to undertake their own addiction recovery independent of a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry:

    • Programme structure: Drug and alcohol treatment programmes are structured thoroughly by counsellors and addiction specialists in order to optimise the drug and alcohol rehab patient’s recovery. These specialists have carefully planned each stage in order to maximise the patient’s responsiveness to treatment methods.
    • Medical detox and medically supported facilities: If the subject is suffering from moderate to severe drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms, they will likely need access to medication, medical supervision, as well as safe and comfortable drug and alcohol rehab facilities during the withdrawal stage. Without these, the subject is likely to relapse or worse, succumb to severe health complications.
    • Communicative therapy: Without professional counsellors at drug and alcohol rehab, the subject will not have access to effective forms of therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, support sessions, and more. Here, patients gain insight into their negative habits and self-destructive tendencies which worsen their addiction, and then the counsellor helps them address these issues. Without these therapy sessions, subjects cannot build sustainable lifestyle habits which will help them recover.
    • Relapse prevention strategies and aftercare: Drug and alcohol rehab patients must be equipped with long term relapse prevention planning strategies, and they will also be supported with an aftercare programme. Once they overcome their withdrawal symptoms, that isn’t the ‘end’ of their addiction. Someone who is recovering without professional drug and alcohol rehab help will not understand the ways they can prevent a relapse in the long term.

    Get the kind of professional help that will let you overcome addiction once and for all at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry by giving us a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Types of Addiction are Treated at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry?

    Doctor with clipboard discussing alcohol addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Doctor with clipboard discussing alcohol addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    A range of different addictions are treated at drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry. Substance addictions include alcohol and a wide range of drugs, such as cannabis, opioids and stimulants, whereas behavioural addictions include things like gambling addiction and eating disorders.

    It is important to remember that addiction rehab treatment in Coventry for different substances will all follow a similar structure. 

    However, there are some differences between the effects of particular substances, and therefore the addiction rehab treatment programme will vary accordingly.

    Typically, patients will undergo the following structure at drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry:

    • Arrival and orientation
    • Medical detox (for patients suffering from moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms
    • Cognitive, behavioural, and holistic therapy
    • Relapse prevention planning
    • Aftercare (post-drug and alcohol rehab)

    Whatever the nature of your addiction, get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry by giving us a call on 0800 088 66 86

    Alcohol Rehab for Alcohol Addiction in Coventry

    Although alcohol is prevalent in society, alcohol addiction can take over lives. Heavy daily use or frequent binge drinking in large doses can result in Wernicke encephalopathy [24] – a health condition similar to dementia which damages eyesight and results in confusion that must be treated safely at rehab.

    You could also develop alcoholic hepatitis if you continue without rehab. This disease often worsens without symptoms, and could lead to cirrhosis and scarring of the liver.

    The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test [25] and CAGE questionnaire [26] are two diagnostic tests that evaluate the quantities you’re drinking and the reasons you’re consuming alcohol, to gauge whether you have an alcohol addiction and how concerning this is before rehab.

    Those with a severe addiction or heavy use will need expert supervision at rehab in order to carry out an alcohol detox, where you will be prescribed medication Chlordiazepoxide, (Librium) depending on how severe your addiction is.

    Without a medically-assisted detox at rehab, you risk delirium tremens, and alcohol withdrawal syndrome [27], which can be dangerous.

    You and your family can make use of free services from Alateen, The National Association for Children of Alcoholics, and Al-Anon, which treat people from teenagers to adults.

    Cocaine Treatment at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Climbing a mountain after alcohol addiction treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Climbing a mountain after alcohol addiction treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Cocaine dependence is no exception to the idea that treating SUD should resist the “one-size-fits-all” method. Instead, intensive inpatient care at a cocaine rehab is often necessary owing to the severe psychological addictions caused by stimulants.

    Thankfully, at a drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry, you’ll be given a safe, comfortable environment in which to overcome your cocaine addiction. The amount of time spent here is dictated by your unique needs and should last no less than 28 days.

    There is no need for a cocaine detox, as it is not a physical addiction substance, so instead drug and alcohol rehab patients will undergo psychological therapy and heal from the damage inflicted by cocaine.

    For rehab patients to make a full recovery in Coventry and avoid future relapse, methods such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI) are utilised.

