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Drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds

Learn about drug and alcohol rehab and detox in the Cotswolds. The rehab clinic offers a robust admissions process and supervised detox and evidence-based treatments.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds

    Rehab – in full: rehabilitation – is the process of overcoming addiction. This can be done in many different ways, using many different approaches, and the level of care that individuals need will always be different.

    Addiction is a disease of the brain and can affect any individual, regardless of their social, cultural, or demographic background. This means that countless individuals seek help on a daily basis, and Rehab Recovery is here to help.

    Studies show that rehabilitation, especially residential care, is most effective when combined with suitable mental health treatments as well as a strong aftercare programme, ensuring that the individual sticks to their routine and continues their sobriety in the future (1).

    Rehab Recovery can help you or someone you know find the most suitable treatment options and drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds, so please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us today.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds on 0800 088 66 86

    Learning to look after yourself

    Two people holding hands

    The process of rehabilitation can be difficult, especially if the individual has a long history of substance abuse or if they are addicted to specific substances that have a much more challenging withdrawal process.

    However, through drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds, individuals will be supported in each stage of the process.

    Though individuals cannot rely solely on the support from those around them, staff in residential rehab centres, as well as those working in outpatient treatment services, are highly qualified in the struggles, difficulties, and drawbacks that individuals may experience during their recovery.

    Rehabilitation is a long-term process, and the right motivation and attitude are essential to making meaningful and effective progress.

    Without the desire to recover and live an addiction-free lifestyle, individuals are far less likely to make progress within their addiction treatment programme, leading to a cycle of lack of progress and a loss of motivation.

    Detoxing in Residential Addiction Rehab

    A woman reading sitting on the floor

    As the first stage of rehabilitation, individuals must detox – the removal of toxins and chemicals that have built up throughout the duration of their addiction.

    Depending on the substance, this stage of rehabilitation through drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds can take anywhere from 7 days to 14 days or more, with some withdrawal symptoms lasting up to a year or more in some cases.

    Every substance has a different withdrawal process (2), and this also differs from individual to individual, depending on multiple factors such as their history of addiction, the substance they are addicted to, and the individual’s metabolism.

    Most residential centres have dedicated detox clinics, or are able to provide all the support needed – from social care and support to medical interventions, if necessary.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds on 0800 088 66 86

    Spending time in rehab treatments or a rehab facility

    Two women laughing on a sofa.

    When an individual stays in a residential rehab centre, there are many different aspects of their life that are likely to be different.

    After the admittance process – a brief set of questions that will feel more familiar, like a conversation, which explores the individual’s addiction history – a member of Rehab Recovery’s friendly and professional team will assess what type of drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds will be most suitable for that particular individual.

    Some individuals may not be suitable for residential rehabilitation, for example, and therefore their days or weeks of treatment may be far less regular i.e., attending addiction treatment once or twice a week rather than being a part of their everyday routine.

    Even within a residential centre, every individual’s day is likely to be different. Some individuals may participate in additional therapeutic sessions, whereas others may spend more time with holistic forms of treatment.

    What will life be like in rehab?

    As mentioned above, every individual’s day-to-day life within a residential rehab centre will be different, as every individual will have different needs and requirements for their care.

    Through drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds, every care is taken to ensure that these selected treatment programmes are indeed effective, taking action to change therapy sessions or alter holistic treatments in order to maintain the individual’s motivation, commitment, and gains from and to the rehabilitative treatments.

    This could mean that an individual begins their rehabilitative journey engaging in a particular therapy type e.g., dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) or family therapy, finds it ineffective or unhelpful, and therefore makes the change to a different form of therapy, a new counsellor, or tweaks the programme to fit their needs.

    Intensive Private Detox & Primary Care Rehab

    In some cases, it may be suitable for individuals to undergo a highly specialised or intensive course of rehabilitation.

    Generally, this is due to the nature of the individual’s addiction; most individuals who require this delivery of care have been addicted to a substance or substances for a long time, have had difficulty quitting in the past by themselves, or are addicted to an extremely risky substance e.g., heroin.

    Through drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds, it is possible for individuals to undergo this form of care, receiving a highly monitored detoxification process, an intensive and extensive course of therapy and other addiction treatments, as well as an extended aftercare programme with consistent and regular supervision and advice.

    Especially when used in court-ordered rehabilitation, studies have found that intensive rehabilitation courses can increase the rate of dismissals and attendance of court hearings in these individuals, especially those who are younger (3).

    Private Residential En-Suite Rooms

    Some rehab clinics across the UK offer private accommodation within their dedicated centre. This may be suitable for individuals who require intensive care, as they may need constant supervision or attendance to by staff within the centre.

