Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Wiltshire
Quick Links for help with addiction in Wiltshire
- What is rehab in Wiltshire?
- How can I refer myself to drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
- Why should I attend drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
- Should I stay in Wiltshire to get treatment or go elsewhere?
- What should I expect from drug and alcohol rehab In Wiltshire?
- What is inpatient addiction treatment at rehab in Wiltshire?
- What happens during detox at a rehab in Wiltshire?
- Can I detox at home in Wiltshire?
- How do I start the admissions process for drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
- How much does rehab in Wiltshire cost?
- How long does drug and alcohol rehab last in Wiltshire?
- What are some tips for choosing the right rehab in Wiltshire?
Do you live in Wilshire in South-West England? Do you seek professional drug or alcohol treatment services? Fortunately, Rehab Recovery is here to help.
In Wiltshire, we offer addiction rehab treatment services in Wiltshire from Stonehenge to Salisbury Plain.
Like many English counties, Wiltshire is populated by a large minority of people who are experiencing difficulties with substance misuse. Drug and alcohol addiction overwhelms A&E services and causes many hundreds of deaths [1] in Wiltshire each year.
Many of these people affected by addiction cannot access rehab treatment through the NHS because their addiction is not considered sufficiently acute to warrant treatment at the taxpayer’s expense.
Whether you’re struggling with infrequent binging, weekly use or a constant obsession [2] that dominates your life, our experts are here to help.
Start your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire by calling our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86
What are the drug and alcohol statistics in Wiltshire like?
Statistics show [3] that over a quarter of the adult population in Wiltshire drink more than the recommended weekly amount [4] of alcohol, with around 1% of Wiltshire adults being dependent on alcohol.
This is particularly concerning considering the serious impact alcohol addiction can have on an individual’s lifespan. [5]
Similarly, around 2,300 adults [6] in Wiltshire are classed as cocaine or opiate users.
While these figures are lower than the UK average, they are still concerning and show that there is a great need for more education on the subject of addiction [7] in this area, as well as the wider availability of professional and structured drug and alcohol rehab [8] in Wiltshire.
Get the help you need from an alcohol and drug rehab in Wiltshire by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
What is rehab in Wiltshire?
“Rehab” is a shortening of the word “rehabilitation” – which means the restoration of something to optimal or full health.
In this context, a rehab in Wiltshire is a place where patients go to undergo treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction.
What types of addictions are treated at rehab in Wiltshire?
Typically, substance use addictions are treated at rehab in Wiltshire.
This includes everything from alcohol misuse and cannabis addiction to cocaine abuse, heroin addiction, prescription drug addiction and much more.
Behavioural addictions (such as gambling, sex, or pornography addiction) are also treated through therapy and counselling, residential rehabs in Wiltshire are typically catered for those suffering from drug or alcohol addiction.
Get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
How can I refer myself to drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
By dialling the number 0800 088 66 86 from the UK or +44 330 333 6197 internationally, you will be put in contact with a trained admissions officer who can help you initiate the process of entering a rehab.
When you are ready, they will help facilitate a health assessment – also known as a preadmission assessment – which means answering a survey to gather more information about your addiction history before locating a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire.
Begin the recovery process at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
Why should I attend drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, it is important to get the right level of care at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire to address the issue.
Medical professionals and addiction specialists that work in rehab facilities understand that addiction is an illness and should be treated as such.
Just as you wouldn’t expect to recover from heart disease alone with no medical intervention, you shouldn’t expect to recover from a substance use disorder alone without rehab in Wiltshire.
When you take large amounts of drugs or alcohol or use substances over a long period of time, the chemicals in your brain adjust to the levels of the drug, this is what makes addiction an illness that needs to be treated professionally.
As well as this, addiction is often only a part of the problem. When you enter a private drug and alcohol rehab facility, the specially trained staff will be able to diagnose any underlying undiagnosed mental health issues that often occur alongside drug and alcohol addiction. [9]
Conditions such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, psychosis [10] and schizophrenia are not uncommon among substance abusers at a rehab in Wiltshire.
When these conditions are uncovered, they can be treated using specific medications [11] and evidence-based rehab treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy.
This gives the service user a much higher chance of maintaining sobriety long after they have left the rehab facility in Wiltshire.
Experience all the benefits of a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Should I stay in Wiltshire to get treatment or go elsewhere?
There are myriad factors to consider when searching for an optimal rehab centre: such as cost, amenities and location.
Ultimately, where an individual undertakes rehab treatment does not matter, as long as the clinic is certified by The Care Quality Commission [17] and can cater to their unique needs.
With this being said, staying local to Wiltshire for rehab has pros and cons versus going further afield.
Undergoing treatment in Wiltshire will mean that, should your chosen clinic allow family visits, your loved ones can visit you easily throughout your rehab programme. It is much more convenient and can make the process seem slightly more familiar, which can be helpful.
Choosing to undergo rehab treatment elsewhere can be seen as a good way for a “fresh start” in a completely new environment. This can facilitate connotations of positive change associated with your addiction treatment.
Although it is the point of a drug and alcohol rehab in general, opting for a rehab further away can also further remove you from toxic environments or from people who pose relapse triggers.
Not sure if you should attend a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire or go further afield? Talk it over with us today on 0800 088 66 86
How effective is rehab in Wiltshire in treating alcohol or drug addictions?
This is because, at rehab, patients will have access to medically supported facilities, licensed health professionals, therapy and counselling sessions, medication prescribed by addiction physicians, and more.
Will rehab in Wiltshire cure me of my addiction?
Addiction is a chronic disease which is – by definition – technically not curable.
However, it is certainly treatable and manageable.
A rehab will provide patients with the necessary knowledge and skills in order to sustain a life of sobriety without relapsing.
