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Drug Rehab & Alcohol Rehab in Belfast & Near Belfast

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug Rehab & Alcohol Rehab in Belfast & Near Belfast

    Quick Links for help with addiction in Belfast and near Belfast

    If you are dealing with an addiction problem in Belfast or near Belfast, we want to help you.

    We understand that there are few addiction recovery options open to you locally and that you may be working hard to hide your problems with alcohol or drugs.

    Dealing with this type of problem alone can be frustrating and very lonely, but there is help available for you in Belfast.

    Contact us right now and we will be able to go over some of your options for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast. Alternatively, you can use the contact form on the contact us page.

    We offer a drug and alcohol rehab referral service that is discrete, and confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us.

    Start your recovery journey at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab Belfast today – call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    Addiction statistics and the need for drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Couple hugging in a field after treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Couple hugging in a field after treatment at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Problems with addiction are not confined to people from particular backgrounds or from particular countries.

    Just like anywhere else, Northern Ireland has people who struggle with substance use disorders, struggling with everything from cannabis addiction and alcohol misuse to abuse of cocaine, ketamine, heroin and much more.

    Sadly, the battle with addiction in Belfast is increasing. The number of deaths from drug use in Northern Ireland has doubled over the last 10 years.

    In particular, alcohol addiction is very common, with one recent study concluding that ‘4% of the global burden of disease is attributable to alcohol’, [1] accounting for almost as much death and disability as tobacco and high blood pressure (hypertension) globally.

    Below, we provide some statistics about alcohol and drug use in Belfast or near Belfast: [2]

    Drug and Alcohol Statistics in Northern Ireland (including Belfast) 2021/22 Data
    Number who were recorded on the Substance Misuse Database as having presented to services for problem substance misuse in Belfast and wider Northern Ireland 3,092
    Number who presented to services indicating problem drug use only 1,004
    Number who presented to services indicating both drug and alcohol misuse  945
    Percentage use of most common drug (cannabis) 62

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast – What is addiction?

    Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Group therapy at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    It is unfortunate that many people still hold negative opinions about those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction issues.

    Some people still think that having an addiction makes someone a bad person and that going to drug and alcohol rehab is a sign of weakness.

    Addiction is now known to be caused by the physical effects of chemicals in the brain.  No one suffers from addiction by choice or because of some moral failure – it is a disease that needs treatment at a professional drug and alcohol rehab.

    Part of the workings of our brains includes the sending of signals to different areas through certain connections and particular chemicals.  The chemical that causes our brains to want to repeat a particular behaviour is called dopamine.

    Dopamine is released when we do anything that the body realises does something good for us. For example, dopamine is released when what we eat tastes good, when we do exercise, and when we have sex.

    When people consume addictive substances like alcohol and heroin, the brain releases enormous amounts of dopamine.  These dopamine levels are far beyond what is released when we experience the normal pleasures of life.

    This ‘surge’ of dopamine is what makes the body think that the substance needs to be consumed again and again.  The body starts to think there is nothing more important.

    Because of this, addiction can come in many different forms, including substance addictions both physical and psychological, and behavioural addictions concerning specific acts (gambling addiciton, shopping addiction, sex addiction, etc.)

    People suffering from drug or alcohol addiction often have a mixture of three different things going on in their lives:

    1. They are using drugs or alcohol regularly.
    2. They have other issues related to mental well-being such as significant stress, depression, or the effects of trauma, which may have been intensified by drug or alcohol use.
    3. They lack healthy, supportive relationships to some degree and many of their relationships revolve around drug or alcohol use.

    The way these different areas manifest will be distinct for everyone and will be true to a greater or lesser extent.  However, it is common that elements of each of the three areas are present in any given drug or alcohol addiction and will need to be considered during treatment at drug and alcohol rehab.

    As this addictive behaviour becomes more and more powerful, other areas of life begin to become seriously affected and this is the stage when going to drug and alcohol rehab might be the best possible step.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here. [3]

    To learn more about how addiction affects the mind and body, and to begin discovering the kind of person-centred care that a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast can offer, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Dual diagnosis: Mental health and drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Couple in black and white at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Couple in black and white at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    It would be rare to find someone suffering from drug or alcohol addiction issues who didn’t also have other mental health issues.