    While CBT addresses the cognitive distortions that contribute to substance use, MI increases the motivation for attending these therapy workshops at rehab.

    Throughout their stay, numerous patients at cocaine rehabs choose to receive medication that’s tailored to their needs. This will come in the form of one or more prescription drugs that will help to reduce cravings or treat a pre-existing mental illness in Coventry.

    Depression and panic disorders like anxiety are often associated with the use of cocaine and crack cocaine. Fortunately, they can be effectively treated at rehab using SSRIs or beta-blockers to rebalance dopamine production.

    Beat your cocaine addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Heroin Treatment at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Young woman sitting on a sofa talking to an alcohol addiction support worker at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Young woman sitting on a sofa talking to an alcohol addiction support worker at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Opiates such as heroin are highly addictive drugs, and destroy lives in communities across the world- both directly and indirectly. It’s therefore vital to consider choosing a drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry, where intensive treatment is offered.

    Heroin addiction can have serious ramifications on the health and life of its users. But coming off it isn’t easy. Rehab can help you.

    Heroin withdrawal can result in unpleasant symptoms. A heroin detox at rehab in Coventry has been described as feeling like having flu; but it is very possible and quickly gets easier.

    Heroin is one of the most physically addictive drugs, so you’ll be prescribed medication at rehab such as buprenorphine and methadone help reduce symptoms and stop health complications.

    As with other substance use disorders, it’s hard to predict how long someone with a heroin addiction will remain in rehab. However, due to the severity of these addictions, longer-term stays of between 60-100 days are encouraged.

    This time frame is to ensure that both physical and psychological symptoms are addressed through implementing a bespoke rehab treatment plan. Such treatment plans consist of a medicated heroin detox, relapse prevention, and psychotherapy sessions.

    Ordinarily, behavioural counselling such as DBT is integral to these rehab treatment programmes. Completed on a one-to-one basis, DBT sessions investigate the emotional factors underpinning heroin use, such as past trauma and other life events.

    Alongside behavioural therapy, Contingency Management (CM) is another rehab treatment method that has been successful in maintaining sobriety. It does so by using an incentive-based system and rewards patients for reaching treatment-based milestones.

    Many rehabs for opiate use a voucher system, by which tokens are exchanged for items that encourage healthy living. Patients who receive tokens often exchange them for meal requests, additional alternative therapy, gym classes, and so on.

    Beat your heroin addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cannabis Treatment at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Though legalised in many countries, cannabis overuse is a serious issue impacting countless lives across the globe. according to an ONS study for the UK, 2.6 million adults reported using cannabis in 2020, with rates of hazardous consumption and cannabis addiction also on the rise.

    Cannabis use disorder is when cannabis begins to take hold over a person, leaving them feeling unable to cope with daily life without it. Typically, those entering rehabilitation for cannabis have tried to cease using but remain everyday users despite their efforts.

    Thankfully, help is accessible for those who are suffering from hazardous cannabis use in the form of a drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry.

    Like cocaine, cannabis is not physically addictive so there is no need for a cannabis detox. Instead, rehab treatment will focus on psychological healing.

    Some therapies can be adapted to suit both types of rehab treatment settings.

    Two examples are CBT and DBT: often implemented to help rehab patients manage their thoughts and feeling surrounding cannabis misuse.

    In addition to individual therapy, group therapy is often utilised in rehab for cannabis as they provide a sense of community. Therapeutic communities such as Narcotics Anonymous Coventry (NA), Alcoholics Anonymous Coventry (AA) and Cocaine Anonymous (CA) allow patients to share their stories and support others in recovery.

    Beat your cannabis addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Therapy Types at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Alcohol addiction patient writing in a journal at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    Alcohol addiction patient writing in a journal at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [28] produces guidance that keeps healthcare providers including rehab centres performing optimally. This includes the talking therapies often used in rehab centres and all other treatments.

    Group Therapy at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Family Therapy is one branch of group addiction counselling and has long been a staple of drug and alcohol rehab programmes. Sessions encourage loved ones to come together in a therapy setting and heal from the effects of SUD.

    Together, family members and friends of the affected individual can address their concerns. Over time, overall communication is improved as open dialogues are cultivated.

    FBT sessions are led by an experienced therapist on-site at a drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry. They’ll liaise with each family member to make sure needs are met, and damaged relationships are given the best chance to heal.

