Drug Rehab and Alcohol Rehab in Preston and near Preston
Quick Links for help with addiction in Preston
- Addiction rates and drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
- Why opt for residential drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston?
- The admissions process at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston and near Preston
- How much does drug rehab and alcohol rehab cost in Preston and near Preston?
- How long does residential drug rehab and alcohol rehab last in Preston and near Preston?
- What types of psychological therapies are offered at drug rehab and alcohol rehab clinics in Preston?
- The importance of a relapse prevention plan after drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
- Cocaine treatment at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
- Heroin treatment at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
- Cannabis treatment at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
- Tips for choosing the right drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
Drug and alcohol addiction help is available in Preston. There are drug and alcohol rehab treatment facilities as well as outpatient rehab options available.
It is important that the individual chooses the recovery path that is most likely to work for them.
Failure to do this could mean that their chance of building a life away from addiction will be reduced.
When it comes to giving up alcohol or drugs, the most important factor will be the willingness of the individual, but getting the right type of help from the right drug and alcohol rehab can make a huge difference.
Start your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston by calling our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86
Addiction rates and drug and alcohol rehab in Preston
Group therapy for alcohol addiction at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
There’s no denying that drug and alcohol abuse in Preston is cause for concern, with the most recently available statistics suggesting that there are 9.1 Class A drug users (opiates or crack cocaine) for every 100 residents.
Deaths from drug misuse in the Preston area are significantly higher than the UK’s national average, which highlights the importance of quality and accessible drug and alcohol rehab services in Preston.
There is promise in the success of drug and alcohol rehab in the area, however, both opiate and non-opiate drug users who attend Preston-based drug and alcohol rehab clinics have significantly higher success rates and lower likelihood to re-use within 6 months than the average UK indeed respectively.
There is also a substantial alcohol abuse problem in Lancashire, with 9,620 alcohol-specific hospital admissions recorded across Lancashire between 2019 and 2020.
This equates to 799 per 100,000 residents, which is concerningly high when compared to the average rate for England of 644 per 100,000. 1006 of these admissions occurred in Preston alone, making it one of the top 3 problematic regions.
Below, we provide some statistics about alcohol and drug use in Preston and near Preston:
Drug and Alcohol Statistics in Preston (2021) | Data |
Percentage of individuals in treatment services in Preston aged between 40-49 |
40% |
Percentage successfully engaged in community-based structured treatment in Preston after prison |
41% |
National average who successfully engaged in community-based structured treatment after prison |
37% |
Alcohol-specific hospital admissions across Lancashire, including Preston (2019-2021) | 9,620 |
Start your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston by calling our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86
Drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston: What is addiction?
Alcohol support group at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
Contrary to popular opinion, addiction is now largely considered amongst medical professionals to be a disease of the mind.
Therefore, those experiencing addiction have no control over their ability to stop using the addictive substance(s) without some form of treatment or support from a drug and alcohol rehab.
The disease model for addiction equates an addicted drug or alcohol user’s potential for relapse at between 40-60%, which is similar to that of asthma and diabetes.
The most recent medical disease model for addiction suggests that changes occur in the mesolimbic pathways, whilst also acknowledging that external influences also play a part in the development of a drug or alcohol addiction.
There are a total of 4 factors that are believed to influence the likelihood that an individual may develop a drug or alcohol addiction and need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston or beyond, including:
- Biological
- Neurological
- Genetic
- Environmental
The reason that addiction occurs is that the neurotransmitters in the brain that deal with pleasurable sensations are flooded when drugs or alcohol are used regularly.
This leads to a reduction in the natural production of these substances, such as serotonin, which can mean that users become reliant on drugs or alcohol to experience those same sensations.
This is why professional support from a drug and alcohol rehab is so often a necessary step in beating addiction.
Overcome the disease of addiction with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Preston by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Dual Diagnosis – Mental health at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
Alcohol patients holding a flower at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab clinic in Preston
There is an intrinsic connection between mental health issues and substance abuse, with addiction having the potential to be both a cause and effect of mental illnesses.