    Among the most prevalent mental health issues suffered by people with substance use disorders are depression and anxiety.

    Drug and alcohol rehabs are therefore geared to helping people deal with many of these other possible issues.

    The drug and alcohol rehab treatment offered is evidence-based and offered by professionally trained therapeutic staff in Belfast and near Belfast.

    To find out how drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast can provide ample mental health support during treatment, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Will drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast help me drink alcohol normally?

    Woman drinking coffee by the sea after treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Woman drinking coffee by the sea after treatment at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast
    When you attend a drug & alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast, the aim of the programme will be to help you come to the point of living totally abstinent from drugs and alcohol.

    Rehab does not try to help you learn how to ‘control’ your drug and alcohol addiction, whether your issue lay with daily drinking, binge drinking or other problematic substance use.

    Abstinence is the only way to guarantee that the hijacking of the brain by dopamine caused by drug or alcohol use will not happen again.

    Experts have agreed that abstinence and permanent sobriety is always the safer and more effective route to drug and alcohol addiction recovery, either in Belfast or anywhere in the world.

    Abstinence is a key part of any modern drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast. To find out more, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the benefits of going to drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast?

    Alcohol support group at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Alcohol support group at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast
    No one could ever say that trying to recover from addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast is easy.

    Continued substance misuse produces pathways in the brain that make the brain think the behaviour is the normal way for it to function.  These physically imprinted pathways are what make it so difficult to make alternative decisions and avoid drug or alcohol use going forward.

    Establishing new pathways in the brain is at the very centre of what is necessary in order to conquer addictive behaviours.

    Making the decision to stop is the vital first step, then continuing new healthy behaviours gradually starts to establish new connections in the brain separate from drug and alcohol use.

    Drug and alcohol rehab provides an environment that is built entirely around assisting with the making of good, healthy decisions.

    The reason residential drug and alcohol rehab is so effective in combatting addiction is that it provides a place where the triggers and reminders of old routines are no longer present.

    This gives the brain a greater opportunity to start establishing new ways of working and reacting.

    Recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is not easy – your mind and body are trying to operate in a completely new way and this can be physically and emotionally exhausting.

    Many people who spend time at a drug and alcohol rehab also come to realise just how important it is to be in a place where regular nourishment, sleep and exercise are also part of the routine.

    Not only is this important for physical and emotional recovery, but many addiction sufferers have long neglected this good and healthy behaviour. A drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast will help them to restart and make new, better choices.

    To find out more about how residential rehab in Belfast can help you overcome addiction for good, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How is a private rehab different from council-funded drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast?

    A kitchen at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    The decision of which drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast to choose can seem hugely confusing.  One of the main questions may well be regarding the differences between private and council-funded rehabs.

    Anyone who has been part of the council-run system for getting access to substance misuse recovery services will know that waiting times can be extensive. This is particularly true when it comes to waiting times for drug and alcohol rehab centres.

    Choosing a private rehab reduces this waiting time almost entirely. Some private drug and alcohol rehab clinics may need to ask a client to wait a few days for a space to become available but often there is no wait necessary at all.

    Other differences between private rehabs and council-funded places are direct reflections of the financial situation facing each individual drug and alcohol rehab institution.

    Such financial challenges may be reflected in things like staff qualifications, as well as the specific facilities available at the drug and alcohol rehab itself.

    Other organisations offering drug rehab and alcohol rehab support in Belfast and near Belfast

    Below is a list of other organisations that offer free support and advice for addiction in and around Belfast:

    1. ASCERT – Belfast

    Address: Callan House, Westcourt Centre, 8-30 Barrack St, Belfast BT12 4AH

    Telephone: 0800 254 5123


    2. Inspire Addiction Services – Belfast

    Address: 40 Elmwood Ave, Belfast BT9 6AZ

    Telephone: 028 9066 4434


    3. Carlisle House – Belfast

    Address: 2-4 Henry Pl, Belfast BT15 2BB

    Telephone: 028 9032 8308


    You can also reach out to a number of helplines, including Mind UKYoungMindsRethink Mental IllnessSamaritans, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Change Grow Live and Papyrus.