    Group therapy and group psychotherapy are also group-setting therapy approaches, so you can talk through your issues within a social environment of other people in rehab recovery.

    Codependency therapy at drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry focuses on changing enabling relationships to ensure people are responsible for their actions and discouraged from addictive behaviours.

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Dialectical Behaviour Therapy at drug and alcohol rehab is a style of behavioural therapy that focuses on managing intense emotions and trauma from past life events. While under the same umbrella as CBT, DBT addresses feelings rather than cognitive distortions.

    Healing from past life events is often successfully facilitated by DBT sessions at rehab. Oftentimes, there is a direct link between previous trauma and substance use, as people use drugs or alcohol to combat mental illness.

    Thankfully, patients can recover emotionally by having regular DBT sessions as part of their drug and alcohol rehab treatment plan. A trained DBT therapist is assigned to each case so that patients can build trust and rapport over time.

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry is a tried and tested form of psychotherapy and is popular in the field of addiction treatment services. Underpinned by countless scientific studies,  it aims to change the cognitive patterns that lead to substance dependency.

    Due to its proficiency in treating multiple addiction types, subjects can undertake CBT in outpatient or inpatient drug and alcohol rehab settings. With continued sessions, patients can retrain negative thought patterns, increase self-knowledge, and curate sustainable sobriety.

    Motivational Interviewing (MI) at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    MI aims to resolve ambivalence towards drug or alcohol rehab treatment by encouraging patients to form personal goals for recovery. This takes place in a one-to-one therapy setting under the guidance of a trained MI counsellor.

    Instead of tackling cognitive distortions, MI uses collaborative discussion to support patients at rehab through fluctuating motivation.

    Therefore, it’s most effective when used in tandem with behavioural counselling such as CBT and DBT at drug and alcohol rehab.

    Holistic and Alternative Therapy (HT) at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Due to its focus on cultivating healthy living post-treatment, alternative therapies are a crucial part of care at rehab. Holistic Therapy (HT) is unique in its focus on the individual as a whole- taking into account the mind, spirit, and body.

    HT sessions motivate patients to rediscover the hobbies or activities they may have lost to their addiction. They’ll be asked to form a list of goals for living a healthy life after leaving their chosen drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry.

    Drug and alcohol rehab patients are then presented with a variety of workshops based on the nature of these goals. Options are centred around the areas of exercise, mindfulness, and nutrition.

    They include but aren’t limited to, art therapy, music therapy, yoga, acupuncture, drama therapy, equine therapy, cooking classes and much more at drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry.

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is an up-and-coming, experimental therapy at rehab that follows eye movement patterns to reprocess past events and trauma.

    To experience any and all of these effective treatments at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Contingency Management at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Contingency Management reinforces sobriety after drug and alcohol rehab by rewarding small goals and achievements.

    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at drug and alcohol rehab works by accepting your feelings and previous actions, and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy emphasises logic and reason to steer away from irrational thoughts.

    Family TherapyGroup Therapy, and Codependency therapy at drug and alcohol rehab seek to remove any enabling relationships to ensure people are responsible for their actions and aren’t being consciously or unconsciously encouraged in addiction.

    Brief interventions will involve a quick, evidence-based conversation, while Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Motivational Interviewing focus on your reasons to become sober, to give you greater motivation to achieve it and maintain it after you leave drug and alcohol rehab.

    What is Relapse Prevention Planning at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry?

    Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    Group therapy for alcohol addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    While a short-term residency at drug and alcohol rehab can change someone’s life, there’s no fast-track route to lifelong sobriety. Relapse can still occur and is often a feature of recovery journeys.

    Experts have agreed [29] that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction rehab recovery.

    However, by choosing a leading drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry, patients can learn how to put relapse prevention strategies into action. They’ll be offered the tools to identify their triggers and overcome them post-rehab.

    A common example is the use of CBT methods at rehab to identify triggers. In behavioural therapy sessions, patients can analyse the cognitive patterns behind their drug or alcohol use, and take steps to manage them.

    Upon being discharged from drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry, patients are provided with additional 12-sStep Facilitation Therapy to link them with local AA and NA groups. These sessions encourage active participation in therapeutic communities and are completed on an outpatient schedule.

    Additionally, those in recovery at drug and alcohol rehab will benefit from the HALT relapse prevention method for maintaining sobriety. This model helps subjects take steps to improve their physical and mental health by helping them recognize if they’re in a vulnerable state.

