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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Southwell

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Southwell

    If you or someone you know is addicted to drugs or alcohol in Southwell, then you are not alone.

    Suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction in Southwell is very common, and there are currently thousands of people living across the Nottinghamshire area who are struggling with addiction issues.

    Unfortunately, 1 in 10 people in Nottinghamshire lose their life or have their lives disrupted by drug or alcohol abuse. Unfortunately, drug and substance use has a huge burden on the social and health care services across Nottinghamshire, which costs a significant amount of money [1].

    • According to studies, Nottinghamshire has a bigger alcohol abuse problem than it does a drug problem [1]. Mansfield and Ashfield have higher than average rates of alcohol-related hospital admissions [1].
    • This is for both genders and age groups in Southwell and the rest of Nottinghamshire [1].
    • The age demographic with the most alcohol-related hospital admissions were those aged between 40 and 64 for females specifically.
    • Studies have also shown that there are a significant number of men living in Southwell and Nottinghamshire who are aged over 65 who are admitted into hospital with an alcohol-related issue [1].

    As you can see, there is a great need for drug and alcohol rehab treatment in Southwell and the rest of Nottinghamshire.

    Drug and Alcohol Addiction Symptoms


    If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, then you will have several signs and symptoms, some of which are listed below.

    • An increase in tolerance to the drug or substance
    • Refusing to stop consuming the addictive substance even though you know how destructive it is to your health and those around you
    • Mood swings
    • Feeling aggressive and angry more often
    • Denying that there is a problem altogether
    • Intense cravings for the addictive substance
    • Driving whilst intoxicated on the substance and taking part in other risky behaviour
    • Struggling with personal hygiene
    • Struggling with your time management
    • Suffering from depression or anxiety

    If you or someone that you know is struggling with an addiction issue or any of the above symptoms, then it is important to get help. You can start by giving us a call on 0800 088 66 86.

    How Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Southwell Work?

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    Whilst most people have heard of drug and alcohol rehab, not everyone knows or understands how rehab works. It is important to understand how rehab works so that people understand that it is not some scary or intimidating thing.

    Every journey at a drug and alcohol rehab centre will start with an admission. Upon admission, you are assessed. This assessment will assess the severity of your addiction, how long you have been addicted to drugs or alcohol and what type of treatment you might need to recover.

    Your doctors will then talk you through each type of treatment so that you are fully informed. It is important to remember that the staff will never hide anything from you, and you will be fully informed at every step throughout the process.

    Once you have been admitted into a drug and alcohol rehab in Southwell, you will first undergo a detox. A detox is when you withdraw from the addictive substance so that you are no longer physically dependent on the substance.

    It is important to understand that you only have to undergo a detox if the substance you are addicted to is physically addictive. Unfortunately, this does include alcohol.

    The detox stage of the process is usually the hardest, as you will experience withdrawal symptoms at first. These withdrawal symptoms are particularly unpleasant and usually last from a few days to a week.

    Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include some of the following symptoms [2].

    • Headaches
    • Being sick
    • Vomiting
    • Depression
    • Hot flashes
    • Insomnia
    • Mood swings
    • Diarrhoea
    • Seizures
    • Sweating and chills
    • Anxiety
    • Paranoia
    • Hallucinations

    During your withdrawal, you will be monitored by several doctors and therapists to ensure that your withdrawal symptoms are not getting out of hand. This means that you will be monitored around the clock and will be prescribed medication if necessary to relieve the severity of your withdrawal symptoms.

    Once your detox is complete and your body is no longer physically dependent on the substance, you will then get the chance to receive therapy. This means that the psychological side of your addiction will get some attention, which will include a range of different therapy techniques.

    Usually, people with an addiction to drugs or alcohol suffer from deep psychological issues, which will need addressing to successfully recover from their addiction.

    There are several different therapy techniques. Whilst, not every therapy technique will be for everyone, it is important to give every therapy technique a go to establish which types of therapies work for you and what do not.


    Some of the most popular types of therapy treatments are listed below.

    Each type of therapy treatment works in different ways, and what type of treatment you should try will be decided upon your admission to drug and alcohol rehab in Southwell.

    Is Private Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Southwell Affordable?

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    Our team at Rehab Recovery is great at finding the most suitable rehab centres for you in your area. The media and TV have often made out that rehab is only suitable for rich, celebrities. However, that simply isn’t the case.

    Unfortunately, lots of people also know that drug and alcohol rehab in Southwell can be expensive. That is why the NHS can offer NHS-funded drug and alcohol rehab in Southwell so that you do not have to pay if you cannot afford it.

    Unfortunately, NHS-funded rehab treatment is limited due to a lack of funding. This means you will have to wait a number of weeks or even months to receive your funding. For those with a severe addiction that needs attention quickly, this simply isn’t an option.

    For many people, this only leaves private drug and alcohol rehab, which can be expensive. The cost of attending private drug and alcohol rehab in Southwell does differ and depends on several different factors, including how severe your addiction is and how long you have to stay in rehab.

    Whether you choose a private or shared room will also affect how expensive your stint in rehab is. If you stay in rehab for just a few weeks, then you could end up paying anything between £2,000 and £8,000. If you stay in rehab for a few months, then you could end up paying £12,000.

    As you can imagine, thousands of people living across Southwell who suffer from addiction issues cannot afford the cost of private drug and alcohol rehab. This means that thousands of people who need help are simply unable to get the help they desperately need.

    How Long is Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Southwell?

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    How long you have to stay in drug and alcohol rehab in Southwell depends on several different factors. Some of these factors include the following.

    • How severe your addiction is
    • How long you have been addicted to drugs and alcohol for
    • What type of substances you have been addicted to
    • Whether you have been addicted to just one substance or several different substances
    • Whether you have recovered and relapsed before
    • Whether you require a detox or not

    Most people with mild to moderate addiction end up staying in rehab for approximately 28 days. If you suffer from a more severe addiction, with other complications such as a dual diagnosis, then you will have to stay in rehab for anywhere between 60 and 90 days.

    If you still need help and support with your addiction issues after then, then you will need to attend outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Southwell.

    This type of rehab is more ongoing and means that you get access to therapy and treatment whilst remaining living in your own home. This could last for months after you initially leave rehab.

    The Drug and Alcohol Rehab Admissions Process


    The drug and alcohol rehab admissions process are really simple, and it is simple for a reason. The process is kept simple because we appreciate how hard it is to accept that you need help and reach out to professionals for support.

    If you or someone that you know needs help with an addiction issue, then the first thing you should do is speak to a member of the Rehab Recovery team. Our group of specialists will be able to offer the best rehab centres for you in your area and will talk you through the admissions process.

    You will be asked several questions during the admissions process so that your doctors will be able to recommend the best treatment options for you. Once this assessment has been made, you will be admitted into a local drug and alcohol rehab centre.

    It is important to understand that it is normal for any doctor or psychologist to ask you several questions about your health and lifestyle to understand what type of treatment you would benefit most from. You should not get angry or feel judged in any way, as this is just an important part of the admissions and recovery process.

    Get in Touch With Our Team at Rehab Recovery

    Two women talking one-to-one at a table

    Our team at Rehab Recovery are on hand to talk you through the admissions process, as well as the ins and outs of rehab. Our team are specialists at what we do and will ask you several questions about your addiction before making any decisions.

    Everything you say to us is completely confidential, and our team won’t judge you. We are also not going to force you into doing anything, as we are simply here to provide you with all of the advice necessary to make an informed decision.

    If you would like to speak to our team at Rehab Recovery, then contact our team by calling us on 0800 088 66 86 or by visiting us online at





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