Drug & Alcohol Rehab Derbyshire & Near Derbyshire
In Derbyshire, there’s been a surge in alcohol and drug-related deaths in recent years, highlighting the need for drug and alcohol rehab. [1]
It’s likely many more require rehab treatment than those in the reports, but many struggles to access treatment.
There is help available that can help you to make a full recovery. Drug Alcohol Rehab Derbyshire can offer a range of therapies and person-centred care to allow you to get sober in a safe environment, while you’re made as safe and comfortable as possible.
Many alcohol and drug rehabilitation centres have high success rates and can help you recover from alcohol or substance use disorder
into a new life of sobriety.
How Can Drug & Alcohol Rehab Help In or Near Derbyshire?
The rehabs we recommend are some of the leading centres in the UK, with current treatments recognised by organisations such as the American Society of Addiction Medicine [3].
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence [4] provides addiction guidance for health and social care providers to ensure they’re up-to-date and performing at their best.
A brief intervention at rehab is a technique used to instigate change in unhealthy and risky behaviours. During these interventions, a therapist will investigate and offer you advice.
Spending time dedicated to recovering can take you away from relapse triggers, and address any relationships you have where codependency or other unhealthy dynamics may be enabling your addiction.
To begin your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab Derbyshire, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
What is Dual Diagnosis at Drug & Alcohol Rehab Derbyshire?
It’s well known in the addiction field that the vast majority of people living with addictions usually have mental health problems too. In fact, the mental issue is often what underpins an addiction development.
Whether it be depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety or trauma, addiction can form from these roots.
A dual diagnosis can make all the difference to how your time at rehab goes. This is because if you have a mental health problem, it will identify this.
Psychiatric treatment can help you heal the root cause of your addiction, making recovery easier and solving the problem in the long run.
It’s important professionals understand everything that you’re facing in order to provide you with the most appropriate treatments. Therefore, during your assessments, it’s really important that you share honestly all the symptoms you experience and how you feel about life in general.
Drug and alcohol rehabs in Derbyshire treat both the underlying mental illness as well as the addiction.
When people are suffering from mental health issues, it’s common to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, and this can include substance use, eating disorders, and many other behaviours and diseases.
There are alternatives to alcohol and drug rehabilitation, if you need to seek free help. Organisations across the UK offer mental health support at no cost to yourselves, whether you are also suffering from addiction or not.
Some of these include Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.
To find out more about how addiction treatment services in Derbyshire or near Derbyshire will provide you with ample mental health support, call us today on 0800 088 66 86
What Types of Addictions Are Treated at Drug & Alcohol Rehab Derbyshire?
Through drug and alcohol recovery in Derbyshire or near Derbyshire, individuals are able to access rehabilitation for all types of addiction, whether this is to substances such as alcohol, cocaine, cannabis and heroin, or even behavioural addictions such as gambling and newer emerging addictions such as internet and social media addictions [5].
By contacting Rehab Recovery, individuals will be asked a series of questions to determine which form of rehabilitation will be best for them and their individual needs.
This will help the team at Rehab Recovery to suggest suitable treatments, either in the local area or in a residential rehab centre as part of a full rehab programme.
Depending on the individual, how intense their addiction is and the symptoms that they experience, any provider of rehabilitative treatments will assess the individual’s progress, determining whether or not it is a suitable course of treatment as well as adjusting treatment programmes where necessary.
This ensures that the individual continues to benefit from rehabilitation, before, during, and after the process of rehab, and continuing long into the future when implemented correctly.
Whatever type of addiciton you suffer from, get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire or near Derbyshire by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
What is Alcohol Rehab for Alcohol Addiction?
Alcohol addiction will be diagnosed at alcohol rehab with an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test [6]. This includes the CAGE questionnaire [7] – a set of questions about your use and feelings towards alcohol.
A dependence to alcohol binge drinking can manifest in occasional binge drinking, as well as frequent and regular drinking.
