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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Sedgley

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Sedgley

    Sedgley is located in the Borough of Dudley, in the West Midlands of England. The Borough of Dudley had almost 1000 new presentations for treatment from 2019 to 2020.

    • Of the 953 new presentations, 27% of them were parents living with their children, 34% were parents living without children, and 39% were parents with no contact with their children. [1]
    • A substance abuse report on the West Midlands in 2017 found that heroin and crack cost the area around £1.4 billion a year. The users that did not enter treatment were committing crimes that cost the local area around £26,000 per year.
    • Around 1 in 5 crimes that are committed in the West Midlands are committed by people who use illicit drugs regularly.
    • Since 2010, the number of people dying from drug poisoning has been rising. In 2017, the government recorded that someone dies from drugs every 3 days in the West Midlands, the highest number since records began. [2]

    Breaking free from this level of addiction and substance-related issues involves finding help for dependencies and harmful addictive behaviour. If you are currently living in Sedgley and think you or someone you love might need help, you have come to the right place.

    The first step of recovery involves understanding addiction, and you must also be aware of your addiction and how severe it is. From there, we can discuss the rehab available to you in Sedgley, and how we can help you.

    Understanding Addiction


    Understanding the biology of addiction will inevitably help you overcome your addiction, as you will see when we discuss treatment options. In modern society, addiction is defined as a relapsing brain disorder, a disease that can easily hijack the brain with destructive consequences.

    Addiction could be the result of genetics, an addictive environment, trauma, or stress. Whatever the reason, the severity of your addiction will depend on how long you have used substances, what the substance contains, and your medical history.

    Once people start to take drugs or drink alcohol, the brain gets used to it and tolerance increases. The brain then craves these substances at whatever risk, leaving a destructive path behind it.

    Addiction is not about morals or willpower; it is about the brain. The brain changes as an addiction develop, changing the reward circuits and leaving you with cravings for substances. [3] Addiction is therefore linked to impaired control, continued use despite negative consequences, and withdrawal symptoms once the intake is cut.

    The main thing to remember is that addiction is treatable, and you can start helping yourself today with our guidance.

    Addiction Questionnaire and CRAFT Intervention

    stigma and addiction

    Addiction questionnaires can help you understand the severity of your addiction, educating you on what routes of treatment will suit you best. The most utilised addiction questionnaire is the CAGE questionnaire, originally designed to screen behaviour for alcohol abuse: [4]

    1. Have you ever felt you should CUT down on your drinking? YES/NO
    2. Have people ever ANNOYED you by critiquing your drinking? YES/NO
    3. Have you ever felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking? YES/NO
    4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover? (EYE-OPENER) YES/NO

    Researchers found that answering two or more questions with a YES is said to suggest addictive behaviour. There are many of these questionnaires, and you may find that some are more applicable to you than others, so do your research.

    Addiction intervention describes the active steps taken by concerned others to get the user into rehab in Sedgley. Intervention is used when individuals are unmotivated to start treatment themselves or are stuck in denial about their addiction.

    This is not confrontational and is planned in a way that will be suited for the person in question. These interventions may be one-to-one with a loved one if the addiction is mild, but a severe addiction will require a planned and regulated intervention.

    CRAFT is a good example of intervention. Community Reinforcement and Family Therapy is an intervention style run by the concerned others of the patient (family, friends, lovers).

    They are asked to rewire the brain pathways that have changed with addiction, by rewarding anti-using behaviour, rewarding the patient if they are social and staying ‘clean’. [5] [6]

    Staging and planning an intervention requires time and patience, along with lots of research. Knowing which treatment plan may work best means that the patient may be more inclined to try it and remain motivated by it.

    All interventions have the same aim – to prevent the worsening of addiction and get the patient the help they need through rehab in Sedgley.

    Rehab in Sedgley

    Young person in therapy

    Rehab in Sedgley is made up of inpatient and outpatient treatment. Inpatient treatment is best suited for those suffering from severe addiction, where patients will move into the centre in Sedgley.

