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Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames

    Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames

    In Kingston-Upon-Thames, there was a total of 330 new presentations to drug and alcohol treatment from 2019 to 2020.

    Of these, 16% were parents living with children, 31% were parents not living with children, and just 53% were not parents.

    Of the number of adults with alcohol dependency, approximately 80,458 males suffered from alcohol dependency from 2018 to 2019, along with 40,094 females.

    Only 21% of both men and women suffering from addiction in Kingston-Upon-Thames went to rehab from 2018 to 2019.


    Approximately 84% of men and 69% of women didn’t have their addiction needs met in 2018 to 2019.

    85 men and 29 women suffered from opiate dependency between 2014 and 2015, and over 71% of the population In Kingston-Upon-Thames suffered from opiate dependency, compared to 58% of England’s population in the same period.

    In Kingston-Upon-Thames, over 594 people were in treatment for drug and alcohol addiction between 2019 and 2020.

    Clearly, the need for addiction support in Kingston-Upon-Thames is apparent.

    You can read more about the disease of addiction here.

    To begin your journey towards recovery at a drug rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    The Disease Model Of Addiction


    In recent decades, the Disease Model of Addiction has been increasingly supported by widespread research.

    The model states that addiction is a disease of the mind and can be treated just like any other disease.

    This refutes the idea that alcohol or drug addiction is a moral failing, but is instead a biological disease.

    There are 3 purported stages of addiction: binge and intoxication, withdrawals, and preoccupation.

    1. Binge and Intoxication: Drugs increase the release of dopamine and alter the reward pathways of the brain. In a Pavlovian fashion, this change triggers your brain to adapt, encouraging heavier use of substances to receive the same rewards.
    2. Withdrawals and Negative Affects: In those that use, their reward systems become orientated around dopamine released by drugs. Due to repeated use and exposure, users require more substance and more often, in order to get the euphoric experience. When the user stops experiencing their high, withdrawal symptoms set in. These withdrawals tend to be negative, with severe physical and mental consequences.
    3. Preoccupation and Anticipation: Impaired signalling of dopamine alters a user’s ability to resist urges. This creates an inability to reduce their substance-use behaviour, despite its consequences.


    The model states that there are 3 sources of addiction: genetics, environment, and developmental factors.

    These three factors all contribute to the vulnerability of addiction, type of addiction and brain changes.

    Specific factors relating to vulnerability include:

    To learn more about how this approach can produce effective alcohol and drug addiction treatment services in Kingston-Upon-Thames, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Mental Health At Rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames– Dual Diagnosis


    There has been a longstanding link between mental health and addiction.

    There are two main types of relationships, with avid supporters for both – addiction as a symptom of mental illness, and addiction as a cause of mental illness.

    Also known as co-morbidity, two disorders can co-exist at the same time in one person.

    It is common for those with substance abuse disorders to also suffer from anxiety and depression.

    This leaves us with 3 main hypotheses:

    1. There are common risk factors that contribute to both addiction and mental disorders.
    2. Mental illness contributes to addiction.
    3. Addiction contributes to mental illness.

    It has been addressed and supported by research that genetics can be a leading cause of both addiction and mental illness. 


    This applies to over 50% of people who are vulnerable to substance use disorders, where they are susceptible to alcohol and drug addiction as a result of genetic makeup.

    This genetic factor influences alcohol tolerance, drug reaction and cravings.

    Traumatised and highly stressed individuals are also at a much higher risk of substance use disorders.

    These people tend to self-medicate their mental conditions with alcohol or drugs in order to alleviate stress.

    However, this is only a short-term solution, and it actually worsens mental health in the long-term.

    Using both drugs and alcohol dramatically alters the functioning of the brain, which can cause mental illness.


    Further, many side effects of drugs affect mental health – for example, using cocaine often has an anxiety-inducing effect.

    There is rehabilitation available for comorbidity in Kingston-Upon-Thames, treating both these mental health issues and addictions.

    Alcohol rehabilitation in Kingston-Upon-Thames is normally for those who consume over 25 units of alcohol per day, along with those who suffer from co-occurring mental health issues.

    These rehabilitation facilities in Kingston-Upon-Thames focus on abstinence, rather than harm reduction or moderation management.

    Experts have agreed that abstinence is far more effective than harm reduction or moderation management.

