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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Jersey

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Jersey

    In 2016, a Jersey health report found that there were 23 drug-related deaths in the area over the course of a four-year period.

    Most were accidental, and 65% involved illegal drugs.

    Hospital admissions as a result of alcohol misuse were found to be higher in Jersey than in the rest of the UK in 2017.

    There were 945 hospital admissions in that year alone, a rate of 900 admissions per 100,000 people, a huge increase compared to England’s rate of 563. 

    What Is Alcohol Addiction?


    Becoming addicted to alcohol means that an individual consumes it on a regular basis and does not have the ability to stop themselves.

    It is otherwise known as a physical dependency, with the body becoming dependent on the substance in order to function normally. 

    Physical dependency prevents individuals stopping drinking because of the withdrawal symptoms that sobriety provokes.

    When it comes to alcohol, these symptoms can be especially dangerous, even fatal.

    In addition to this physical demand for alcohol, addiction functions psychologically as well.

    Individuals begin to see alcohol as essential for them to function, and so experience intense anxiety or depression when they don’t drink.

    What Is Rehab?


    Rehab is a treatment process which supports individuals conquer their addictions in order to safely establish both physical and mental sobriety.

    It begins with a 7-day detox, during which individuals quit their drug or alcohol use with the support of withdrawal-dampening medications.

    Following this, 3 weeks of therapy address the behaviours and thoughts that have sustained the addiction thus far.

    When physically and psychologically stable, rehab in Jersey concludes with relapse prevention, a stage which prepares them for leaving treatment and gets them ready to face the triggers in their everyday routine.

    Pre-Rebab Steps: Intervention


    Interventions are events arranged by the family and friends of an addicted individual to draw their attention to the issue of their substance abuse.

    Denial often prevents addicts from seeking help, and interventions are how loved ones can instigate recovery.

    These events are supportive, carefully prepared gatherings which allow family and friends to tell an individual how their addiction has affected them.

    Everyone offers encouragement, and the objective is to help that person see the need to seek support.

    Interventions are not easy to plan, and so many can benefit from the services of a professional interventionist.

    These are experts in Jersey who can help prepare and organise an event, as well as attend and keep things on track on the day.

    The CRAFT Approach


    An alternative approach to interventions is CRAFT.

    Rather than arranging a single event, relatives and friends help an individual move away from addiction by working together to reward and punish their behaviours.

    If an individual attends treatment and abstains from substance use, they are rewarded.

    However, if they avoid help and continue to abuse, they are punished.

    Both sides of this need to be consistently maintained by everyone involved. 

    The goal of CRAFT is to help an individual develop new associations regarding addiction, seeing sobriety as the more beneficial state of being and therefore encouraging them to make healthier decisions, such as seeking out rehab in Jersey.

    How Much Does Rehab Cost In Jersey?


    The price of drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey can range a lot, and the kind of programme an individual selects can have a big impact on this.

    Private, more luxurious facilities, for example, can charge as much as £70,000 for a month’s worth of treatment. 

    On average, rehabs in the UK charge £495 for a day of rehab (or around £14,000 for a 28-day programme).

    Variations of this price can go to as low as £1,000 for a week and up to £10,000. 

    Is Drug And Alcohol Rehab On The NHS?


    The NHS does provide drug and alcohol rehab services in Jersey.

    Just like with other medical conditions, services are available to help individuals combat and live with substance abuse problems. 

    These public services are, however, under a lot of pressure.

    This means that waiting lists are common, as are shortages in staff and resources necessary for effective treatment. 

    How Long Does Rehab Last?


    28 days is the average duration of drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey.

    There are usually 7 days of detox to begin the process, followed by around 3 weeks of addiction therapy. 

    Some individuals can, however, spend longer in rehab for various reasons.

    These can include if their condition is very severe, if they are addicted to something that strongly impacts the body like alcohol, and if the initial approach to treatment is not quite appropriate.