Some of the free and supplementary services you can access for alcohol addiction include Al-Anon [8] and Alateen [9].
Alcohol detox and drug withdrawal will need to be completed carefully, overseen by a professional to avoid health complications like alcohol withdrawal symptoms, alcohol withdrawal syndrome and Delirium Tremens.
Will Rehab In or Near Derbyshire Cure Me of my Addiction?
At its simplest, addiction can be referred to as a compulsive behavioural abnormality [13], and although most behavioural disorders can be treated slowly over time with appropriate therapies and holistic treatments, addiction is also considered far more complex and multi-dimensional than some other disorders.
In short, addiction cannot be cured completely.
Instead, through drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire, individuals will work toward coping mechanisms and lifestyle changes specialised to their individual needs and requirements.
With the right attitude, motivation, and desire to recover, any individual can benefit from going through rehabilitation and developing tools to help them manage their addiction in the long term.
Get the help you need to keep on top of addiction from a drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire – call us today on 0800 088 66 86
What are the Treatment Types at Rehab in Derbyshire or Near Derbyshire?
Professionally supported alcohol and drug rehabilitation in Derbyshire is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, for a variety of reasons.
Going to a private rehab clinic in Derbyshire brings with it many benefits. These are environments that are designed to make you feel comfortable.
If necessary, you’ll undergo a clinical detox at rehab. You will be under the care of a doctor who is an expert on the substance you’re addicted to and how to manage your withdrawal symptoms to keep you as comfortable as possible.
Medications can be provided for detox at rehab, such as Buprenorphine and Chlordiazepoxide.
For those going through heroin withdrawal, morphine, codeine, buprenorphine or methadone can be prescribed that will lessen the impact.
The Care Quality Commission vets all of the rehabs we recommend, to ensure treatments are of a high standard.
Types of Therapy at Rehab in or near Derbyshire
- Psychiatric assessments
- Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Talking therapies
- Individual therapy
- Motivational interviewing
- Motivational therapy
- Group psychotherapy and group therapy
- Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
- Family therapy
- Couples therapy
- Dialectical behaviour therapy
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
- Alternative therapies – yoga, reiki, art therapy and music therapy, drama therapy, equine therapy and mindfulness
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Contingency management
If residential drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire seems like the right choice for you, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is Private Rehab vs NHS Rehab in Derbyshire?
Although it’s great that government-funded options are free, there are some differences to private alcohol and drug rehabilitation clinics in Derbyshire.
The NHS, NHS Foundation Trusts [14] and other charitable addiction services offer a streamlined programme of addiction treatment in Derbyshire.
The Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust [15] offers a recovery partnership, and drug and alcohol service in your area, to provide local support. This includes Royal Derby Hospital [16].
At an NHS rehabilitation service, there will be a timetable of group sessions as well as some addiction counselling.
Occasionally, there might be short courses of alternative therapies available, such as ear acupuncture, which is often used in addiction treatment.
All treatment is under an outpatient rehab service. There is quite often limited availability to see staff.
Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – rehab is about treating the disease of addiction.
The many benefits of private rehab in Derbyshire include the following:
- Reduced waiting lists so you can have a quick admission
- 24-hour care. This is necessary where people are facing cravings as well as distressing withdrawal symptoms
- Personalised care for your unique needs
NHS and other free addiction treatment services available as an alternative to drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire include:
1. Change Grow Live Derbyshire
Address: The Drop Inn Unit 1, Belper, DE56 1UQ
Telephone: 01773 303646
Website: https://www.changegrowlive.org/
2. CAMHS near Derbyshire
Address: Temple House, Mill Hill Lane, Derby, DE23 6SA
Telephone: 0300 790 0264
3. Turning Point Derby, near Derbyshire
Address: Suite 2.1 Southgate Business Centre, Normanton Road, Derby, DE23 6UQ
Telephone: 01332 368300
Website: https://www.turning-point.co.uk/
4. Derbyshire Alcohol Advice Service
Address:1st Floor, Dents Chamber, 81 New Square, Chesterfield S40 1AH
Telephone: 01246206514
Website: https://daas.uk.com/
For more help choosing between private and public alcohol or drug rehabilitation in Derbyshire, call us on 0800 088 66 86.