This is to such an extent that many drug and alcohol rehab services in Preston and beyond will frequently encounter mental health issues amongst their drug and alcohol addiction patients.
The National Bureau of Economic Research has even published research that evidences this reciprocal relationship between substance addiction and mental illness.
Whilst all those with mental health issues are at a higher risk of addiction in general, there are certain conditions that are often associated with specific narcotics, for example cocaine and/or amphetamine use in individuals suffering from anorexia.
The reason for a dual diagnosis of addiction and simultaneous mental health conditions is not always as straightforward, however, with substance use being both a result of and causing additional mental health problems.
The connection can also be both intentional and unintentional.
For example, when drugs and alcohol are used recreationally by an otherwise mentally sound individual, there is the potential that conditions as severe as psychosis could occur as an unintended side effect, which can be both extremely distressing and complicate any eventual drug and alcohol rehab treatment.
Those with depression and similar mood disorders may begin taking substances as an intentional diversion from the mental turmoil of their existing condition, also known as self-medicating.
A common example of this is the use of alcohol to overcome social anxiety disorders.
Unfortunately, whilst self-medication may give a beneficial impression to begin with, the nature of alcohol or drug addiction means that greater quantities are needed to achieve these results over time, worsening their drug or alcohol addiction and making drug and alcohol rehab even more difficult.
Those who have experienced some form of comfort with one substance are also more likely to use additional addictive substances to control existing symptoms.
Over time, this often results in the exacerbation of the original mental health issue rather than the intended prevention.
With this knowledge, drug and alcohol rehab specialists have developed successful treatment plans that tackle both addiction and the associated mental health issue(s) simultaneously in order to achieve the greatest chance of recovery.
Find out how a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston will support your mental health by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
Abstinence at drug and alcohol rehab in Preston
Woman meditating on bed at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
Most modern drug and alcohol rehab facilities operate under the abstinence method of treatment as this offers higher rates of success than other treatment types.
Most drug and alcohol rehab experts have agreed that abstinence is far more effective than harm reduction or moderation management.
Alcoholics Anonymous was the first to develop the total abstinence concept, which is now accepted by many drug and alcohol rehab facilities as the most beneficial treatment type.
The key benefit of abstinence is that it removes the temptation aspect of substance use by ensuring that access to addictive substances is not available.
It also gives the body an opportunity to break the connection that has been developed between the chosen substance and the brain so that drug or alcohol dependence can be eliminated.
Those who recover through the use of abstinence have also shown to be less likely to relapse after drug and alcohol rehab treatment than those practising moderation, for example.
The mortality rate is also reduced for both alcohol and drug-addicted users who abstain from use completely, rather than reducing or otherwise changing their usage patterns, helping them to stay safe and sober after formal drug and alcohol rehab treatment has concluded.
Achieve and maintain abstinence in the best possible way at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston – call our team 0800 088 66 86
Why opt for residential drug and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston?
Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the drug or alcohol addiction sufferer – so the focus of drug and alcohol rehab is always on returning agency to the patient.
There are a variety of reasons why residential drug and alcohol rehab in Preston is favoured for those seeking treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, as per the below:
- Residential drug rehab and alcohol rehab centres in Preston provide an immersive environment that is focused on recovery and removes both the environmental and social influences that may affect decisions to use drugs and alcohol in day-to-day life.
- Drug rehab and alcohol rehab centres in Preston have highly trained staff on hand 24 hours a day, who specialise in the treatment of alcohol or drug addiction.
- A residential drug rehab and alcohol rehab facility in Preston or near Preston will provide a tailored programme that addresses both physical and mental aspects of drug and alcohol addiction.
- The vast majority of residential drug rehab and alcohol rehab programs offer aftercare services, which help those in recovery to maintain their sobriety once their time at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston is complete.
Get all the wonderful benefits of a residential drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Preston by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
Private rehab vs. NHS-funded drug and alcohol rehab services in Preston
Group therapy chairs at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
There are pros and cons to both forms of drug and alcohol rehab treatment, and which is most suitable will depend on both the type and severity of the addiction and the individual circumstances of the patient.
