Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire
Quick Links for help with addiction in Warwickshire
- What Types of Addictions Are Treated At Rehab in Warwickshire?
- What is Cannabis Rehab in Warwickshire?
- What is Cocaine Rehab in Warwickshire?
- What is Rehab For Heroin in Warwickshire?
Substance abuse is a difficult barrier for anyone to face, which makes seeking drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire essential.
However, thanks to the incredible efforts of addiction recovery workers, those struggling with drugs and alcohol can find help more easily than ever now at a drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire.
If you need help in Warwickshire, our addiction rehab recovery helpline is here for you.
Start your recovery journey today at a drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86
Do I Need Drug & Alcohol Rehab: How Do I Know When My Addiction is Something to Worry About?
Image above: Woman at an alcohol rehab in Warwickshire
If you’re starting to feel concerned about the way you use drugs or alcohol, it’s important to pay attention to the signs and get help at a drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire.
Daria J. Kuss has completed research into social media platforms. Here, addiction was described as ‘mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, neglect of personal life, tolerance, and concealing the addictive behaviour’.
The earlier you seek rehab treatment in Warwickshire, the more likely you are to recover.
Signs of addiction in Warwickshire
If you can relate to some of the following statements, it may be time to seek professional drug and alcohol rehab help in Warwickshire as this can indicate that you have a drug or alcohol addiction.
- I spend less time with friends and family, preferring to use substances instead
- I have injured myself or someone else as a result of my substance use
- I can’t imagine life without drugs or alcohol
- I have tried to stop using substances but have been unable to remain sober
- My family and friends are concerned about my substance use
- My schooling or professional career have been impacted by substance use
- I have used substances at inappropriate times, such as at work or before driving
- I find it difficult to function without using drugs or alcohol
- I have experienced negative consequences due to my substance use such as legal or financial troubles
If you are concerned about your relationship with drugs or alcohol, speak to your doctor who will be able to connect you with drug and alcohol rehab services and clinics in Warwickshire that can help.
What Types of Addictions Are Treated At Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
Image above: Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire
No matter what type of addiction you are dealing with, you will find the help and support you need at our drug alcohol rehab clinics in Warwickshire.
The two main types of addiction that are treated at rehab in Warwickshire are substance addictions and behavioural addictions.
Substance addictions in Warwickshire: Do I need drug and alcohol rehab?
Some examples of substance addictions that you might go to drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire for include:
- Alcohol addiction
- Cocaine addiction
- Heroin addiction
- Synthetic opioid addiction
- Methamphetamine addiction
- Stimulant addiction
- Prescription painkiller addiction
- Nicotine addiction
If you are addicted to a substance that is not on the above list, we can help get you into a drug and alcohol rehab for your specific needs.
A behavioural addiction is when someone compulsively engages in behaviours or activities, even when this is having a negative impact on their life in Warwickshire. Drug and alcohol rehab can help.
Behavioural addictions in Warwickshire
Some examples of behavioural addictions you can get help at a drug and alcohol rehab for include:
- Gambling addiction
- Sex and love addiction
- Shopping addiction
- Internet addiction
- Shopping addiction
- Food addiction
- Video game addiction
- Nicotine addiction
If you are addicted to a behaviour that is not on the above list, we can help at a rehab in Warwickshire.
Will Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire Cure Me of My Addiction?
It’s important to understand that there is no cure for addiction. Instead, the focus should be on treating and managing your condition at rehab and after so you can live a long, healthy and productive life.
If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, you probably feel that you have no control over these substances. But with the right drug and alcohol rehab treatment, you can gain back that control.
Many rehabs in Warwickshire promote an abstinence-based approach to rehab, which means that you no longer use any addictive substances. This is widely regarded as the most effective form of addiction treatment in Warwickshire.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a support group that promotes abstinence. A study has found that this method was 60% more effective than other interventions. [4]
Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab for Teens Work in Warwickshire?
Although many teenagers experiment with drugs and alcohol, the topic of teenage addiction and teen rehab is not often talked about.
Here in Warwickshire, there are several drug and alcohol rehabs for teens. It can be helpful to be surrounded by people their own age, with similar experiences and who understand what they are going through.
Drug and alcohol rehab for teens really works. It can give your teenager the tools to resist peer pressure, deal with cravings and find healthy ways to manage and cope with stress.