    NHS VS Private Addiction Treatment


    The NHS provides drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey, but individuals can also access that which is offered by private companies.

    Both options have their advantages, and considering these can help in choosing which is the best route for an individual. 

    What Does NHS Addiction Treatment Offer?


    Addiction treatment provided by the NHS is widely accessible in several aspects.

    It is free for UK citizens to access, meaning anyone in Jersey can get help, and public facilities are located all over the country, making addiction support services local for everyone.

    Where NHS services in Jersey lack, however, is in availability.

    Waiting lists are common as a result of addiction support being in such high demand, and substance abuse conditions can become worse during these periods when treatment is not being conducted. 

    What Does Private Addiction Treatment Offer?


    Private drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey offers a wide range of facilities to patients.

    Accommodation and catering are provided, as well as additional treatment, sporting and relaxation services to maximise enjoyment during rehab. 

    Private rehab also houses a lot of talent in terms of addiction treatment and therapy.

    These facilities attract the best therapists and doctors with their resources, enabling individuals to get the best care possible. 

    Admission fees for private rehab in Jersey are, however, quite expensive.

    They are extortionately high in order to compensate for the vastness of resources, and this means most people won’t be able to access private services without insurance, a loan or an extensive payment plan. 

    Inpatient Or Outpatient Treatment In Jersey


    When tackling a substance abuse problem, drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey can adopt either an inpatient or outpatient approach.

    Both have their respective benefits, and considering these alongside each of their flaws is important for selecting suitable care. 

    Inpatient Treatment In Jersey


    Taking up accommodation within a facility while going through rehab in Jersey has the advantage of keeping individuals safe.

    Especially when it comes to detox, rehab can be very dangerous, and being under the constant supervision of experts reduces the risk of harm.

    In addition, remaining within a facility during rehab provides individuals with a degree of peace they would not otherwise get.

    They are kept apart from triggers, distractions and responsibilities, allowing them to focus solely on getting better. 

    Being unable to go home during treatment can, however, have negative effects.

    Individuals can feel isolated or become frustrated with the process, reducing their willingness to engage with treatment. 

    Outpatient Treatment In Jersey


    Attending treatment sessions in Jersey and returning home between each one is the most flexible form of rehab there is.

    Individuals can continue on with their lives, working and seeing family, and maintain a high mood and compliant attitude.

    This form of drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey is limited, though, in that regular meetings are not enough to tackle severe, well-developed addictions.

    Without supervision, treatment is limited to advise and guidance, and so only those with relatively new and mild conditions can benefit from this.

    Alcohol Detox & Rehab In Jersey


    Alcoholism provokes quite dangerous withdrawal symptoms, known for their ability to seriously impact health and potentially be lethal.

    They can include heart problems, mood swings and fatal conditions such as Delirium Tremens. 

    Alcohol detox in Jersey caters to this withdrawal with a graudal, supervised approach.

    Over a 10-day period, doctors monitor individuals as they quit their drinking.

    Benzodiazepines are prescribed in more serious cases to dampen these symptoms and provide essential relief.

    Following on, alcohol rehab in Jersey provides several weeks of therapy.

    This stage of treatment focuses on drawing out and combatting the underlying thoughts, emotions, and memories that have fuelled such unhealthy alcohol use. 

    Relapse prevention is also conducted, boosting the chances of individuals retaining their sobriety when they leave treatment. 

    Rehab For Cocaine In Jersey


    Individuals who take cocaine regularly put themselves at risk of developing psychological dependency.

    This means that they think they need the pleasurable effects of the drug to live and function normally, and so will take it every day. 

    To relieve this dependency, Jersey cocaine rehab provides individuals with therapy that gets to the heart of why they depend so much on the drug.

    Therapy’s goal is to target triggers and equip individuals with the skills to combat and resist their influence. 

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of treatment which specialises in working through negative thought processes and untangling how they impact behaviour. 