To learn all about the effectiveness of drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
Will I have to abstain from drugs and alcohol forever after rehab in Wiltshire?
After this time, the underlying conditions will be treated, and you will learn coping techniques to help you if you find yourself on the verge of relapse in the future.
Because drug and alcohol rehab facilities operate using the disease model of addiction, addiction is treated as an illness rather than a failure.
It is a condition that cannot be cured [18] but can be effectively managed and controlled with the right rehab treatment in Wiltshire.
This also means that anyone who has suffered from substance use disorder in the past has a higher risk of relapsing. For this reason, it makes sense to abstain.
Abstaining from drugs and alcohol seems difficult, however, through your time in rehab you will learn of the many benefits of abstinence, the most obvious being that you are less likely to binge [21] on a substance if you stay away from it completely.
Most experts [22] have agreed that abstinence is far more effective than harm reduction or moderation management [23] – as a result, that’s what the majority rehabs focus on.
Achieve abstinence and maintain it for good with the help of a rehab centre in Wiltshire – call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
What should I expect from drug and alcohol rehab In Wiltshire?
At a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire, you can expect to undergo a comprehensive treatment programme which will not only help you overcome cravings, but help you develop healthier lifestyle habits which will improve other facets of your life.
These lifestyle habits will help you maintain abstinence and sobriety in the long run.
Patients at rehab in Wiltshire can expect to undergo a range of therapy and counselling sessions, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Therapy, support sessions, and more.
Inpatients can also expect to undergo a medicated detox at a residential rehab facility if they are suffering from physical withdrawal symptoms.
What happens if I don’t get help in Wiltshire?
If you do not seek professional rehab help for your addiction, it is highly likely that your symptoms will become more severe and that you will develop long-term mental and physical health issues.
Furthermore, you may begin to consume higher quantities of drugs or alcohol, which will not only expose you to more severe health effects, it will put you at risk of overdosing and death.
Don’t let addiction control your life – get the help you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Wilshire by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
Private vs council-funded rehab in Wiltshire – Which is better?
Addiction is not considered a ‘choice’ or ‘moral failing’ on behalf of the addiction sufferer [24] – so the focus of rehab is always on returning agency to the patient.
It is common for people to believe that private rehab is out of reach for them. It is often thought that it is too expensive, and something that is only available for the wealthy. For this reason, people tend to go straight to NHS rehab services.
While the NHS has a lot to offer, it has limited resources and can’t always respond to the demand.
There are pros and cons of both private rehab and council-funded rehab. If you have established that you have an addiction, it is a good idea to research both options to know which one is best suited to your needs.
The benefits of private rehab in Wiltshire
- No long waiting lists [25], most people are admitted immediately
- You can recover in a safe and comfortable environment
- Comprehensive treatment program [26] including dual diagnosis of co-occurring issues
- 24/7 access to specially trained professionals
- Treatments tailored to your individual needs
- Uncovering the root cause of your addiction [27] and identifying your triggers [28]
- Learning relapse prevention techniques to increase your chances of staying sober [29]
- High success rates
- A dedicated aftercare program
The cons of private rehab in Wiltshire
- Can be costly, even with payment plans in place
- Usually requires extended stays away from home
The benefits of council-funded rehab in Wiltshire
- It is free of charge
- It is in your local area
- Does not require long stays away from home
- Accessible
- Confidential
The cons of council-funded rehab in Wiltshire
- It often takes months before you are admitted
- Lower success rates
- No dual-diagnosis or treatment of co-occurring issues
- Low availability of residential rehab
For help choosing between private and concil-funded addiction treatment services in Wiltshire, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
What is inpatient addiction treatment at rehab in Wiltshire?
An inpatient treatment facility – or residential drug and alcohol rehab – is arguably the most optimal form of treatment.
This is because rehab patients can gain access to the highest quality care, environment and resources, while devoting their entire time to recovery.
Typically, an inpatient addiction rehab treatment is optimal for those who are suffering from moderate to severe forms of addiction.
Additionally, patients who are suffering from mental health issues or physical withdrawal symptoms will benefit from undergoing rehab treatment in Wiltshire as an inpatient.
At an inpatient rehab, patients will spend around 28 days undergoing treatment in the forms of behavioural therapy, support sessions, medicated assisted therapy, relapse prevention programmes, and so on.
This form of treatment is more intensive than outpatient treatment, as patients will spend many hours every day undergoing treatment methods.
If you need inpatient treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire, call our team on 0800 088 66 86
What is outpatient addiction treatment at rehab in Wiltshire?
Outpatient addiction treatment is where patients can undergo treatment whilst being able to return home each night.
They will undergo treatment but not stay at a rehab facility as a temporary resident.
This means that patients can maintain employment or their studies alongside their treatment.
An outpatient treatment programme is less intensive than an inpatient programme, however, it may take place over a longer period of time.
Patients will undergo a range of therapy and counselling sessions in order to consolidate more positive lifestyle changes. Outpatient addiction treatment is also typically public and therefore can be found for free.
One of the drawbacks of an outpatient addiction treatment programme is that patients may be put on a long waiting list due to its high demand. Additionally, it lacks the level of intensity which is required in order to optimise recovery for those who suffer from moderate to severe forms of addiction.
If you need outpatient treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire, call our team on 0800 088 66 86
Inpatient vs Outpatient Treatment In Wiltshire – Which Is Better?
Image above: Group work at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire
It isn’t a case of which is better, but patients should ask which is more optimal for them.
There are many factors to consider which will determine whether an outpatient or an inpatient treatment will benefit them most.
While it is highly arguable that an inpatient programme at a residential drug and alcohol clinic in Wiltshire will bring results in the most effective way for patients suffering from substance use disorder, it isn’t necessarily the most optimal option for everyone.
Those who are suffering from a mild form of substance use disorder will benefit from either an outpatient or an inpatient rehabilitation centre.