Do I Have to Tell My Boss About Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
You are under no legal obligation to tell your boss about alcohol or drug rehab.
You may have the option of using your annual leave to attend rehab treatment in Warwickshire, allowing you to recover in your own time.
But sometimes you need more time and support at a drug and alcohol rehab.
If you feel comfortable, it can be helpful to speak to your employer about rehab to understand your rights and options.
If you do choose to tell your boss that you are going to rehab, make sure to emphasise how important your job is to you and that attending rehab will help you to improve your performance and be the best worker that you can be.
Be clear that you need time off for a medical condition, and provide details about the rehab if they require them.
It can also be helpful to be open to the possibility of part-time outpatient rehab in Warwickshire to work around your job responsibilities.
Can I Lose My Job If I Leave to Go to Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
One of the most common fears surrounding rehab is whether you will lose your job or face any repercussions for taking time off for addiction treatment in Warwickshire.
If you live in Warwickshire, it’s important to look into laws that apply to going to rehab in England.
Many articles online reference American law and rehab entry which would not be applicable in your case.
There is no clear law that can prevent your employer from firing you for attending drug and alcohol rehab, but the Employment Act 1996 prohibits discrimination against employees due to their drinking status.
Of course, using drugs or alcohol at work is usually a fireable offence. But the law is less clear when it comes to rehab in Warwickshire.
For more information on detox and rehab options in Warwickshire, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.
Will Your Insurance Cover Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
When budgeting for drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire, make sure to read through the terms and conditions of your health or employee insurance.
You may be surprised to learn that many insurance providers cover addiction rehab treatment in Warwickshire.
This can greatly reduce the cost of rehab or even allow you to attend for free depending on the level of cover.
When claiming for rehab on your insurance, keep in mind that you will need to disclose the reason for your claim.
This may result in higher payments in future for your health insurance, and if you are claiming through employee insurance then your employer may be notified about your stay at rehab in Warwickshire.
Paying for rehab in Warwickshire can be expensive, even with the help of insurance.
But it helps to keep in mind that each pound spent on rehab saves £2.50 in costs to society. [7]
Will I Be Able to See My Family During Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
Many rehab clinics and treatment programmes in Warwickshire support and encourage family involvement during this time.
Your role in the family and the dynamics at play can be a huge part of your addiction, so involving family members in your drug and alcohol rehab treatment can be very useful.
It’s thought that 1 in 10 children live with at least one adult who has a drug or alcohol addiction [8], so it’s important to address this family dynamic to allow all family members to heal and recover in Warwickshire during and following rehab.
Your family will be able to visit you at rehab during designated times, and you will also be able to keep in contact through regular phone calls.
In some cases, they may be invited to join you during therapy sessions in rehab if you agree to this.
However if your family are a trigger for you, it may be healthy to spend some time away from them while you recover at rehab.
This is particularly true if they do not support your rehab recovery in Warwickshire, use substances around you or actively try to get you to relapse.
Through counselling at drug and alcohol rehab, you will develop tools and techniques to help you navigate your relationship with your family while still keeping your sobriety as a top priority.
Will My Drug & Alcohol Rehab Programme Be Confidential in Warwickshire?
When it comes to health, everyone has the right to keep their private medical and rehab information confidential.
This is particularly true when it comes to rehab in Warwickshire due to the unfair stigma that is so often placed on people struggling with addiction.
In fact, one study found that 10% of people avoided seeking professional rehab help in Warwickshire for their addiction because they were concerned about what other people would think if they found out. [9]
The Data Protection Act and The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are in place to protect your privacy. Staff are legally required to ensure confidentiality for each one of their rehab patients.
In short, yes – your rehab programme in Warwickshire will be completely confidential.
Many rehab clinics do not allow phones or cameras on the premises to further protect your privacy, and only necessary staff will have access to your medical records.
What Happens in the 28-Day Rehabilitation Treatment Programme in Warwickshire?
Man at drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire
While the number of people entering rehab treatment in Warwickshire for a drug or alcohol addiction fell between 2013 and 2014, they have remained relatively steady ever since.
These figures increased between April 2021 and March 2022, with 289,215 adults entering rehab. [10]
If this is your first time receiving drug and alcohol rehab treatment for an addiction, we can help you to feel more prepared and know what to expect.
Many substances are physically addictive, which means your body becomes dependent on them. It can be dangerous to stop using them without professional rehab help.
