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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Middleton

Read this Rehab Recovery page for more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton. Contact us today.

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Middleton

    Are you struggling with alcohol or drug use?

    Perhaps you’ve been in a difficult place for a while and are wondering what to do. This is completely normal.

    Sadly, in the Middleton and Greater Manchester area addiction is causing havoc.

    “The rate of hospital admissions for alcohol-specific conditions is 53% higher in Greater Manchester than the England average”. [1] Drug deaths in the region are reported to have reached a “record high” in recent years with there being 268 deaths in 2019 alone. [2]

    Finding out about the drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton means you’re taking the first step to change. The key to recovery is one step at a time.

    Here’s the information you need for this step.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton, please call Rehab Recovery today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Alcohol Addiction & How it Affects You

    Man drinking

    Alcohol addiction is a serious condition that alters how you think and behave. Due to the toxicity of alcohol and how it alters the brain, for those who become addicted due to genetics, mental health, background, and environment, it’s not something they can just stop.

    At the point people want to quit, it can become dangerous. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can, at worst, be fatal if you’ve developed a dependence meaning you can go into a seizure when you quit the alcohol.

    Whether you have an addiction, dependency or both, going to alcohol rehab in Middleton is the safest way to become sober. It’s also the best place to learn the skills needed to remain so.

    What Happens at a Rehab Clinic in Middleton?

    The point of a rehab stay is to get the necessary treatment to become sober. Private clinics exist to support people with addictions from a place of understanding and professional care.

    Many staff have been affected by addiction themselves or through someone they love. As well as this, they’re qualified in their areas of work and have years of experience.

    You enter rehab and have an assessment. The questions include those related to what substances you use, how much, how often, their effects, how relapse has affected you, and how you feel about change.

    The team will create a treatment programme. It will include detox sessions such as check-ups on your physical health and what medication you might need to manage withdrawal symptoms.

    There will also be a list of therapies, holistic activities, and group sessions. You’ll follow a structured timetable while there. By the end of your time, you’ll be substance-free and equipped to manage abstinence successfully.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton, please call Rehab Recovery today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Rehab Treatment Options in Middleton


    There are a few different options for addiction treatment in Middleton. In terms of getting professional support from healthcare professionals and medical staff with specialist knowledge, a private drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton is the best option.

    Everyone who goes to a private clinic is at the same point of recovery as you; action and change.

    As well as this, there are NHS services. These serve the whole community and anyone who has an addiction. People go to clinics who are thinking about change, making plans to change, who are actively trying, and who are regularly relapsing.

    Here you get weekly groups and some one-to-one support.

    The difference between inpatient and outpatient services in Middleton

    Rehab clinics offer residential and outpatient services. The first is where you stay at the establishment for a period of time as an inpatient to be treated. Your accommodation is included.

    Outpatient services begin when you leave the clinic. Some people have them, others don’t. It depends on what the particular clinic you’re looking at offers and what’s appropriate for the individual.

    If you have an alcohol or drug addiction and aren’t at rehab but end up in an NHS hospital on a ward for a number of days while doctors stabilise you, this would be considered inpatient treatment.

    Aside from this, NHS drug and alcohol services in Middleton are outpatient clinics. This means while living your regular life, you go to the clinic for appointments and groups.

    Other support services in Middleton

    • Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Cocaine Anonymous; all of these are 12 Step groups where you connect to others and use community and group sessions as a space of recovery. There are some in-person groups and others are online.
    • Home detox is addiction treatment that might occur if you’ve opted, with the care of people at home and a local doctor, to wean off alcohol or drugs at home. You’ll have a daily prescription and be in regular contact with the doctor in order for your symptoms to be monitored.
    • Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, and AdFam are organisations that support your loved ones who are struggling to understand and/or cope with the effects of your addiction on them. Groups are online and in-person depending on where you go.

    Rehab in Middleton: The Financial Side


    A stay at an alcohol rehab in Middleton depends on the options you go for.