    The HALT acronym represents 4 red flags of relapse following drug and alcohol rehab – hunger, anger, loneliness and tiredness. If an individual recognises these markers of ill-health, they can take steps to improve their situation and decrease potential cravings for a substance.

    In the endeavour to overcome relapse triggers after drug and alcohol rehab, the Cenaps Relapse Prevention Model [30] is another effective tool. While similar to the HALT method, Cenaps instead comprises 9 steps for managing triggers.

    These steps are designed to combine holistic and medical advice for comprehensive relapse prevention and the creation of sustainable abstinence after you leave rehab. The 9 articles include awareness, self-regulation, understanding, coping skills, and maintenance.

    Fortunately, there are a wealth of resources for overcoming relapse, which makes it even more important to create a drug and alcohol rehab treatment plan that’s personal to you.

    At a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry, an addiction specialist will use their expertise to identify your unique needs and create a care plan accordingly.

    Make sure that your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry helps you to prepare for relapse on 0800 088 66 86

    Alternatives to Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, but it isn’t for everyone.

    Despite the positives of inpatient care, many people are unable to go to drug and alcohol rehab or might feel that residential treatment in Coventry isn’t for them.

    In these cases, there are many alternative options for drug and alcohol rehab support to consider.

    Home Drug & Alcohol Detox & Rehabilitation

    Completing the detoxification phase at home is an appealing option for those battling addiction. It offers both financial and personal flexibility fordrug and alcoohl rehab patients who are high-functioning and have other responsibilities to consider.

    During this style of detoxification, a medical professional will visit the premises to ensure that the process is going well and that any symptoms are treated. Alongside these check-ins, any prescription drugs that have been suggested for their unique needs will be sent out in the post.

    While this might be a convenient situation for less severe addictions, it can be unsafe for those with acute SUD.

    Many individuals should avoid home detox and instead opt for a medically supported drug and alcohol rehab facility. Specifically, if they are consuming large amounts of said addictive substance (e.g 30 units of alcohol) or have failed to achieve sobriety in the past.

    Moreover, those who suffer from co-occurring disorders should seek the support of an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facility in which to detox. This can be either psychological or physical and can include depression, anxiety, a history of seizures, pregnancy, and so forth.

    Drug & Alcohol Fellowship Groups in Coventry

    Fellowship groups allow subjects to utilize a strong network of support with those who are also in recovery. Each group will specialise in a particular need or substance use disorder; examples include Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Recovery Training and Self-management.

    Such therapeutic communities are usually most optimal for post-rehab life when an individual has already undergone therapy. However, it is also an effective option for those who have not experienced inpatient care.

    Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a widely recognised fellowship group used in communities worldwide to help people recover from drug addictions. NA meetings aim to cultivate a strong support network over time while remaining non-profit and apolitical.

    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is another fellowship group that, like NA, is recognised the world over. Sessions offer a lifestyle guide to assist those with alcohol use disorder, usually through implementing a 12-step programme.

    SMART Recovery [31] is a self-help community offering a plethora of support for a range of substance use disorders. Online and in-person meetings are facilitated by therapists and SMART volunteers and encourage lifestyle changes through pro-social behaviour.

    Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment in Coventry

    Recovering on an outpatient basis is also an option for those wishing to choose a drug & alcohol rehab in Coventry. Many individuals continue outpatient care after completing rehab, while others are high-functioning enough to attend outpatient appointments as their only form of care.

    Many people struggling with SUD are drawn to outpatient treatment, as it means they can save money and recover at home. However, if addiction is caused by environmental or social factors, an individual will remain exposed to them while living at home, making recovery difficult.

    Whether you need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry, or one of these alternative services, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Types of Drug and Alcohol Rehab are Available in Coventry?

    Person typing on a laptop at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Person typing on a laptop at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Because addiction has become such a widespread problem in the UK, there are many different options for drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry. We know this can become overwhelming to people looking for treatment, which is why we’re here to help in any way we can. Because we’ve dealt with addiction personally, we know the challenges you’re facing.

    We can begin to help by discussing all the different options that are available to ensure the right drug and alcohol rehab to fit your needs is the one that is ultimately attended.

    Private Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    One option for drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry is going to a private care facility. A private drug and alcohol rehab is an excellent option for those looking to get the best treatment possible.