Pros of community (NHS) drug rehab and alcohol rehab treatment in Preston
Obviously, the main pro here is the fact that the drug and alcohol rehab treatment you receive is free of charge, which means it is more accessible financially for many people.
NHS services will be based in your local community, which makes them geographically accessible and, of course, drug and alcohol rehab treatment received through the NHS is entirely confidential.
Cons of community (NHS) drug rehab and alcohol rehab treatment in Preston
Although the services are free, the admission process is very lengthy, and there is less availability of residential drug and alcohol rehab, meaning that only those with very severe addiction problems are likely to be able to access this treatment.
Whilst outpatient treatment is effective for some people, there is a higher chance that remaining in the same environment could be counterproductive to recovery.
Of course, the major con with free drug and alcohol rehab treatment is that it’s in such significant demand, that it is actually far less accessible than it should be, despite the absence of cost.
It can take months or even years to access NHS drug and alcohol rehab services, which for some people is simply too long.
Finally, continuity of service is unlikely, as there is a greater chance that patients will be asked to change to a different drug and alcohol rehab clinic or therapist, which can interrupt the flow of treatment.
Private residential drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
As demonstrated earlier in the article, there is a wide range of benefits to choosing to attend a private residential drug and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston.
There’s only one real con to private residential drug and alcohol rehab, which is the cost of treatment.
Whilst there are a variety of price options and levels of treatment, this does, unfortunately, put this form of drug and alcohol rehab out of reach for many.
For help choosing between private rehab and NHS addicton treatment in Preston, call us on 0800 088 66 86
How much does drug and alcohol rehab cost in Preston and near Preston?
Some average figures for different options are noted below:
- 10-day detox at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston: £3,000-£6,000
- 28-day detox at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston: £8,000-£12,000
A home detox usually costs around £1,500, but you should bear in mind that this is often less successful than residential drug and alcohol rehab as it does not remove the potential triggers of continued addictive behaviour from your daily life.
To find out how much your stay at alcohol and drug rehab clinic in Preston is likely to cost, talk to our team today 0800 088 66 86
How long does residential drug and alcohol rehab in Preston last?
The length of your stay at residential drug and alcohol rehab will depend on both your need and how much you are willing to pay.
It also depends on the specific addiction, as some substances like heroin will require a long medical detox period, whereas others such as cocaine and cannabis will not.
The minimum detox period for alcohol is 7 days, although a 28-day stay at drug and alcohol rehab is recommended for the most successful recovery potential, regardless of the substance.
To find out how long your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston is likely to cost, call us today on 0800 088 66 86
Drug and alcohol detox at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston
Medically assisted detox is a widely used treatment method for drug and alcohol rehab facilities using the abstinence recovery method.
A detox is usually recommended for anyone who would get drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms once they stop drinking alcohol or using drugs regularly. A heavy drinker is classed by the NHS as more than 14 units of alcohol per week.
It is intended to break down physical dependencies that have developed with certain drugs, such as heroin and alcohol, so that the patient can focus on sobriety and recovery whilst in drug and alcohol rehab treatment.
Whether or not you need an alcohol or drug detox will depend on the substance(s) used.
Whilst stopping the use of certain drugs immediately is highly dangerous, medical detox uses a more steady reduction in substances, allowing the user to rid their body of drugs or alcohol with fewer risks.
Although drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms are still likely to occur, they are more manageable, and prescription drugs are available to minimise the withdrawal symptoms of most physically addictive substances.
Medical professionals will monitor and support patients throughout the drug or alcohol detox process for their safety.
This usually lasts for 7 days at a dedicated drug and alcohol rehab centre, although it can take longer depending on the type of drug and how long you have been experiencing addiction.
The prescription drug Librium is used to treat alcohol addiction, for example, is usually administered over 10 days at drug and alcohol rehab to minimise the risk of alcohol withdrawal seizures.
Acamprosate (Campral®) is also used to quit alcohol as it helps rebalance the chemicals in the brain that have been damaged by alcohol.
