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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Whitley Bay

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Whitley Bay. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Whitley Bay

    Addiction is a chronic disease of the brain, which develops the more frequently an individual consumes drugs and alcohol.

    The disease causes individuals to feel a compulsive desire to regularly engage in drug or alcohol misuse, which is harmful to not only their health, but also to their relationships, work, and family life.

    This is because drugs and alcohol create new neurological pathways in the brain which cause individuals to become reliant on these substances for survival as their consumption increases.

    Also, taking drugs and alcohol triggers the release of dopamine from the brain, a neurotransmitter that causes an individual to feel euphoric.

    As the individual builds a dependency on these substances, the pleasure centres within the brain become overloaded. The body will therefore demand more and more drugs or alcohol to reach the same level of euphoria, which is how addiction can begin.

    Frequent consumption of drugs or alcohol can also overload the brain’s frontal lobes, which are responsible for helping individuals to make sensible decisions and react to danger.

    When an individual abstains from drugs or alcohol, they may begin to feel stressed, anxious, or paranoid because of this overload. They are therefore likely to continue abusing substances to mask these emotions.

    Along with frequent consumption of alcohol or drugs, there are several factors that put some individuals at greater risk of developing an addiction than others.

    This may include:

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Whitley Bay on 0800 088 66 86

    Why is Rehab Needed in Whitley Bay?

    Two people holding hands

    It is estimated that over 86% of adults who drink alcohol in Whitley Bay and the North Tyneside area drink above what are considered to be safe levels. [1]

    Of this number, 1.63% of North Tyneside residents are estimated to be dependent on alcohol, which equates to over 2600 adults. [2]

    They are therefore at risk of developing alcohol-related health complications in the future.

    This includes conditions such as:

    Across the UK in 2019, alcoholic liver disease accounted for 77% of alcoholic-specific deaths, making it the most common cause of death in all nations. [3]

    Each year there are approximately 100 alcohol-related deaths, 200 alcohol-specific hospital admissions, and 400 reported cases of violent crime in North Tyneside.

    The cost of alcohol consumption in North Tyneside is estimated to be more than £83 million, which includes implications for crime, social care, and the NHS. [4]

    In 2021, there were 41 deaths related to drug poisoning in Whitley Bay and North Tyneside, which increased from just 9 in 2020.

    There were also 31 drug misuse-related deaths, which again increased from 6 in the previous year. [5]

    Why Getting Professional Addiction Treatment Important

    Two men in 1-1 therapy

    Attempting to stop using drugs or alcohol alone or at home can be extremely difficult and therefore often leads to relapse.

    This is because those who suddenly abstain from drugs or alcohol after developing a dependence on these substances will begin to experience withdrawal symptoms.

    These withdrawal symptoms are not only unpleasant but can also be dangerous if left untreated.

    The drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms that individuals may experience include:

    • Delirium Tremens
    • Seizures
    • Heart Palpitations
    • Nausea and Vomiting
    • Tremors
    • Hallucinations
    • Heart failure
    • Irritability and Restlessness
    • Headaches
    • High Temperature
    • Anxiety and Depression

    Therefore, to ensure that the recovery journey is safe and leads to long-term sobriety, it is recommended for you or your loved one seek professional addiction treatment from a rehab clinic in Whitley Bay.

    Here, you will receive medication to help cope with withdrawal symptoms and cravings, as well as support from medical professionals and addiction specialists.

    This ensures that your recovery journey is as comfortable as possible.

    Many of the rehab clinic staff will either have a connection to addiction or may have recovered themselves, meaning that they will be in a great position to support you on your journey.

    You or your loved one will also have access to therapy that will help you to identify your triggers and make long-lasting behavioural changes. This will set you up for a successful, rewarding, and sober lifestyle once you leave rehab.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Whitley Bay on 0800 088 66 86

    Signs That You May Need Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

    A woman taking a pill

    If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be developing a dependence on drugs or alcohol, you should reach out to a rehab centre in Whitley Bay for help as soon as possible.

    However, we understand that the prospect of asking for help can be daunting. It may therefore be useful for you to be aware of some of the symptoms suggesting that drug or alcohol addiction may be present.

    You should consider whether:

    • You find yourself frequently thinking about alcohol or drugs when you are not consuming them
    • You are consuming a higher quantity of drugs or alcohol
    • The frequency of your drug or alcohol consumption has increased.
    • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you do not consume substances
    • You or your loved one become irritable when you are not consuming drugs or alcohol
    • You find yourself turning to drugs or alcohol when you become stressed
    • The hygiene of yourself or your loved one is worsening
    • You are experiencing frequent mood swings

    If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it is likely that you are beginning to develop an addiction.