    Rehab is also suited for those who:

    • Suffer from suicidal thoughts.
    • Suffer from severe mental illness.
    • Struggle to remain sober or fail to cut down or stop.
    • Become violent when under the influence.
    • Who suffer from delirium tremens or alcohol seizures.
    • Who suffer from Wernicke’s encephalopathy.

    To learn how a rehab centre in Kingston-Upon-Thames will support your mental health, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Am I Addicted? Diagnosing Addiction For Rehab At Kingston-Upon-Thames


    Before entering into rehabilitation in Kingston-Upon-Thames, it is important that you understand the nature of your addiction.

    The DSM-IV defines both substance dependency and substance addiction.

    Substance dependency is characterised by a pattern of substance use, leading to ‘significant impairment’ and distress.

    There are two main features of substance dependency:

    1. Tolerance increase: Have you noticed that you need to take more of a substance and more often to get the desired effect? Your tolerance has probably increased.
    2. Severe withdrawals: Those that regularly use often suffer from negative withdrawal symptoms. This normally leads them to use again to get rid of stress and withdrawals.


    If the user is persistent with alcohol or drugs and struggles to cut down or control it, they are likely to have a substance dependency. 

    Substance abuse is characterised by recurring use of substances, resulting in an inability to accomplish regular obligations, such as employment.

    It is important to know the difference between dependency and abuse, as rehabilitation in Kingston-Upon-Thames is tailored towards different types of addiction.

    To identify the negative behavioural habits that accompany addiction, at-home questionnaires can help you recognise these.



    The CAGE questionnaire is one of the most common self-help questionnaires. 

    CAGE Questions for Alcohol Use:

    1. Have you ever felt you should CUT down your drinking?
    2. Have people ever ANNOYED you by critiquing your drinking?
    3. Have you ever felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking?
    4. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady nerves or in order to get rid of a hangover (An EYE opening experience)?

    CAGE Questions Adapted to Include Drug Use (CAGE-AID)

    1. Have you ever felt you ought to CUT down on your drinking or drug use?
    2. Have people ANNOYED you by criticizing your drinking or drug use?
    3. Have you felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking or drug use?
    4. Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (EYE-opener)?

    Answering with a yes will give you a score of 1, whilst answering with a no will give you 0.

    Scoring over 2 points indicates that you are portraying serious using habits.



    The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is an alcohol screening test.

    Complete the first 4 questions, and if you score as ‘fast positive’ (FAST+), you should complete the 6 subsequent questions.

    1. How often have you had 6 or more units if female or 8 or more if male on a single occasion in the last year?
    2. How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of your drinking?
    3. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?
    4. Has a relative or friend, doctor or other health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested that you cut down?

    Are you fast+? If so, complete these questions:

    1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol?
    2. How many units of alcohol do you drink on a typical day when you are drinking?
    3. How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?
    4. How often during the last year have you needed an alcoholic drink in the morning to get going after a heavy drinking session?
    5. How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?
    6. Have you or somebody else been injured as a result of your drinking? 

    Once you have been through questionnaires at home, you will have a clear idea of the nature of your addiction.

    It is then important that you receive the right help, specifically tailored towards you.

    Get the help you need today from a drug and alcohol rehab clinic in Kingston-Upon-Thames – call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    Intervention And Admissions Criteria


    Before considering rehabilitation in Kingston-Upon-Thames, you should carry out an intervention.

    Intervention purposely aims to stop users from falling into full-blown addiction, helping to direct them into rehabilitation in Kingston-Upon-Thames.  

    The most common type of intervention is CRAFT, short for ‘Community Reinforcement And Family Training’.

    The CRAFT intervention approach is specifically designed for ‘concerned others’, and is not your usual confrontational intervention.

    CRAFT helps concerned others communicate with their loved one who is struggling with addiction.

    CRAFT maintains its focus on mental health, and is proven to be over 70% effective at getting the loved one into treatment, getting the help they need.


    CRAFT does this by using positive reinforcement.

    Positive reinforcement means rewarding pro-social and anti-using behaviour, whilst letting the negative consequences of using drugs play out.

    This attempts to rewire the user’s reward pathways in their brain, damaged by abusing substances.

    CRAFT teaches concerned others some of their main strategies:

    • Understanding people’s different ways of communicating, and how to make it more effective.
    • Aim to use positive reinforcement where appropriate.
    • Aim to let the negative consequences play out, where appropriate.
    • Become self-aware of the impacts, origins and different types of treatments for addiction.
    • Learn motivational skills.
    • Build up long-term and realistic goals for all involved in the intervention.

