Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Isle of Wight
Do you live in the Isle of Wight and suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol?
Unfortunately, many people struggle with alcoholism and substance misuse.
These problems range from crippling health issues to extensive debt and broken relationships.
If you’re ready to overcome substance abuse forever, reach out to a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight today by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86
Addiction Statistics In The Isle Of Wight
Since records began back in 1993, the number of drug-related deaths in the Isle of Wight has risen to the highest it has ever been, with an 88% rise in just the past five years.
In one recent news article, Isle of Wight council leader, Dave Stewart, labelled drug abuse on the island ‘a growing threat’.
This, he thinks, has been exacerbated by the recent pandemic and following lockdowns, where receiving help for addiction was much more challenging than usual.
Alcohol use is also a rising problem, with an estimated 1,500 people in Isle of Wight currently dependent on alcohol – this working out to be around 1.28 per 100 people on the island.
Whilst tragic, this is not unexpected due to the prevalence of binge drinking in UK culture.
If you are looking for addiction or substance use help in your area, look no further.
Here at Rehab Recovery, we can get you the treatment and care you deserve in no time, via a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight.
Get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86
Choosing The Right Rehab In The Isle Of Wight
Searching for suitable drug addiction treatment services is already challenging, but choosing the right rehab centre in your area doesn’t have to be.
Here are some of our tips to help you find the best facility for you:
- Look for a rehabilitation centre that is already pretty established – we recommend opting for one with at least 10-20 years of experience.
- Talk to as many facilities as you can and then narrow it down to the ones you feel most comfortable with – the way you feel, your safety, and your comfort is integral to your recovery journey.
- Sift through reviews – past clients’ experiences and thoughts can provide an insight that the rehabs website likely won’t offer.
- Look for something that is affordable for you – weigh up all options against a budget so that you know what facilities are available to you.
Make sure that you choose the perfect rehab in the Isle of Wight for your particular needs by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Addiction Is A Disease
Though it can feel easy to blame yourself, your addiction is not your fault.
An addiction can occur in anyone’s life, at any time, for any reason.
Substance use can be a result of broken families, abusive relationships, traumatic past events, a pressuring social group, or any number of reasons that surround us day-to-day.
Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – rehab is always about treating the disease of addiction.
Instead of focusing on why you began using or how you got to this point, try to shift your thinking to where you can get help, and what steps need to now be taken in order to recover.
You can read more about the disease of addiction here.
Your addiction may not have been caused by you, but your recovery journey must be.
Get the help you need to overcome the disease of addiction by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
Abstinence At Rehab Centres In The Isle Of Wight
Abstinence is often used in rehab as a treatment for drug or alcohol addictions.
Put simply, it is the ceasing of substances used to allow the body to begin to heal from their presence.
This treatment route can be tricky and has been referred to in the past as too difficult to maintain, too dangerous, or even too harsh for clients to experience.
However, abstinence is sometimes the only way to recover from the effects of addiction.
When it comes to the use of dangerous substances such as heroin or alcohol, abstinence is necessary to ensure no further harm is inflicted on the client.
Moderation management and other recovery techniques just aren’t as fast-acting or strict – leading oftentimes to early, unwanted relapses.
Whichever recovery route you take will be determined by your physical and mental health, whether or not you have a dual diagnosis, the severity of your addiction, and the substance – or multiple substances – you have used.
A dual diagnosis refers to any occurrence of a mental health disorder or physical condition alongside the presence of addiction.
Mental illnesses that are common co-occurring disorders of addiction include:
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar Disorder
- Eating disorders
- Depression
- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Codependency
Physical complications commonly associated with addiction include:
- Liver failure
- Hepatitis
- Heart issues
- Blood pressure issues
- Brain damage
- Gastrointestinal issues
You can get free mental health support from organisations like Mind UK, Young Minds, Rethink Mental Illness, Samaritans and Papyrus.
Many experts have agreed that abstinence is always the safer and more effective route to addiction recovery.
Get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle Of Wight by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
Who Is Rehab In The Isle Of Wight For?
Even though rehab offers many benefits to anyone who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, it is oftentimes only suggested for clients that require intense and full-time care.