    The longer you leave it without seeking treatment, the worse these symptoms will become, and before you know it, your addiction may begin to spiral out of control.

    Whether you reach out to a friend, family member, GP, or directly to a rehab clinic in Whitley Bay, admitting that you need help is the first and perhaps the most important step in addiction recovery.

    How Does Rehab in Whitley Bay Work?

    Therapy talk

    When entering rehab in Whitley Bay, all patients will receive a medical and psychiatric evaluation.

    This will help rehab clinic staff to design a bespoke treatment plan that is tailored to the needs of the individual, taking into account any mental health issues that they may be suffering from alongside their addiction.

    Individuals will then benefit from a comprehensive treatment programme that includes medically assisted detox, therapy, and relapse prevention planning.

    All of these elements are designed to provide individuals with the tools to build a healthy, substance-free lifestyle once they leave rehab.

    When it comes to rehab treatment options in Whitley Bay, individuals can choose between inpatient residential rehab and outpatient services.

    Inpatient rehab is generally recommended for most people suffering from drug or alcohol dependency, as it provides a safe environment for individuals to go through detox and therapy without distraction from the outside world.

    Treatment at an inpatient rehab centre will also be more personalised to the individual than in an outpatient clinic, and individuals will benefit from round-the-clock care and support.

    Outpatient services are free and based in the local community, making this a good rehab option for those who may be concerned about the cost of rehab in Whitley Bay.

    However, patients will attend the clinic during the day and return home at night, which makes them susceptible to temptations and distractions that may be present in their home environment.

    This is therefore not considered to be an appropriate treatment option for those with a moderate to severe drug or alcohol addiction, as individuals are at a greater risk of relapse when going through detox and treatment at home.

    Private Rehab vs NHS Treatment in Whitley Bay

    Although addiction treatment provided by the NHS is free, those attending private rehab in Whitley Bay will receive a higher quality of care.

    This is because there is a higher number of patients accessing NHS drug and alcohol treatment services, meaning that they are unable to offer the same level of individual attention and personalised care as private rehabs.

    Due to services being oversubscribed and limited government funding, there is usually a long waiting list for NHS treatment. This means that individuals may not be able to access treatment when they need it the most.

    For those that feel they would benefit from residential rehab, choosing care in the private sector is the best option as the NHS fund only a limited number of spaces at inpatient centres.

    At a private rehab centre, individuals will be given their own room in a comfortable and often luxurious setting, with a wide range of therapies, activities, and facilities available.

    In contrast, the facilities at an NHS rehab centre are likely to be much more basic and treatment will include a limited range of therapies.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Whitley Bay on 0800 088 66 86

    What Happens During Rehab in Whitley Bay?

    If you or your loved one are worried about the thought of entering drug and alcohol rehab in Whitley Bay, it may be useful to know what to expect beforehand.

    Rehab centres are often wrongly assumed to be cold and clinical places that are designed to punish those struggling with addiction.

    However, in reality, rehabs provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to begin their journey to recovery, with caring and compassionate staff on hand at all times.

    You or your loved one will be guided through every stage of your recovery, including when you leave and return home in Whitley Bay.

    Medical Drug and Alcohol Detox

    Detox or detoxification is a treatment used at rehabs in Whitley Bay to help individuals break their physical addiction to drugs or alcohol.

    This process is often supported by detox medication, which helps to reduce the effects of unpleasant or dangerous withdrawal symptoms that may arise as a result of sudden abstinence from substances.

    Medication is only prescribed to those dependent on:

    It is not necessary for those with an addiction to substances such as cocaine or cannabis, as these substances are not physically addictive and only require psychological treatment.

    Although many outpatient services offer individuals the chance to complete their detox at home, it is not recommended to do this.

    This is because individuals are more likely to relapse without the support that inpatient rehab offers.

    Medical professionals present at an inpatient rehab centres are also on hand to adjust medication levels to reduce cravings and help individuals overcome the drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms that come with detox.

    Therapy Treatment Options in Whitley Bay


    Once detox has been completed, individuals can then begin therapy to address the underlying causes of their addiction.

    All good Care Quality Commission (CQC) approved rehab centres will provide a range of therapeutic models to suit every individual and their unique treatment needs.

    Talking Therapies

    Talking therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) are some of the most commonly used and effective types of therapy for many individuals on a rehab treatment programme.

    CBT helps individuals address the issues underlying addiction that they may be experiencing in the present.

    Psychological therapists will then provide them with strategies to alter these behaviours that allow individuals to lead healthy, substance-free lifestyles.