When is Residential Rehab in Derbyshire Suitable?
Many people need to go to rehab in Derbyshire, but it’s not actually for every drug user and drinker.
Actually, for those with mild use, staying as a rehab resident isn’t helpful as the treatments are geared towards people with more serious symptoms and side effects.
People with the following symptoms should definitely aim to enter rehab in Derbyshire for a residential stay in order to gain sobriety:
- Those who keep trying to stop using but keep failing to do so.
- People with mental health problems alongside the addiction, and those experiencing suicidal thoughts.
- Those who become aggressive if they have drunk or taken drugs as well at the risk of hurting themselves.
- People who have developed Delirium Tremens and/or have seizures if they have stopped drinking.
- Where Wernicke’s encephalopathy has developed.
- Where people are drinking more than 30 units a day.
- People who are using in more and more dangerous ways.
- Those who have built up a tolerance and are using more of the substance or mixing substances to feel an effect.
- People experience pain, sickness and diarrhoea when they have gone without the drug for a short while.
If you’re unsure whether or not residential drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire is the right choice, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
What are the Alternatives to Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation in Derbyshire?
Not everyone who is using drugs or drinking will be suitable for rehab. Also, some people will go to rehab and come out requiring lighter input in order to stay focused.
In these cases, alternative support can be gained in the following places:
- SMART Recovery Groups [17]
- Narcotics Anonymous [18], Alcoholics Anonymous [19] and Cocaine Anonymous [20]
- Family groups support family members around the person who is addicted
- A home detox where a doctor will oversee a patient detoxing at home
- Outpatient services where people remain living at home but attend clinics for particular treatments
A call to Rehab Recovery will clarify which of the above will be most suitable to your needs.
To learn more about the many alternative addiction treatment services in Derbyshire, call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86.
How Do I Host an Intervention in Preparation for Rehab in Derbyshire?
When families are affected by addiction, it has deep repercussions for all involved. The emotional strain manifests in each family member differently.
Some will enter an enabling relationship with the addicted person, while others might become totally apathetic. This too can create strain as different people react in their own unique way.
If the addicted person is in denial of their problem, there are things you can do. The truth is, though, you’re going to need a little input.
This is in order for you to learn how to look after yourself and prevent emotional exhaustion so that the person with the addiction is guided in a positive way.
An intervention with a family member and professional can make a huge difference. This is a meeting where you voice your concerns and the evidence of the person’s addiction.
The professional will then guide you through treatment options, including alcohol and drug rehabilitation clinics.
For advice and guidance hosting an intervention in order to convince a loved one to seek addiction treatment in Derbyshire, call us on 0800 088 66 86.
How a CRAFT Intervention Supports Families
The CRAFT intervention method offers families a solid framework of tools they can use to approach their loved one. Even where the person denies the problem, there are ways you can address this calmly.
CRAFT focuses on using positive communication so that family members are setting effective boundaries. The main emphasis is on using the family’s expert knowledge on their loved one’s behaviours and using this in adapting their language and communication in order to emphasise what the person is doing well.
When more positive dynamics evolve in families, there is more space for change to occur.
In one study [21], 87% of family members completed CRAFT treatment sessions offered to them, and 74% were successful in encouraging their loved one struggling with addiction to enter treatment of some form.
Can I Force My Loved One to Go to Rehab?
No one can be forced to do something that they don’t want to, and unfortunately addiction as a disorder can have high rates of denial.
However, there are some techniques and treatments that can be employed when it comes to encouraging a loved one to enter rehabilitation services.
Interventions, for example, are good ways to encourage individuals to enter treatment in Derbyshire, without involving blame culture or increased pressure on the individual themselves.