Alcoholism can also cause anxiety and depression, which means your chosen drug and alcohol rehab centre may prescribe you antidepressant medications like nefazodone, desipramine or imipramine.
The opioid antagonist Naltrexone can also be helpful in cutting alcohol out of your life as it decreases the level of alcohol you consume.
It is usually used at the beginning of a residential drug and alcohol rehab stay, with the remainder of the stay focusing on psychological therapies and addiction counselling.
As for your body’s recovery after drinking alcohol, damaged organs may regain function partially or heal altogether, depending on your state and whether you’ve had a relapse.
It is incredibly important to begin your recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab now, as suffering from alcohol addiction is thought to significantly lower your age of death.
The average age of death for an alcoholic is 47–53 years in men and 50–58 years in women.
Alcohol addiction is unfortunately common but causes a whole array of health effects, with a study by Robin Room, Thomas Babor and Jürgen Rehm revealing that ‘4% of the global burden of disease is attributable to alcohol’, accounting for almost as much death and disability as tobacco and high blood pressure (hypertension) globally.
It is reported that about 14% of alcoholics develop liver cirrhosis if they carry on their drinking for over a period of 8 years. It is best to stop drinking today so that you can have the best chance at a full recovery.
If you go on to have CBT therapy for alcohol addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab, a report has shown that the success rate is 83.87%. Therapy after treatment is therefore highly recommended as the best way to avoid relapse.
To learn more about safely detoxing at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston, call us on 0800 088 66 86
Therapies offered at drug and alcohol rehab clinics in Preston
Hot stone massage during holistic therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
As discussed, many people with addiction problems will receive a dual diagnosis of an underlying or simultaneously occurring mental health issue when they enter drug and alcohol rehab in Preston.
According to the NESARC data, 28.6% of people with a current alcohol use disorder diagnosis had at least one personality disorder such as bipolar disorder.
It’s incredibly important to ensure that this is addressed as a part of the rehabilitation treatment programme.
Treating the physical dependence on drugs and/or alcohol with detox is rarely successful in isolation, as mental health issues that go untreated leave the patient vulnerable to repeating previous addictive habits once they leave drug and alcohol rehab treatment.
There is therefore a significant focus on psychological treatment as part of a successful residential drug and alcohol rehab programme.
Patients will have access to a specialist addiction counsellor, as well as a range of therapy programmes, including, but not limited to:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
- Holistic and Alternative Therapies (music therapy, art therapy, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, nutritional counselling, etc.)
- Brief Interventions
- Group Therapy
- Individual Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Codependency Treatment
- Motivational Interviewing (MI)
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET)
- Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy (TSF)
To experience any and all of these effective therapies at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86
The importance of a relapse prevention plan after drug and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
Alcohol therapy group taking notes together at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
As part of the residential drug and alcohol rehab programme, patients will also participate in the creation of a robust relapse prevention plan.
This will be developed during the psychological therapy sessions and will focus on which circumstances would cause the use of substances and how to avoid the triggering behaviours and environments the patient is likely to encounter outside of drug and alcohol rehab.
The HALT method at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
Throughout the development of a relapse prevention plan, the HALT method is used to help drug and alcohol rehab patients to overcome any negative emotions that may lead to future relapse.
This focuses on the concept that humans are more vulnerable to negative emotions when they are in 4 distinct states, hungry, angry, lonely or tired.
Part of the plan will therefore be identifying what triggers negative emotions, and ensuring you are not left in any of the 4 states that could exacerbate the effect that these emotions could have on you.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
Part of CBT deals with the improvement of coping mechanisms that help you to deal with negative emotions when they do arise.
It helps build confidence in your own ability to deal with negative emotions by showing through a variety of steps, depending on what works best for the individual.
This could be relaxation, meditation or focusing on an activity that brings them calm, giving them a solid approach to recovery after drug and alcohol rehab has concluded.
Beat addiction once and for all with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Alternatives to residential drug and alcohol rehab in Preston and near Preston
Family therapy meeting at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston
Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, but it isn’t for everyone.