    Whereas CBT aims to change negative thought patterns that individuals are experiencing at the current moment, DBT encourages individuals to accept themselves for who they are today.

    DBT is also focused on regulating emotion to help individuals cope and change harmful behaviours that may have led to their addiction.

    Alternative Holistic Therapies

    Holistic therapies not only keep individuals occupied with fun activities but also aim to highlight how pleasure and reward can be experienced without the need for drugs or alcohol.

    This type of therapy encourages individuals to take part in activities that are healthy for both the body and mind, as well as facilitating positive communication with their peers.

    Some of the most common holistic therapies used by rehab clinics in Whitley Bay include:

    Group Therapy

    Individuals will also be given the opportunity to take part in group therapy.

    This consists of rehab patients getting together to talk about their recovery journey, including sharing stories of their struggles and achievements.

    Group therapy, therefore, enables individuals to learn from their peers and gain support from others who are in a similar situation to them.

    Having a network of peers to support you through recovery is a great motivation for staying sober in the long term.

    Co-Dependency Treatment

    Co-dependency occurs when a loved one of an individual struggling with addiction sacrifices their own needs to focus on helping this person.

    The individual then becomes dependent on the other person, which can cause their relationship to become harmful and toxic.

    Co-dependency treatment is therefore designed to address the destructive behaviours that may have caused co-dependency issues in the first place.

    This allows both individuals to lead fulfilling independent lives whilst maintaining a healthy relationship with each other.

    Dual Diagnosis Treatment

    It is common for those entering rehab in Whitley Bay and across the UK to have a mental health condition present alongside their substance dependency issues.

    For example, in 2019, the second biggest cause of alcohol-related deaths in the UK behind liver disease was mental and behavioural disorders. This is thought to have caused 957 alcohol-specific deaths. [6]

    Inpatient rehab centres in Whitley Bay will therefore provide dual diagnosis treatment for these individuals.

    Those with a dual diagnosis have both an addiction and mental health condition that should be treated simultaneously.

    Some of the most common dual-diagnosis conditions include:

    This is because addictions often develop as a result of individuals attempting to mask the symptoms associated with mental health disorders.

    Alternatively, mental health issues may arise as a consequence of an individual’s frequent overconsumption of drugs or alcohol.

    For recovery to be successful and long-lasting, it is therefore crucial that individuals receive a comprehensive treatment programme for all conditions that they may be suffering from.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Whitley Bay on 0800 088 66 86

    What Happens After Rehab?

    Two friends supporting eachother

    As addiction is a chronic disease of the brain, the risk of relapse will always remain even after an individual leaves rehab in Whitley Bay.

    It is therefore essential that individuals are provided with aftercare specialist services post-rehab, which will help them to maintain their sobriety once they return home.

    All good residential rehabs in Whitley Bay will have a dedicated aftercare team, who you or your loved one can contact at any time.

    They offer multiple types of support, from helping former patients find a place to live, to being at the end of a phone at any time if you feel that you may relapse.

    Another essential part of aftercare is relapse prevention planning.

    This provides individuals with tools and strategies that they can implement which will help them to manage triggers and cravings that may lead to relapse.

    These strategies make the transition from rehab back into society easier for individuals to handle and ensure that all of the hard work that they conducted during rehab is not forgotten.

    Support Groups

    Individuals may also be encouraged to attend a peer support group after leaving rehab.

    There are several groups situated in and around Whitley Bay, which operate in a similar way to the group therapy that you or your loved one may have taken part in during residential rehab.

    However, these groups are open to anyone who is on a recovery journey and is willing to completely abstain from drugs or alcohol.

    An example of one such group is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which has over 2 million members worldwide.

    Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is another mutual support group designed for those struggling with drug addiction.

    All groups use a 12-Step recovery programme, which asks individuals to admit that they need help fighting their addiction. They are then required to ask a higher power for help to regain control of their lives.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Whitley Bay on 0800 088 66 86


    Person researching

    How Do I Choose a Good Rehab Facility?

    When choosing between residential rehab facilities in Whitley Bay, the first thing that you should take note of is whether the clinic is Care Quality Commission (CQC) approved.

    This means that it provides a high standard of care and is able to offer all of the relevant addiction treatments to help patients recover successfully.

    You should also consider your own unique needs, to determine which rehab facility is best for you.

    For instance, if you have a mental health condition, you should enquire as to whether the clinic provides dual diagnosis treatment and mental health services.

    It may also be useful to know the areas of expertise of the clinic’s psychiatrists and medical staff.