During an intervention, each individual involved (including the individuals struggling with addiction, their family, and sometimes close friends) has a chance to speak about their experiences of the individual’s addiction, helping all members involved to understand their perspective and experience a little better.
From this, the family (and often a counsellor or interventionist) can help to recommend suitable treatments, having a high chance of success when implemented effectively.
If you want to learn more about hosting a CRAFT intervention to help a loved one access addiction treatment in Derbyshire, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is the Financial Cost of Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Derbyshire?
The majority of people will stay for 28 days, this allows for a medically-assisted detox period followed by courses of therapy. It’s really important that addicted people have therapy.
This is where deep healing occurs and what causes the best foundation for sustainable recovery.
A 28-day stay at rehab in Derbyshire usually costs around £6,000 if you opt for a multi-occupancy room. It’s between £8,000-£12,000 for a bedroom on your own.
Some people might enter rehab purely for a 10-day detox. Although staying longer in order to receive therapies is advised, a detox is incredibly important for those with physical dependencies to regain control of their health.
A 10-day detox stays in a single occupancy room costs between £3,000-£6,000. For a shared room, it’s around £2,000-£4,000.
In the case of a person who is identified as being low-risk by a doctor, a home detox might be recommended. This is where the person is in daily contact with a doctor and receives medication each day to manage their withdrawal safely in order to come off their substance.
This type of detox costs around £1,500, however only certain people with mild addictions will be able to access it.
Will My Insurance Cover Rehab in or near Derbyshire?
Again, this is a very situational factor when it comes to addiction. Health insurance can either be privately owned or provided through an individual’s place of work.
Through an individual’s workplace in Derbyshire, they may need to check the exact coverage of their healthcare plan, including whether or not it covers rehabilitation services.
To get a more accurate estimation of how much your drug rehab in Derbyshire will cost, call us on 0800 088 66 86
How Do You Choose the Right Rehab in Derbyshire For You?
There are many rehab options for you in the Derbyshire area. It’s good to know a little about what you’re looking for before you or Rehab Recovery (on your behalf) contacts the clinic for a referral.
Some clinics will place more emphasis on the 12-Step Approach, whereas others might be more therapy-based.
The 12 Step process is a spiritual approach which asks for guidance from a higher power.
What works for you is down to your personality. It’s worth having a chat with our team about this if you think that would help.
Tips for choosing the ideal rehab for you include:
- Look at the costs; choose a rehab that suits your budget.
- Speak with a member of staff at each of the clinics you’re considering and opt for the one who makes you feel more at ease.
- Go for a clinic with specialist staff who have lots of experience treating people with similar issues as you.
- Check out the clinic’s reviews and go for one that consistently rates highly.
- Choose a clinic with years of experience and a solid track record for supporting people to recover.
To discuss your options for drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire, call our team on 0800 088 66 86
Can I Recover From Addiction Without Professional Help at Rehab?
It is never recommended to attempt recovery from addiction without any professional help and support.
This is because of the dangers associated with withdrawing from specific substances such as alcohol and heroin.
Through drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire, support will always be available to those who seek it.
Though some studies have shown [23] that it is possible to recover without formal treatment, it is still stressed that the nature of these individuals’ treatments – whether formal or not – is unknown and should therefore not be used as an example for others thinking about attempting to recover without formal help.
Get the support you need to overcome addiction safely and effectively at a drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire by calling out team today on 0800 088 66 86
Detox at rehab: What does it involve? Do I need one?
A detox at rehab is necessary for people living with physical dependencies. When you withdraw, the symptoms can be uncomfortable at best and fatal at worst.
These symptoms are usually at their worst when the person reaches 24-72 hours after their last dose of the substance.
When a person withdraws from alcohol they’ll experience tremors, sweating, nausea, perhaps diarrhoea, mood swings, hallucinations, and insomnia. Alcohol withdrawal can even cause seizures and these can lead to death.