If you have not been experiencing an addiction for very long, your addiction is not as severe, the substances you have used are not as harmful, or one of the host of other reasons, rehab may not be recommended to you.
Instead, you will be shown other routes to recovery such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, SMART Recovery and at-home detox options.
This is so rehab and residential rehab programmes can be reserved for those who have no other choices available.
Not attending rehab does not mean that you have less chance of reaching a successful recovery.
Options for addiction treatment services are now more advanced than ever, and there are many different ways that you can reach substance-free life without the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight.
Find out if a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in the Isle Of Wight is the right choice for you by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
Residential Rehabilitation In The Isle Of Wight
If rehab is a recommended option for you, you will either receive treatment via a residential programme – where you reside at the facility full-time – or through outpatient treatment – where you will only visit the rehab clinic every so often.
Both options bring with them advantages and disadvantages. Outpatient treatment can provide a sense of independence and control, but it is decidedly harder to ignore temptations and avoid triggers when you are at home.
Residential rehab is one of the most effective options if you are wishing to recover from a drug or alcohol addiction.
It offers a plethora of benefits with very few downfalls, and offers the highest chances of recovery when compared to other routes.
Some of the main benefits of residential private rehab include:
- Complete privacy to heal in and – a sometimes necessary – detachment from your life back home.
- Around the clock care and attention from the amazing rehabilitation team.
- Highly-trained staff, medical team members, therapists and counsellors.
- Effective and well-rounded treatment for every aspect of addiction – a detox for the physical side which is medically guided and 100% safe, and multiple forms of therapy to treat the psychological impacts of substance use.
- Ample time to recover – and more time available if you require it.
- Advice, guidance and constant support throughout your journey.
- The chance to meet other clients who are experiencing similar journeys.
Gain all the wonderful benefits of a residential drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle Of Wight by giving our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
Rehab Alternatives In The Isle Of Wight
Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, but it isn’t for everyone.
If rehab is not a recommended option for you – don’t panic!
Private treatment is not the only way and there is a multitude of council-funded options available to you.
Many of these options are also cheaper, more accessible and can still provide you with adequate treatment and care for your addiction.
One of these options is a fellowship group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), as well as their offshoot groups like Al-Anon Family Group Meetings and Alateen.
These support groups are a fantastic way to abstain from substances and maintain your recovery, whilst also meeting new people, learning new ways of life, and figuring out healthier coping mechanisms.
There are also similar fellowship groups available for those that may be impacted by addiction but are not addicted themselves.
Often, these groups follow the famous 12-step recovery programme which is known around the world for its ability to coach people towards a substance-free life. It also provides a higher power that one can lean on when addiction seems overwhelming.
Fellowship groups and similar meetings are free to join and require no membership or admission fee.
To ensure you choose a group that’s right for you, we recommend doing some research on what different groups in your area offer.
Some cater specifically to only one type of addiction, others are broader, and so on.
Several free and NHS-run recovery services operate across the Isle of Wight, including those run directly by the National Health Service, through an NHS Foundation Trust, and those run by charities.
These include:
Address: Community CAMHS, 7 Pyle Street, Newport, PO30 1JW
Telephone: 01983 523 602
2. Inclusion IOW
Address: 102 Carisbrooke Rd, Newport, PO30 1DB
Telephone: 0300 330 2001
Website: https://www.inclusioniow.org/
3. Rob Hill Foundation Workshops
Address: Community Hall, Trinity Buildings, Dover Street, Ryde, PO33 2BN
Telephone: 07792 864 809
Website: https://robhillfoundation.org/workshops/isle-of-wight/
You can reach out to a number of remote services, such as the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Turning Point, We Are With You, Change Grow Live and the National Association for Children of Alcoholics.
If you are suffering from too many temptations and triggers in your home life, you may also be able to gain temporary residence in a sober living house.
Home Detox
Another recovery route you can take resides in the comfort of your own home.
If you are deemed able to perform one by a clinician, you will have the option to detox by yourself at home.
This will be decided by a few assessments of you and your addiction – if you pass these tests, then the necessary tools and medication are delivered to your front door.