    Some other factors that you should consider when choosing a rehab treatment programme in Whitley Bay include:

    • Your budget
    • The facilities that you would prefer, e.g gym or spa facilities
    • Your personal recovery goals
    • How far you are willing to travel for treatment

    If you are concerned about choosing the right facility for your needs, you should contact either your GP or a rehab clinic directly, who can point you in the right direction.

    How Do I Know That I Am Ready to Enter Rehab?

    We understand that making the decision to enter a residential rehab clinic can be difficult, particularly for those leaving loved ones at home.

    However, this decision is life-changing and can help to determine how the rest of your life will pan out.

    If you are reading this page, it is likely that you or your loved one are ready to accept the help that you need.

    To be sure, here are some questions to consider when making your final decision:

    • Do you want to improve your mental health?
    • Would you like to lead a physically healthier lifestyle?
    • Are you miserable and wishing that you could lead a happy life?
    • Do you want to reduce your consumption or stop regularly using drugs and alcohol?

    Whether this helps to confirm that you or your loved one needs support, or you are still unsure, we would recommend enquiring about the addiction treatments available at a rehab clinic in Whitley Bay.

    How Much Does Rehab in Whitley Bay Cost?

    Putting an exact figure on the cost of rehab in Whitley Bay is difficult, as prices vary from clinic to clinic.

    For example, clinics with luxurious facilities will charge more for a stay than those with more basic facilities.

    The cost will also vary based on the needs of each individual and can depend on the length of their stay.

    Detox medication makes up a large portion of the cost of rehab, so those that need to undergo this process are likely to pay more.

    For a typical 28 to 30-day treatment, you can expect to pay £5000 to £10,000 for a place in a residential rehab clinic in Whitley Bay.

    How Will I Afford to Pay for Private Rehab Treatment?

    Understandably, the cost of private rehab can be a barrier for those who require addiction treatment on a lower budget.

    However, there are some options available for those worried about the financial side of rehab.

    Firstly, many rehab clinics can work to a range of budgets and may be able to set up a manageable payment plan for you or your loved one.

    Also, some rehabs accept private health insurance as payment if the provider covers addiction treatment.

    Although the cost of rehab may feel like a huge sacrifice, it’s important to consider what you would spend whilst trying to maintain your drug or alcohol addiction.

    This figure is likely to be much higher and also impacts your physical well-being, mental health, and relationships with loved ones.

    How Long is Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

    The length of time that an individual will stay in a residential rehab centre depends on their unique treatment needs.

    For example, if an individual has a more severe drug or alcohol dependency, they are likely to need a longer treatment programme to address the issues underlying their addiction.

    The detoxification process lasts for 7 to 10 days. However, it is highly recommended that individuals stay in rehab for longer than this so that they have time to get to the root of their addiction through psychological therapy.

    Therefore, the typical length of stay is 28 days, with some programmes lasting from 60 to 90 days.

    How Long Does It Take to Overcome Addiction?

    Although rehab kickstarts the recovery process, it can often take much longer than the length of a stay for individuals to overcome their addiction.

    This is because addiction causes chemical changes in the brain that lead to an individual developing a dependency on a substance, which they will now require for survival.

    It can therefore take a long time to undo these changes and construct healthy patterns of thinking which allow individuals to make healthy lifestyle changes that do not involve drugs or alcohol.

    The time that this takes will vary from person to person, depending on their personal circumstances, the severity of their addiction, and their commitment to recovery.

    Choosing to enter rehab in Whitley Bay is the first step in overcoming addiction and helps to speed up the recovery process for those struggling with addiction.

    What Should I Bring to Residential Rehab?

    The items that can be taken into a residential rehab centre in Whitley Bay will vary from clinic to clinic.

    We would therefore recommend checking your chosen facility’s essential items checklist, as well as finding out which items are prohibited.

    However, most rehab clinics would recommend bringing:

    • Comfortable clothing and shoes
    • Nightwear
    • Any prescription medication, must be sealed and cleared with the clinic beforehand
    • A few items of value as possible
    • Photographs of loved ones

    You will be encouraged not to bring a computer or mobile device to ensure that you are able to focus fully on your recovery, without distraction from the outside world.

    You should not bring any drugs or alcohol into rehab, but you may be allowed to bring newly purchased and sealed packets of tobacco. This ensures that it has not been mixed with other substances.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in Whitley Bay on 0800 088 66 86


    [1] Alcohol and Adults, North Tyneside Council

    [2] North Tyneside Health & Wellbeing Board Report, North Tyneside Council, January 2022

    [3] Alcohol Statistics: England, House of Commons Library, July 2021

    [4] Alcohol and Adults

    [5] Deaths Related to Drug Poisoning by Local Authority, England and Wales, Office for National Statistics, August 2022

    [6] Alcohol Statistics: England

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