Outpatient treatment will allow them to undergo treatment while also being able to return home each night. They will be able to undergo several hours of therapy and counselling per week.
On the other hand, those who are suffering from moderate to severe forms of addiction will benefit from an inpatient treatment programme at a residential drug and alcohol rehab.
This is because those who are suffering from a moderate to severe form of addiction will be required to undergo recovery as an inpatient because their withdrawal symptoms will be more severe and their likelihood of relapsing will be higher.
Additionally, if a patient is suffering from physical withdrawal symptoms, they are highly advised to undergo treatment at a residential rehab facility. This will allow them to undergo a medicated detox in a safe and comfortable environment with 24/7 medical supervision.
Furthermore, patients who are suffering from mental health issues in addition to their addiction – otherwise known as co-occurring disorders – will also be advised to undergo inpatient treatment.
It can be difficult to understand what form of treatment you require. However, undergoing a preadmission health assessment will help determine the necessary steps for you.
Addiction specialists and referral services will utilise the ASAM Criteria [30] – a multidimensional placement guideline – in order to determine the best place for you.
Patients will be sorted into different levels of severity and this will help determine which rehab in Wiltshire they should enter.
- Level 1 – Outpatient treatment
- Level 2 – Intensive outpatient treatment
- Level 3 – Inpatient treatment
- Level 4 – Intensive inpatient & partial hospitalisation
Can’t choose between inpatient or outpatient drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire? Talk it over with our experts on 0800 088 66 86
What happens during detox at a rehab in Wiltshire?
At a residential drug and alcohol rehab, patients will spend around 7 to 14 days undergoing detox (depending on how severe their withdrawal symptoms are) in a safe, comfortable and medically supported facility.
Here, they will be under 24/7 medical supervision, and they will be able to undergo medication prescribed by an addiction physician.
A detox will typically last anywhere from around 7 days to 2 weeks, or even longer if the patient requires further detoxing.
There are a range of medications which may be prescribed during treatment, and they will vary according to a number of factors, such as the addictive substance, the symptoms that the patient experiences, if the patient has any pre-existing conditions, and so on.
Some examples of medication at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire include:
- Benzodiazepines: An example of a Benzodiazepine is Diazepam, and they are often favoured throughout addiction treatment because of their fast-acting yet long-lasting properties. Not only can they minimise withdrawal symptoms, they are prescribed in order to prevent anxiety, muscle spasms and seizures or seizures.
- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: SSRIs are a form of antidepressants which are used to treat symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia.
While it may be possible to undergo a detox but not the following addiction treatment, it is highly advised against.
This is because the addiction treatment programme will equip patients with the necessary tools to establish long-term habits and recovery methods, whereas detox only addresses the withdrawal symptoms.
The objective of the detox period is to help the patient safely overcome their withdrawal symptoms.
Once they have overcome the worst of their symptoms, they will be in a better state to continue with the rest of their treatment and undergo a range of therapy and counselling treatments.
Learn everything you need to know at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire by reaching out to our team on 0800 088 66 86
Can I detox at home in Wiltshire?
It is possible to go through detox at home. It can be very tempting to close yourself away from the world for a few weeks and hope that things get better in that time.
However, home detox is not for everyone, and you should only do it if you have been given the go-ahead by a medical professional.
If you have been suffering from a substance use disorder for a long time [31] and if your alcohol or drug addiction is particularly severe, it is not recommended to attempt to detox at home.
For example, if you regularly consume more than 30 units of alcohol a day [32] or regularly exceed the recommended weekly limit [33] for alcohol consumption, a home detox could be incredibly dangerous and even fatal.
People with long-lasting and severe addictions to alcohol are at risk of developing delirium tremens during the detox stage.
Delirium tremens can be life-threatening and it is necessary to have immediate access to health professionals if you develop DTs. This is also the case if you have developed delirium tremens in the past.
Detoxing is a difficult experience and can induce or heighten stress, for this reason, it is not recommended to attempt to detox alone at home if you suffer from any co-occurring mental health issues, as these may be exacerbated during the detox stage.
Similarly, if you have struggled with self-harm or suicidal thoughts in the past, detoxing at home is not recommended. You should also avoid a home detox if you have been known to have violent outbursts while intoxicated.
If you have previously been diagnosed with Wernicke’s encephalopathy [34], it is not recommended to go through detox alone at home due to the changes the illness causes in the brain.
Wernicke’s encephalopathy [35] is a nutritional deficiency; however, it is most commonly found in those with a long-lasting and severe alcohol dependency. This can also be an effect of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
You can also experience seizures and long-term complications such as hepatitis from continued substance abuse.
If you are classed as ‘high risk’ on the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria, [36] you should not attempt to undergo a home detox as it is highly likely that you will need access to professional help throughout your detoxing stage.
The DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for substance dependence are:
- Building a tolerance to the substance, meaning you need to take it in larger amounts or more often to get the desired effect.
- Having withdrawal symptoms if you have not taken the substance for a while, and only being able to relieve the symptoms by consuming more of the substance.
- Often taking larger amounts of the substance than intended.
- Recurring failed attempts to stop taking the substance.
- A large amount of time is spent acquiring, using, or recovering from the substance.
- Activities and hobbies not related to the substance are given up or reduced.
- The substance abuse is continued despite the user knowing the negative impacts the substance is having on their health, social life, and relationships.
In this instance, you should undergo a medically-assisted detox, which is a detox supervised by a medical professional. This will be needed in instances of heroin withdrawal for example, or any addiction where just quitting cold turkey can be dangerous. [37]
To find out whether or not a home detox could be the right option for you, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86
What are the alternatives to going to rehab in Wiltshire?
Professionally supported drug and alcohol rehab is one of the best ways to recover from addiction, but it isn’t for everyone.
