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Drug and Alcohol Rehab in North Wales

    Drug and Alcohol Rehab in North Wales

    Quick links for drug & alcohol rehab in North Wales or near North Wales

    At Rehab Recovery in North Wales, we help people struggling with a broad range of drug and alcohol addictions to get the help they need.

    We are able to assist you in locating a professional and effective drug and alcohol rehab clinic in North Wales, where treatments are designed around the unique needs of individuals from across the UK, right here in North Wales.

    For a number of years, we have garnered knowledge and advice from many addiction and rehabilitation specialists.

    Any drug rehab or alcohol rehab in North Wales we refer you to will use proven treatment options to give you the best possible opportunity to change your addictive traits and confidently move forward, taking your life in a more positive direction.

    Whether you’re struggling with alcoholism, ketamin abuse, heroin addiction, cannabis use disorder, or behavioural addictions to sex, gambling or anything else, a rehab can facilitate a broad range of treatments with successful recovery rates.

    You can talk to our team at Rehab Recovery for free by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Drug and alcohol addiction statistics in North Wales

    1-1 therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Unfortunately, drug and alcohol abuse is a huge problem in North Wales. In fact, latest studies carried out by the Welsh Government found that between 2020 and 2021, there were a total 22,684 people admitted into drug and alcohol rehab treatment with an alcohol or drug addiction.

    In addition to this number, a further 1,337 people asked for treatment but then did not attend their rehab assessment.

    Whilst this number is still high, this was a 6% decrease compared to previous years.

    Regardless of this, 9,786 new people were admitted into the recovery and treatment system in 2021, highlighting the issue at hand.

    Just over 50% of all individuals who were referred to treatment who did suffer from drug or alcohol abuse were found to suffer from alcohol addiction.

    In addition to this, just over 45% of all those who were referred to treatment for an addiction issue were found to suffer from drug addiction.

    Of all individuals who were found to have an alcohol addiction, just over 60% of them were men. When it comes to drug addiction, just under 70% were men.

    This is in line with national rates, as it is often more men than women who suffer from addiction issues. This is due to a whole host of reasons.

    When it comes to looking into other demographics, such as age, studies have found that the average age for drug addicts is 42 years old across North Wales. Regarding alcohol referrals, 30% were aged under 30 years old.

    Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol abuse remain a huge problem across most areas in North Wales.

    Heroin is one of the most commonly abused drugs, with heroin accounting for just over 17% of all referrals across North Wales, which means that between 2020 and 2021, 3,023 people were admitted into treatment for heroin addiction.

    Cannabis abuse is also another significant issue across North Wales, with 11% of all referrals being down to a cannabis addiction, which means that 1,876 individuals were admitted into rehab treatment with a cannabis addiction at the time of the study.

    While medications like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), especially Sertraline, can help ease anxiety symptoms, it is helpful to prevent anxiety and other effects that cannabis might be causing you by stopping today.

    Cannabis is not a completely harmless drug, with a study by Wayne Hall and Louisa Degenhardt showing that the adverse side effects of regular use of cannabis during adolescence and into adulthood can include ‘a dependence syndrome, increased risk of motor vehicle crashes, impaired respiratory function, cardiovascular disease, and adverse effects of regular use on adolescent psychosocial development and mental health’.

    Unfortunately, there are certain areas of North Wales which are particularly deprived. This deprivation means that individuals are less likely to make a full recovery from their addiction issues.

    In fact, this is reflected in mortality rates, which means that you are more likely to pass away from your substance abuse issues if you live in a deprived part of North Wales.

    Another drug and alcohol study carried out by NHS Wales found that there has been a 5.5% increase in individuals admitted to hospital with an alcohol-related issue in 2020 and 2021.

    NHS Wales state that this highlights the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, where most areas across the UK saw an overall increase in the number of people abusing and becoming addicted to alcohol.

    In addition to this, hospital admissions for alcohol-related issues across North Wales are currently reducing for those aged 25 or under. This number is also decreasing when it comes to drug abuse, with a 6% decrease between 2021 and 2022.

    Below, we provide some statistics about alcohol and drug use in North Wales:

    Drug and Alcohol Statistics in North Wales  Data
    Number admitted into treatment for heroin addiction in North Wales 2020-21 3,023
    Number admitted into rehab treatment with an alcohol or drug addiction in North Wales 2020-21 22,684
    Number of new people were admitted into the recovery and treatment system in North Wales in 2021 9,786
    Percentage increase in individuals admitted to hospital with an alcohol-related issue in Wales in 2020 and 2021 5.5
    As you can see, there is a huge need for alcohol and drug rehab in North Wales.