    Rehab For Heroin In Jersey


    Heroin impacts the body in a very physical way, similar to alcohol.

    When abused, it pushes the body to arrange its chemistry around the drug, becoming dependent on its presence in order to function normally. 

    Imbalance results when individuals become sober, triggering withdrawal, and so Jersey heroin rehab needs to provide a careful detox process.

    During this, use of the drug is stopped while the body is supported with the prescription of Benzodiazepines like Librium.

    Once the body has become stable without heroin, therapy is then used to address the psychological and behavioural causes of an individual’s addictive tendencies.

    Therapy can target a range of triggers, including thoughts, emotions and social situations. 

    Rehab For Cannabis In Jersey


    Cannabis is often used for the pleasurable ‘high’ that it offers, but sustained use can cause individuals to psychologically depend on it.

    This means they believe themselves in need of cannabis to function in everyday life. 

    Cannabis rehab in Jersey tackles this unhealthy perception using therapy.

    These sessions look to target the causes of an individual’s dependency – whether they are thoughts, emotions or otherwise – and provide individuals with the skills to combat them.

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is one kind of therapy, designed to target difficult emotions and support individuals in talking about them to find the best way to resist and reduce their negative influence on behaviour. 

    Types Of Therapies On Offer In Jersey Rehabs


    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    CBT targets thought processes that repeatedly push individuals towards drug or alcohol misuse.

    This treatment aids in understanding why such thoughts have negative effects, what sparks these patterns in the first place, and what options are available for reducing their prevalence or dampening their impact on behaviour. 

    Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT)

    DBT is a conversation-based treatment in Jersey which specialises in helping individuals talk about the strong emotions at the core of their addiction. 

    Sadness, guilt and regret can all be at fault for substance abuse conditions, and DBT’s objective is to understand such feelings and give individuals the skills to manage them. 

    Brief Interventions


    Acting as regular sessions throughout treatment, brief interventions are a flexible therapy option that  give individuals and therapists the opportunity to talk and work through issues. 

    Flexibility is this therapy’s strength.

    The format of these sessions allows for them to adjust on a week-by-week basis to attend to an individual’s biggest obstacles, keeping treatment relevant and effective throughout the various stages of addiction.

    Motivational Interviewing

    In this form of therapy, an individual’s goals are directly addressed.

    Sessions look to establish both rehab and non-rehab aspirations they might have and put these at the centre of their recovery efforts.

    Rehab in Jersey can be demanding, and motivational interviewing can be integral for ensuring individuals stay on track and keep trying when they face physical and psychological obstacles. 

    Holistic Therapies


    Holistic therapy in Jersey is that which treats addiction by approaching an individual’s overall wellbeing and worldview, rather than the condition specifically. 

    Whether this is done through art, yoga, music or anything else, the goal of this treatment is to provide an individual with a greater sense of health (both physically and mentally) and give them alternative means of attaining pleasure that do not rely upon substances.

    Group Therapy

    Talking to others going through rehab in Jersey can be immensely useful.

    Sharing experiences and learning from the recovery journeys of one another, group therapy can add a whole new dimension to recovery.

    During sessions, new and old patients can help one another.

    More experienced individuals can act as signs of hope for those just beginning, and newer individuals can remind those who have become sober where they began and how far they have progressed. 

    Individual Therapy

    Working one-on-one with a therapist ensures the most personal form of addiction treatment.

    An individual’s specific needs and triggers can be addressed and discussed at length. 

    In addition, individual therapy in Jersey allows a rapport to develop between an individual and therapist.

    They get to know each other better each session, ensuring a level of trust required for advice to be taken seriously. 

    Family Therapy


    When the conflicts and tensions of family life lie at the heart of substance abuse, family therapy facilitates conversations between relatives within the treatment environment.

    During sessions, issues can be ironed out and the likelihood of relapse occurring as a result of future disagreements can be reduced by introducing techniques for managing and limiting the impact of similar problems.