    Once you have motivated the individual in question to enter into rehabilitation in Kingston-Upon-Thames, it is important they choose the right treatment.

    For advice and guidance conducting an intervention in order to convince a loved one to attend rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames, call our team today on 0800 088 66 86

    The ASAM Criteria


    The ASAM created a treatment plan criterion, crafting types of treatment around your score relating to 6 dimensions

    These 6 dimensions are all scored on a risk level of 1 to 4.

    The higher the risk relating to one dimension, the more the treatment plan should be tailored towards that aspect:

    • Dimension 1 – Acute intoxication and/or withdrawal: is the patient specifically susceptible to severe withdrawal symptoms?
    • Dimension 2 – Biomedical conditions and complications: does the patient have any underlying health conditions that could affect rehabilitation treatment?
    • Dimension 3 – Emotional, behavioural or cognitive conditions and complications: is the emotional state of the patient well regulated?
    • Dimension 4 – Readiness to change: does the patient have sufficient motivation to change?
    • Dimension 5 – Relapse, continued use, or continued problem potential: does the patient seem vulnerable to relapse, or potential relapse?
    • Dimension 6 – Recovery/living environment: is the patient social, to the extent it may interfere with their rehabilitation treatment?

    Scores from these dimensions then lead the clinician to tailor and shape the user’s treatment plan in accordance with high risks.

    It is then imperative to consider the different types of treatment available in Kingston-Upon-Thames for drug and alcohol addiction.

    To learn more about how addiction is diagnosed in preparation for rehab at Kingston-Upon-Thames, call us on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehabilitation In Kingston-Upon-Thames


    There are different types of rehabilitation treatments in Kingston-Upon-Thames.

    Inpatient treatment (residential rehab) involves users living in the facility in Kingston-Upon-Thames, where you are likely to pay out of pocket.

    The cost covers rent, utilities, food, staff training, treatment and much more.

    This cost can range from £14,000 every week, to upwards of £80,000 per week.

    This is not usually covered by the NHS – unlike outpatient treatment – but they can be affordable with clinical payment plans.


    Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer – so the focus of rehab is always on returning agency to the patient.

    Inpatient treatment holds a certain stigma, exacerbated by the media through celebrity accounts.

    This advocates deluxe treatment centres, but there are many different forms of inpatient treatments in Kingston-Upon-Thames.

    For outpatient treatment in Kingston-Upon-Thames, you will attend the clinic whilst still living at home, attending to receive monitored medication, therapy, addiction counselling and personal support.

    You are usually advised to spend 28 days in rehabilitation, with a minimum stay is 7 days for the detox to occur.

    This is also called pharmacological interventionoutpatients will have to pay for their medication, but this price is included in the cost of inpatient treatment plans.


    Medication is required for users who have become physically addicted, such as those who struggle with heroin and alcohol.

    A medicated drug detox will not be required for non-physically addictive drugs such as cocaine and cannabis.

    The prescription drug Librium is commonly used as a pharmacological detox.

    This is used and monitored for 10 days, where the dose is reduced over time as Librium is addictive too.

    This helps realign and stabilise the pathways and chemistry of the brain that have been heavily damaged by the abuse of drugs and alcohol.

    Librium targets the mental side effects of detoxing, specifically those suffering from depression and anxiety.

    To make sure that you get the help you need from the right rehab centres in Kingston-Upon-Thames, call us today on 0800 088 66 86

    Alcohol addiction treatment services in Kingston-Upon-Thames


    With intense and dangerous alcohol withdrawal symptoms, cravings which can be impossible to control, and regular excessive or compulsive drinking, alcohol addiction can have a serious negative impact on your life and social outcomes.

    If you are experiencing alcohol addiction, you will find it difficult or impossible to control your actions in relation to the substance.

    This results in excessive amounts of drinking which is very damaging both physically and mentally.

    If you recognise that you are suffering from alcoholism, you should seek support from a drug and alcohol rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames as a matter of extreme importance.

    Start your long-term recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    Alcohol rehabilitation in Kingston-Upon-Thames


    Despite being one of the most common, alcoholism is also one of the most dangerous addictions. On top of the damage to your health more broadly, detoxing from alcohol as an alcoholic can lead to life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if not managed correctly.

    As a physically addictive substance, alcohol addiction requires a ten-day Librium-based alcohol detox.