    There are now numerous centres for drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales that will all be able to provide you with the treatment that you need and deserve.

    Make sure that your treatment is effective by attending a first-rate drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales – talk to our experts today on 0800 088 66 86

    What are the advantages of attending drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales?

    Talking therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    There are numerous advantages when it comes to attending drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales.

    By attending drug rehab and alcohol rehab in North Wales, you will be changing your life for the better.

    Benefits of drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    If you know someone who is suffering from a drug and alcohol addiction in North Wales, then it might be worth sitting down with them to discuss these advantages.

    1. One to one care and support

    By far the biggest benefit of attending drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales is that you will be provided with one-to-one care and support.

    By this, we mean that you will be provided with personalised therapy and cared for by doctors and nurses throughout the entirety of your drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

    This will be particularly important during the detox stage of your process, as this is often the most dangerous. When you begin detoxing, you are putting your body at risk.

    This is why it is incredibly important to detox in a drug and alcohol rehab facility so that doctors and specialists can work with you and monitor you closely for any issues which could mean that you are putting your life at risk.

    2. A calm drug & alcohol rehab environment

    Unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to detox and recover in a chaotic and hectic environment.

    Even more so, a lot of people who suffer from drug and alcohol addictions suffer from chaotic environments at home, as by the time they need rehab treatment for their addiction issues, their life has already started to spiral out of control.

    This is why residential rehab centres for drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales are so effective.

    They not only provide you with treatment to detox your body and clear your mind, but they also provide you with breathing space to focus on yourself and your health.

    By doing so, you will be able to recover in a peaceful and calming environment. This will allow you to get away from any triggers or negative influences which may exist at home which have led you to become addicted to drugs or alcohol in the first place.

    3. The chance to undergo a medical detox in a safe drug & alcohol rehab environment

    As mentioned above, one of the biggest benefits of attending drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales is that you get the chance to become physically independent from drugs or alcohol.

    After you undergo a drug or alcohol detox in North Wales, you will no longer experience any physical cravings.

    You will receive your medical drug or alcohol detox as soon as you enter drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales, mainly so that you can get it over and done with.

    Medical detoxes are usually the hardest part of your rehab treatment plan at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales, but are often the most rewarding part as well.

    It is virtually impossible to safely detox at home in North Wales unless you have been approved for a drug or alcohol home detox.

    By attempting to detox at home in North Wales without any professional help, you will be putting your health and your life at risk.

    If you suffer from a mild alcohol addiction issue, then you might be approved for a home detox in North Wales rather than at rehab.

    A home drug or alcohol detox is when you detox in the comfort of your own home, and will be able to talk to your doctor or rehab support worker on a daily basis on the phone to make sure you are on track and healthy. If your withdrawal symptoms do get out of control, then you might be prescribed medication to help calm your symptoms down.

    Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    4. A ready support network at drug & alcohol rehab in North Wales

    When you attend drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales, you will be surrounded by lots of other people who are all still going through the same thing as you.

    You will even get the chance to sit through group sessions together, where you will get the chance to learn from one another and grow in your drug or alcohol resilience as a result.

    By attending drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales with other people who are going through the same thing as you, you will feel less lonely and isolated.

    You will also get the chance to keep in touch with some of the people you meet in drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales.

    This will provide you with a long-term set of friends and peers who will be able to support you even after you leave the rehab facility.

    You will get to share advice and support, which will prove to be incredibly important as you aim to remain sober after leaving the drug and alcohol rehab facility in North Wales.

    5. Therapy for your drug or alcohol addiction

    By attending drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales, you will undergo a range of therapy techniques.

    Therapy for your addiction is often necessary, as the majority of people with an addiction issue suffer from their drug or alcohol addiction due to an underlying issue.

    This underlying issue could be a traumatic event, an unhappy childhood, a bad relationship or break up, or persistent health issues.

    Whatever the triggering event was, therapy within drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales aims to get to the bottom of this problem and help you overcome it.

    There are now lots of different types of therapy techniques used across drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales, which we will go into detail on later. Whilst most of them involve sitting down with a therapist in a one-to-one environment, there are many other techniques that take a wide range of forms.

    6. Aftercare and relapse prevention support after rehab in North Wales

    Towards the end of your drug and alcohol rehab treatment in North Wales, you will assess your likeliness to relapse into drug or alcohol use again.

    You will sit down with your doctors to create a relapse prevention plan, which will outline how you will remain sober after you leave the inpatient drug and alcohol rehab facility in North Wales.

    Your relapse prevention plan is the best tool you can have going into your life in recovery in North Wales.