    Co-Dependency Treatment

    Individuals who are co-dependent can see their personal relationships as sources of identity and self-worth.

    Addiction can develop in co-dependent individuals if, for example, they seek validation from a drug-abusing partner or friend. 

    Therapy which specifically treats co-dependency focuses on the perception of relationships, helping individuals draw healthier boundaries and see substance abuse in a more realistic way, not as a means of gaining value or respect. 

    Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy (TSF)

    During TSF, individuals progress through a sequential form of treatment, taking gradual steps towards both a healthier mind and body.

    Complementing this progress is TSF’s approach to wider support.

    The programme encourages individuals to look outwards and make the most of the support available in the addiction recovery community in Jersey.

    The Importance Of Dual Diagnosis


    Anxiety, depression and trauma can lie at the heart of addictions, as can any mental health condition which triggers negative symptoms that an individual can use drugs or alcohol to soothe.

    When addiction develops in this way, it is known as dual diagnosis, and it is essential that drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey recognises this because it is pivotal in order for therapy to be effective. 

    If, for example, depression lies at the root of addiction, dual diagnosis is required so that therapy can address the symptoms of this condition, as well as look at what triggers bring on depressive episodes and what support can be provided to alleviate their symptoms.

    How Rehabs Help With Relapse Prevention


    Following detox and therapy, drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey provides one final stage of support.

    This is relapse prevention, the part of treatment that focuses on the period of time after treatment. 

    When an individual goes home, they will again be subjected to the triggers that prompted their addiction in the first place.

    Relapse prevention’s role is to prepare individuals for this stage of their recovery and ensure they have the best chance of remaining sober. 

    HALT is one such technique that is practiced.

    As general discomforts like hunger and fatigue can sometimes be mistaken for cravings, this acronym reminds individuals to ask themselves if they are hungry, angry, lonely or tired when they think they want to relapse. 

    Aftercare And Support Services


    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

    AA and NA are programmes in Jersey that bring recovering individuals together in support meetings to talk about their ongoing struggles with drug and alcohol abuse. 

    Attendees each share their recent experiences, and support is offered by the group to help them stay on track and sober. 

    Sponsors are a big part of these programmes, each offering personal support to a specific member and ensuring that they continue to engage with meetings and don’t relapse.

    SMART Recovery

    SMART meetings bring recovering individuals together and help them make progress by focusing on four core principles of aftercare. 

    Individuals focus on motivation, trigger management, thoughts and feelings, and healthy living, considering each in turn and returning to whatever they are currently struggling with in order to maintain progress. 

    Home Detox


    Aftercare can function to support physical recovery as well as mental, and home detox works to help those who relapse quickly regain their sobriety. 

    Individuals quit their substance use again, supported by the delivery of Benzodiazepines to their home.

    These medications alleviate their withdrawal, keeping them safe while they detox at home and regain their independence from addiction.

    Al-Anon Family Group meetings

    For families who are struggling to adjust to their recovering loved one returning from rehab in Jersey, Al-Anon meetings give them the space to meet and talk to other families going through a similar transition. 

    These meetings promote discussions and the sharing of advice and bonds can form between families that enable each to better cope with and support the ongoing recovery of their relative. 

    Outpatient Treatment Via A Local Drug & Alcohol Team In Jersey

    Outpatient support services in Jersey can act as great sources of aftercare.

    While individuals might have considered them for their initial rehab, they can access meetings with addiction experts to keep them on track once they have completed treatment.

    These sessions can focus on their physical health and sobriety – or function as therapeutic maintenance – continuing the journey individuals started during their therapy in rehab.

    Getting Help Today


    If you or your loved one are suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction in Jersey, contact us today by dialling the number 44 330 333 6197.

    Whether you want to enter a drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey or you just have a few questions to ask about the process, we are here to guide you through the process of recovery.

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