    Some clinics cost as little as £1,000 a week while those at the luxury end can be much as £10,000 per week. It’s worth having a chat with the Recovery Rehab team for information on local clinics, their costs and services, and what your budget constraints are.

    We work independently of other organisations meaning that we’re connected to clinics throughout the UK and know which will suit your needs most after a short assessment.

    It’s important for many people with addictions to know that there is some funding available through the local council and NHS funds for private rehab treatment.

    There are particular eligibility requirements for this, including:

    • You must be in regular contact with Middleton NHS drug and alcohol outpatient services.
    • You must be doing everything you can to become sober and be able to demonstrate how committed you are.
    • You’ll have a low income.

    If you meet the requirements, your drug and alcohol worker from the substance abuse service can support you to apply for the funding from Middleton local council. Funding is limited and there is competition for it.

    If you’re granted the placement, you’ll be placed on a waiting list to enter your rehab which will be a few months long.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton, please call Rehab Recovery today at 0800 088 66 86.

    The Length of Your Treatment Programme

    As you’ll know, it takes a few days and sometimes around a week for some people to get through the worst of withdrawal symptoms. As well as this, it takes time to develop new habits.

    Studies show that it takes 28 days to form a new habit. Interestingly, this is the same amount of time recommended to stay at a rehab clinic.

    Some residents stay longer if they have complex needs or mental health conditions as well. The first week of your stay will be focused mainly on supporting you through the detox period before you move attention to psychological and social treatments.

    Alcohol Detox & Rehab in Middleton

    If you have a moderate to severe alcohol addiction then you’ll need an alcohol detox. This is to get you through withdrawal safely and to ensure your cravings are managed.

    Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include:

    • Profuse sweating
    • Visible tremors
    • Feelings of anxiety
    • Mood swings
    • Feelings of depression
    • Insomnia
    • Sickness and diarrhoea
    • Confusion, hallucinations, and paranoia
    • Seizures

    At an alcohol rehab in Middleton, you’ll have a seven to ten-day detox which includes a Librium prescription. The clinical team will take care of you and ensure you’re comfortable.

    After this, you’ll begin therapeutic treatment and group work. You’ll start to develop self-awareness, identify goals, and begin to practise new coping mechanisms.

    Rehab for Cocaine in Middleton


    If you’ve developed a cocaine addiction, you might be surprised to realise that cocaine use has risen exponentially over the past ten years.

    This is due to availability and reduced prices. It went from a substance that was seen as only being used by the rich to now being used in local pubs by people with regular bank accounts.

    With increased use, comes increased addiction. As well as cocaine, people have been using crack more as the two are practically the same drug, except with crack, bicarbonate of soda has been added to it.

    Side effects of cocaine and crack use include:

    • Skin sores
    • Increased colds and flu
    • Erosion of nose cartilage
    • Development of anxiety and depression
    • Suicidal ideation
    • Increased risk of cancer

    At a drug rehab in Middleton, you’ll begin cognitive restructuring in therapy. This is where you’ll learn how the brain’s processes and how you think to change your behaviour.

    You’ll learn about the power you have to alter these so that you can develop healthy habits and create a meaningful life going forward.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton, please call Rehab Recovery today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Rehab for Heroin in Middleton

    Many heroin users are defined as “high functioning”. This is when a person uses the substance while holding down a well-paid job and/or running a household.

    There are reports of bankers who have daily heroin habits. This comes as a surprise to a lot of people.

    Whether you’re high functioning or if heroin has destroyed every part of your life, addiction is unhealthy and greatly impairs your health outcomes and cognitive functioning.

    Heroin withdrawal symptoms include:

    • Shaking and sweating
    • Sickness and diarrhoea
    • Cold and flu-like aches and runny nose
    • Severe pain in the body and bones
    • Feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, and depression

    At drug rehab, you’ll go through a seven to ten-day detox on a tapered prescription of Subutex. This is an opioid-based medication that weans you off heroin through a slowed-down reduction of opioids that doesn’t give you a high.