    It will list out a whole host of tips and tricks on how to avoid cravings and triggers after your time at drug and alcohol rehab has concluded. Your relapse prevention plan will be personalised to your drug or alcohol recovery needs and tailored your unique circumstances.

    It will list a number of different helplines, including self-help groups and charities in North Wales that can offer you support in your most difficult moments.

    You can talk to our team at Rehab Recovery for free by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    How to know if you need drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Serious conversation at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    It is always difficult to recognise addiction in yourself. In fact, it takes some people years or even decades to recognise that they have a drug or alcohol addiction, and even longer to admit that they need help.

    This is why it is important for those close to individuals with a drug or alcohol addiction to know what to look out for.

    There are lots of warning signs and symptoms when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction issues.

    Some of the most common signs of addiction and the need for drug and alcohol rehab help include:

    • Struggling to stop using drugs or drinking alcohol even though you know you are doing yourself harm
    • Increased tolerance to drugs or alcohol
    • Struggling with a lack of hygiene
    • Struggling to function day to day
    • Arguing with people you are close to
    • Suffering from poor time management
    • Suffering from depression
    • Suffering from anxiety
    • Suffering from paranoia
    • Suffering from schizophrenia
    • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop consuming drugs or alcohol
    • Struggling with financial issues due to the cost of drugs or alcohol

    Those with only a mild addiction to drugs or alcohol might only suffer from one or two of these symptoms, whereas someone with a severe addiction might suffer from many of them.

    If you recognise any of these symptoms in yourself or in someone you know and love, then you must act fast to get them or yourself the help that is needed from a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales.

    You can talk to our team at Rehab Recovery for free by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Holding an intervention for drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Interventions are very common when it comes to the world of addiction and drug and alcohol rehab. Interventions are a great way of explaining to your loved one why they need help.

    Interventions are planned meetings where you explain your concerns to your loved one and lay out how they can get help.

    Someone needs an intervention when their addiction issues are getting worse, and they are unable to accept and admit that they need help in the form of drug and alcohol rehab treatment.

    If your loved one’s addiction is getting worse, then now is the time to intervene.

    Try to ensure that you hold your intervention in a quiet location so that you can talk openly and freely about their drug or alcohol addiction issues.

    You shouldn’t come across as judgemental or condescending, so try to use calm and considerate language when talking to your loved one.

    If you think that you may need the help of a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales, give our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Drug and alcohol rehab treatment in North Wales

    Therapist and patient at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Therapy at drug & alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Your drug or alcohol treatment will begin when you are admitted into a rehab centre in North Wales.

    Upon admission to a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales, you will be assessed and your very own personalised treatment plan will be created.

    Your treatment in North Wales will begin when you undergo your drug or alcohol detox. This usually lasts around a minimum of 10 days, and will be the hardest part of your treatment plan.

    Once your detox for drugs or alcohol is complete, you will then move on to drug rehab and alcohol rehab therapy.

    It will always happen in this order, as you will only be able to focus on your mental health when you are no longer physically dependent on the addictive substance(s). However, not every addiction treated at drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales requires a detox.

    Only physically addictive substances, such as alcohol, heroin, ketamine and benzodiazepines, need a detox in order to be overcome. Other addictions, such as cocaine dependency, cannabis use disorder, and behavioural addictions (gambling addiction, sex addiction, shopping addiction, etc.) do not.

    You can talk to our team at Rehab Recovery for free by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Detox at drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    When you use and abuse a substance, you can become reliant on it.

    Detox is the process of removing all elements of the addictive substance from the body, easing their physical dependence and allowing the individual to overcome their addiction.

    Unfortunately, uncomfortable and dangerous withdrawal symptoms are an inherent part of this process, as the body struggles to adjust to the sudden lack of this substance.

    Medications such as Buprenorphine and Librium can ease drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms to allow you to feel more comfortable as you make the transition between addiction and recovery in North Wales.

    Another medication used to stop drinking is Acamprosate (Campral®), which helps rebalance the chemicals in the brain that have been damaged by alcohol.

    Alcoholism can also cause anxiety and depression, which means you might be able to get prescribed medications such as an antidepressant like nefazodone, desipramine or imipramine. 

    The opioid antagonist Naltrexone can also be helpful in cutting alcohol out of your life as it decreases the alcohol you consume.

    This will be necessary during heroin withdrawal or intense alcohol withdrawal, or other addictions with physical withdrawal symptoms.

    If you continue to have CBT therapy for alcohol addiction, a report has shown that the success rate is 83.87%. Therapy after treatment is therefore highly recommended. 