    Through drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds, individuals may be able to request these types of rooms if they are aware of the difficulties that they may face in rehabilitation due to the substance they are addicted to.

    Especially during the withdrawal phase in detoxification, individuals may be subject to some uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, some of which can require medical interventions in order to alleviate.

    For this reason, private rooms can often be the more expensive of the accommodation options, especially when compared to shared rooms with multiple occupants. However, it is important to remember that Rehab Recovery is here to help.

    If you feel as though your rehabilitative needs may dictate this form of care but are unsure or worried about the financial side of rehabilitative care, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today.

    Rehab and Developing a Healthier Lifestyle

    Person sleeping

    Although rehabilitation can help individuals to overcome their addiction, they are never completely cured. The overall aim of rehabilitation is to achieve overcoming addiction, and it is based on the motivation and application of techniques learned during an individual’s time there.

    During rehabilitation, individuals will learn techniques that will last a lifetime, helping them to overcome their addiction in the long term, maintaining abstinence and being able to ignore triggers or cravings.

    Of course, it cannot be expected that an individual will achieve this all by themselves, especially in the first few years after leaving rehab and into the future as they begin to apply these techniques alone.

    There is always support available, even after an individual has left rehab, including if an individual has finished their complimentary aftercare from a residential rehab centre.

    In these cases, an individual may want to consider a form of mutual support group. More information on the most popular of these groups can be found in the following two paragraphs.

    1. What is AA?

    AA – standing for Alcoholics Anonymous – is a long-standing support group for individuals struggling with alcoholism (an alcohol addiction) or who have rehabilitated and are seeking ongoing support.

    Due to the UK’s strong drinking culture and issues with drunkenness, it is no surprise that alcohol is the biggest risk factor for death, ill health and disability in those aged 15-49 (4).

    This means that hundreds of thousands of individuals may need access to an AA group, to learn from, share, and build on their alcohol addiction experiences for the better throughout their long-term recovery.

    Though AA’s creation may have strong religious roots, AA is accessible to all, no matter your religious or non-religious status. Call Rehab Recovery to find local groups that are most suitable for you through options offered by drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds.

    2. What is NA?

    Similar to AA, NA stands for Narcotics AnonymousAA meetings for individuals struggling with drug addictions other than those to alcohol.

    Although an individual struggling with alcohol addiction may be more than welcome at an NA meeting, it may be more beneficial or specific to attend a dedicated AA meeting through drug and alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds.

    These meetings are very similar to AA meetings, though the variation in addictions, experiences, and struggles is likely to be higher.

    Again, during these meetings, individuals will have the chance to listen to others’ experiences, share their own lessons and experiences, as well as having the opportunity to apply what they have heard or learnt to their own rehabilitation journey.

    In addition, it is a great place to make new friends. Addiction can be an incredibly isolating disease, so meeting individuals in similar situations, AA or NA can be a great place to meet some new people.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds on 0800 088 66 86

    Help from Rehab Recovery

    If you have any questions regarding this article, anything else you have read on our other information pages, or the future of rehabilitation for you or someone you know, please do not hesitate to contact Rehab Recovery today.

    We are here to help any individual, so no matter whether you think that your requirements are too simple or too complex, please get in touch with us today so we can help you find the best-suited rehabilitation path for you.

    Start your recovery journey today by calling our expert team to access drug & alcohol rehab in the Cotswolds on 0800 088 66 86


    [1] de Andrade, D., Elphinston, R.A., Quinn, C., Allan, J. and Hides, L., 2019. The effectiveness of residential treatment services for individuals with substance use disorders: A systematic review. Drug and alcohol dependence, 201, pp.227-235.

    [2] Busto, U., Sellers, E.M., Naranjo, C.A., Cappell, H., Sanchez-Craig, M. and Sykora, K., 1986. Withdrawal reaction after long-term therapeutic use of benzodiazepines. New England Journal of Medicine, 315(14), pp.854-859.

    [3] Tauber, J.S., 1993. The Importance of Immediate and Intensive Intervention in a Court-ordered Drug Rehabilitation Program: An Evaluation of the FIRST Diversion Project After Two Years (Fast, Intensive, Report, Supervision and Treatment): a Drug Diversion Program of the Oakland-Piedmont-Emeryville Municipal Court and the Alameda County Probation Department. Jeffrey Tauber.

    [4] Burton, R., Henn, C., Lavoie, D., O’Connor, R., Perkins, C., Sweeney, K., Greaves, F., Ferguson, B., Beynon, C., Belloni, A. and Musto, V., 2016. The public health burden of alcohol and the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of alcohol control policies: an evidence review. The public health burden of alcohol and the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of alcohol control policies: an evidence review.

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