    The NHS (National Health Service) [4] are also there to help you, as are various NHS Foundation Trusts in and near Belfast.

    For more advice and guidance on choosing between public and private drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86

    Is drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast and near Belfast suitable for everyone?

    Family therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Family therapy at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast is one of the best ways to recover from addiction for a variety of reasons.

    However, it would be wrong to suggest that everyone who looks at the possibility of going to rehab is in a suitable position to be able to go straight away.

    People have differences in physical and mental health or attitudes toward their substance use, which means that drug and alcohol rehab may not be the correct option at that particular time.

    When it comes to the question of attitude towards substance use, every addiction sufferer will be at a different stage in their relationship with their substance of choice.

    This might range from desperation to stop as soon as possible to feeling that they just want to regain some sense of control over their level of drug or alcohol use after treatment at drug and alcohol rehab.

    On the subject of physical and mental health conditions that some addiction sufferers might also have, these will depend on their nature and severity when it comes to whether a particular drug and alcohol rehab has the facilities to be able to accommodate each person’s individual needs.

    Common mental health issues faced by those suffering from dual diagnosis and encountered at drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast and near Belfast include:

    Physical issues are also often present alongside addiction, including:

    One thing that each rehab will certainly want to clarify is if there are any additional physical or mental conditions present, which could mean they would need to implement addiction steps or psychiatric treatments in order to carry out drug or alcohol detox safely.

    If you’re unsure whether or not rehab in Belfast is the right call for you, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the alternatives to going to drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast?

    Woman practising yoga after treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Woman practising yoga after treatment at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    There are other ways of recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.

    For some people these have been highly effective, and if drug and alcohol rehab is not a suitable choice at the moment, these alternatives are definitely worth investigating.

    Possibly the most widespread drug and alcohol rehab alternative available across the world is the 12-step programme, made famous by the first group of its kind, Alcoholics Anonymous. [5]

    There are also other 12 Step groups now established that deal with other substances specifically, such as Narcotics Anonymous, [6] Cocaine Anonymous [7], and others.

    These groups focus on surrendering oneself to a higher power in order to overcome a problem that is too intense to beat alone.

    Local councils may well have their own substance use disorder recovery services that will offer their own variety of different services and methods.

    These will vary from place to place and so it is recommended that you contact your local council to see what is available in Belfast and near Belfast.

    SMART Recovery [8] is another alternative substance misuse recovery programme that is becoming more and more widespread.

    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – treatment is about treating the disease of addiction.

    To learn more about the various alternatives to attending drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Hosting an intervention to prepare a loved one for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Intervention for drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Intervention for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    For some people, one of the key steps in getting them to seriously consider the impact of their alcohol or drug use both on themselves and on those around them is the experience of professional intervention.

    This kind of intervention might not be familiar to many, as people can tend to think that doctors, therapists, and other professionals in addiction services are not available for such individual work.

    However, intervention by a professional has been seen to be very effective in helping someone lost in substance misuse to come to a clearer understanding of their situation.

    Because of this, most drug and alcohol rehab professionals are only too happy to help with providing such an intervention, and specialists drug and alcohol rehab interventionists are available as well.

    Such an intervention can sound quite daunting to all involved, but there are evidence-based methods for carrying out such interventions that have been shown to be extremely positive.

    CRAFT intervention for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast and near Belfast

    One particular method of intervention is called Community Reinforcement And Family Training (CRAFT). [9]

    The CRAFT method of intervention takes a holistic approach to the intervention, helping the family as a whole to look at the effects addiction is having and to find ways of moving forward that are supportive for everyone.

    You must remember not to blame your loved one as anyone who has an addiction is psychologically and physically dependent on the substance, as proved by studies such as the study by Terry E Robinson and Kent C Berridge [10] that looked into the ‘Incentive-Sensitization Theory’ and why people crave drugs.

    For advice and guidance conducting an intervention to prepare a loved one for addiction treatment in Belfast, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    How much does it cost to attend drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast?

    Outside a rehab in Belfast

    Drug and alcohol rehab costs will vary from location to location, so our experts will help you look at what variables affect prices at drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast.