Home detox can provide clients with a great sense of purpose, motivation and freedom.
It can give you the chance to recover where you feel comfortable, in your own time and on your own terms, with only brief supervision from a medical professional.
You will receive calls daily to check in on your progress, and you are provided with details on how to perform the alcohol or drug detox. Other than that, it is up to you.
Whatever help you need to beat addiction – whether from a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle Of Wight or one of these excellent alternative services – make sure you get it by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
SMART, which stands for Self-Management And Recovery Training, is an online charity and worldwide organisation that you can use yourself at home.
It is filled with information, tips and advice for recovering addicts, teaching manuals and materials, and online training programmes that anyone can join.
They also offer online mutual support meetings which can be beneficial to those who may be unable to find one in their local area.
Cocaine Rehab In The Isle Of Wight
Cocaine, a stimulant drug most commonly referred to as ‘crack cocaine’ or ‘coke’, can be incredibly dangerous.
If you wish to beat your cocaine addiction, there is help available in a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight.
You will most likely have to attend a residential cocaine rehab in your chosen rehab for cocaine use.
During your stay, you can participate in multiple behavioural therapies that are proven to help in the recovery from cocaine.
No cocaine detox is required, as cocaine is not a physically addictive substance.
There are also choices for you outside of cocaine rehab, such as NA or other similar fellowship groups.
Beat your addiction to cocaine at a drug rehab in the Isle of Wight – call us today on 0800 088 66 86
Cannabis Rehab In The Isle Of Wight
Cannabis is often labelled as a non-addictive, or even non-harmful drug, but the truth is quite the opposite.
Though the side effects of cannabis addiction and the withdrawal symptoms that can occur are not as dangerous as those from other drugs, this substance can still cause fractures in relationships, problems with money, and poor performance at school or work.
As it is not physically addictive, no cannabis detox is needed.
An addiction is challenging to deal with, no matter the substance or severity.
So, if your use of cannabis is having a negative impact on your life and you wish to be rid of the consequences this substance can bring, call us today.
There are plenty of options available in a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight that can help you withdraw and maintain abstinence from cannabis.
Beat your addiction to cannabis at a drug rehab in the Isle of Wight – call us today on 0800 088 66 86
Heroin Rehab In The Isle Of Wight
Heroin is a hugely addictive substance created from morphine, that can cause many unpleasant long-term side effects once heroin addiction develops.
Though it may not feel like it, there is always hope for those who are struggling to cope with a heroin addiction.
In a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight, you will be able to safely withdraw and detox from heroin, with the aid of certain medications that can help ease withdrawal symptoms.
Behavioural therapies such as CBT can support your recovery goals after heroin detox, and further medication that impacts your opioid receptors can be given to treat your substance use disorder.
Beat your addiction to heroin at a drug rehab in the Isle of Wight – call us today on 0800 088 66 86
Interventions In The Isle Of Wight With Rehab Recovery
Staging an intervention can be incredibly difficult.
Here at Rehab Recovery, we recommend never heading into one alone or without the proper knowledge on how to perform one.
Luckily, if you have a loved one that is in need of addiction treatment but is refusing to seek help themselves, we can help.
We offer professional intervention services that can help coach your friend or family member to a successful recovery.
You will work with a professional interventionist to learn about addiction, write letters to your loved one, set boundaries with them, and much more.
The best outcome of an intervention is that your loved one accepts and seeks the help that they need.
However, this may not always be what happens.
If the scenario goes another way and your friend or family member refuses the help, continuing instead to use substances, your interventionist will stay with you and your family until this is remedied.
We assure you that every interventionist we recommend is highly-trained and the best equipped to take care of your loved one.
Many of them have struggled with their own addictions in the past, meaning they know about the complexities of substance use more than anyone.
This personal experience allows them to see deeper than just the surface of the addiction and is what has helped so many loved ones accept the treatment that they deserve through our services.
Make sure that your loved one gets the help they need from a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
The Admissions Process At A Drug And Alcohol Rehab Clinic In The Isle Of Wight
Not every addiction is the same, and so not every drug and alcohol rehab treatment plan can be either.