At a rehab in Derbyshire, a person will be under the care of a doctor who will oversee the detox. This is the period of time the substance is eliminated from the person’s body and they’ll be prescribed Librium.
In the first few days, the Librium dose will be a little higher. The doctor will slowly reduce the prescription over the following 10 days in order for withdrawal symptoms to be managed and for the person to remain safe.
Residents of rehab in Derbyshire who are undergoing detox are advised to remain for another three weeks to be treated therapeutically. This offers the chance for long-term healing to begin.
Therapists at rehab work with the patient to unravel the causes of the addiction and how to change behaviours.
A relapse prevention plan will also be developed. The addicted person will discuss with the staffing team what emotional and environmental triggers they have, how they have handled relapse in the past, and they’ll identify positive activities they can get involved with in order to remain sober.
What is a Medically-Assisted Drug and Alcohol Detox?
In the case of long-term or other serious cases of alcohol addiction, as well as many other substance addiction cases, it may be suitable to consider the suitability of a medically assisted detox.
This is where a medical professional will intervene during the detoxification process with a specially selected course of medication that is designed to reduce the negative effects of the withdrawal process.
In some cases, this may also help the individual to recover in other areas of their life, too. For example, some studies [24] have looked at the impact of medically assisted withdrawal in relation to individuals’ social lives and how this may impact their ability to re-enter previous social circles.
To discuss your options for detox at a drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire, call our team on 0800 088 66 86
How Long Will I Have To Stay at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Derbyshire?
A stay at rehab in Derbyshire will differ according to what you’re addicted to, the severity of your addiction, and the treatments that you need. It is, however, advisable for the majority of people who enter rehab to stay for around 28 days.
Some people will need 7-10 days solely focused on a medical detox when they first enter rehab. This is especially the case where people are addicted to alcohol, heroin, or benzodiazepines. These substances cause the brain and body to physically react when the substance reduces in the body which is why medications and doctor supervision is essential.
Sometimes the body can actually shut down. This is why clinical supervision is so important. After the detox, they’ll then begin psychological therapies.
People with psychological addictions, which is what occurs in the case of addictions to cannabis, cocaine, ketamine, and amphetamines require psychological therapies.
They won’t require the detox as their bodies won’t go into physical withdrawal.
In the case, however, that the person has a dual diagnosis, there might be a prescription to support them in relation to a mental health problem.
For a more accurate estimation of how long your time at rehab in Derbyshire will take, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is the Rehab for Cocaine Addiction in Derbyshire?
If you have lost control of how you use cocaine, it’s likely you’ve developed a substance use disorder.
Cocaine has long-lasting devastating effects on your physical and mental health.
Sadly, many people while in the grips of addiction will find this hard to see, and drug withdrawal may prevent you from stopping or cutting down your usage.
Cocaine and crack cocaine affect your heart, lungs, various organs in the body, your skin, nose, and gums. On top of that, it upsets mood regulation and people can develop mental health problems too.
The best way to treat substance use disorders is with a drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire.
At a dedicated drug rehabilitation centre in Derbyshire, treatments are focused on the psychological. The therapist will work with you to understand the cognitive processes which underpin your behaviour.
With their guidance, you will start to rewrite your thoughts in order to change how you act. You’ll also take part in alternative therapies and relaxed activities.
To begin your recovery from cocaine addiction at a rehab in Derbyshire, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is Rehab for Heroin Addiction in Derbyshire?
Heroin creates a physical addiction. You’ll begin treatment with a detox. This will include a tapered withdrawal process where you’ll be prescribed medication such as Subutex to manage the symptoms.
The detox lasts around 7 days. You’ll have regular contact with a doctor as well as therapists and drug workers in order to see you through difficult moments.
After detox, you’ll then begin psychological and alternative therapies. You learn to open up and share about your past, what life is like for you now, and what you want from the future.
The professional staff will guide you in order to build your resolve to quit heroin and your skills in being able to do so.
Detoxing from heroin often results in a drug withdrawal, as this is a physically addictive substance. You will therefore need a medical detox.