    Because private rehab (also known as residential drug and alcohol rehab or inpatient drug and alcohol rehab) allows a person to remove themselves from a familiar environment for the extent of their treatment, it can help immensely on their healing journey.

    When they go to private rehab, the only thing they need to focus on is getting well. There are no outside distractions and no one tempting them to go back to their old habits.

    It’s just them and a fully licensed staff, offering exactly the tools they need to help get them back on their feet and the information it takes to stay sober for good.

    Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Coventry

    Another option for drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry is going to an outpatient care facility.

    At an outpatient drug and alcohol rehab centre, patients don’t stay at the treatment centre and are expected to show up on a scheduled day for their addiction treatment.

    Outpatient care is a good option for those who have responsibilities that keep them from going to a private drug and alcohol rehab where they stay for an extended amount of time.

    A person with family, work, or school responsibilities could benefit from an outpatient treatment centre.

    Those with less severe addictions or people looking to continue with treatment after private drug and alcohol rehab is over could also benefit by going to outpatient drug and alcohol rehab.

    Free drug and alcohol rehab treatment services [32] run by both charities and the NHS available in Coventry include:

    1. Change Grow Live Drug & Alcohol Support – Coventry

    Address: 1a Lamb Street, Coventry, CV1 4AE

    Telephone: 02476 010 241


    2. Rise Drug & Alcohol Recovery – Coventry

    Address: Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry, CV1 4FS

    Telephone: 024 7696 1368


    3. Positive Choices – Coventry (CGL)

    Address: 23-25 City Arcade, Coventry, CV1 3HX

    Telephone: 02476 553 130


    4. Healthy Lifestyles – Coventry

    Address: Second Floor Office Suite John Sinclair House, Canal Basin, Coventry, CV1 4LY

    Telephone: 0800 122 3780


    5. Aquarius – Coventry

    Address: 8 Ironmonger Row, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 1FD

    Telephone: 07880 035 356


    You can also reach out to Change Grow Live [33] for more help with addiction near you.

    The NHS and NHS Foundation Trust are also there to help you.

    Whatever kind of addiction treatment in Coventry that you need, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    What Should I Expect When Going to Drug or Alcohol Rehab in Coventry?

    Packed suitcase next to a bed at a residential drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Packed suitcase next to a bed at a residential drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry

    Whether a person chooses to attend private residential drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or outpatient treatment instead, knowing what to expect is vital before making a final decision.

    While private and outpatient drug and alcohol rehab is decidedly different, the premise of going to either is virtually the same.

    The first thing a person can expect when getting professional drug and alcohol rehab treatment for drug or alcohol addiction is to go through the alcohol or drug detox process. Physical withdrawal from drugs or alcohol is often the reason people stay trapped in a vicious cycle of addiction.

    Coming off drugs or alcohol can be hard, even when at rehab. So hard in fact, that countless people choose to continue to use the very substances that they know are ruining their lives.

    Before any progress can be made to heal at the psychological levels necessary to overcome addiction for good, they must first heal on a physical level. This means going through the withdrawals that are an inevitable part of overcoming addiction.

    Drug and alcohol rehab n Coventry offers one the ability to withdraw safely with medical supervision, something many people need to make through this first (very vital) step of overcoming addiction for good.

    After a drug or alcohol detox is completed, the rest of one’s drug and alcohol rehab treatment plan can commence. This will include therapy, where a person talks to a professional counsellor or therapist.

    Talking to someone is crucial in order to not only better understand addiction, but also the reasons a patient has come to their present state of addiction. Addiction is something that stems from pain. And although difficult, it is uncovering and working through this pain that offers the most room for growth.

    When attending drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry, a person can expect to receive therapy on both an individual and group level. Private therapy sessions can help them discover more about themselves and their addiction, while group counselling can give them a sense of connection that can be very important during the recovery process.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry will also consist of different treatment modalities that will help an individual not only overcome their addiction but also help them integrate back into the world once treatment is over. Treatment options will differ from centre to centre, but will most often include physical exercises such as walking, yoga, or working out.

    Equine therapy is also a popular drug and alcohol rehab treatment option.

    Other treatments could include art therapy, holistic approaches to treating addiction, and much, much more. Private rehab in Coventry will offer more options for different choices of preferred treatment modalities. We can help find a treatment that will complement an individual’s best interest.