If you have researched both private and council-funded drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire and have decided that neither option suits your needs, there are other options for you.
It is important to note, however, if you have had several failed attempts at obtaining sobriety and have a severe addiction that has greatly affected your health and has lasted for many months or years, it is recommended to attend a private rehab clinic for up to 30 days.
If your addiction is not severe and has not lasted for too long, some alternatives to rehab that you could try are:
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, Wiltshire
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are group meetings that most often take place in church halls or community centres. They are accessible to anyone and often only require a small donation to take part.
SMART Recovery, Wiltshire
SMART [38] stands for Self-Management And Recovery Training. Weekly meetings, headed by a trained facilitator, will help you to set goals, cope with urges and build and maintain motivation [39] to remain clean and sober.
Home Detox, Wiltshire
As mentioned above, home detox is not recommended in long-lasting and severe cases of addiction. However, if you do decide to do a home detox, it is a good idea to have someone stay with you in case you need medical attention.
Alcoholics Anonymous Family Group Meetings, Wiltshire
AA family group meetings provide a safe space for close friends and relatives of people struggling with substance abuse.
These groups are open to anyone, including people with substance use disorders so they can hear how their substance abuse has affected their loved ones.
Outpatient rehab, Wiltshire
You will have access to therapy and addiction counselling and will be prescribed any necessary medication.
Whatever help you need to beat addiction -whether from a conventi0nal drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire or from one of these excellent alternative source- let our expert team help you by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
Do I need to go to rehab in Wiltshire?
If you are already concerned that you are suffering from some form of drug or alcohol dependence, it implies that you will benefit from going to rehab, whether as an inpatient or an outpatient.
However, there are many ways that you can gain more insight into whether you require treatment.
The CAGE Questionnaire [40] and the AUDIT [41] (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) are surveys which can help you gain more insight into the severity of your dependence.
Not only are these used by those who want more information regarding their dependence, they are used by referral services and addiction specialists.
The CAGE Questionnaire is a simple survey consisting of 4 questions, which are:
- C: Have you ever felt that you ought to Cut down on your drinking or drug use?
- A: Have people Annoyed you by criticising your drinking or drug use?
- G: Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking or drug use?
- E: Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover (Eye opener)?
Based on the response, you are given a number of points which will indicate how severe your dependence is.
This is similar to the AUDIT, however, AUDIT contains 10 questions concerned with the consumption levels and frequency, the consequences of addiction, and more. Subjects are given a score based on their response, and these scores are used as follows:
- 0 to 7 indicates low risk
- 8 to 15 indicates increasing risk
- 16 to 19 indicates higher risk
- 20 or more indicates possible dependence
Not certain if you need to go to drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire? Find out today by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
Why should I avoid recovering on my own in Wiltshire?
Subjects who attempt to recover by themselves lack the knowledge, resources and facilities which are needed in order to recover optimally.
Patients are required to undergo a comprehensive treatment programme which includes cognitive and behavioural therapy, medically assisted therapy, relapse prevention planning, and more.
Additionally, entering a drug and alcohol rehab will introduce patients to a more expansive and experienced support network.
Can I recover from addiction without professional help in Wiltshire?
While it is possible, it is highly unlikely for a [person to successfully beat addiction if they choose to recover without the assistance of professional help.
A licensed counsellor or addiction specialist will be able to help patients develop healthy coping mechanisms in addition to positive lifestyle habits which can facilitate a life of abstinence.
Don’t take the risk of recovering on your own – get the support you need from a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
How do I start the admissions process for drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
Before you can be referred to a rehab clinic, the drug and alcohol team in Wiltshire will assess the severity of your addiction using the ASAM Criteria.
The ASAM criteria [42] have six dimensions that will allow the experts to determine the level of care that you need.
The six dimensions of the ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) criteria are:
- Exploring your history of substance abuse and withdrawal
- Assessing your past and current physical health
- Assessing your past and current mental health
- Understanding your desire to change
- Understanding your risk of relapse
- Knowing your living situation and what triggers surround you in day-to-day life
As well as this, the drug and alcohol team will refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition [43], or DSM-5, to determine whether your addiction is considered mild, moderate, or severe.
According to the DSM-5, symptoms of substance use disorder fall into four categories:
- Impaired control
- Social problems
- Risky use
- Physical dependence
It should be noted that these are just a wider overview of the many specific symptoms [44] associated with addiction.
More distinct physical conditions [45] resulting from addiction can include:
- Liver failure [46]
- Blood pressure issues [47]
- Brain damage [48]
- Cirrhosis [49]
- Heart disease [50]
- Hepatitis
- Cancer [51]
- Organ damage [52]
- Gastrointestinal issues [53]
- Deficiencies of various minerals (Calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, etc.) [54]
- Delirium tremens
- Seizures
Quite often, individuals will also display different reactions to the same addictions due to their own internal conditions; for example, a type one alcoholic [55] will often suffer from anxiety and typically will not drink for pleasure, whereas a type two alcoholic [56] often will.
If you have presented to the drug and alcohol team with an alcohol addiction, they will use the aforementioned Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) [57] to determine the level of your addiction and the treatment that you need.
You can also try the CAGE Questionnaire [58], a similar concept that can help to indicate if you have an alcohol addiction.
Begin the admissions process at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire by calling us on 0800 088 66 86
When is a professional intervention necessary in Wiltshire?
Spotting the signs of addiction [59] in a loved one can be concerning, but it is often the key step in allowing a loved one to come to terms with their own addiciton and begin to take steps towards beating it [60], giving them the best chance of making a full recovery. [61]
If you have staged several traditional interventions and they have not worked, it might be time to contact a professional interventionist.
Many people believe that a person has to be ready to attend rehab, and that they have to make that choice for themselves in order for the rehabilitation to work.