A detox in rehab is a safe way to wean yourself off drugs or alcohol.
Your medical team will assess you and create a detox plan at a rehab in Warwickshire, which usually lasts between 7-10 days.
Detoxing can be very unpleasant and you will likely experience a range of withdrawal symptoms, but you will be closely monitored by our experienced rehab staff.
For more information on detox and rehab options in Warwickshire, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.
Counselling is a crucial part of your treatment programme at rehab in Warwickshire, and you will be assigned a dedicated counsellor who will walk through the journey of recovery with you.
You may find some forms of therapy at a rehab in Warwickshire more helpful than others.
Many people benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which focuses on behaviour change, while those who struggle with their emotions may find immense relief with dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT).
It’s important that you are able to be your own counsellor after rehab in Warwickshire, as there will be times that you feel triggered or experience cravings and will need to make a good decision in the moment.
Creating a relapse prevention plan for after rehab will give you something to refer to in these moments.
Before you leave rehab in Warwickshire your counsellor and medical team will discuss your aftercare options depending on how much support you will need.
For some people, regular counselling and/or involvement in local support groups can be very effective.
Others may need additional support, such as an outpatient rehab treatment programme in Warwickshire or a stay in a sober living facility before reintegrating back into daily life.
How Do I Hold an Intervention in Warwickshire?
Staging an intervention is incredibly important if you wish to help a loved one who is suffering from addiction but refusing to seek out rehab help.
To ensure your loved one is coached to rehab successfully and safely, we always recommend using a professional intervention service.
Professional interventionists will work with you and your family to make sure your loved one is given the chance they deserve, to receive the rehab treatment they deserve.
The interventionist will educate you on what happens during an intervention, what your roles will be, and what you will have to do in order to make it work.
They will also help you write letters to your loved one that will be read aloud during the intervention, and will show you what steps to take in either ending scenario, for possible rehba.
Intervention scenarios before rehab in Warwickshire
The two possible scenarios when an intervention is staged are:
- Your loved one denies the help you are offering, and returns to the behavioural addiction or substance use without rehab
- Your loved one accepts the support that is offered and agrees to receive treatment in the necessary drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire
If scenario 1 occurs, your assigned professional interventionist will stay with you and your family until a better ending is found.
They will help you keep the boundaries you have set and will possibly try other approaches to help your loved one accept rehab help.
If scenario 2 happens, your interventionist will escort your loved one to the pre-determined rehabilitation or specialist clinic, where they will be able to begin their journey to rehab recovery.
For guidance conductin an intervention to help encourage a loved one to attend addiction treatment in Warwickshire, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
What is Cannabis Rehab in Warwickshire?
Cannabis is often seen as a harmless, purely recreational drug that rehab is not necessary.
Though it does cause much less physical harm than other substances, cannabis can still impact your life in many negative ways. You may still need drug and alcohol rehab.
Short-term side effects of cannabis include:
- A desire to sleep more and eat more
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Headaches
- An altered perception of reality
With continual, heavy use of cannabis, a tolerance for the substance can begin to build up, forming the beginnings of cannabis use disorder. Attending rehab is crucial.
If this continued use is suddenly stopped for any reason, the tolerance that has formed can lead to withdrawal symptoms at rehab.
To help tackle these cravings and get yourself on the path towards recovery, you’ll need to undergo cannabis rehab.
Beat your addiction to cannabis today with the help of a drug rehab in Warwickshire – call us now on 0800 088 66 86
What is Cocaine Rehab in Warwickshire?
Cocaine is a stimulant substance known for being quick to offer the desired effects, but also quick to subside.
Depending on how you use cocaine (injection, snorting, smoking, etc.), the pleasurable side effects can diminish within a matter of minutes.
The consequences of cocaine use also differ slightly depending on how it is consumed, with cocaine via injection heightening the risks of bloodborne diseases through an unclean needle, and snorting the substance possibly leading to a loss of smell.
If you require support for your cocaine addiction, contact us today and we can get you placed in a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire as soon as possible.
Beat your cocaine dependency today with the help of a drug rehab in Warwickshire – call us now on 0800 088 66 86
What is Rehab For Heroin in Warwickshire?
Heroin is known mostly as a drug that is injected, but it is also possible to smoke or snort the substance.
The drug is also sometimes cut with cocaine and offered as a ‘speedball’.