To make sure our clients receive the best possible care, follow the most suitable treatment plan and are placed in the right private rehab facility for them, we have to perform a few simple psychiatric assessments during the admissions process.
The assessment will be used by a psychiatrist and rehab specialists to create a person-centred care plan for the individual that is specialised to address their specific needs.
If you are seeking addiction treatment services for your use of alcohol, you will likely have to take an AUDIT.
An AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) helps us to reveal how severe your substance use is, which then aids in treatment planning and future referrals.
This test has 10 questions.
The first few ask about your intake of alcohol, such as ‘how many units of alcohol do you drink on a typical day when you are drinking?’.
The second set of questions are regarding your personal dependence on the substance, such as ‘how often during the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?’.
And the final questions focus on any consequences or problems you may have experienced due to your drinking, such as ‘have you or somebody else been injured as a result of your drinking?’.
You will be asked to answer each question on a scale of 0-4.
These answers are added together at the end of the test to give you a final score, which then indicates how low or high risk you are of an alcohol dependence.
A final score of over 20 suggests that you are experiencing an addiction to alcohol.
This is when referrals to specialist rehab clinics will most likely be arranged.
Another test you may encounter during the admissions process involves the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) criteria.
This manual was created with the collaborative effort of hundreds of experts on addiction and mental health.
The test has 11 criteria for substance use disorders which help clinicians determine the gravity of the client’s use of substances, depending on the number of symptoms present.
The presence of 2 or 3 symptoms in a client indicates a mild substance use disorder, whereas 6 or more would be considered a diagnosable addiction.
Rest assured that any tests you take during the admissions process serve their own necessary purpose, whether that be to further our understanding of your addiction or the development of your treatment.
Any personal details you share with us will remain 100% confidential.
There are many different forms of assessments for this purpose, including the CAGE Questionnaire and the ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) Criteria and Dimensions.
Start the admissions process at a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
How Long Does A Rehab Clinic In The Isle Of Wight Last?
Your time in rehab will differ depending on the severity of your addiction, the substances you have used, how long you have used for, and whether or not you need to detox.
For alcohol users, there is a 7-day minimum for the detox period, with further time in your drug and alcohol rehab in Isle of Wight available if necessary.
An average length programme would take around 28 days to complete.
This includes time to detox and look after the physical side effects of your addiction, and also adequate time to participate in therapy and addiction counselling.
There is no quick fix for addiction, and there is rarely ever a finish line to treatment as recovery is an ongoing process.
Throughout your long journey, it will be beneficial to concentrate on the progress you are making and improvements in your physical and mental health, rather than on how long it has taken to reach a certain point.
Find out how long your time at a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight is likely to last by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
How Much Is Rehab In The Isle Of Wight?
The price of rehab can differ greatly depending on a few factors of your addiction and requirements for treatment.
For a single, private room, expect to pay £3,000 to £6,000 for a 10 day detox period, and anywhere between £8,000 to £12,000 for a 28 day programme.
For the same time periods but in a shared room, prices range from £2,000 to £6,000.
A home detox provides the cheapest option at around £1,500, but of course this route is not always viable for some clients.
For an accurate prediction of how much your time at a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight will cost, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
Therapy And Addiction Counselling At A Rehab Centre In The Isle Of Wight
The most commonly used treatment for addictions of varying substances and severities is therapy.
Therapy provides clients with a safe space to vent, share their story, discover coping techniques, learn more about themselves and their addiction, and slowly work towards a recovery.
Of course, each type of therapy or counselling serves a different purpose and caters to a specific aspect of your treatment.
This means you are likely to experience not just one method of therapy, but multiple types at the same time, to ensure your treatment is well-rounded and covers all the necessary bases.
1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT is widely used to reduce the symptoms and side effects of some mental health disorders – usually anxiety and depression. However, this psycho-social therapy is now often used in addiction treatmentand helps clients break seemingly big problems down into smaller, easily manageable parts.
CBT also aims to aid clients in replacing unhelpful thoughts and behaviours with healthier ones that will help them recover from their substance use.
2. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
DBT is a psychotherapy similar to CBT, but one specially crafted with those who feel things more intensely in mind.