    This prescription drug will help to prevent the onset of alcohol withdrawal symptoms, such as alcohol seizures and delirium tremens – and this can be fatal.

    Drug and alcohol rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames will also help you to manage the other withdrawal symptoms that come with detoxing from alcohol, such as tremors, feelings of anger and a change in mood, nausea, and much more.

    After managing your detox and withdrawal symptoms, drug and alcohol rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames will support you to access therapy sessions.

    These sessions will work on any lingering guilt surrounding your alcohol addiction, and will also help you to come up with coping mechanisms and avoidance strategies, based on your past addiction to alcohol, to manage the presence of any triggers which could cause a relapse.

    Cocaine rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames


    Cocaine addiction, and therefore the process of treatment, is very different to the process of treating alcohol addiction.

    Firstly, this is because cocaine is not physically addictive. This means it does not require a cocaine detox phase, and the withdrawal symptoms are primarily psychological like episodes of depression and feelings of restlessness.

    This doesn’t mean that cocaine addiction and crack cocaine addiction is any less important to treat, because it is highly correlated with lower outcomes of mental wellbeing.

    Therefore, the primary focus of cocaine treatment at drug and alcohol rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames is therapy and addiction counselling. This will help you to avoid further addictions in the future by understanding the underlying causes of your addiction in the present.

    It will also work on the identification of triggers of cocaine use, and how you can avoid or manage them.

    Heroin rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames


    Heroin addiction can be fatal, through an accidental overdose. Therefore, it is vital that treatment for heroin addiction from a drug and alcohol rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames is sought out as soon as possible.

    Heroin treatment, like alcohol treatment, requires a detox because it is a physically addictive substance. Its impact on your body means that a heroin detox phase needs to draw out the last traces of the drug, but this will trigger withdrawal symptoms.

    You will be supported through the management of these withdrawal symptoms which will be both physical, like abdominal pain, and psychological, like insomnia.

    Various prescription drugs may be used to limit these symptoms and ensure your safety.

    After the detox, you will focus on therapy, and learning how to cope with the absence of heroin going forward.

    Like with the therapy for the other drugs, you will work on noticing triggers for drug abuse, and learn how to avoid them or cope with them without relying on heroin.

    Cannabis rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames


    Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug across the whole of the UK. Addiction to the drug can cause a serious decline in mental well-being and academic performance, meaning that young people are especially vulnerable to its impacts.

    Cannabis is not physically addictive, and so does not require a cannabis detox. Its withdrawal symptoms are psychological and can be challenging but the experienced team at drug and alcohol rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames will support you through the process.

    Treatment for cannabis addiction focuses on the therapeutic side of treatment, ensuring that you are able to deal with triggers when you leave rehab and understand what caused your addiction so you can deal with it more effectively and consciously in the future.

    Start your long-term recovery journey today by calling our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    Therapy Available At Rehab In Kingston-Upon-Thames


    There are many different types of therapies available in Kingston-Upon-Thames.

    If you are struggling with a co-occurring mental health condition, or aim to continue therapy after rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames, consider the following therapies.

    Most of these are available as both individual therapy and group therapy.

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, also known as CBT, is one of the most common therapies for addiction and mental health.

    CBT was originally used for mental health counselling in the 1960s, addressing negative thoughts and changing linked behaviour.

    For those struggling with substance use disorders, CBT finds the connection between origins, thoughts and behaviour, highlighting how irrational thoughts lead to negative behaviour.

    Once a user understands how their thoughts have led them to where they are, it becomes easier to visualise getting over addiction and materialise sobriety.

    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy


    Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, also known as DBT, is a form of CBT.

    DBT is a talking and conversational style of therapy, specifically tailored toward emotions.

    DBT targets overwhelming negative emotions, such as those struggling with depression, anxiety and self-harm.

    DBT was first motivated to deal with personality disorders, but now targets everything from substance abuse to behavioural addictions and criminal activity.

    Brief Interventions

    Brief interventions have become an important part of therapy for drug and alcohol use.

    Definitions vary for what specifically constitutes a brief intervention – they are commonly referred to as ‘simple advice’ or ‘brief counselling’.

    Brief interventions involve a set of principles that underlie conventional intervention and rehabilitation treatment and are generally used to address immediate, short-term issues during addiction treatment.