    Start your recovery journey at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales by calling our expert team today on 0800 088 66 86

    Options for drug and alcohol rehab treatment in North Wales

    Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Group therapy at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    To keep them current and operating at their peak performance, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence offers drug and alcohol counselling to health and social care professionals.

    Drug and alcohol rehab clinics in North Wales offer a friendly, safe, and well-monitored environment within which you can go through a medically-assisted detox.

    Working tirelessly over many years, our highly professional team have compiled a number of care options that have been proven to provide encouraging and optimistic long-term results for drug and alcohol addiction problems.

    During your time at a suitable rehab, you will undergo your detox in a monitored, caring environment.

    Some clinics in North Wales will emphasise the 12 steps more than others, with some focusing more on a different approach to drug and alcohol rehab treatment. The 12-step method is a spiritual strategy that seeks direction from a higher power.

    You will receive support every step of the way. Furthermore, you will receive individual and group counselling sessions from the moment you start your drug or alcohol detox.

    Group therapy sessions might seem an intimidating idea, but you will find that the best support you can get is from other individuals who are going through the same experience as you at drug rehab and alcohol rehab in North Wales.

    Such group sessions will provide you with the opportunity to share worries, as well as ideas within a calm, welcoming atmosphere.

    Group counselling and activity sessions tend to take place each day, meaning that you will never find yourself feeling lonely.

    Such styles of therapy found at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales can include:

    You can talk to our team at Rehab Recovery for free by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Free alternatives to drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Woman in a drug and alcohol rehab treatment centre in North Wales

    Several free and NHS-run recovery services offer drug and alcohol rehab support across North Wales, including:

    1. Conway CAMHS Team – Llandudno

    Address: Mostyn Suite, Llandudno Hospital, Hospital Road, Llandudno, LL30 1LB

    Telephone: 03000 851 949


    2. CAIS

    Address: Tŷ Dafydd Alun, 36 Princes Drive, Colwyn Bay, Conwy, LL29 8LA

    Telephone: 01492 863 000


    3. Kaleidoscope Project Conway

    Address: Dawn Centre, 35-37 Princes Dr, Colwyn Bay, LL29 8PD

    Telephone: 01492 523 683


    Although the idea of coming to a drug and alcohol rehab centre might seem frightening at first, you will soon find that you make new, compassionate and understanding friends.

    4. North East Wales Mind

    Address: Within The Wellbeing Centre, 23b Chester St, Mold CH7 1EG

    Telephone: 01352 974 430


    You can also reach out to a number of free helplines, including Change Grow Live, Samaritans, We Are With You, Turning Point, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Mind UK, Young Minds. and Papyrus.

    Get the help you need to beat addiction once and for all at a drug rehab and alcohol rehab in North Wales by giving our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Rehab for Alcohol Addiction in North Wales

    A man in therapy, hands clasped at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Alcohol addiction can be diagnosed with an Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. One of these tests is the CAGE questionnaire, which is a set of questions about your usage of and attitudes towards alcohol that may be used when you enter alcohol rehab.

    Alcohol addiction is a common disease, with a study by Robin Room, Thomas Babor and Jürgen Rehm revealing that ‘4% of the global burden of disease is attributable to alcohol’, accounting for almost as much death and disability as tobacco and high blood pressure (hypertension) globally.

    Both occasional and binge drinking might be signs of alcohol dependency and will be measured during your initial drug and alcohol rehab assessment.

    Al-Anon and Alateen are a couple of the complimentary services available for those who struggle with alcoholism.

    In order to prevent health issues including alcohol withdrawal symptoms, alcohol withdrawal syndrome and Delirium Tremens, alcohol detox must be carried out properly and under the supervision of a specialist.

    Alcohol withdrawal can cause seizures and these can lead to death in extreme circumstances.

    Wernicke’s Encephalopathy is an alcohol-related complication that causes symptoms such as confusion and mobility problems.

    Alcohol hepatitis is a kind of hepatitis that can also develop as a result of chronic alcohol misuse. The disease is common in the UK, but many individuals aren’t aware they have it.

    As for your body’s recovery after drinking alcohol, damaged organs may regain function partially or heal altogether, depending on your state and whether you’ve had a relapse.

    It is incredibly important to begin your recovery now, as being an alcoholic is thought to drastically lower your age of death. The average age of death for an alcoholic is 47–53 years in men and 50–58 years in women.

    Get the help you need to beat addiction once and for all at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales by giving our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Cocaine rehab in North Wales

    If you’re suffering from cocaine addiction or cocaine dependence, you may be finding it difficult to stop, or even to cut down.

    Addictions to cocaine and crack cocaine are very common, and the facilities we work with use research-led methods to ease you though your recovery journey.