To begin your recovery from heroin addiction at a rehab in Derbyshire, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is Rehab for Cannabis Addiction in Derbyshire?
There are treatment programmes for those with cannabis addiction. These also focus on psychological healing. Many people believe cannabis is filled with health benefits because it’s sometimes used in the medical field.
The truth is, strains of cannabis people smoke in the UK aren’t regulated. They have extremely high levels of the psychoactive chemical THC and also many people smoke cannabis with tobacco which is highly addictive.
This can result in a substance use disorder.
It’s also not commonly known that cannabis can exacerbate mental health problems. A person might therefore experience extreme anxiety, insomnia, paranoia, and even psychosis as a result of their use.
Psychotherapists will use integrated therapy methods to guide you towards changing how you think about cannabis. They’ll support you to identify new ways of coping and relaxing so that you don’t return to using them in the future.
Drug rehabilitation is a the best way to ensure you’ll be successful.
To begin your recovery from cannabis addiction at a rehab in Derbyshire, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is Relapse Prevention Planning at Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Derbyshire?
When you imagine going to rehab in Derbyshire, you might quickly start thinking about how long you’ll be able to remain sober when you leave. This is natural.
Addiction is, after all, a lifelong disease. It’s essential that you’re supported and have a solid plan in place that, if you stick to it, will keep you sober.
The staff at the clinic will discuss with you what you need that will support your life of abstinence. There will be very honest conversations around what has caused you to relapse in the past and what in your life triggers you towards using the substance.
Many people find it hard to stop spending time with previous acquaintances and frequenting their old haunts, however, this often makes all the difference in whether you relapse or not.
Triggers can be emotional, physical, and environmental. At rehab in Derbyshire, all of these will be addressed and planned for. You’ll also start thinking about how to develop a healthier lifestyle with meaningful activities for you to get involved with.
Creating new positive habits is essential in keeping you sober.
To learn more about how rehab can prepare you to avoid relapse in the future, call us on 0800 088 66 86
HALT: A relapse prevention tool to help you stay sober
HALT stands for Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, and Tired. As you’ll notice these are conditions you’ll experience as a human.
When you’re addicted to a substance, relapse can be triggered when you suddenly feel overwhelmed in one of these areas.
The goal of HALT is that during the moment you feel triggered or experience a craving, you halt and ask yourself if you’re lacking in one of these areas.
Hungry means in the literal sense, yes, but one can also feel hungry emotionally. If you feel as though you need human connection, some understanding, or a person to talk to, you can call someone or arrange to see someone rather than return to the substance.
If you suddenly feel angry in reaction to a trigger, you halt for a moment and take time to relax. You focus on breathing and taking yourself away from the trigger and instead turn your energy into a healthy activity that you enjoy.
Addiction commonly is experienced with feelings of loneliness and isolation. When you begin recovery, you might feel this as you disconnect from old friends.
It’s important you turn to people you can trust who are invested in your recovery in these moments. Many people join tai chi, yoga, and sporty classes in order to connect with others in new ways.
Often, people with addictions, especially where they also have a mental health problem can experience fatigue and burn-out quickly. Rather than pushing on and reaching a point where you’re too exhausted to think properly and might use the substance, it’s really important to halt, rest, and recuperate.
This is your time to recover and you need to do so in every aspect.
Begin your recovery at a rehab in Derbyshire today – call us on 0800 088 66 86
What Happens After I Leave Rehab?
After you leave rehab, you’ll receive aftercare support to ensure you’re equipped to continue sobriety as you begin your new life in recovery.
The term “aftercare” refers to a variety of activities and coping techniques which support someone who is through rehabilitation.
This may involve having a relationship with a sponsor, participating in 12-step programmes or recovery groups, staying in a sober living facility, or attending individual or group counselling sessions.
Because you’re more at risk for relapse during the first few months after finishing a treatment program, having a strong aftercare plan is essential.