    Because assimilating back into society once addiction treatment is over can prove to be difficult for even the most determined of individuals, treatment at drug and alcohol rehab will offer the best ways to successfully sustain sobriety outside. This may include different strategies to avoid relapse, job skills, information on how to attain housing and more.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry looks at every aspect a person needs to successfully recover, with the integration skills necessary to get back into the “real world” being one of the top priorities.

    Make sure that you attend drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry with the right expectations by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86

    What Should I Expect After Drug or Alcohol Rehab in Coventry?

    Two women hugging at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    Two women hugging after alcohol treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    Rehab in Coventry doesn’t necessarily end after treatment is over. A quality rehab programme will include a detailed aftercare strategy.

    Attending aftercare is vital if a person wishes to effectively overcome their addiction for a lifetime. During aftercare treatment following drug and alcohol rehab, a patient will often access continued individual therapy or group counselling.

    Going to various recovery meetings every week may be advised once you have left drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry, with programmes such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and being viable choices.

    These programmes are free and have helped countless individuals worldwide to maintain sobriety after drug and alcohol rehab.

    While aftercare is something that is often overlooked by people in recovery, the importance of receiving continued support after rehab in Coventry cannot be stressed enough.

    Because relapse affects some 50-90 per cent of people who attempt to get sober, it is extremely important to do what it takes to maintain sobriety. Aftercare is something that will help to ensure that a person continues on their path of sobriety without giving in to temptation.

    Drug and alcohol rehab provides a safe haven away from old habits and influences which can be vital for healthier coping mechanisms to be established.

    Sober living houses can give you a fresh start, with a secure, trigger-free space that encourages sobriety.

    Match your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry with an equally effective aftercare plan by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86

    How Do I Choose a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry?

    A kitchen at a rehab in Coventry

    When the time comes to choose a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry, it is not only important to know what to expect, but also some of the different options you have when choosing treatment.

    There are a variety of different ways to treat addiction, with some of these options listed below:

    • For those who are addicted, some drug and alcohol rehab centres will offer the complete package and start a detox programme as soon as the person is admitted to drug and alcohol rehab. In other centres, they expect the individual to have already done this first stage of recovery.
    • Every drug and alcohol rehab treatment centre will certainly have its own idea of what the individuals have to go through. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) use the 12-step programme, which is a spiritual approach that harnesses a higher power. Some drug and alcohol rehab centres in Coventry will follow this same path. Other centres, however, will have a different policy but the same goal in mind.
    • Different drug and alcohol rehab centres have different rules, with some being for one gender only. Others may not take people under a certain age or vice versa. If there is also a question of mental health problems along with addiction, then some drug and alcohol rehab centres are not equipped to deal with this.
    • Some drug and alcohol rehab centres will cater exclusively to inpatients, while others are strictly outpatient. Inpatient drug and alcohol rehab offers a much more effective regime but some people have commitments that will not allow this.
    • The number of people in the drug and alcohol rehab centre at any given time will almost certainly vary from just a few to a dozen or more, and this truly all depends on the specific drug and alcohol rehab centre one attends. The smaller the number of people being treated, the more intense the programme will be. Larger facilities give more support to the attendees, though, and lifelong friendships are sometimes forged in this way.
    • Some drug and alcohol rehab clinics can be rather exclusive and luxurious, but it stands to reason that they will be more expensive. Facilities could include single rooms, TVs, gyms or other such ‘luxury’ surroundings that some people do not want to live without. By calling us, individuals can find out the different options for private drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry.
    • Foreign drug and alcohol rehab centres can sometimes offer rates that are more economical and this is becoming increasingly popular. They sometimes offer different kinds of options not found in the home country or region.

    Make sure that you choose the best possible drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    How Do I Contact Rehab Recovery for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry?

    Alcohol addiction patient contacting a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    Alcohol addiction patient contacting a drug and alcohol rehab in Coventry or near Coventry

    For more information on drug and alcohol rehab options in Coventry, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.

    When you contact us, we shall outline a variety of treatment options that are available to you in Coventry.

    This includes both private and statutory addiction treatments.

    Every drug and alcohol rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission. [35]

    Get help for addiction across the West Midlands, including in Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Solihull, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall, West Bromwich and many others.

    References for Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Coventry and near Coventry




































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