    Drug and alcohol rehab facilities can support you with your withdrawal symptoms and whilst you will not need to undergo a detox, they will help you to tackle the root causes of your cocaine abuse and give you a comfortable space to eliminate cocaine from your life for good.

    Get the help you need to beat addiction once and for all at a drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales by giving our team a call today on 0800 088 66 86

    Frequently Asked Questions about drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    Two women hugging after a stay at drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales

    When you are considering drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales, it is natural to have lots of questions.

    This is why our team at Rehab Recovery have created our very own FAQ section so that we can answer some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales.

    1. How much will drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales cost me?

    Private drug rehab and alcohol rehab in North Wales is undeniably expensive and a few days in drug rehab and alcohol rehab in North Wales could end up costing you thousands of pounds, which not a lot of people can afford.

    Thankfully, the NHS is able to provide council-funded treatment for those who desperately need it. However, as funding for drug and alcohol rehab treatment is limited, this service is not available to everyone who needs and deserves it.

    This is why a lot of people opt for private drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales. Staying in private drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales for approximately 28 days could cost you anywhere between £2,000 and £6,000.

    The longer your stay in drug rehab and alcohol rehab in North Wales, the more expensive your treatment will be.

    When you opt for private drug an alcohol rehab, you are also given the chance to choose between a private or shared room. Naturally, opting for a private room will cost you significantly more money as your level of privacy is significantly increased.

    If you suffer from a severe addiction, then you might stay in a drug and alcohol rehab centre in North Wales for a total of 90 days, which could cost you as much as £12,000.

    2. How long will drug and alcohol rehab in North Wales last?

    How long you need to stay in drug rehab and alcohol rehab in North Wales will depend on how severe your addiction is.

    The more severe your addiction, the longer you will need to stay in drug rehab and alcohol rehab in North Wales.

    Detoxes take a minimum of 10 days to complete, which means that many people will stay in drug rehab and alcohol rehab for at least 10 days.

    Most people then require a number of weeks to undergo therapy. This means that the majority of people end up staying in drug and alcohol rehab for 28 days.

    If your addiction is particularly severe, or if you suffer from mental health issues then you might need to stay in drug and alcohol rehab for as long as 90 days.

    3. How do I get help in North Wales today?

    If you need to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction in North Wales, then you need to opt between NHS-funded rehab or private rehab.

    If you opt for NHS-funded rehab treatment in North Wales, then you will need to talk to your local GP or drug and alcohol rehab team.

    If you opt for private drug and alcohol rehab, you should talk to a member of the team at Rehab Recovery. Our team are specialists in what we offer and are able to guide you throughout the recovery process.

    You can talk to our team at Rehab Recovery for free by calling us on 0800 088 66 86

    Take the first step

    Woman with painted nails holding a mobile in North Wales

    Today could be the day that you take control of your life once more. The decision is yours, and yours alone.

    If by looking for information about addiction you have come to the realisation that you have a problem, then the next step is to get the help you need to overcome it.

    Rehab Recovery offers a free consultation and referral service for the best addiction support services in North Wales.

    By calling today, you can speak to one of our trained advisory staff who will be able to discuss the various treatment choices available to you.

    The drug and alcohol rehab clinics we recommend are some of the leading centres in the UK, with current treatments recognised by organisations such as the American Society of Addiction Medicine.

    You may be asked to answer a few simple questions. This is nothing at all to worry about – the reason we do this is just so that we can give you the best advice and cater to your needs.

    With this information, we can then discuss the very best drug and alcohol rehab treatment options available to you.

    Your detox and rehab in North Wales will take place in a setting that is friendly, supportive and comfortable.

    Whilst in treatment in North Wales you will be taught how to recognise those triggers that might act as a catalyst, causing you to relapse. You will also be taught various strategies to help you cope with those situations when you do recognise them.

    Additionally, you will also be given healthy living and nutritional advice, ensuring that you successfully continue your recovery once you have left the drug and alcohol rehab centre in North Wales. You will also receive ongoing support once you are home.

    At Rehab Recovery, we offer ongoing support and guidance, not just for those in recovery, but also for their families. These meetings provide a valuable link for all involved, working to ensure the best possible outcomes.

    Every rehab in England and Wales that we work with is vetted by the Care Quality Commission.

    Get help for addiction across North Wales, including in Wrexham, Deeside, Rhyl, Llandudno, Pwllheli, Prestatyn, Tywyn, Bangor, St Astaph and many more.

    Call our friendly team now on 0800 088 66 86 and let’s see how we can help you get your life back on track.

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