Sober living houses can act as a good transition between rehab and the rest of the world, to bridge the gap and allow you to transition slowly.
Ensure that your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire is matched by an equally effective aftercare plan by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
What is Alcoholics Anonymous?
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a treatment programme for those struggling with alcoholism that is well documented and studied, being one of the most recognisable and widely recommended treatment programmes available in the modern world.
During an AA meeting in Derbyshire or in any other UK location, individuals can share their own and learn from others’ experiences of recovery, addiction, and the lessons that they can pass on.
This is a great way to make meaningful realisations about the individual’s own future of recovery, but is also a chance to make friends, establish social connections, and develop a robust support group of the individual’s own.
Though it may have a religious background and conception, AA is suitable for all individuals, and suitable groups can be accessed by anyone regardless of their religious associations.
Discover your local Alcoholics Anonymous groups and find out what they can do to help you beat alcohol addiction by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
What is Narcotics Anonymous?
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a service, similar to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) that aims to support individuals struggling with substance addiction, but covers more than just alcoholism.
It is one of the most understudied treatments in the field of addiction due to its comparisons with AA, but still provides a strong supporting network for individuals struggling with addiction, either at the beginning of their recovery journey or as part of an aftercare programme.
Whether an individual is taking part in an NA meeting in Derbyshire, or in any other part of the UK, they are likely to make meaningful progress and gain new experiences that will help them in their long-term recovery – assuming full commitment and motivation when it comes to getting the most out of the meetings that they may attend.
One study suggests [10] that further research into NA, both in terms of its reputation as an ‘underground social movement’ but also as a major treatment style for the recovery of drug addicts.
Find out how Narcotics Anonymous can help you by talking with our addiciton experts on 0800 088 66 86
What is SMART Recovery?
SMART Recovery, standing for Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART), is a relatively new approach when it comes to addiction treatment.
In general, it is used as an aftercare treatment, suitable for those who have completed the bulk of their rehabilitation but require further support after leaving their provider of rehabilitation treatment.
Using a combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT, and other self-learning techniques, individuals have the opportunity to enhance their understanding of their addiction, as well as their own next steps for the future of their recovery.
SMART Recovery is most effective [25] when used consistently over a long period of time, not stopped and started over a stuttered period of time.
To learn more about anything read today, or to get started on your recovery journey, contact Rehab Recovery using our dedicated addiction support line on 0800 088 66 86
Frequently Asked Questions About Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Derbyshire
Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Teens Work?
In the UK, as well as in many other countries – some more than others [26] – there are serious cases of addiction among teenagers and young adults.
In and around Derbyshire, there are treatment programmes and rehab centres that are specialised for the care of young people, but how effective are they?
Much the same as treatment for adults, it is only effective when the individual has the motivation and desire to recover, as well as the most suitable addiction treatments for them.
These treatments may be carried out on a more regular basis for young people, as well as include activities which the individual was previously engaged in before entering rehabilitation.
The inclusion of holistic treatments such as this is a great way to maintain engagement and interest in a treatment programme, especially when it comes to younger individuals.
Do I Have to Tell My Boss About Attending Drug and Alcohol Rehab?
In a professional work environment, employees are never obliged to tell their employers about any personal issues that they may be struggling with at home.
However, if the individual is thinking about quitting or pausing work while they attend rehabilitation, then they may need to consider letting someone know.
If an individual is simply leaving their position in Derbyshire to attend rehabilitation, then they may not need to inform their employer – stating ‘personal issues’ on their letter of resignation.
However, if the individual is thinking about returning, even if this is a slight possibility, then letting their employer know that they will be attending rehabilitation may be necessary in order to secure their position when they return.
There are many situations in which an individual may or may not speak to their employer about their situation at work, but Rehab Recovery can advise on any situation in which an individual may need to inform another person about their addiction.
How Do I Tell My Family I’m Going to Rehab in Derbyshire?
As with the above paragraph, there is no legal obligation for an individual to inform those around them about their circumstances (as long as they are older than 18 years), but it is still important to consider the practicalities of this decision.