    For example, if you want only to stay in rehab for the ten days necessary to have a detox, then the price would be between £2,000 and £4,000.  If you want to have a single room for this period then prices are between £3,000 and £6,000.

    If you would like to stay at rehab for 28 days this would cost around £6,000, though if you want to have a single room during this time, prices would be between £8,000 and £12,000.

    Some people decide to opt for a home detox in Belfast. This still involves the issuing of medication to help with withdrawal symptoms but the process is carried out at an individual home rather than at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast, with medication being provided daily, and supervision normally taking place via phone calls.

    The price for a home detox is around £1500.

    To get a more accurate idea of how much your stay at a rehab in Belfast might cost, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Detoxing at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Doctor working at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Doctor working at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    The vast majority of people who go to rehab due to physical dependence on alcohol or drugs require some form of medically-assisted drug or alcohol detox to help them stop using their substances.

    Detox is necessary because addiction to certain substances also involves a physical dependency.

    This means that not only does the brain want the substance, but the body now only knows how to function with the addictive substance present.

    When physical dependence occurs the body begins to rebel when the substance is no longer in the system and this is what causes withdrawal symptoms.

    Different substances can cause different withdrawal symptoms and this will determine whether you require a form of detox at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast.

    Detox at a drug and alcohol rehab will be medically assisted, which means that the process will involve the taking of particular medications to help the body deal with the withdrawal symptoms.

    This will be accompanied by medical supervision by rehab staff to ensure that the process is being carried out safely and as comfortably as possible.

    Withdrawal from alcohol dependence can not only be uncomfortable but also dangerous.  This is because alcohol withdrawal symptoms often include delirium tremens, which can result in seizures, as well as impactful brain conditions like Wernicke’s Encephalopathy

    Perhaps the most common medication used during alcohol withdrawal both in and out of rehab is a medication called Librium, also known as Chlordiazepoxide.

    Over the course of around 10 days, the medication is administered to ease the symptoms of withdrawal and is gradually reduced as the symptoms improve.

    The opioid antagonist Naltrexone can also be used to cut alcohol out of your life as it decreases the desire to drink alcohol.

    Alcoholism can also cause depression, which means you might be able to get prescribed medications such as an antidepressant like nefazodone, desipramine, or imipramine.

    Another medication used to stop drinking is Acamprosate (Campral®), which helps rebalance the chemicals in the brain that have been damaged by alcohol.

    It is essential to begin your recovery now, as being an alcoholic is thought to lower your age of death drastically. The average age of death for an alcoholic [11] is 47–53 years in men and 50–58 years in women.

    Start your recovery journey with a detox at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast today – call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    How long does drug rehab and alcohol rehab last in Belfast and near Belfast?

    Group fist bumping at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Alcohol support group fist-bumping at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    The length of time someone stays in a drug and alcohol rehab is a decision based on several factors.

    Firstly, whether they have a physical dependence on a substance that requires a medical detox whilst at drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast.

    This will determine how the first period of their time at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast is spent.

    Detox time differs depending on what substance a person is being detoxed from.

    Alcohol detox will take a minimum of seven days, whilst other substance addictions will require slightly different procedures.

    Drug and alcohol addiction can involve a complex mix of other factors that also need to begin to be dealt with in order for recovery to be long-lasting.

    It has been seen that the more time someone stays in drug and alcohol rehab, the more chance they give themselves of establishing healthy patterns of behaviour that will last.

    For a better estimation of how long your time undergoing addiction treatment in Belfast may take, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Cocaine rehab in Belfast and near Belfast

    Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Group therapy for alcohol addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    An addiction to cocaine does not produce physical dependence, therefore it is not necessary to have a detox at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast.

    Going to drug and alcohol rehab for cocaine dependence requires time to concentrate on your personal therapy as well as learning methods to identify and avoid triggers.

    The use of cocaine or crack cocaine is often linked to particular areas of life such as work pressure or how someone likes to enjoy themselves. Drug and alcohol rehab provides a window of time where new ways can be learnt for dealing with stress and breaking the link with old habits.