There are a range of non-residential drug and alcohol rehab recovery options available in the Preston area. These consist mainly of community-based groups and services.
Some options to consider outside of a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston include:
- The NHS Drug and Alcohol team in Preston offer outpatient drug rehab and alcohol rehab services
- Home detox instead of detoxing at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston will be possible for some patients
- SMART Recovery Preston
- Alcoholics Anonymous Preston or Narcotics Anonymous Preston
- Al-Anon group family meetings
These options should all be considered carefully based on your individual needs and experience of drug and alcohol addiction.
Our team of drug and alcohol rehab specialists can help you to make an informed decision about the best recovery options for you.
Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86
Cocaine treatment at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston and near Preston
Patient and therapist taking notes about alcohol addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston
Contrary to popular belief, cocaine is not a physically addictive drug, however it is possible to become psychologically dependent on it. There is no medical detox required for cocaine, however, abstinence from the point of entering drug and alcohol rehab will be expected.
Addictions without a physical dependence can be more difficult to immediately identify, however, DSM-5 is used by most medical professionals in the diagnoses of cocaine, much like other narcotic substances.
The severity of an individual’s SUD (Substance Use Disorder) is, again, defined by the number of symptoms displayed in this model. Those demonstrating 2-3 behaviours are considered to have a mild SUD, 4-5 moderate SUD, and 6 or more demonstrate a severe SUD, more commonly known as addiction.
Those rehab patients who are determined to be addicted to cocaine will receive tailored treatment, the intensity of which will be guided by their score on the SUD scale.
Both inpatient and outpatient treatments are available for cocaine addiction in Preston.
Inpatient or residential rehab has been shown to offer the greatest rates of success in recovery from cocaine addiction, however, those with milder SUDs might benefit from outpatient rehab services.
Cocaine detox will not be necessary – instead, rehab treatment will focus on tackling the psychological addiction that this substance has caused.
Overcome your addiction to cocaine at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Heroin treatment at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston and near Preston
Two people talking about alcohol addiction at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
Heroin is a highly addictive drug, and it can be one of the most difficult to recover from an addiction to this narcotic.
The assessment used to determine the severity of the addiction will be used, however, heroin is physically addictive, so there will be more obvious physical side effects than for those with cocaine addictions.
Both inpatient and outpatient treatments are available for those struggling with heroin addiction in Preston, however, private residential drug and alcohol rehab offers the greatest success rates, if this is affordable, it would be the best option.
For heroin addiction, rehab can last up to 90 days in total, but the length of your stay will vary depending on individual needs.
Medically assisted heroin detox, as described earlier in this article, will be necessary for all patients suffering from heroin addiction.
Although the fear of withdrawal symptoms can put many people off attempting recovery at a drug and alcohol rehab, the modern treatments available for heroin detox make the process more comfortable than past methods.
This includes prescription drugs such as Buprenorphine, Naloxone or methadone, which can reduce withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings.
Flu-like symptoms can be expected during the detox period, and usually last for around 7-15 days. Once sober, you will go on to complete the important psychological therapy aspect of rehab.
Those in recovery from heroin addiction will be strongly advised to attend ongoing aftercare services, such as Narcotics Anonymous, after drug and alcohol rehab to help maintain their sobriety in the long term.
Overcome your addiction to heroin at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Cannabis treatment at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston and near Preston
Gardens at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
Cannabis is not a physically addictive drug, however, like cocaine and amphetamines, you can become psychologically dependent on it. Drug and alcohol rehab is therefore available for those suffering from cannabis addiction in the Preston area.
There are a variety of residential treatment options available, including standard, luxury and executive, depending on your means and preference.
This provides an environment free from temptation and negative influence where you can work on realigning your habits.
There is no cannabis detox is required, however, you will be expected to abstain from use once you enter drug and alcohol rehab in Preston.
You will, however, work through the psychological connection that has been formed with cannabis use, and try to undo work on ignoring the triggers.