However, a professional interventionist can help friends and family members of substance abusers to influence the person suffering from alcohol or drug addiction in the right direction.
Community Reinforcement And Family Training (CRAFT) [62] is a different approach to traditional interventions. CRAFT works by rewarding good behaviour when a person makes good choices and ignoring negative behaviours. [63]
CRAFT does not require a structured confrontation. [64] Instead, it teaches close friends and family members how they might be enabling the addictive behaviour – which sadly is a common issue [65] – and what steps they can take to stop this.
For example, if someone is too hungover to go to work or school, the CRAFT approach won’t allow you to make the phone call to excuse their absence, they would have to deal with it themselves.
After having to deal with the consequences of their addictions, people may be more open to the idea of getting better. CRAFT teaches families to spot the windows of opportunity to have a discussion about rehab.
Once you get to rehab you will undergo a psychiatric assessment where you will be prescribed the correct psychiatric treatment to help with your specific needs. This is will be done by a medical professional such as a psychiatrist.
Learn how to effectively hold an intervention in Wiltshire by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86
How much does rehab in Wiltshire cost?
When you attend private drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire, you will be put on a treatment program that is tailored to your specific needs. [66]
Because of this, it is impossible to say how much your time in rehab will cost until you have spoken to an expert about the level of care you will need.
If you are considering attending a private rehab clinic, it is important to understand that most of them have payment plans available and other ways in which they can make their services available to most people.
If your addiction is particularly severe, you will likely need to spend around 28 days in a facility. A private room for 28 days can cost anywhere between £8,000 and £12,000.
If you don’t mind sharing a room, you can expect to pay around £6,000 for 28 days.
If your addiction is not too severe, you may only need a 10 day stay in rehab. A private room for 10 days will cost between £3,000 and £6,000, while a shared room for 10 days usually costs between £2,000 and £4,000.
You can opt for a home detox option, which would drop the cost to around £1,500, however, this is only recommended if your addiction is not at all severe.
It is also recommended to ask someone to stay with you during this time so that you have someone with you if you feel sick or need medical attention.
Receiving NHS addiction treatment or another publically-funded service will of course cover the cost of treatment [67] either wholly or partly.
Get a more accurate estimation of how much your alcohol or drug addiction treatment in Wiltshire will cost by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86
Can I use insurance to pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
Some patients may be able to reduce the amount that they pay for treatment by making use of their employee or private insurance.
However, it is of utmost importance that patients coordinate with their insurance provider and the rehab provider in order to understand what is covered by their insurance plan, and also what is included in their recovery programme.
It would be highly irresponsible to enter a drug and alcohol based on the assumption that, because you have insurance, it will cover the entirety of your treatment.
Addiction is a complex illness, and treatment for it may even be exempt from certain insurance plans.
Some patients may be able to have the cost of their accommodation, medication, or therapy sessions covered throughout addiction treatment. This will reduce the cost of their treatment programme, however, they may still need to pay for other aspects.
Ultimately, it depends on the insurance provider and also the unique insurance plan whether treatment for substance use disorder is covered.
Be sure to communicate thoroughly with your insurance provider in order to gain more understanding.
For guidance on how to use insurance to pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire, talk to our team on 0800 088 66 86
I can’t afford drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire – I don’t have insurance. What can I do?
There are ways you can minimise the cost of undergoing addiction treatment.
This includes but is not limited to:
- Entering treatment as an outpatient: While it may not be as effective as inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment can still provide patients effective treatment. Counselling, therapy, and support sessions included in outpatient treatment can facilitate a patient’s recovery. If patients are worried that it may lack the intensity to help them, they can opt for the intensive outpatient programme.
- Opting for multi-occupancy dorms: When entering a residential rehab facility, patients can opt for multi-occupancy dorms in order to minimise the cost. Here, they will share a room with other patients in the facility. Not only can this minimise the cost of their treatment significantly, it can foster camaraderie and positive relationships between patients.
- Joining fellowship programmes: Fellowship programmes such as Alcoholics Anonymous, [68] Narcotics Anonymous, [69] and SMART Recovery [70] act as support networks which benefit both inpatients and outpatients. Members can attend meetings as frequently as they like – free of charge – and gain access to invaluable resources and the support of other members.
Don’t have insurance and can’t afford drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire? Talk your options over with us on 0800 088 66 86
How long does drug and alcohol rehab last in Wiltshire?
Rehab lasts different times for different people and the length of time you will need to spend in a facility will vary depending on the substance you are addicted to and the severity of your addiction.
Whilst recovery itself can take anywhere from six months to five years [71], your stay at rehab will rarely last this long.
If your addiction is to heroin, alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines, you will require a medically assisted detox to overcome the withdrawal symptoms.
This means that you will likely need to spend longer in the facility – usually 28 days – to fully recover. This way the physical addiction can be treated and then the psychological aspects of your addiction.
The minimum amount of time you can spend in a rehab facility is 7 days, this is to ensure that you have medical support throughout the detox stage – often the worst and most dangerous stage of rehab.
A short stay in rehab may be possible if a medically assisted detox is not required. Cannabis, cocaine, and amphetamines do not cause physical addiction and you may be able to overcome an addiction to these substances within 7 – 10 days.
To find out how long your stay at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire should take, call us today on 0800 088 66 86
What are some tips for choosing the right rehab in Wiltshire?
Aside from this, some rehab facilities take different approaches to their treatment, for example, some facilities follow the 12-step program, while others take a more holistic approach.
When you are trying to find a rehab that is right for you, it is important to consider the following:
- Can you afford it?
- Does it have good reviews?
- What are the credentials and qualifications of the staff? It is important to know you are being cared for by trained professionals.
- How long has it been around? A long-standing rehab facility will be well-respected and have good success rates.