    After this, you’ll focus on individual and group therapies. There will be time to learn about what things caused the addiction, what’s maintaining it, and what you can learn and keep practising to ensure you maintain sobriety.

    Rehab for Cannabis in Middleton


    Many people don’t associate cannabis use with severe drug addiction, but actually, for some, it’s an incredibly unhealthy drug.

    Cannabis is shown to be linked to psychosis and schizophrenia. This is especially the case where people have a genetic predisposition, and, of course, people don’t generally know what their genetic predispositions are so can be at serious risk without realising.

    Other negative side effects of cannabis use:

    • Development of anxiety
    • Mood swings
    • Aggression when craving
    • Sleep disruption
    • Changes in metabolism and weight
    • Impaired mental health
    • Forgetfulness and impaired memory
    • Low motivation
    • Increasing social isolation

    Your rehab programme will support you through the initial withdrawal stage. If you have mental health symptoms linked to psychosis, you’ll be looked after by the medical team. Sometimes medications are provided to manage symptoms.

    Quitting cannabis often causes vivid dreams and nightmares. At rehab, staff are available on hand 24 hours a day so if you need support in the middle of the night you’ve got it.

    During the day you’ll take part in relaxing activities and start learning techniques to manage triggers and successfully manage sobriety.

    Individualised Treatment for Addiction in Middleton


    At a drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton, you’ll have a treatment programme that includes a wide range of psychological therapies, holistic therapies, and group sessions.

    • Individual psychotherapy sessions are offered in private addiction treatment settings. This is where you pull apart what’s going on in the brain and mind in order to “reset” it and provide the basis for healing and recovery from a psychological perspective. You’ll have cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and perhaps dialectical behavioural therapy. The latter of which is for people who struggle with emotional processing.
    • It’s important to have counselling for alcohol or drug addiction. This is where you develop in self-awareness as to the causes of the condition and start developing self-compassion, which is important to your personal relationship with yourself. It’s helpful to have counselling at rehab because if you’re left with any triggering feelings after the session, you can talk this through with staff and other residents.
    • Motivational interviewing is the therapy used where you’re given the chance to freely say, “I love alcohol because…”, “I don’t want to quit heroin because…”, “I can’t contemplate a life without cannabis and coke because…” It’s a space to explore ambivalence about quitting.
    • Every day you’ll have group sessions. Both 12 Step type groups and SMART groups. These are where you’ll learn to share with others and take supportive criticism and ideas on how to manage yourself and life.
    • Holistic therapies are usually enjoyed by residents as a space to unwind and relax. They’re also the place where you might find some of your most practical resources to manage cravings or difficult moments. Therapies include mindfulness and grounding, meditation, yoga, tai chi, art therapy, music therapy, equine therapy, reiki, and ear acupuncture.

    What happens at rehab if you have a mental health condition?

    Perhaps you’re aware that you have a mental health condition. This is very common in the addiction field.

    Many people use substances to try and ease feelings of anxiety and depression. On the other hand, using alcohol and drugs can lead to the development of mental health problems.

    The two go hand in hand and at rehab, this will be termed a “dual diagnosis”. If you’re in this position, staff will treat you for both conditions but with an emphasis on the addiction.

    For more information about drug and alcohol rehab in Middleton, please call Rehab Recovery today at 0800 088 66 86.

    Relapse Prevention Approaches at Rehab

    During your time at an alcohol rehab in Middleton, you’ll discuss relapse prevention with staff. There will be a plan in place for you to follow when you leave rehab.

    The relapse prevention plan will include reminders and tips on coping mechanisms to get through triggers and cravings, daily steps to remain focused on sobriety, goals for the future and what to do to achieve them, people to contact at difficult times, and finally, what to do in the event of relapse.

    Relapse isn’t failure. How you manage a relapse can actually lead to great success in recovery.

    Get Help Today

    If you’re struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, call us at Rehab Recovery today at 0800 088 66 86. We can talk you through your private rehab options explaining what’s available to you locally and further afield.

    This is a no-obligation call where we’ll be happy to answer any questions and can also support you through your next step to recovery.




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