Immediate side effects of heroin use include severe itching, impaired mental functioning, sickness and a dry mouth.
The long-term effects of the drug only increase in severity, with organ complications, abscesses, infections, diseases and mental disorders all being a possibility with continued use.
There is hope for you if you are struggling to cope with heroin addiction, and perhaps the most important stage is heroin detox.
There are medications currently being trialled that could aid in the heroin withdrawal process, whilst other forms of medication such as buprenorphine are available already to help block the receptors that are impacted by opioid use disorder.
There are also a multitude of therapy and counselling approaches that can help you recover from your use of heroin, and will work to get to the root causes of your substance use.
Beat your addiction to heroin today with the help of a drug rehab in Warwickshire – call us now on 0800 088 66 86
How Do I Find the Right Rehab in Warwickshire For Me?
Finding the right drug rehabilitation centre in Warwickshire is incredibly important.
To ensure you are receiving the best care and treatment that is most suited to your addiction and treatment needs, you will need to do some research on the rehabs in your area.
We here at Rehab Recovery can aid in this task, but you will first need to know what you wish to gain from your time in rehabilitation.
This way, you can work with a member of the team to ensure the rehab you choose fits your personal needs and any other specific requirements you want in place.
We also highly recommend taking a look into each option’s history.
This means sifting through reviews of each rehab and seeing which facilities are more established.
Your comfort when speaking to possible rehabs is also a huge factor – you should only choose a facility where you feel safe and comfortable.
Finally, your choice of rehab will depend largely on the specific addiction you are suffering from.
Different drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire offer specialist services to address different addictions, which can include:
- Alcohol
- Cocaine and crack cocaine
- Heroin
- Cannabis
- Benzodiazepines
- Fentanyl
- Methadone
- Ketamine
- Behavioural Addictions (Sex addiction, shopping addiction, gambling addiction, etc.)
Whatever the nature of the addiction you are suffering from, there is a rehab out there that can help you.
Finding your ideal drug rehab in Warwickshire will require a lot of work and effort, but if you’re ready for it, then reach out to us today on 0800 088 66 86
Why Should I Choose Residential Drug Rehab & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
Opting for a residential rehab programme ensures you are given the highest chance of reaching a full and long-term recovery.
Rehab is one of the most effective options for addiction treatment available, and residential programmes offer even more benefits when compared to outpatient options.
Staying at rehab in Warwickshire as you recover means you receive the privacy and time you need in order to heal from your addiction.
You are detached from a possibly toxic home, you are surrounded by understanding and highly-trained staff members and professional therapists, and you are guided towards recovery at a safe and comfortable pace.
Residential rehab also ensures that you receive the highest quality of care possible.
You will participate in multiple forms of therapy and counselling so that your treatment is well-rounded and covers all aspects of your addiction.
This will mean you are less likely to relapse upon return to the ‘real world’.
Even when you do return home, your rehabilitation programme still has its benefits.
We will stay with you for as long as you need us, and will only be a phone call away if you require more support or any additional appointments at the rehab facility.
For help choosing the perfect residential drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire, call our team on 0800 088 66 86
What is the Difference Between Private Drug & Alcohol Rehab & NHS Treatment in Warwickshire?
The main difference between private rehab and council-funded treatment in Warwickshire is the price.
Whilst the prices for private rehabilitation can be quite steep, council-funded treatment options are usually free (or very cheap).
This is the main appeal for many rehab clients.
Free and NHS-run addiction rehab treatment services near to Warwickshire
1. Rise Stratford
Address: Stratford Healthcare Building, Building 2 2nd Floor, Arden St, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6NQ
Telephone: 01789 339570
Website: https://cwrise.com/where-is-rise-based/
2. CAMHS Stratford-Upon-Avon
Address: Stratford, Resource Centre, Arden Street, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 6NX
Telephone: 01789 414643
Website: https://cwrise.com/where-is-rise-based/
3. Turning Point Warwickshire
Address: Sydni Centre, Cottage Square, Sydenham, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 1P
Telephone: 01926 423029
Website: https://www.turning-point.co.uk/services/warwickshire
4. Change Grow Live Warwickshire
Address: 16 Court Street, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 2BB
Telephone: 01926 353 513
Website: https://www.changegrowlive.org/drug-alcohol-service-warwickshire
However, with free rehab treatment comes many downfalls.