    Motivational Interviewing


    Motivational Interviewing, also known as MI, focuses on behavioural change based on evidence.

    MI is a collaborative style of communication, with attention paid to the language of change.

    This strengthens personal motivation regarding acceptance and compassion.

    MI emphases:

    • Guidance
    • Direction
    • Advice
    • Empowerment
    • Respect
    • Curiosity

    Holistic Therapies


    Holistic Therapy -also called holistic psychotherapy, alternative therapy or complementary therapy– addresses users as a whole rather than specific symptoms.

    The term holistic therapy has its origins in Ancient Greece, as ‘holos’ in Greek means ‘whole’.

    This treatment is designed for the body, mind and spirit all in one, treating the person’s entire being rather than one specific symptom.

    There are multiple forms of holistic therapy, such as:

    Relapse Prevention And Aftercare After Rehab In Kingston-Upon-Thames


    Once you have considered rehabilitation and therapy in Kingston-Upon-Thames, relapse prevention techniques prevent you from falling back into old habits and work to keep you sober after rehab.

    One of the best forms of aftercare comes in the form of group therapy in Kingston-Upon-Thames, helping users break negative chains of thought that lead them to relapse and use again.

    Group therapies such as Alcoholics Anonymous,  Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous, provide mutual anonymous support for those in recovery, allowing individuals to gather together and exchange stories, experiences, triggers and struggles.

    12 Step Programmes


    They all abide by the famous 12 steps, originating from the founders themselves:

    1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable.
    2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
    3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to that God as we understood Him.
    4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
    5. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
    6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
    7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
    8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
    9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
    10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
    11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
    12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addiction sufferers and practice these principles in all our affairs.

    One must keep an open mind when attending group support services such as the AA – it takes time to get these things right and figure out the best route and group for you.


    SMART recovery is another, less-spiritual approach to group recovery.

    These support systems are designed to motivate and support.

    They also help you understand how you can avoid relapsing in Kingston-Upon-Thames, emphasising the danger of common triggers:

    • Boredom and stress.
    • Relationship struggles.
    • Money issues.
    • Specific places and people.
    • Anger and overwhelming emotions.

    To help these triggers:

    • Practice self-care such as exercising and good nutrition.
    • Meditate and practice mindfulness.
    • Understand your specific triggers.
    • Join other support groups.
    • Grounding techniques and deep breathing.
    • Talk to people, and talk to us.

    To learn more about how a drug and alcohol rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames can help you avoid relapse and stay sober, call our expert team on 0800 088 66 86

    Kingston-Upon-Thames Charities & Free Services

    Woman in a treatment centre

    Below are some of the free addiction facilities and groups in Kingston-Upon-Thames:

    1. Richmond Community Drug and Alcohol Service

    Address: Ilex House, 94 Holly Rd, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham TW1 4HF

    Telephone: 02032283020


    2. Club Drug Clinic

    Address: 69 Warwick Rd, London SW5 9HB

    Telephone: 02033173000


    3. The New Coach House

    Address: Griffin Court, London W12 7LL

    Telephone: 02087406815


    Decrease your chances of relapsing by addressing any mental health issues. Contact PapyrusRethink Mental IllnessYoung Minds Samaritans, or Mind for free wellbeing support.

    Consider Your Options With Rehab Recovery

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile

    Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction.

    To learn more about anything read today, or to ask any questions relating to addiction treatment services in Kingston-Upon-Thames, then please contact us.

    There are many public and private rehab centres across the UK that are ready to help you. With the right help behind you, any addiction can be successfully overcome.

    We also offer admission to rehab clinics in a variety of locations across London, including in Barnet, Beckenham, Bexley, Brent Cross, Bromley, Camden, Croydon, Ealing, Enfield, Hackney, Hammersmith, Harlow, Harrow, Islington, Lambeth, Lewisham, Merton, Newham, Orpington, Redbridge, Romford, Richmond, Sevenoaks, Southwark, Tottenham, Twickenham, Uxbridge, Wandsworth, Watford and Westminster.

    The centres we recommend all come regulated and approved by The Care Quality Commission (England and Wales) or the Care Inspectorate (Scotland).

    To get a place at a treatment centre without having to do any admin, call us a call. Many members of the Rehab Recovery team have also faced addiction and can offer empathetic and non-judgemental advice and referrals.

    For help finding a private rehab in Kingston-Upon-Thames, contact Rehab Recovery on 0800 088 66 86.


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