    To begin your recovery journey from cocaine addiction at a rehab in Belfast today, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Heroin rehab in Belfast and near Belfast

    Doctor working with a patient at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Doctor working with a patient at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Heroin is highly addictive and the body can very quickly become physically dependent.

    The majority of people who come to drug and alcohol rehab for heroin addiction will be in need of medical detox to help them break the physical dependence.

    A heroin detox nearly always takes longer than a 10-day alcohol detox procedure, as heroin withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable and dangerous.

    The medication (often buprenorphine) is reduced at a slower rate in order to try and make the heroin withdrawal process as comfortable as possible, owing to the intensity and dangers of any opioid use disorder.

    As with other substances, it is then vital that time is taken by the individual to learn ways of avoiding falling back into heroin use, as well as looking at learning new, healthier coping mechanisms and lifestyle changes.  This will all be part of the drug and alcohol rehab process.

    To begin your recovery journey from heroin addiction at a rehab in Belfast today, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Cannabis rehab in Belfast and near Belfast

    Outpatient therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Outpatient therapy for alcohol addiction at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    A cannabis addiction does not require a medical detox.  However, breaking a cannabis use disorder still requires a concentrated effort in learning new tools for avoiding falling back into addictive behaviours.

    Going to rehab provides a new environment for the addiction sufferer to try and reset their former patterns of behaviour.

    Trying to stop cannabis use in one’s own environment can sometimes be far too difficult due to pressures from familiar triggers or from other people.

    To begin your recovery journey from cannabis addiction at a rehab in Belfast today, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Types of therapies available at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Alcohol support group working together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Alcohol support group working together at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    When you choose to attend a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast there will likely be a variety of different therapeutic tools used and made available to try and help you with the particular struggles you personally are facing.

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is very well known in the substance misuse treatment community.  There is plenty of evidence showing how effective it is in dealing with addictive behaviours related to a variety of different substances.

    This form of therapy, one of several effective talking therapies, might be described as very practical as it looks at your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. You are then helped to try and form different reactions to negative influences, and make positive choices in place of negative previous habits.

    Due to its effectiveness and ease of access, CBT is available to most people who attend drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast.

    Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a therapeutic tool that concentrates on helping people move on in their attitudes to their substance use.  For many sufferers of substance misuse, it can be a real challenge to reach the point of actually wanting to give up.

    MI and other forms of motivational therapy are mostly about accompanying people in looking at how their substance use has developed and progressed and what changes would be truly best for them.

    MI is known to be a supremely effective treatment, and as such will be experienced by most people undergoing addiction treatment in Belfast.

    Many drug and alcohol rehab clinics take an approach to addiction recovery that draws a lot from the Twelve Steps that were first developed as central to the methodology of Alcoholics Anonymous.

    The twelve-step programme, whether in AA or any of the many other addiction recovery groups that use it, has been effective at offering recovery from substance use disorders to many thousands of people.

    Many AA and NA groups operate in and around Belfast, as well as Al-Anon and Alateen groups providing support to their families and younger sufferers, so anyone attending drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast is likely to experience this.

    There are many other forms of therapy offered at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast and near Belfast, including:

    If you would like to know more about what therapeutic services are available at the different rehabs in and around Belfast, please do get in contact with us

    What happens after drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast?

    Gardens outside a rehab in Belfast

    It would be nice to think that after spending a few weeks in drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast, a person could confidently feel cured of their substance use disorder.  Unfortunately, the nature of this illness is that recovery from it is something that needs to be maintained, and it is not possible to receive a “once and for all” cure.

    Maintaining recovery from drug or alcohol addiction is not a complicated procedure, it just requires commitment from the individual to do the things that they know will keep them well.

    When you are getting ready to leave drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast, you will be helped to put together a plan for yourself that will include all the things that will help keep addictive behaviours at bay. 

    Central to this will be looking after your own continued mental and emotional well-being.

    For example, you may be offered the possibility of continuing personal therapy. For many people, personal therapy can provide a way of keeping a check on personal welfare during the early months of recovery in Belfast.

    There are a vast array of other services available in Belfast that your rehab will help you organised.