These include a slow admissions process that can be dangerous if you are in desperate need of rehab treatment, having to see different therapists throughout your journey and the loss of specialised or personalised treatment.
This is why we almost always recommend private rehab care for those who need it.
Going private rehab ensures you receive the highest quality care, are seen by trained medical professionals, undergo a medically assisted detox and receive important referrals to specialist clinics if needed.
Still deciding between private and NHS rehab in Warwickshire? For more guidance, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
Why Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire is Not For Everyone?
Drug rehab in Warwickshire can be beneficial to anyone experiencing a substance use disorder or addiction, but it should be reserved for those who cannot recover elsewhere.
This means that if you have other options available to you – such outpatient treatment or home rehab recovery options– you should pursue these.
This leaves rehabilitation for the individuals that really need it.
Individuals including:
- Those that are experiencing suicidal thoughts.
- Those that are known to become dangerous to themselves or loved ones when they are drunk or high.
- Those that are experiencing a mental health disorder that would stop them from being able to recover outside of rehabilitation.
- Those that are drinking over 30 units a day.
- Those that cannot be trusted to withdraw at home.
To learn more about whether or not you’re suited to alcohol and drug rehab in Warwickshire, call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86
What are the Alternatives to Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, however it isn’t suitable for everyone.
Do not worry if rehab in Warwickshire is not recommended to you.
There are still many other ways to heal from your drug or alcohol addiction, and a rehab recovery is still very much possible.
You can attend mutual support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous Warwickshire.
These mutual support groups often follow the famous 12-step rehab programme and offer sponsorship programmes and rewards for each milestone you hit.
AA and NA have been proven to be highly effective in treating addictions and guiding rehab clients towards long-lasting recoveries, and are a great choice for those who excel as a part of a group.
You also have the rehab option to recover at home via a home detox.
You will receive check-in calls daily from rehab as you detox to ensure you are safe, on track, and on your way to recovery.
To access any of these alternative addiction rehab treatments in Warwickshire, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
What is Narcotics Anonymous after rehab in Warwickshire?
Leaving rehab may seem like the end of your recovery journey, when in fact it is just the beginning.
It’s important to find support to help you continue your sobriety after rehab, and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can do just that.
They are a free volunteer-run programme for help before or after drug and alcohol rehab that has spread all over the world – including Warwickshire.
NA runs regular meetings both in person and online, so there’s something to suit everyone.
You don’t have to attend rehab to benefit from NA – anyone can join, as long as you are willing to participate.
Just like Alcoholics Anonymous, NA is based around the 12 Steps. These are practical guidelines and steps that you can take to recover from your addiction and begin to live a productive life after rehab.
One study found that people who attend 12-Step programmes such as NA are 4.1 to 8.6 times more likely to recover from addiction long-term. This with rehab can give you lifelong recovery. [13]
What is Alcoholics Anonymous after rehab in Warwickshire?
Alcoholics Anonymous Warwickshire (AA) is a global programme dedicated to helping people recover from alcohol addiction and assisting them with their ongoing sobriety after rehab.
Founded in 1935, AA now holds regular meetings all over the world. No matter where you live, there is likely a meeting near you.
It can be a very effective way to bond with other people in Warwickshire, supporting and being supported by them.
AA is completely free to join and as the name suggests, you can remain anonymous.
What is Smart Recovery after drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire?
SMART Recovery was designed as an alternative to AA or NA, providing support for people with addiction without the use of spirituality and religion.
It is a volunteer-managed addiction rehab recovery group which aims to help members break free from the cycle of addiction using scientifically-backed methods.
SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training and promotes abstinence from addictive substances as part of their recovery model.
It is formed around four key phases of rehab recovery known as the 4-Point Programme:
- Building and Maintaining Motivation
- Coping with Urges
- Managing Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours
- Living a Balanced Life
Much of SMART Recovery is based on cognitive behavioural therapy practices (CBT) (that you can also find at drug and alcohol rehab in Warwickshire) which promote mindfulness and behavioural change.
One study found that people who participated in SMART Recovery had similar rehab recovery results as those who participated in 12-Step programmes such as AA. [14]
What Therapy at Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire Will I Experience?
There are many forms of psychological rehab treatment that can be used to treat your drug or alcohol addiction at a rehab in Warwickshire.