- How do you feel about it? You need to visit the facility and talk to the staff. If you are going to be spending time there, you need to feel comfortable.
Make sure that you end up at the right drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire by calling our team today on 0800 088 66 86
What is a detox and do I need one in Wiltshire?
A detox is often the first thing you will go through in any rehabilitation process. It is when the harmful substance is eliminated from the body.
When you have taken large amounts of drugs or alcohol over a period of time, the chemical workings of your brain will be altered, and you will feel sick if you stop taking the substance.
Your brain will begin sending you signals that you need the substance in order to feel normal. This is how addiction is created.
When you stop taking the substance, you will feel sick and disoriented, however, stopping can also cause extreme illnesses and can even be fatal.
Over time, the medication will be reduced until you no longer have any substances in your body, and you can begin to focus on healing psychologically.
For example, if you attend rehab for alcohol detox, you will likely be given a prescription drug called Librium.
Librium is a benzodiazepine that can ease feelings of anxiety and other alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Your prescription will be reduced over a 10-day period until you are through the detox stage. You may alternatively be prescribed Acamprosate, [72] Naltrexone [73] or a selection of antidepressants [74] or anti-anxiety medications [75] when necessary.
After this, the rest of the time spent in rehab will be focused on recovering emotionally and mentally. [76] You will also learn relapse prevention techniques to give you the best chances of remaining clean after you leave the facility.
These can cover everything from avoiding dangerous situations to figuring out how to avoid drinking at night [77] and much more.
Some relapse prevention techniques you will learn include:
- HALT (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired)
- Mindfulness meditation
- Support groups
- The importance of self-care
- Having an emergency contact
- Identifying your triggers
- Deep breathing
Make sure that your alcohol or drug detox is safe and effective with the help of a rehab centre in Wiltshire Get started by calling our team on 0800 088 66 86
How do I access cocaine rehab in Wiltshire?
Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that causes short bursts of euphoria and cause the user to feel talkative, alert, and energetic.
Cocaine stops dopamine – known as the ‘feel-good’ hormone – from being reabsorbed into the brain, meaning that it lingers on the brain making the person feel euphoric.
It is this feeling that users chase when they continue to take cocaine.
While cocaine and crack cocaine are both highly addictive, they does not cause physical addiction. This means that you can quit cold turkey without any physical withdrawal symptoms, so cocaine detox is not necessary.
If you are seeking rehab for cocaine addiction, you may only need to stay in rehab for 7 – 10 days until the cravings for the substance disappear.
Overcome your cocaine addiction with the help of a drug rehab in Witshire – call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
How do I access heroin rehab in Wiltshire?
Heroin is another highly addictive and very dangerous drug and once a heroin addiction takes hold, it can be incredibly difficult to get clean again.
Heroin causes physical dependence, meaning that you will need to undergo a medically assisted heroin detox before attending therapy for the emotional toll the addiction has taken.
If you attend rehab for heroin addiction, it is recommended that you spend 28 days overcoming the addiction.
This gives you enough time to detox the substance from your system and spend time in therapy tackling the psychological addiction.
Overcome your heroin addiction with the help of a drug rehab in Witshire – call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
How do I access cannabis rehab in Wiltshire?
Cannabis can cause paranoia, anxiety, and persistent coughing.
Cannabis does not cause a physical addiction, so a cannabis detox is not required when attending rehab for cannabis addiction.
Some withdrawal symptoms of cannabis addiction are anxiety and loss of concentration.
Because a cannabis addiction is psychological only, you may only need 7 – 10 days in a rehab facility to overcome it.
Other types of addictions [78] that we can treat at rehab include:
- Opioid Use Disorder
- Ketamine Addiction
- Gambling Addiction
- Codependency
- Cocaine Dependence
- Cannabis Use Disorder
- Buprenorphine Addiction
- Behavioural Addictions
We also treat co-occurring mental health disorders [79] such as:
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Eating Disorders
- Borderline Personality Disorder [80]
- Anti-Social Personality Disorder [81]
Overcome your cannabis addiction with the help of a drug rehab in Witshire – call our team today on 0800 088 66 86
What therapies can I expect from drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
Attending drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire will tackle the physical addiction first, if necessary, before tackling the psychological addiction.
As mentioned above, addiction is often an illness that happens alongside other issues such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia or obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is referred to as a dual diagnosis.
Through the various types of therapy on offer, a team of experts will diagnose any underlying mental health issues and work on treating these to ensure you have the best chance at maintaining sobriety after leaving the facility.
Some common treatments [82] available in drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire are:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) at a rehab in Wiltshire
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is popular in the treatment of addictions as it changes the way you think about and approaches certain situations. By thinking more positively, you will attract more positive changes in your life.
CBT has a proven success rate [83], with far lower odds of relapse [84] for those who complete a full course, however some individuals may have preexisting conditions that make it less effective. [85]
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) at a rehab in Wiltshire
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy focuses on personal acceptance. A common issue with people who have struggled with addiction in the past is that they are often very hard on themselves for their past wrongdoings.
DBT teaches acceptance of your past so you can move forward.
Brief Interventions at a rehab in Wiltshire
Brief interventions focus on one particular issue within a person’s life. This issue is discussed in a one-to-one session therapist until a solution is reached.
Motivational Interviewing at a rehab in Wiltshire
Motivational interviewing encourages the person to find positive aspects in their lives and focus on these as they go through the rehab process. Often, having something positive to focus on helps people overcome some of their most difficult days in rehab. This often leads on to motivational enhancement therapy.
Holistic Therapies at a rehab in Wiltshire
Holistic therapies include art therapy, music therapy, mindfulness, meditation, acupuncture and yoga, among others. They are becoming increasingly common in rehab facilities, and they are excellent ways to introduce a sense of calm by giving people a healthy output for their anxieties.