    This is an intensive treatment, where patients receive round-the-clock care from medical professionals. However, this is not offered through the NHS, so patients will likely have to pay for treatment if they require inpatient rehabilitation in Sedgley.

    Outpatient treatment is much more flexible, where people with milder addictions can attend therapy at different points in the week. This can be easily implemented into daily life, and patients are free to come and go as long as they attend their registered therapy.

    Addiction Therapy in Sedgley

    therapy 4

    Inpatient and Outpatient rehab in Sedgley will both offer similar therapy programmes, but with different levels of intensity, different expectations, and different flexibility.

    Both types of rehab offer individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, and 12-step facilitation groups.

    • Behavioural therapy is one of the most popular forms of addiction therapy, also used for mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. One form of behavioural therapy available in Sedgley is CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy.
    • CBT works on the thoughts that produce and exacerbate addictive behaviour. CBT believes that psychological disorders are directly linked to our thoughts, and this leads to patterns of destructive behaviour.By changing the way we respond to thoughts and replacing them with positivity, we can change how we behave as a result. [7] [8]

    CBT has different sub-therapy types, such as DBT. As a form of CBT, dialectical behavioural therapy operates using the same fundamentals as CBT, but specifically modified to work on emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and mindfulness.

    In turn, this helps reduce the likelihood of dropping out of therapy or relapsing. [9]

    Some therapies work towards motivation for rehabs, such as motivational interviewing and contingency management.

    Here, patients learn of the trials and tribulations of addiction, along with coping mechanisms and relapse prevention techniques. [10]

    Once the main sources of addiction are being treated, such as thought processes, these forms of therapy also work on therapy aftercare. Whilst this doesn’t have to start after therapy, most patients will learn how to work towards recovery whilst living a normal life.

    Rehab aftercare will work on the techniques you have learnt so far in therapy, whilst also working on avoiding the risky situations that might leave you tempted to slip back into old habits again.

    For example, this may include meeting up with someone you used to drink alcohol with or going back to the place you used drugs for the first time. Avoiding these high-risk situations will help you reduce the risk of relapse. [11] [12]

    Alcohol addiction and drug addiction involve long-term recovery, but this is made easier with our friendly team members at the treatment centres in Sedgley.

    They will offer you a wide range of therapy options, along with other rehab facilities and aftercare services. Addiction treatment services in Sedgley are well-equipped for people at all stages of addiction, with services for both inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab.

    These programmes are also useful for mental health issues, detox programmes, and physical health issues, all caused or contributed to by addiction.






    [5] Jhanjee S. Evidence-based psychosocial interventions in substance use. Indian J Psychol Med. 2014 Apr;36(2):112-8. doi: 10.4103/0253-7176.130960. PMID: 24860208; PMCID: PMC4031575.

    [6] Meyers, Miller, Scott Tonigan. Community reinforcement and family training (CRAFT): Engaging unmotivated drug users in treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse. 1998: Vol 10 Issue 3 pg 291.

    [7] McHugh, R. K., Hearon, B. A., & Otto, M. W. (2010). Cognitive behavioural therapy for substance use disorders. The Psychiatric clinics of North America, 33(3), 511–525.

    [8] Rawson RA, Huber A, McCann M, Shoptaw S, Farabee D, Reiber C, Ling W. A comparison of contingency management and cognitive-behavioural approaches during methadone maintenance treatment for cocaine dependence. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002;59:817–824.

    [9] Dimeff, L.A., & Linehan, M.M. (2008). Dialectical behaviour therapy for substance abusers. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 4(2), 39–47.


    [11] Menon J, Kandasamy A. Relapse prevention. Indian J Psychiatry. 2018 Feb;60(Suppl 4): S473-S478. DOI: 10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_36_18. PMID: 29540916; PMCID: PMC5844157.

    [12] Marlatt GA, Witkiewitz K. Relapse prevention in Alcohol and drug problems Relapse Prevention: Maintenance Strategies in Treatment of Addictive Behaviours. In: Marlatt GA, Donovan DM, editors. 2nd Edition. Guilford Press; 2005


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