This form of therapy teaches clients how to regulate emotions, change behavioural patterns, accept difficult situations, and deal with stress in a better way.
3. Motivational Interviewing (MI)
MI is a popular counselling approach that works with clients to bring about positive change.
Through MI, clients can learn to take charge of their own decisions and figure out what to listen to when their thoughts and actions can become contradictory.
This often comes hand-in-hand with Motivational Enhancement Therapy and the many other forms of motivational therapy.
These are just a few of the various talking therapies and psychiatric treatments you may experience whilst at rehab in West Yorkshire, which can also include:
- Group Therapy and Group Psychotherapy
- Individual Therapy
- Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
- TSF (Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy)
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Contingency Management
- Co-Dependency Treatment
- Brief Interventions
- Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Holistic and alternative therapies (music therapy, art therapy, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, equine therapy, drama therapy, etc)
Experience any and all of these superb therapies at a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
What Is Detox?
The purpose of a medically-assisted detox is to help rid your body of any trace of whichever substance you have used.
You will need to experience one if you wish to recover from your drug or alcohol addiction, though not all substance addictions require an official detox.
Substances that produce a physical dependence require a detox, including alcohol, heroin, ketamine or benzodiazepines.
Those that only cause a psychological addiction do not require detox, including behavioural addictions (i.e gambling addiction), cocaine dependence and cannabis use disorder.
Alcohol detox is a common experience for those in recovery, often using the prescription drug Librium – also known as Chlordiazepoxide – to alleviate alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as delirium tremens, Wernicke’s encephalopathy and alcohol seizures.
This can seriously mitigate the effects of alcohol withdrawal syndrome and make overall sobriety much more likely.
Drug detox is a more complex issue, with some substances requiring an intense detox period using a variety of prescription drugs, whilst others have no need for any detox at all.
For example, heroin detox is extremely important to ensure a safe recovery from heroin addiction, and the same goes for any opioid use disorder. Medications like methadone and buprenorphine are widely used to make heroin withdrawal a much safer process.
Whilst you continually use a substance, your body is slowly becoming more and more accustomed to its presence.
This can form an addiction over time as the body begins to need the particular substance in order to function without any side effects.
As a way to avoid this nasty phase of withdrawal, you continue to use and, as your body becomes used to higher doses each time, you are forced to increase the dose even further with every use.
This is why breaking out of the cycle of addiction is so difficult, but it is also what makes detox so necessary.
A detox helps manage and treat the side effects of slow or sudden withdrawal as your body adjusts to the unexpected lack of substances.
If you require a detox period in rehab, this will need to take place before any other forms of treatment can begin.
Ensure that your detox is safe and effective by having it at a drug and alcohol rehab in the Isle of Wight – call us today on 0800 088 66 86
Preventing A Relapse
Aftercare is a hugely important part of recovery.
As well as avoiding triggers and temptations once you have left your chosen private rehab, you should also be on the lookout for the warning signs of a relapse.
To help our clients avoid the setback that a relapse can cause, we take the time to create relapse prevention plans for those under our care.
This planning looks at your past with relapses, your home environment and what may help or hinder you there, and the severity of your condition.
With this and some more details about your alcohol or drug addiction, we are able to send you back home with 2 simple yet helpful plans.
One plan helps stop an approaching relapse – it will likely contain tips and techniques on how to avoid one, and helpful ways you can keep yourself distracted.
The second plan will be for if a relapse does occur. This will not be the end of your journey, but merely a bump in the road.
This plan will contain all the information you need to get back on your feet once you have relapsed.
Beat addiction once and for all with the help of a drug and alcohol rehab centre in the Isle of Wight by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Contacting Rehab Recovery
For more information on detox and rehab clinics in the Isle of Wight, contact Rehab Recovery today on 0800 088 66 86.
When you contact us, we will outline a variety of treatment options available to you in the Isle of Wight.
With the right kind of support, there is no addiction that cannot be overcome.
Every rehab we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission.
Get help for addiction across the Isle of Wight, including in Ryde, Newport, Sandown, Cowes, Shanklin, East Cowes, Ventnor, Brading and Yarmouth, as well as nearby in Hampshire, Sussex, Dorset and many more.