Group Therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire
In group therapy, a group of people sit together and discuss their journeys through addiction.
Group therapy can be an excellent way to talk about your past choices without judgement in a safe environment. They can also be helpful to remind people that they are not alone.
Individual Therapy in Wiltshire
Individual therapy is important as it is most commonly in these sessions where therapists can diagnose co-occurring mental health issues such as depression.
These sessions are also helpful because the service user can talk at length about their thoughts, feelings, and anxieties with someone that they have the chance to build a rapport with.
Family Therapy in Wiltshire
Family therapy gives people with substance use disorders and their families a safe space to talk through how the person’s addiction has negatively impacted everyone’s lives. These sessions can be a good starting place for rebuilding broken relationships.
Codependency Treatment in Wiltshire
Often, people who are in relationships with people with substance use disorders neglect their own needs and put the needs of the person with the addiction above their own. Codependency therapy can help people discover the cause of their co-dependency and teach them ways to overcome this.
Twelve-Step Facilitation Therapy in Wiltshire
Twelve-step facilitation therapy puts service users in touch with a twelve-step program in their local area. This often happens as part of an aftercare program.
Other types of therapy available at rehab include:
- Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
- Talking Therapies
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
- Group Psychotherapy
- Equine Therapy
- Drama Therapy
- Contingency Management
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Person-Centered Care
Through therapy you will learn coping mechanisms to help you cope with any triggers you may face once you leave rehab. We can also help you to find sober living houses if that is something you need.
To experience any and all of these excellent therapies at one of the many drug and alcohol rehab centres in Wiltshire, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86
What should I expect from drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
Whilst we refer our clients to many different treatment providers in Wilshire, many of these clinics have some key similarities. For instance, we generally only refer you to clinics that offer residential detox and rehabilitation services.
We do not recommend ‘outpatient’ services because undergoing outpatient treatment is inferior to residential treatment when it comes to overcoming drug and alcohol addiction.
Residential treatment requires you to leave your home whilst you undergo your rehabilitation programme. Instead, you will live, sleep and eat 24 hours a day within the clinic where you receive your treatment.
The vast majority of clinics offer ensuite facilities and catering. This means you will detox and rehabilitate in a cosy and caring environment away from ‘bad influences’ that may otherwise risk your recovery [86] at this early stage.
Residential treatment is particularly beneficial whilst you undergo your initial detox programme. During this period, you will be given drugs that assist in treating withdrawal symptoms.
Medically trained experts will dispense these medications and ensure you are not given too much or too little medication to help reduce withdrawal symptoms.
This means you detox in an ultra-safe and secure manner where the risk of relapse is all but eliminated.
Don’t wait until it’s too late to get help – enter one of the many excellent rehab clinics in Wiltshire by calling us today on 0800 088 66 86
What can I bring to a drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
Rules will vary from one rehab centre to another, but patients tend to bring in important items such as their phone, wallet and sentimental items such as photos, gifts, cards, and so on.
These sentimental items can help bring comfort to them throughout their recovery process, and even remind them why they are recovering in the first place.
Another valuable item which people can bring into a drug and alcohol rehab is a journal.
Journaling not only allows patients to track their measurable process and reflect on how far they’ve come on the recovery journey, but it can also reduce levels of stress and anxiety.
Journaling is a fantastic way to externalise worries and anxiety by writing and essentially pouring thoughts onto a page.
To learn more about what you can bring to a rug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
What is an aftercare programme in Wiltshire?
Once the patient finishes their addiction treatment at the rehab facility, they will then undergo an aftercare programme.
Rehab and the outside world are polarising environments, so it is important to ease the person back into their life on the outside by providing them support in the form of an aftercare programme.
As they manage their sobriety with more independence, an aftercare programme will grant them access to fellowship programmes, support sessions, counselling, the 12-step program and so on in order to support them.
How long does aftercare last in Wiltshire?
Typically, aftercare programmes last around 12 months. However, patients can continue to join and attend meetings at fellowship programmes such as Alcoholics Anonymous, which can act as its own form of aftercare.
Former patients can remain as members at these support networks for as short or as little as they like.
Make sure that your stay ar a drug and alcohol rehab is matched by an equally effective aftercare plan – give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
What are some alternative services in Wiltshire?
1. REACH Drug & Alcohol Services
Address: Woodcock Court, Queen St, Gillingham SP8 4DZ
Telephone: 08000 434 656
Website: https://www.edp.org.uk/
2. Turning Point – Substance Misuse Services – Trowbridge
Address: Bythesea Rd, Trowbridge BA14 8JQ
Telephone: 01225 341 520
Website: https://www.turning-point.co.uk/services/impact
3. Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service
Telephone: 01380 814 250
Website: https://www.changegrowlive.org/drug-alcohol-recovery-hmp-erlestoke
Reaching out to 12-Step programmes such as Cocaine Anonymous (CA), [87] Narcotics Anonymous Wiltshire (NA), [88]and Alcoholics Anonymous Wiltshire (AA) [89] can help you to meet others in recovery. These often follow the concept of a higher power in order to aid recovery.
The NHS [90] provides free and reliable information about drugs and alcohol.
SMART Recovery Wiltshire [91] can help you to control relapse triggers, and gain a better understanding of your thoughts and feelings.
Al-Anon is another vital service open to you, as well as your friends and family.
Reach out to Rethink Mental Illness, Mind, Young Minds, Samaritans and Papyrus for mental health support.
You can also try reaching out to a local NHS Foundation Trust, Alateen and Change Grow Live.
Looking for alternative addiction recovery services in Wiltshire? Talk it over with our expert team on 0800 088 66 86
Frequently asked questions about drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire
Does drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire for teens work?
Teenagers are not exempt from the impacts of addiction, whether directly or indirectly.