For example, if an individual lives with their family in Derbyshire, then it is important that they are informed that you may not be at home for an extended period of time, but it may not always be necessary to inform them of the reason.
This should be considered, however, as addiction can also affect those around the individual who may be struggling (see previous paragraphs).
To get confidential advice on how best to approach these conversations, as well as information about your rights and who and who does not have the right to know about your rehabilitation journey, get in touch with Rehab Recovery today.
How Can I Refer Myself to Rehab?
Yes, an individual can always admit themselves to rehabilitation.
This can be done by contacting local services in Derbyshire, but it can also be achieved by contacting Rehab Recovery – a drug addiction referral service specialised in matching individuals to their ideal treatment programmes.
From this, individuals will be recommended the most suitable next steps in their rehabilitation journey, including taking part in a detox, attending local counselling sessions, or entering residential care, as well as many other forms of treatment and care.
Will My Rehab Programme be Confidential?
Through Rehab Recovery, all individuals’ conversations, data, and information will be kept completely confidential.
No information will be spread to others unless the individual poses as a high risk to themselves, others, or are below the age of 18 years.
This means that individuals can access advice and treatment suggestions without anyone else knowing if this is what they desire.
They can also keep their progress, attempts, and treatment programmes completely private if they so choose.
Do Rehab Centers Provide Gender-Specific Treatment?
Though it may be typically thought that men often struggle more than women when it comes to substance addictions and gambling addictions, this is a difference that has been closing more and more in recent years [27].
Some residential addiction centres offer care for one gender (i.e., male-only facilities, female-only facilities), but this may only be a choice for individuals who prefer this form of recovery over mixed recovery environments.
There is no research to suggest whether or not single-sex recovery environments are more or less effective than mixed recovery environments, so this is a choice that solely relies on the individual and their preferences.
If an individual would feel more comfortable recovering in a centre with only their own gender then this will be considered when suggesting suitable residential centres, but is only down to the individual’s request.
If you have any further questions about drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
How Do I Get Help Today?
If you or a loved one are suffering with an alcohol or substance use disorder and would like to take back control of your like and overcome your addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Derbyshire, contact Rehab Recovery today.
Every rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission – the independent regulator of health and social care in England.
The Care Quality Commission regulates and improves health and social care services to ensure they’re providing safe, successful, caring, and gold standard services.
Get help for addiction across Derbyshire, including in Derby, Chesterfield, Ashbourne, Buxton, Matlock, Bakewell, Glossop, Belper, Wirksworth, Shirebrook, Dronfield, Ikeston, Darley Dale, Bolsover, New Mills, Alfreton, Long Eaton, Swadlincote, Staveley, Ripley, Heanor, Whaley Bridge, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Eckington, Duffield, Ashton in the Water, Crich, Somercotes, Sandiacre, Clay Cross, Castleton, Creswell, Whitwell, Wingerworth, Clowne, Willingdon, Baslow, Tansley and many more towns and cities across the Midlands and East Midlands.
If you would prefer to go to rehab elsewhere in Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Derbyshire, and Rutland, Nottinghamshire, or Leicestershire, reach out to us. Your rehab is your choice.
To discuss your drug and alcohol rehab options with one of our team, call us on 0800 088 66 86.
[1] https://www.drinkanddrugsnews.com/behind-the-data/
[4] https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/health-protection/drug-misuse
[5] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10214023/
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[16] https://www.derbyshirehealthcareft.nhs.uk/contact-us/getting-to-us/royal-derby-hospital
[17] https://uk.meetings.smartrecovery.org/meetings/?location=Derbyshire&coordinates=50
[18] https://meetings.ukna.org/meeting/Derbyshire
[20] https://meetings.cocaineanonymous.org.uk/meetings/Derbyshire
[21] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10689661/
[22] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2688470/
[23] https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2017-43247-010
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[25] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28165272/
[26] https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icems-17/25895165