Examples of some common types of therapy that you are likely to encounter during drug rehabilitation include:
- Holistic Therapies: Including rehab treatments such as art therapy, adventure therapy, music therapy, acupuncture, mindfulness, drama therapy and equine therapy, these treatments offer a non-traditional – yet still highly effective – way of recovering. Clients can learn new skills and find new hobbies, all whilst healing from their addiction.
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT is an intervention-type talking therapy that aims to uplift negative feelings and change behaviours. It can be used to aid in the rehab treatment of some mental health disorders, primarily Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and depression. CBT teaches clients new coping mechanisms for dealing with difficult feelings and how to deal with stressful and overwhelming situations by breaking the problem into smaller parts.
- Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT): DBT is largely based on CBT, but has been adapted over time to be more suited for individuals who experience feelings and emotions more intensely. It is known to aid in the rehab treatment of personality and mood disorders and is also popular in helping support people who are experiencing suicidal thoughts due to an addiction.
- Motivational Interviewing (MI): MI is a person-centred care approach to rehab counselling that aims to increase motivation to improve, change, and recover from addiction. It often comes alongside other motivational therapy systems, such as Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET).
- Group Therapy: Group therapy at rehab, also known as Group Psychotherapy, allows people from all different backgrounds to come together to work towards one common goal – recovery. This form of therapy helps clients feel like a part of a friendly and understanding support network, where everyone uplifts and supports each other.
- Family Therapy: This therapy method at rehab brings the family of the client together in rehabilitation. In family therapy they can discuss how the addiction may have also impacted or hurt them, but also how they can begin to help and support their loved one.
- Individual Therapy: The most widely recognised form of therapy, individual therapy sees the client in a one-on-one session with a singular professional therapist, where they can discuss anything and everything. This form of therapy is great for those who prefer privacy, or who have trouble talking and sharing in large groups.
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): This approach to recovery focuses on accepting the realities of addiction and working practically and with a sincere commitment to overcome them.
- Brief Interventions: This style of therapy is a short, direct assessment of particular issues that can happen at any point whilst at rehab, ensuring that the individual’s recovery journey stays on track.
- Contingency Management: This approach to therapy is designed to reinforce sobriety by giving the individual frequent, more easily achievable goals to work with.
- Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR uses the physical reactions of the eye that are tied to memories of trauma or addictive behaviour in order to reprocess one’s direct reaction to these triggers.
- Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy: A variation on CBT, this style of therapy is designed to provide patients with a way to deal with irrational beliefs and emotions in a healthy, practical and realistic way.
To access any of these treatments at your ideal alcohol and drug rehab in Warwickshire, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is the Cost of Rehab in Warwickshire?
The cost of rehab in Warwickshire is largely determined by a few main factors; what type of room you wish to stay in for the duration of your treatment, how severe your addiction is, how long you will need to recover and which facility you choose.
For those who only require a detox and nothing more, prices for rehab will vary from £2,000 to £6,000 depending on the room you choose – either single occupancy or multi-occupancy.
Individuals who will need a detox as well as a further few weeks to attend therapy and counselling -usually on a 28-day rehab programme- should expect to pay anything from £6,000 for a multi-occupancy room, and around £8,000 to £12,000 for a single room. Home detox will likely cost around £1,500.
If you have any concerns about the costs of rehab or need any financial help, please do not hesitate to discuss this with a member of our team when you enquire.
We are usually able to work around specific budgets and still offer some form of care for all rehab clients.
For a more accurate answer to how much your time in rehab will cost, call our team on 0800 088 66 86
How Long Does Rehab in Warwickshire Last?
Just like the price, the length of time a stay at rehab in Warwickshire takes is subject to change.
A 7 day minimum is standard for a drug or alcohol detox, but 28 days is the average for a full residential rehab programme that includes a detox and a few weeks of therapy.
Though it may not be easy, try not to focus so much on your time spent in rehab.
It can be counterproductive to rush to the ‘finish line’ of your treatment, and it can cause you to even need longer in rehabilitation if you do so.
To discuss the length of time your stay at rehab in Warwickshire is likely to last, call us today on 0800 088 66 86
What is the Admissions Process For Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
To help professionals determine the severity of your condition – and therefore determine what types of rehab treatment and what intensity of treatment you will require – you will first need to undergo a few psychiatric assessments, such as the CAGE questionnaire.
If you believe you are suffering from alcohol use, one of these tests will likely be an AUDIT carried out by a qualified rehab psychiatrist.
An Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test – or, AUDIT – helps us at rehab to see where you are on the scale of low to high risk for alcohol dependence.
What is Dual Diagnosis at Drug Rehab in Warwickshire?
A dual diagnosis at drug and alcohol rehab is when a mental health disorder is being experienced alongside a drug or alcohol addiction.
The existence of both issues can complicate or elongate the rehab treatment process, as any treatment plan will need to be altered to address both the addiction and the mental disorder in order to be effective.
Both issues can easily impact and worsen each other, so healing one at rehab whilst ignoring the other would inevitably result in either a relapse or heightened symptoms of the disorder.
Mental health disorders that are commonly linked to dual diagnosis at rehab include:
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar Disorder
- Eating disorders
- Depression
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Codependency
There are plenty of rehab treatment options available to you if you are dealing with a dual diagnosis.
Many organisations across the UK offer free mental health support, whether you are also suffering from addiction or not.
You can also reach out to a number of helplines, including Mind UK, YoungMinds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Change Grow Live and Papyrus.
The NHS (National Health Service) are also there to help you, as are various NHS Foundation Trusts.
To learn more about how a rehab in Warwickshire will support your mental health, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is a Detox at a Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
A detox at a drug and alcohol rehab is the process of your body removing the toxins that have been left over from your substance use.
Over time, your use of whichever substance you consume will have caused your body to build up a tolerance.
A detox at rehab slowly tapers off the substance – or removes it completely depending on the severity of the addiction and the substance used – at a slow pace so that the body can adjust to the sudden lack of the expected chemicals.
Do I Need To Detox at a Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire?
Yes, a detox will need to be undergone before you embark on any other methods of treatment at rehab in Warwickshire – such as therapy and counselling.
It is incredibly important for your body to be free of the substance and the toxins left behind by such, so that you and your body can begin to heal from its effects at rehab.
To learn more about how a drug rehab in Warwickshire can help you detox, call us on 0800 088 66 86
What is Relapse Prevention at Drug Rehab in Warwickshire?
Once your time in rehab draws to a close, it will be time to begin thinking about relapse prevention.
An adjustment back to life at home can be tricky, and relapses can occur if you do not take the necessary precautions after rehab.
Besides staying on the lookout for the possible warning signs, and avoiding triggers you will have learnt about in rehabilitation, there is also relapse prevention planning.
This planning takes into consideration your history with substances and past relapses, any factors that may get in the way of your life in recovery (such as your living environment or any mental disorders you suffer from), and more.
Using this data, a plan to aid in your avoidance of a relapse can be made, and also an action plan that will guide you on what to do if one does happen.
Relapse prevention is just one part of a larger aftercare plan that will help to ensure that you are able to stay sober as effectively as possible.
A relapse is most definitely not the end of your recovery journey, but merely an obstacle.
A substance-free life is possible no matter how long or how many attempts it takes, all that matters is your willingness to try again after a setback.
Your aftercare plan may also encourage you to attend a SMART Recovery group or find an Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous meeting near you, where you will be encouraged to lean on a higher power in order to overcome addiction.
For your family or if you are struggling with addiction at a particularly young age, Al-Anon and Alateen groups may be useful to you.
You may also be offered access to sober living houses if you need more space away from old triggers to maintain your sobriety.
To learn more about how drug rehab in Warwickshire will help you avoid relapse, call us on 0800 088 66 86
How Do I Contact Rehab Recovery in Warwickshire?
When you contact us, we shall outline a variety of treatment options that are available to you in Warwickshire.
This includes both private and statutory addiction treatments.
Every rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission.
Get help for addiction anywhere in Warwickshire, including in Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon, Nuneaton, Rugby, Royal Leamington Spa, Bedworth, Kenilworth, Atherstone, Polesworth, Whitnash, Southam, Kingsbury, Wellesbourne, Alcester, Coleshill, Studley, Bulkington and many more.
To beat addiction once and for all, reach out to us today.
For more information on detox and rehab options in Warwickshire, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.
References for Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Warwickshire
[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3354400/
[5] https://drugabusestatistics.org/teen-drug-use/
[6] https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/withdrawal-seizure
[7] https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CDP-2017-0230/CDP-2017-0230.pdf
[8] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3725219/
[9] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK384923/
[12] https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-7626/CBP-7626.pdf