When a teenager or a young person is suffering from addiction, it is important that they seek help quickly.
Because their brains are still developing, continuing to indulge in drugs and alcohol will further consolidate their addiction, heighten the severity of symptoms, and make it much more difficult to overcome addiction in the long term.
A teenager or a young person suffering from substance use disorder can enter a traditional drug and alcohol rehab, or, they can enter one which is specifically catered to younger people.
This can make their experience more optimal because the rehab facility will have more experience in treating younger patients.
A drug and alcohol rehab catered to younger people will put much more emphasis on cognitive, behavioural and holistic treatment approaches, as well as family therapy.
How do I prepare for addiction rehab in Wiltshire?
Entering a drug and alcohol rehab can be a daunting task, because it is an entirely unfamiliar process for patients and it is also a commitment to change.
There are many ways that you can prepare in order to ease your transition into rehab:
- Create a packing list: Creating a packing list can bring structure to a patient’s preparation for entering rehab. Inside this packing list should be important items such as phone, wallet, keys, and they should also consider other items such as journals, sentimental items (e.g. photos, spare clothes, toiletries, and so on.
- Contact friends and family members before leaving: It can be comforting to communicate with friends and family members before heading to rehab, especially if they are very encouraging towards your commitment to change for the better. It can serve as a reminder of why you are choosing to change, and this can reinforce commitment.
- Settle any payments: It is important that you settle any payments before you go to rehab, such as your rent, loans, and so on. Be sure to set up a direct debit or communicate with whoever that you are paying while you are away in order to let them know your circumstance, and whether you can set up a new form of payment which accommodates both of you.
How do I tell my family I’m going to a drug & alcohol rehab in Wiltshire?
Family members can be very supportive of one’s decision to enter a drug and alcohol rehab, however, it can still be difficult to tell them.
Some family members may even be sceptical about the recovery process at rehab. Regardless of their view, there are some things to consider when sharing the news of your treatment:
- Explain why you’re going to rehab: Explain to them how your life is being affected by addiction. This will help them understand why you are entering a drug and alcohol rehab.
- Reassure them: Reassure your family members that this won’t be forever, and that entering a drug and alcohol rehab is a temporary process. You’ll come out with far more knowledge, skills, and ability when it comes to managing sobriety.
- Establish boundaries: If a family member is against the idea of you entering a drug and alcohol rehab, it is important to establish boundaries. While there may be external factors motivating your decision, you should also remember that you are entering a rehab in order to improve your own life.
Do I have to tell my boss about alcohol rehab? can I lose my job if I leave to go to rehab?
The Employment Rights Act 1996 [92] protects employees from discrimination if they are suffering from substance use disorder.
Substance use disorder is an illness, and it is expected that employers treat it as such when an employee needs their support.
However, employers can dismiss employees if their illness has led to violation of workplace policies, inappropriate behaviour, or other reasons which are not directly attributed to addiction.
Regardless, it would be wise to inform your employer that you are entering a drug and alcohol rehab.
That way, you can both coordinate and work together to find cover or a solution for your temporary absence.
You can also reassure them that this is a temporary measure and that you remain committed to the company.
Will I be able to see my family during rehab in Wiltshire?
Different rehab facilities have different rules about visitations, however, most allow visitations from friends and family members at some point during treatment.
In addition to this, family therapy is often a huge component of addiction treatment.
Most rehab facilities have rules which may prohibit visitations within the first 2 weeks – for example – in order to ensure that the patient focuses solely on recovery.
Can I leave rehab in Wiltshire at any time?
Yes, you can leave rehab at any time.
You need someone’s consent in order to admit them into rehab, and the same goes for someone who wants to leave. It is only ethical to allow someone who wants to leave rehab to do so, even if they are advised not to.
Will my rehab programme in Wiltshire be confidential?
Your programme will be confidential and rehab facilities will not share your details, unless it is with other addiction services or specialists who can help to optimise your treatment.
Do rehab centres in Wiltshire provide gender-specific treatment?
Gender-specific treatment is certainly an option, and it can help optimise the recovery experience for some people.
The biological and cultural aspects towards someone’s relationship with drugs and alcohol sometimes vary between the genders, and this means that entering a gender-specific rehab [93] can benefit them because it will address these unique differences.
How Will I Sustain My Sobriety Once I Leave Rehab in Wiltshire?
Undergoing treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab will not only help you overcome your initial cravings, but it will help you develop the skills and tools to be able to sustain your recovery with more independence.
A drug and alcohol addiction treatment programme will incorporate a range of methods such as cognitive behavioural therapy and relapse prevention planning which will help patients develop long-lasting and positive lifestyle habits.
If you have any further questions about drug and alcohol rehab in Wiltshire, give our team a call on 0800 088 66 86
Advice & referrals from Rehab Recovery – How do I get help today in Wiltshire?
The services Rehab Recovery can offer are available across Salisbury, Swindon, Chippenham, Trowbridge, Warminster, Melksham, Devizes, Calne, Westbury, Corsham, Wootton Bassett, Amesbury, Tidworth, Bradford-on-Avon, Bulford Camp, Marlborough, Highworth, Wroughton, Malmesbury, Hilperton, Lyneham, Ludgershall, Purton, Cricklade, Bulford, Wiltshire, Pewsey, Wilton, Box, Redlynch, Downton, Colerne and many more towns in and around Wiltshire.
All of the rehabs we recommend are regulated by the Care Quality Commission [94] (England and Wales) or the Care Inspectorate [95] (Scotland). We also follow guidelines set by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). [96]
At Rehab Recovery, we offer free advice from a team of non-judgemental professionals, many of whom are in recovery and understand how hard it can be to change your relationship with addiction.
For more information about rehab in Truro, reach out to our 24/7, confidential hotline on 0800 088 66 86
References for Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Wiltshire
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