    Most drug and alcohol rehab centres offer their own forms of ongoing support as part of your aftercare plan, and they will also help you look at what things will be important for you in order to help you stay happy and well, long into the future.

    Make sure your recovery from addiction lasts – call our team on 0800 088 66 86 to learn more about addcition treatment in Belfast

    Can you overcome addiction without treatment at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast?

    Couple relaxing after treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    Couple relaxing after alcohol treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast

    There are examples of people who have managed to break away from addiction without any help from drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or elsewhere.

    Most substance abusers will be able to go a few weeks, months, or even years through a method known as white-knuckling. The problem for people caught in addiction is not usually stopping, but in staying stopped and building a good life.

    The reasons why it can be so difficult for people to break away from addiction alone will include:

    • When people stop drug and alcohol use they will usually still be left with the triggers that drove them into addiction in the first place. The reality is that this type of behaviour does not solve anything, it just hides things under the carpet, and when the person becomes sober, they are back facing those triggers again. Unless they are able to develop new ways of dealing with the roots of their drug or alcohol addiction, the individual is highly likely to relapse or fall into new maladaptive behaviours. It is the job of drug and alcohol rehab to allow the individual to get to the root of their problem so that they can be truly free.
    • Just because a person becomes physically sober, it does not automatically mean that their life will improve significantly. The person may become what is known as a “dry drunk” – this means that they are sober, but their behaviour continues much as it always did when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In order to become truly sober, the individual has to develop a new relationship with life and a new way of dealing with things, completely removed from their previous behaviour and its links to drug or alcohol use. The aim is not to get the person back to where they were before their drug or alcohol addiction, but for them to enjoy a new and much-improved way of living – something that will be worth staying sober for.
    • It is common for people to fall into addiction problems at a young age before they have had an opportunity to develop effective coping strategies. Becoming sober does not mean that people are exempt from the difficulties of life –  the aim of drug and alcohol rehab recovery is not to learn how to avoid the stresses of living, but to become better able to manage them. By entering drug and alcohol rehab, the individual will have the opportunity to develop the skills they are going to need for this.
    • The first real hurdle when it comes to breaking away from addiction is making it through the detox stage. This usually involves at least some uncomfortable drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The person who is going through withdrawals knows that they can stop them at any time by retaking drugs or alcohol, and it will be hard for them to resist this temptation.

    The majority of people who try to break away from drug or alcohol addiction will give up at this stage. By entering drug and alcohol rehab, the individual will be supported through detox, with specialised treatments designed to make it easier, as well as interpersonal support which means they will be far more likely to see it through.

    Aftercare and relapse prevention after drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast and near Belfast

    There will also be treatments available that can make the process a bit easier, as well as aftercare services and relapse prevention planning designed to help the individual stay sober for good.

    As part of this further aftercare, an individual may have the option to access sober living houses and could be encouraged to make use of mutual support groups such as SMART Recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous or Cocaine Anonymous,

    To learn more about the support that is available to you through drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast, call our team on 0800 088 66 86

    Contact us now for drug rehab and alcohol rehab in Belfast and near Belfast

    Man calling a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    Man calling a drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast or near Belfast

    There is no time to waste. If you are dealing with an addiction problem in Belfast, you are going to need help right away. The risk is that if you delay you could lose your motivation to quit, and there is no guarantee that this will ever return.

    We are ready now to take your call, and we will help you in any way we can.

    When you contact us, you are not under any obligation to do anything – we can just have a chat about your current situation and the possible solutions available to you.

    Many of our team members have personal experience with dealing with addiction, so they will have a good understanding of what you are going through.

    So call us right now on 0800 088 66 86 or contact us through our contact form. We take your privacy seriously and we will always act discretely.

    Whatever kind of addiction you may be suffering from, we are here to help you find the perfect addiction treatment in Belfast for your needs.  All drug and alcohol rehabs must be registered and audited by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). [12

    We also offer our drug and alcohol rehab services across a variety of locations across Belfast, the rest of Northern Ireland and nearby, including Dublin, Ballymena, Portadown, Newcastle, Waterfoot, Newry, Bangor, Derry / Londonderry and Armagh.

    References for drug and alcohol rehab in Belfast and near Belfast













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