A study by Wayne Hall and Louisa Degenhardt identified the adverse side effects of regul`ar use of cannabis during adolescence and into adulthood can include ‘a dependence syndrome, increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, impaired respiratory function, cardiovascular disease, and adverse effects of regular use on adolescent psychosocial development and mental health’. Therefore, cannabis is not completely harmless and can require drug and alcohol rehab treatment to properly overcome.
Outpatient treatment is also available, and this focuses on psychological therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and motivational interviewing.
This is a far less intense treatment option, however, greater success is usually achieved through residential drug and alcohol rehab treatment.
Overcome your addiction to cannabis at a drug and alcohol rehab in Preston by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
When a professional intervention is needed for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
Intervention for drug and alcohol rehab in Preston
Individuals struggling with addiction cannot be forced to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Preston against their will; they must enter into it voluntarily to achieve the desired results.
Holding an intervention for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
When there is concern about drug or alcohol addiction in a loved one, but they refuse to acknowledge a problem, or refuse treatment, it can be very frustrating for relatives to watch.
Seeing loved ones hurting themselves and not being able to stop it can be traumatising for close family members or partners to witness, which is why they can employ the services of a professional interventionist.
A professional interventionist usually has a history of addiction, which gives them an insight into the disease that loved ones cannot possibly understand.
They will work with the family to formulate an intervention plan, which they will then use to approach the individual of concern.
The CRAFT intervention for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
CRAFT (Community Reinforcement And Family Training) is a widely used method that professional interventionists use to help relatives see their addiction problem for what it is, and persuade them to seek out drug and alcohol rehab treatment in Preston.
Rather than previously used confrontational interventions that people recognise from TV and movies, this focuses on CSOs (Close Significant Others) to the individual rewarding them when they choose sobriety, rather than shaming them when they don’t.
It’s based on science and uses the concept that good behaviour should be reinforced, and bad behaviour should not, which was developed by Dr John C. Umhau MD, an addiction specialist. This concept can also be seen in other behavioural techniques, such as parenting.
Although it can feel counterintuitive, it also encourages families to allow the individual to suffer the negative consequences of their consumption.
This, in time, gives the individual time to recognise their own problem, and come around to the idea of rehabilitation in their own time.
The CRAFT method also required that family members support their loved ones throughout the drug and alcohol rehab period, and allow them to experience mishaps and even dropouts of drug and alcohol rehab – it may take more than one attempt for some people to successfully remain sober.
It has proven to be incredibly effective in helping reluctant individuals to recognise their need for drug and alcohol rehab.
Make sure that your loved one gets the help they need from an alcohol and drug rehab in Preston by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Choosing the right drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
Both residential and outpatient options are available on either a private or community-based basis, and within those options, some drug and alcohol rehab facilities will choose a different approach to treatment than others.
With that in mind, it can be difficult to understand which type of drug and alcohol rehab treatment is the most appropriate.
The truth is, with drug and alcohol rehab, different methods will work differently for different people, depending on a number of factors, including length of addiction, substance type, underlying conditions, and to some degree, personality. The key is to find the one that works for you.
Whichever form of rehab treatment you choose, ensure that your drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston offers the following benefits:
- Strong demonstrable success rates with previous drug rehab and alcohol rehab patients
- Good reviews for their drug rehab and alcohol rehab services and facilities in Preston, both online and by word of mouth
- A substantial history of drug rehab and alcohol rehab service in Preston and nearby, ideally 20 years or more
- Affordable drug rehab and alcohol rehab options for your circumstances
- A highly qualified team of medically trained drug rehab and alcohol rehab staff
Allow our expert team to help you choose the perfect rehab centre in Preston for your needs by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Contacting Rehab Recovery for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston
Person typing on a phone at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Preston or near Preston
For more information on drug and alcohol rehab options in Preston, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.
When you contact us, we shall outline a variety of treatment options that are available to you in Preston.
This includes both private and statutory alcohol or drug addiction treatment services.
We also offer our drug and alcohol rehab services in a variety of locations across the UK, including London, Essex, Oxfordshire, Reading, Luton, Slough, Berkshire, Brighton and more!